diff urogue/history.txt @ 256:c495a4f288c6

Import UltraRogue from the Roguelike Restoration Project (r1490)
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 31 Jan 2017 19:56:04 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/urogue/history.txt	Tue Jan 31 19:56:04 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+#   history.txt
+#   UltraRogue: The Ultimate Adventure in the Dungeons of Doom
+#   Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1995 Herb Chong
+#   All rights reserved.
+#   See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
+2.01 - Dec 17/84
+1)	MAXTRAPS set to 20, up from 15.  the dungeon gets nastier
+2)	hitpoints gained per level change/loss increased by 50%.
+	this will be essential when new monsters added and amulet
+	level is increased to 50 or so.
+2.01 - Dec 21/84
+1)	MAXPDEF set to 4 (maximum number of saved characters).
+2.01 - Dec 23/84
+1)	all load control and time code now non-optional.  controlled
+	by external variables initialized in tunable.c.  load average
+	is now read by a separate program and obtained via popen(3).
+2)	2 new armors added, mithril and crystalline.
+3)	when wearing crystalline armor, a wielded weapon can be turned 
+	into a wand of lightning by bolts of lightning from monsters
+	(75% chance)
+4)	blessed (enchanted) food lasts 3 times as long as regular food
+	up to 6000 turns (regular food is 2000 max)
+5)	tidied up messages so they all have periods on the end, etc.
+6)	not being able to play because of holiday() code is distinguished
+	by a separate message
+7)	when wearing crystalline armor, monsters that normally hug won't
+2.01 - Dec 24/84
+1)	fixed handling of being hit by lightning shot by yourself
+2)	fixed inventory message for sticks with one charge
+3)	a highly charged (>50) stick or weapon of lightning can do extra damage
+2.01 - Dec 25/84
+1)	mithril armor decreases by 25% the chance of being hit by magic
+	or wands (VS_MAGIC and VS_WAND -5) except by silver arrows
+2)	all forms of teleportation cause confusion unless you are currently
+	affected by a clear thought potion.  wizard teleportation via ^X
+	is exempt
+3)	falling through a maze or normal trapdoor can cause damage and you can
+	die from it.  also, you are confused unless currently affected by a
+	clear thought potion
+4)	when askme is set, more prompting for names is made for scrolls and
+	potions
+2.01 - Dec 26/84
+1)	fixed bug for when wizard or after reading scroll of creation, making
+	an object of which there is only a single type does not redisplay the
+	level
+2)	ring of teleportation can also cause confusion.  oversight in changes
+	made in other code
+3)	19 new weapons added.  list of weapons used to start with has not
+	changed
+4)	calculation of worth of multiply occuring objects changed to include
+	multiplying by the count of the number of objects
+5)	silver arrows are aimed by magic and so miss only if monster saves
+	against magic and the arrow otherwise would have missed anyway
+6)	fixed bug if entering wizard's password from the command line and is
+	typed in wrong, then a game restore is attempted
+7)	changed format of asking for object creation to allow more objects
+	to be chosen
+8)	format of name being saved in the score file is changed to indicate
+	level number and level name of the person
+2.01 - Dec 27/84
+1)	added 17 new monsters.  the scorefile name of the monster that killed
+	you is incompatible in indexing, but that's life.
