diff arogue7/wizard.c @ 125:adfa37e67084

Import Advanced Rogue 7.7 from the Roguelike Restoration Project (r1490)
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 08 May 2015 15:24:40 -0400
children b786053d2f37
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/arogue7/wizard.c	Fri May 08 15:24:40 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+ * wizard.c - Special wizard commands
+ *
+ * Advanced Rogue
+ * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
+ * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
+ */
+ * Special wizard commands (some of which are also non-wizard commands
+ * under strange circumstances)
+ */
+#include "curses.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "rogue.h"
+#ifdef PC7300
+#include "menu.h"
+ * create_obj:
+ *	Create any object for wizard, scroll, magician, or cleric
+ */
+create_obj(prompt, which_item, which_type)
+bool prompt;
+int which_item, which_type;
+    reg struct linked_list *item;
+    reg struct object *obj;
+    reg int wh;
+    reg char ch, newitem, newtype, whc, msz, *pt;
+    WINDOW *thiswin;
+    thiswin = cw;
+    if (prompt) {
+	bool nogood = TRUE;
+	thiswin = hw;
+	wclear(hw);
+	wprintw(hw,"Item\t\t\tKey\n\n");
+	wprintw(hw,"%s\t\t\t%c\n%s\t\t\t%c\n",things[TYP_RING].mi_name,RING,
+		things[TYP_STICK].mi_name,STICK);
+	wprintw(hw,"%s\t\t\t%c\n%s\t\t\t%c\n",things[TYP_POTION].mi_name,POTION,
+		things[TYP_SCROLL].mi_name,SCROLL);
+	wprintw(hw,"%s\t\t\t%c\n%s\t\t\t%c\n",things[TYP_ARMOR].mi_name,ARMOR,
+		things[TYP_WEAPON].mi_name,WEAPON);
+	wprintw(hw,"%s\t%c\n",things[TYP_MM].mi_name,MM);
+	wprintw(hw,"%s\t\t\t%c\n",things[TYP_FOOD].mi_name,FOOD);
+	if (wizard) {
+	    wprintw(hw,"%s\t\t%c\n",things[TYP_RELIC].mi_name,RELIC);
+	    waddstr(hw,"monster\t\t\tm");
+	}
+	wprintw(hw,"\n\nWhat do you want to create? ");
+	draw(hw);
+	do {
+	    ch = wgetch(hw);
+	    if (ch == ESCAPE) {
+		restscr(cw);
+		return;
+	    }
+	    switch (ch) {
+		case RING:
+		case STICK:	
+		case POTION:
+		case SCROLL:	
+		case ARMOR:	
+		case WEAPON:
+		case FOOD:
+		case MM:
+		    nogood = FALSE;
+		    break;
+		case RELIC:
+		case 'm':
+		    if (wizard) 
+			nogood = FALSE;
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    nogood = TRUE;
+	    }
+	} while (nogood);
+	newitem = ch;
+    }
+    else
+	newitem = which_item;
+    pt = "those";
+    msz = 0;
+    if(newitem == 'm') {
+	/* make monster and be done with it */
+	wh = makemonster(TRUE, "Creation", "create");
+	if (wh > 0) {
+	    creat_mons (&player, wh, TRUE);
+	    light(&hero);
+	}
+	return;
+    }
+    if(newitem == GOLD)
+	pt = "gold";
+    /* else if(isatrap(newitem))
+	pt = "traps";
+    */
+    switch(newitem) {
+	case POTION:	whc = TYP_POTION;	msz = MAXPOTIONS;
+	when SCROLL:	whc = TYP_SCROLL;	msz = MAXSCROLLS;
+	when WEAPON:	whc = TYP_WEAPON;	msz = MAXWEAPONS;
+	when ARMOR:	whc = TYP_ARMOR;	msz = MAXARMORS;
+	when RING:	whc = TYP_RING;		msz = MAXRINGS;
+	when STICK:	whc = TYP_STICK;	msz = MAXSTICKS;
+	when MM:	whc = TYP_MM;		msz = MAXMM;
+	when RELIC:	whc = TYP_RELIC;	msz = MAXRELIC;
+	when FOOD:	whc = TYP_FOOD;		msz = MAXFOODS;
+	otherwise:
+	    if (thiswin == hw)
+		restscr(cw);
+	    mpos = 0;
+	    msg("Even wizards can't create %s !!",pt);
+	    return;
+    }
+    if(msz == 1) {		/* if only one type of item */
+	ch = 'a';
+    }
+    else if (prompt) {
+	register struct magic_item *wmi;
+	char wmn;
+	register int ii;
+	int old_prob;
+	mpos = 0;