+2.01 - Dec 30/84
+1)	wererats can now summon giant rats, up to 4 of them
+2)	ogres are now greedy
+2.01 - Jan 2/85
+1)	elves that carry bows have a 10% chance of carrying silver arrows
+2)	slightly higher probabilities of traps being successfully set
+3)	format of top ten adventurers output changed to two lines for
+	neatness since more stuff added
+2.01 - Jan 3/85
+1)	a cursed scroll of create monster now creates 3 to 6 monsters
+	around you.  a normal one and a blessed one create just one
+2.01 - Jan 6/85
+1)	amulet moved up to level 50 for safety  :-)
+2)	added new weapons, including a claymore and a footbow
+3)	some of new weapons now available during initial selection
+2.01 - Jan 7/84
+1)	more weapons added
+2)	code to handle creation of objects completely rewritten to no longer
+	have a limit on the number of items 
+3)	fixed bug in wizard monster creation routine to allow ESC to terminate
+	without selection
+2.01 - Jan 11/85
+1)	fixed code in chase.c so that a monster can actually use a footbow
+	if it's carrying one
+2)	fixed bug in chase.c that wrong pointer is used to point to a
+	monster's silver arrow.  it turns out that the code executes as
+	expected but the comments are then wrong
+2.01 - Jan 13/85
+1)	added fire traps as another type of trap.  needed for burning oil
+2)	changed name of molotov cocktails to burning oil.  when thrown and
+	misses monster, it makes a fire trap and also lights up the room
+3)	6 new rings added - carrying - pack loses 1/3 of its weight
+			  - adornment - worth 1000 gp, but nothing else
+			  - levitation - avoids traps and things like that
+			  - fire resistance, lightning resistance, and
+			    cold resistance - obvious
+4)	certain monsters will die instantly when hit by burning oil
+2.01 - Jan 14/85
+1)	full damage is always done with burning oils except on fireproof
+	monsters
+2)	monsters that divide will not do so when hit by burning oil
+3)	fixed bugs in messages for firetraps
+0.00 Alpha - Jan 15/85
+1)	flameproof monsters aren't burnt by burning oil
+2)	version and name of game changed to UltraRogue.  hopefully,
+	it will live up to it's name
+3)	format of scoring output changed to remove redundant information
+4)	crysknife can poison now.  if the monster doesn't save against
+	poison, it loses half its hit points
+5)	flameproof monsters ignore firetraps and can run through them
+6)	many special properties of weapons changed from hardcoded names
+	to flags
+7)	boomerangs and other weapons that return do so now
+8)	maximum attempts to set traps per level changed from 8 to 16
+9)	maximum transactions at a trading post changed from 4 to 8
+0.00 Alpha - Jan 16/85
+1)	corrected code for handling of silver and poisoned weapons
+1.00 Alpha - Feb 1/85
+1)	it's now possible to roll crystalline armor at start
+2)	enchanting armor causes it to weigh 20% less for each + and 20% more
+	for each -
+1.00 Alpha - Feb 4/85
+1)	quitting uses experience point score instead of gold
+2)	corrected handling of weight of enchanted armor
+3)	discovering a firetrap lights the room
+4)	it's now possible to die from fire traps
+1.00 Alpha - Feb 5/85
+1)	changed weight of enchanted objects in wrong place.  now fixed
+2)	minor fix to messages in trader.c
+3)	changed the effect of a scroll of acquirement.  a blessed scroll
+	now works as in old version, a normal or cursed scroll will
+	allow acquirement of an object of random type.
+4)	split rogue.c into rogue.c and monsdata.c
+1.00 Alpha - Feb 10/85
+1)	armor doesn't rust if you're not wearing any
+2)	added 8 artifacts, now trying to make rogue compile again
+3)	time window for restored games changed to 60s instead of 25s.
+1.00 Alpha - Feb 13/85
+1)	misc. tidying up of messages.  some changed to be wizard only
+	messages
+2)	one unique monster added, have not yet tested nastiness of beast
+3)	changed chasing code to hopefully remove bug that stops running
+	in a room even though monster is invisible or can surprise
+4)	seeing distance is now a variable so that later enhancements can
+	be made
+5)	added apply command ('A') to make an artifact work (does nothing 
+	right now)
+6)	it is now possible to trip and fall down the stairs, and die
+	in the process
+7)	blessed objects weigh 20% less and cursed weigh 20% more
+8)	fighting (but not to death) allowed until 1/3 of max hit points
+9)	time of stiffening by basilisks, etc., is now randomized
+10)	tidied up code to handle signals and autosaving
+11)	poison pool traps implemented
+12)	quaffing a potion of haste self when already hasted lasts a
+	longer time than before
+13)	if strength is high enough, the hero can break free of 
+	a hold
+14)	creation of artifacts now supported (sort of)
+15)	scoring routines changed to track gold and experience separately.