+	wmi = NULL;
+	wmn = 0;
+	switch(newitem) {
+		case POTION:	wmi = &p_magic[0];
+		when SCROLL:	wmi = &s_magic[0];
+		when RING:	wmi = &r_magic[0];
+		when STICK:	wmi = &ws_magic[0];
+		when MM:	wmi = &m_magic[0];
+		when RELIC:	wmi = &rel_magic[0];
+		when FOOD:	wmi = &foods[0];
+		when WEAPON:	wmn = 1;
+		when ARMOR:	wmn = 2;
+	}
+	wclear(hw);
+	thiswin = hw;
+	if (wmi != NULL) {
+	    ii = old_prob = 0;
+	    while (ii < msz) {
+		if(wmi->mi_prob == old_prob && wizard == FALSE) { 
+		    msz--; /* can't make a unique item */
+		}
+		else {
+		    mvwaddch(hw,ii % 13,ii > 12 ? cols/2 : 0, ii + 'a');
+		    waddstr(hw,") ");
+		    waddstr(hw,wmi->mi_name);
+		    ii++;
+		}
+		old_prob = wmi->mi_prob;
+	        wmi++;
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (wmn != 0) {
+	    for(ii = 0 ; ii < msz ; ii++) {
+	        mvwaddch(hw,ii % 13,ii > 12 ? cols/2 : 0, ii + 'a');
+	        waddstr(hw,") ");
+	        if(wmn == 1)
+		    waddstr(hw,weaps[ii].w_name);
+	        else
+		    waddstr(hw,armors[ii].a_name);
+	    }
+	}
+	sprintf(prbuf,"Which %s? ",things[whc].mi_name);
+	mvwaddstr(hw,lines - 1, 0, prbuf);
+	draw(hw);
+	do {
+	    ch = wgetch(hw);
+	    if (ch == ESCAPE) {
+	        restscr(cw);
+	        msg("");
+	        return;
+	    }
+	} until (isalpha(ch));
+        if (thiswin == hw)			/* restore screen if need be */
+	    restscr(cw);
+        newtype = tolower(ch) - 'a';
+        if(newtype < 0 || newtype >= msz) {	/* if an illegal value */
+	    mpos = 0;
+	    msg("There is no such %s",things[whc].mi_name);
+	    return;
+        }
+    }
+    else 
+	newtype = which_type;
+    item = new_item(sizeof *obj);	/* get some memory */
+    obj = OBJPTR(item);
+    obj->o_type = newitem;		/* store the new items */
+    obj->o_mark[0] = '\0';
+    obj->o_which = newtype;
+    obj->o_group = 0;
+    obj->contents = NULL;
+    obj->o_count = 1;
+    obj->o_flags = 0;
+    obj->o_dplus = obj->o_hplus = 0;
+    obj->o_weight = 0;
+    wh = obj->o_which;
+    mpos = 0;
+    if (!wizard)			/* users get 0 to +3 */
+	whc = rnd(4);
+    else			/* wizard gets to choose */
+	whc = getbless();
+    if (whc < 0)
+	obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
+    switch (obj->o_type) {
+	case WEAPON:
+	case ARMOR:
+	    if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) {
+		init_weapon(obj, wh);
+		obj->o_hplus += whc;
+		obj->o_dplus += whc;
+	    }
+	    else {				/* armor here */
+		obj->o_weight = armors[wh].a_wght;
+		obj->o_ac = armors[wh].a_class - whc;
+	    }
+	when RING:
+	    if (whc > 1 && r_magic[wh].mi_bless != 0)
+		obj->o_flags |= ISBLESSED;
+	    r_know[wh] = TRUE;
+	    switch(wh) {
+		case R_ADDSTR:
+		case R_ADDWISDOM:
+		case R_ADDINTEL:
+		case R_PROTECT:
+		case R_ADDHIT:
+		case R_ADDDAM:
+		case R_DIGEST:
+		    obj->o_ac = whc + 1;
+		    break;
+		default: 
+		    obj->o_ac = 0;
+	    }
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_RING].mi_wght;
+	when MM:
+	    if (whc > 1 && m_magic[wh].mi_bless != 0)
+		obj->o_flags |= ISBLESSED;
+	    m_know[wh] = TRUE;
+	    switch(wh) {
+		case MM_JUG:
+		    switch(rnd(11)) {
+			case 0: obj->o_ac = P_PHASE;
+			when 1: obj->o_ac = P_CLEAR;
+			when 2: obj->o_ac = P_SEEINVIS;
+			when 3: obj->o_ac = P_HEALING;
+			when 4: obj->o_ac = P_MFIND;
+			when 5: obj->o_ac = P_TFIND;
+			when 6: obj->o_ac = P_HASTE;
+			when 7: obj->o_ac = P_RESTORE;
+			when 8: obj->o_ac = P_FLY;
+			when 9: obj->o_ac = P_SKILL;
+			when 10:obj->o_ac = P_FFIND;
+		    }
+		when MM_OPEN:
+		case MM_HUNGER:
+		case MM_DRUMS:
+		case MM_CHOKE:
+		case MM_KEOGHTOM:
+		    if (whc < 0)
+			whc = -whc; 	/* these cannot be negative */
+		    obj->o_ac = (whc + 1) * 5;
+		    break;
+		when MM_BRACERS:
+		    obj->o_ac = whc * 2 + 1;
+		when MM_DISP:
+		    obj->o_ac = 2;
+		when MM_PROTECT:
+		    obj->o_ac = whc;
+		when MM_SKILLS:
+		    if (wizard && whc != 0)
+			obj->o_ac = rnd(NUM_CHARTYPES-1);
+		    else
+			obj->o_ac = player.t_ctype;
+		otherwise: 
+		    obj->o_ac = 0;
+	    }
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_MM].mi_wght;
+	when STICK:
+	    if (whc > 1 && ws_magic[wh].mi_bless != 0)
+		obj->o_flags |= ISBLESSED;
+	    ws_know[wh] = TRUE;
+	    fix_stick(obj);
+	when SCROLL:
+	    if (whc > 1 && s_magic[wh].mi_bless != 0)
+		obj->o_flags |= ISBLESSED;
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_SCROLL].mi_wght;
+	    s_know[wh] = TRUE;
+	when POTION:
+	    if (whc > 1 && p_magic[wh].mi_bless != 0)
+		obj->o_flags |= ISBLESSED;
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_POTION].mi_wght;
+	    if (wh == P_ABIL) obj->o_kind = rnd(NUMABILITIES);
+	    p_know[wh] = TRUE;
+	when RELIC:
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_RELIC].mi_wght;
+	    switch (obj->o_which) {
+	        case QUILL_NAGROM: obj->o_charges = QUILLCHARGES;
+	        when EMORI_CLOAK:  obj->o_charges = 1;
+	        otherwise: break;
+	    }
+	when FOOD:
+	    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_FOOD].mi_wght;
+    }
+    mpos = 0;
+    obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
+    if (add_pack(item, FALSE, NULL) == FALSE) {
+	obj->o_pos = hero;
+	fall(item, TRUE);
+    }
+ * getbless:
+ *	Get a blessing for a wizards object
+ */
+	reg char bless;
+	msg("Blessing? (+,-,n)");
+	bless = wgetch(msgw);
+	if (bless == '+')
+		return (rnd(3) + 2);
+	else if (bless == '-')
+		return (-rnd(3) - 1);
+	else
+		return (0);
+ * get a non-monster death type
+ */
+    register int i;
+    int which_death;
+    char label[80];
+    clear();
+    for (i=0; i<DEATHNUM; i++) {
+	sprintf(label, "[%d] %s", i+1, deaths[i].name);
+	mvaddstr(i+2, 0, label);
+    }
+    mvaddstr(0, 0, "Which death? ");
+    refresh();
+    /* Get the death */
+    for (;;) {
+	get_str(label, stdscr);
+	which_death = atoi(label);
+	if ((which_death < 1 || which_death > DEATHNUM)) {
+	    mvaddstr(0, 0, "Please enter a number in the displayed range -- ");
+	    refresh();
+	}
+	else break;
+    }
+    return(deaths[which_death-1].reason);
+#ifdef PC7300
+static menu_t Display;				/* The menu structure */
+static mitem_t Dispitems[NUMMONST+1];		/* Info for each line */
+static char Displines[NUMMONST+1][LINELEN+1];	/* The lines themselves */
+ * make a monster for the wizard
+ */
+makemonster(showall, label, action) 
+bool showall;	/* showall -> show uniques and genocided creatures */
+char *label, *action;
+#ifdef PC7300
+    register int nextmonst;
+    register int i;
+    register short which_monst;
+    register int num_monst = NUMMONST, pres_monst=1, num_lines=2*(lines-3);
+    int max_monster;
+    char monst_name[40];
+    /* If we're not showing all, subtract out the UNIQUES and quartermaster */
+    if (!showall) num_monst -= NUMUNIQUE + 1;
+    max_monster = num_monst;
+#ifdef PC7300
+    nextmonst = 0;
+    for (i=1; i<=num_monst; i++) {
+	/* Only display existing monsters if we're not showing them all */