+	now i have to figure out how to set the gold to zero without
+	resetting the score file
+16)	gold is counted (including worth of objects) even for quitting and
+	dying.  however, position in scorefile is determined by experience 
+	points only
+17)	three new scrolls 1) nothing - does nothing
+			  2) silver plating - magic aimed weapons seldom miss
+			  3) ownership - make weapons return
+18)	6 types of food now - details still to be fixed up
+19)	corrected handling of normal and cursed scrolls of acquirement
+1.00 Alpha Feb 14/85
+1)	creation of artifacts mostly working now.  no code to support
+	their special functions yet
+2)	corrected names of artifacts and food so the inventory routine
+	gives correct case and plural forms of names
+3)	handling of duration of enchanted food fixed
+1.00 Alpha Feb 15/85
+1)	creation, picking up, dropping, and throwing artifacts now apparently
+	correct.  no functions yet implemented yet
+2)	mad wizard changed to mad sorceress and is no longer confused.
+	level, intelligence, experience points and damage increased
+3)	nymphs try to steal the most valuable magic item carried now
+4)	picking up an artifact gives experience equal to 0.1 of it's
+	worth in gold
+5)	new wizard command 'V' added to find the worth of an object
+1.00 Alpha Feb 16/85
+1)	monsters that steal magic and gold no longer vanish when they've 
+	stolen an item.  instead, it turns invisible and tries to run away.
+	a nymph isn't so bad, but watch out for the mad sorceress.
+	the monster will carry around the item until killed
+2)	picking up things with a full pack in a trading post no longer
+	identifies it
+3)	falling into a poison trap does not automatically poison current 
+	weapon and there is a 75% probability of losing 1/3 hit points 
+	and 2 strength
+4)	buying anything in a trading post tells you what it is and all others
+	of the same type
+5)	quaffing a potion of healing at or near max hit points increases
+	maximum by more
+6)	a wand of nothing does nothing
+7)	cursed scroll of ownership causes thrown weapon to always disappear
+1.00 Alpha Feb 17/85
+1)	corrected handling of wizard scorefile manipulation commands
+2)	corrected code to create objects via the scroll of acquirement
+3)	a cursed scroll of acquirement creates a cursed object
+4)	wearing a ring of levitation allows you to move over any kind of
+	trap without being harmed
+5)	poisoned weapons now identified as such in inventory name
+1.00 Alpha Feb 25/85
+1)	corrected handling of scoring of gold for total winners
+2)	changed mad sorceress to be non-unique to make dungeon really nasty
+3)	added code to calculate cost of silver, poisoned, and owned weapons
+4)	code to stop running when a monster appears corrected for when
+	monster can surprise or is invisible
+1.00 Alpha Mar 1/85
+1)	cursed potion of see invisible does nothing when wearing ring
+	of see invisible.
+2)	putting on a ring of see invisible while blind cures blindness
+1.01 Alpha Mar 4/85
+1)	changed encryption scheme used by read/write routines to code
+	supplied by Michael Mauldin (mlm@cmu-cs-cad.arpa)
+2)	eating too much causes paralysis for a short time
+3)	changed rnd (random integer in a certain range) routine to use
+	a better algorithm
+4)	changed version string for internal checking to something more
+	useful
+1.01 Alpha Mar 8/85
+1)	changed inv_name to show silver weapons properly
+2)	changed name of "silver weapon" scroll to "magic hitting"
+3)	scrolls of ownership and magic hitting now prompt for weapon to
+	apply scroll to
+4)	rnd changed back to old algorithm because new one is SLOW
+1.01 Alpha Mar 20/85
+1)	picking up an artifact more than once does not add more experience
+	points
+2)      new unique and VERY NASTY monster added, Lucifer.  only appears
+	on level one when you have an artifact on you.  he is NOT
+	pleasant.  i am certain that he will prevent total winners until
+	i can tune his parameters.