+	if (showall || monsters[i].m_normal) {
+	    strcpy(Displines[nextmonst], monsters[i]);
+	    Dispitems[nextmonst].mi_name = Displines[nextmonst];
+	    Dispitems[nextmonst].mi_flags = 0;
+	    Dispitems[nextmonst++].mi_val = i;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Place an end marker for the items */
+    Dispitems[nextmonst].mi_name = 0;
+    /* Set up the main menu structure */
+    Display.m_label = label;
+    Display.m_title = "Monster Listing";
+    Display.m_prompt = "Select a monster or press Cancl.";
+    Display.m_curptr = '\0';
+    Display.m_markptr = '\0';
+    Display.m_flags = 0;
+    Display.m_selcnt = 1;
+    Display.m_items = Dispitems;
+    Display.m_curi = 0;
+    /*
+     * Try to display the menu.  If we don't have a local terminal,
+     * the call will fail and we will just continue with the
+     * normal mode.
+     */
+    if (menu(&Display) >= 0) {
+	restscr(cw);
+	touchwin(cw);
+	return(Display.m_selcnt == 1 ? Display.m_curi->mi_val : -1);
+    }
+    /* Print out the monsters */
+    while (num_monst > 0) {
+	register left_limit;
+	if (num_monst < num_lines) left_limit = (num_monst+1)/2;
+	else left_limit = num_lines/2;
+	wclear(hw);
+	touchwin(hw);
+	/* Print left column */
+	wmove(hw, 2, 0);
+	for (i=0; i<left_limit; i++) {
+	    sprintf(monst_name, "[%d] %c%s\n",
+				pres_monst,
+				(showall || monsters[pres_monst].m_normal)
+				    ? ' '
+				    : '*',
+				monsters[pres_monst].m_name);
+	    waddstr(hw, monst_name);
+	    pres_monst++;
+	}
+	/* Print right column */
+	for (i=0; i<left_limit && pres_monst<=max_monster; i++) {
+	    sprintf(monst_name, "[%d] %c%s",
+				pres_monst,
+				(showall || monsters[pres_monst].m_normal)
+				    ? ' '
+				    : '*',
+				monsters[pres_monst].m_name);
+	    wmove(hw, i+2, cols/2);
+	    waddstr(hw, monst_name);
+	    pres_monst++;
+	}
+	if ((num_monst -= num_lines) > 0) {
+	    mvwaddstr(hw, lines-1, 0, morestr);
+	    draw(hw);
+	    wait_for(' ');
+	}
+	else {
+	    mvwaddstr(hw, 0, 0, "Which monster");
+	    if (!terse) {
+		waddstr(hw, " do you wish to ");
+		waddstr(hw, action);
+	    }
+	    waddstr(hw, "? ");
+	    draw(hw);
+	}
+    }
+    get_str(monst_name, hw);
+    which_monst = atoi(monst_name);
+    if ((which_monst < 1 || which_monst > max_monster)) {
+	mvwaddstr(hw, 0, 0, "Please enter a number in the displayed range -- ");
+	draw(hw);
+	goto get_monst;
+    }
+    restscr(cw);
+    touchwin(cw);
+    return(which_monst);
+ * passwd:
+ *	see if user knows password
+ */
+    register char *sp, c;
+    char buf[LINELEN], *crypt();
+    msg("Wizard's Password:");
+    mpos = 0;
+    sp = buf;
+    while ((c = readchar()) != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\033')
+	if (c == md_killchar())
+	    sp = buf;
+	else if (c == md_erasechar() && sp > buf)
+	    sp--;
+	else
+	    *sp++ = c;
+    if (sp == buf)
+	return FALSE;
+    *sp = '\0';
+    return (strcmp(PASSWD, md_crypt(buf, "mT")) == 0);
+ * teleport:
+ *	Bamf the hero someplace else
+ */
+    register struct room *new_rp, *old_rp = roomin(&hero);
+    register int rm, which;
+    coord old;
+    bool got_position = FALSE;
+    /* Disrupt whatever the hero was doing */
+    dsrpt_player();
+    /*
+     * If the hero wasn't doing something disruptable, NULL out his
+     * action anyway and let him know about it.  We don't want him
+     * swinging or moving into his old place.