+1.01 Alpha Mar 22/85
+1)	changed maximum objects per normal level from 9 to 5
+2)	changed monster window to half it's current value to stretch
+	out the levels new monsters can appear over
+3)	increased traps per level again from 20 to 25
+1.01 Alpha Mar 28/85
+1)	decreased abilities of Lucifer to try things out
+2)	changed probability of food up and other stuff down
+3)	changed probability of potion of gain level down
+1.01 Alpha Apr 1/85
+1)	changed traps per level up to 30
+2)	fixed bug in wearing ring of cold resistance
+3)	changed window for saving to 180s because save/restore with
+	new algorithm is much slower
+4)	added support for lairs of unique monsters, 1 in 15 chance of
+	being summoned while going up the stairs
+5)	trading posts can't appear until level 15, up from level 5
+6)	you can't be blinded when wearing a ring of extra sight
+7)	hit points per level gained/lost reduced to original values
+8)	deleted some wizard commands and re-arranged some of the rest
+9)	changed how wizard teleportation specifies type of level
+10)	modified parameters of sucessfully striking a monster
+11)	Lucifer devalued again
+1.02 Alpha Apr 2/85
+1)	reduced probability of being summoned at random while running around
+2)	restored probability of hitting parameter
+3)	doubled requirements for experience level changes
+1.02 Alpha Apr 4/85
+1)	restored requirements for experience level changes
+2)	increased probability that a monster hits on an attack
+3)	changed probability of food downwards and other stuff upwards
+4)	changed probability of some scroll's cursed and blessed probabilities
+1.02 Alpha Apr 5/85
+1)	throne room monsters no longer hasted
+2)	fixed messages for scrolls of magic hitting and ownership
+3)	infinite loops in wanderer() due to trying to place a monster
+	in a different room than the hero on a THRONE level
+4)	changed format of scorefile to include what artifacts were
+	retrieved
+5)	initial attributes of a fighter increased
+6)	Lucifer downgraded again (sigh)
+1.02 Alpha Apr 12/85
+1)	food probability adjusted upwards
+2)	size of string to hold fruit food name increased
+3)	monsters per treasure room increased to 20 from 15
+4)	maximum number of magic objects per level increased from 5 to 7
+5)	added code to differentiate a winner carrying all artifacts
+	and some
+6)	reduced probability of summoning
+1.02 Alpha Apr 16/85
+1)	monsters that can walk through stone are not affected by wand of
+	antimatter.  so much for an easy kill of Lucifer
+2)	throne rooms always contain treasure, up to 3 times as much as normal
+1.02 Alpha Apr 23/85
+1)	max monsters/treasures in a party room upped again from 20 to 30
+1.02 Alpha Apr 26/85
+1)	improved wizard outfitting command to start with more and better stuff
+2)	fighters gain and lose 12 instead of 10 hit points max per level
+3)	throne rooms always contain lots of treasure
+4)	fixed message in experience level changes to include period
+1.02 Alpha Apr 28/85
+1)	monsters that can breathe can do so more than once with 50% chance
+	after each use of losing (or retaining) ability
+2)	catch zapping and bolts into darkened rooms, passages, and phased
+	players in walls and flag as error for wizard
+3)	mad sorceress improved in ability
+4)	changing name of fruit in options now also changes name in rest of game
+5)	handling of SIGINT and SIGQUIT corrected for when escaping to shell
+	and returning.  used to exit with endit().  now does quit() to
+	prompt before exiting
+6)	options listing now includes name of option for the environment
+	variable
+7)	throne rooms made nastier by increasing hit points further and also
+	decreasing AC of monster even more
+8)	monsters below level 80 start getting nastier in a lot of ways
+	and is level dependent (deeper == nastier)
+1.02 Alpha Apr 29/85
+1)	all monsters in throne rooms can now walk through walls
+2)	past level 80, all monsters that can use breath weapons will never
+	lose that ability
+3)	Lucifer upgraded
+1.02 Alpha Apr 30/85
+1)	algorithm for nastier monsters below level 80 changed (nastier)
+2)	potion of raise level made much rarer
+3)	being drained a level is restored only half the time
+4)	monsters in thone rooms can see invisible heros
+5)	scrolls of acquirement are rarer and are more likely to be cursed
+1.02 Alpha May 1/85
+1)	Lucifer hit points upgraded