+     */
+    if (player.t_action != A_NIL) {
+	player.t_action = A_NIL;
+	msg("You feel momentarily disoriented.");
+    }
+    old = hero;
+    mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, mvwinch(stdscr, hero.y, hero.x));
+    if (ISWEARING(R_TELCONTROL) || wizard) {
+	got_position = move_hero(H_TELEPORT);
+	if (!got_position)
+	    msg("Your attempt fails.");
+	else {
+	    new_rp = roomin(&hero);
+	    msg("You teleport successfully.");
+	}
+    }
+    if (!got_position) {
+	do {
+	    rm = rnd_room();
+	    rnd_pos(&rooms[rm], &hero);
+	} until(winat(hero.y, hero.x) == FLOOR);
+	new_rp = &rooms[rm];
+    }
+    player.t_oldpos = old;	/* Save last position */
+    /* If hero gets moved, darken old room */
+    if (old_rp && old_rp != new_rp) {
+	old_rp->r_flags |= FORCEDARK;	/* Fake darkness */
+	light(&old);
+	old_rp->r_flags &= ~FORCEDARK; /* Restore light state */
+    }
+    /* Darken where we just came from */
+    else if (levtype == MAZELEV) light(&old);
+    light(&hero);
+    mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
+    /* if entering a treasure room, wake everyone up......Surprise! */
+    if (new_rp->r_flags & ISTREAS)
+	wake_room(new_rp);
+    /* Reset current room and position */
+    oldrp = new_rp;	/* Used in look() */
+    player.t_oldpos = hero;
+    /*
+     * make sure we set/unset the ISINWALL on a teleport
+     */
+    which = winat(hero.y, hero.x);
+    if (isrock(which)) turn_on(player, ISINWALL);
+    else turn_off(player, ISINWALL);
+    /*
+     * turn off ISHELD in case teleportation was done while fighting
+     * something that holds you
+     */
+    if (on(player, ISHELD)) {
+	register struct linked_list *ip, *nip;
+	register struct thing *mp;
+	turn_off(player, ISHELD);
+	hold_count = 0;
+	for (ip = mlist; ip; ip = nip) {
+	    mp = THINGPTR(ip);
+	    nip = next(ip);
+	    if (on(*mp, DIDHOLD)) {
+		turn_off(*mp, DIDHOLD);
+		turn_on(*mp, CANHOLD);
+	    }
+	    turn_off(*mp, DIDSUFFOCATE); /* Suffocation -- see below */
+	}
+    }
+    /* Make sure player does not suffocate */
+    extinguish(suffocate);
+    count = 0;
+    running = FALSE;
+    md_flushinp();
+    return rm;
+ * whatis:
+ *	What a certin object is
+ */
+struct linked_list *what;
+    register struct object *obj;
+    register struct linked_list *item;
+    if (what == NULL) {		/* do we need to ask which one? */
+	if ((item = get_item(pack, "identify", IDENTABLE, FALSE, FALSE))==NULL)
+	    return;
+    }
+    else
+	item = what;
+    obj = OBJPTR(item);
+    switch (obj->o_type) {
+        case SCROLL:
+	    s_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
+	    if (s_guess[obj->o_which]) {
+		free(s_guess[obj->o_which]);
+		s_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
+	    }
+        when POTION:
+	    p_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
+	    if (p_guess[obj->o_which]) {
+		free(p_guess[obj->o_which]);
+		p_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
+	    }
+	when STICK:
+	    ws_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
+	    if (ws_guess[obj->o_which]) {
+		free(ws_guess[obj->o_which]);
+		ws_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
+	    }
+        when RING:
+	    r_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
+	    if (r_guess[obj->o_which]) {
+		free(r_guess[obj->o_which]);
+		r_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
+	    }
+        when MM:
+	    /* If it's an identified jug, identify its potion */
+	    if (obj->o_which == MM_JUG && (obj->o_flags & ISKNOW)) {
+		if (obj->o_ac != JUG_EMPTY)