+2)	Lucifer never loses ability to zap with breath weapon
+3)	fixed bug in returning of weapons with blessed scroll of
+	ownership read on them
+4)	circular buffer implemented for messages and each line of buffer
+	increased in size
+5)	rings, weapons, sticks, and armor can explode if enchanted too much
+6)	owned things show up that way in inventory
+1.02 Alpha May 2/85
+1)	length of time that all food lasts increased
+2)	throwing a scare monster scroll curses it
+1.02 Alpha May 3/85
+1)	attacking rust monsters with bare hands causes segmentation faults
+	fixed by checking for whether hero wields a weapon or not
+2)	evil sorceresses (and nymphs) will steal anything, including
+	what you're wearing, below level 95
+3)	it's now imposssible to enchant a ring of slow digestion beyond 3
+	since food consumption code is not designed to handle it
+1.02 Alpha May 6/85
+1)	adjusted probability of things exploding when enchanted too much from
+	1 in 8 to 1 in 5
+2)	being summoned while just wandering in the dungeon is changed
+	to 1 in 99999 to make life interesting
+3)	stick of fire now kills monsters that are flammable
+4)	fixed bug in handling firetraps for monsters
+5)	corrected new code to handle monsters running through fire traps
+1.02 Alpha May 8/85
+1)	fixed bug in wizard dungeon level change command
+2)	total daemons changed from 30 to 60 to allow for new things
+3)	fighting while blinded changed from "it" to "the monster"
+4)	algorithm for making monsters nastier below level 80 made
+	even nastier
+5)	fire traps always burn even when levitated
+6)	fixed monster name lookup in shoot_bolt when bolt misses
+7)	monster lair traps implemented for levels below 50
+8)	rust traps implemented to rust armor
+9)	messages for CANRUST monsters hitting you after armor is
+	destroyed is changed
+10)	placement of player in a throne room corrected
+11)	unique monsters are always awakened by the hero entering the room
+12)	a monster with enough strength can shatter crystalline armor with
+	a single blow
+13)	a monster with enough strength can make the armor ring when hit,
+	aggravating all monsters on the level
+14)	monsters that can shriek can shatter crystalline armor
+15)	strength of monsters below level 80 also increases with level
+16)	check more often for null pointers when refering to current armor
+	in fight.c and monster.c
+17)	selling or dropping an artifact in a post loses it forever, but
+	you can still go up the stairs as if you did have it.  same with
+	it being stolen by a monster
+1.02 Alpha May 10/85
+1)	creation of firetraps done only when there is room in the traps array
+2)	potion of extra hearing - cursed, normal and blessed
+3)	potion of extra scent - cursed, normal, and blessed
+4)	hero can smell or hear monsters whenever they appear in dungeon
+	or possibly when he enters a room, always when potions have been
+	quaffed
+1.02 Alpha May 11/85
+1)	scroll of food detection implemented
+2)	corrected algorithm for blessed food and added message when
+	eating it so people trying will know to try it again
+3)	code to handle super food consumption added
+4)	changed algorithm for ring of slow digestion food consumption
+	to not use hardwired enchantment levels
+5)	hearing and smelling new monster messages changed to reflect
+	distance and rooms somewhat
+6)	partial implementation of artifact powers completed
+7)	many of minor malevolent and side effects implemented
+8)	some major malevolent effects implemented
+9)	Phial of Galadriel implemented
+10)	Palantir of Might implemented
+1.02 Alpha May 12/85
+1)	fixed dying by fire traps to remove seg fault while trying to
+	print reason for dying
+2)	selling an artifact or having it stolen and vanishing when
+	monster that stole it is killed loses the artifact permanently 
+	and the ability to go upwards is lost if it's the only artifact 
+	in the hero's possesion
+3)	login name included in scorefile
+4)	stick of invisibility - makes monsters appear or disappear
+	cursed (all in room), normal(one in direction), blessed(one
+	appears in direction)
+5)	implemented Amulet of Yendor, Silmaril of Ea, Sceptre of Might,
+	Wand of Orcus
+6)	partial implementation of Magic Purse of Yendor
+7)	20 units of food are consumed every time a artifact power is attempted
+8)	code for blessed scrolls of magic mapping, gold detection,
+	food detection, potions of magic detection and monster detection
+	in place
+9)	minimal code for wand of invisibility implemented
+1.02 Alpha May 13/85
+1)	minimal code for potions of super heroism and disguise added
+2)	no healing when phased and in rock
+3)	changed "owned" to "claimed" in inv_name() for weapons
+4)	wand of invisibility implemented
+5)	bug in removing rings of add ability fixed when unwearing one
+6)	leaving rooms when wearing ring of illumination darkens it
+1.02 Alpha May 14/85
+1)	rewrote all code to handle changes in the five major player
+	abilities
+2)	completed implementation of the Crown of Might
+3)	implemented blessed mapping and detection abilities
+4)	more minor effects
+5)	more major effects
+6)	copy over login name to scorefile name entry only if it's
+	not the same as the name entry started with
+7)	falling down stairs probability shifted according to encumberance
+8)	undead monsters are not affected by poison
+9)	ring of regeneration restores hit points faster
+10)	ring of sustain health stops disease and parasitic infections, but
+	doesn't cure them
+1.02 Alpha May 15/85
+1)	fixed bugs in handling power boosted strength and dexterity
+2)	implemented potions of disguise and superheroism
+1.02 Alpha May 16/85
+1)	changed potion of disguise to be like a scare monster scroll and
+	shortened length of time it lasts
+2)	implemented more minor effects
+3)	cursed scroll of magic mapping done - forgets map
+4)	fighting stops "hits" and "misses" messages to stop having to
+	hit the spacebar all the time
+5)	1 in 50 chance when fighting to stop fighting completely at random.
+	a neater way of stopping fighting when neither side is hitting the
+	other
+6)	moving over some traps using the 'm' command can result in no
+	trapping, especially if player is thief
+7)	asleep on top of a sleep trap doesn't print many messages
+	about what the trap is
+8)	reduced nastiness of level-dependent monster characteristics
+9)	make probability of losing breath weapon dungeon level dependent
+10)	fixed bug in stopping running when a monster enters room
+11)	Magic Purse of Yendor code in place but not tested
+1.02 Beta May 17/85
+1)	fixed bag of holding code for Magic Purse of Yendor
+2)	can't put Magic Purse inside itself
+3)	lowered probability of a nonthief moving over a trap successfully
+4)	add contents of Purse to score
+5)	added more major and minor effects
+6)	lowered probability of an artifact being deactivated by a minor
+	effect
+1.02 Beta May 18/85
+1)	check for no wielded weapon or no armor worn when being hit
+	by breath weapon
+2)	check for no wielded weapon when blasting it in default major
+	effect of artifact activation
+3)	changed many messages in minor effects to check for blindness
+4)	it is possible to trip and stumble over your weapon, and die in
+	the process.  poisoned weapons do a lot of damage to the hero
+5)	fighting or shooting some wands at the quartermaster increases
+	the cost of things and probability of things being cursed
+	by other quartermasters and in trading posts.  monsters on level
+	are aggravated
+6)	fighters using the 'f' or 'F' commands are get bonus number
+	of attacks dependent upon level per turn
+7)	when not under influence of potions of extra scent or extra hearing,
+	thieves have higher probability of hearing or smelling a monster
+8)	cursed detection scrolls and potions implemented
+9)	scroll of electrification implemented
+1.02 Beta May 19/85
+1)	five new rings added
+2)	worth of artifacts increased by a factor of 10
+3)	when msgline is blank and last message is requested via ^P,
+	don't decrement message buffer index the same way since it was 
+	not incremented to clear the line
+4)	initial hit point bonus for constitutions above 15
+5)	new command listen ('=') to listen for nearby monsters
+6)	ring of breathing - player is unaffected by gases
+7)	ring of free action - player can't be held or slowed except by an
+	artifact side effect
+8)	reduced duration of confusion after teleportation
+9)	ring of wizardry - doubles spell and prayer ability for players
+	who are not clerics nor magicians
+10)	listen for monsters nearby with higher probability for thief
+11)	ring of resurrection - you might come back from the grave: cursed,
+	normal, and blessed versions