diff urogue/rogue.h @ 256:c495a4f288c6

Import UltraRogue from the Roguelike Restoration Project (r1490)
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 31 Jan 2017 19:56:04 -0500
children c4b12d2d1dcd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/urogue/rogue.h	Tue Jan 31 19:56:04 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1815 @@
+    rogue.h - A very large header file
+    UltraRogue: The Ultimate Adventure in the Dungeons of Doom
+    Copyright (C) 1984, 1991, 1997 Herb Chong
+    All rights reserved.
+    Based on "Advanced Rogue"
+    Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka
+    All rights reserved.
+    Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
+    Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
+    All rights reserved.
+    See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifndef LINT
+#include <curses.h>
+#include "lint-curses.h"
+#define SHOTPENALTY 2       /* In line of sight of missile */
+#define DOORPENALTY 1       /* Moving out of current room */
+/* Maximum number of different things */
+#define MAXROOMS    9   /* max rooms per normal level */
+#define MAXDOORS    4   /* max doors to a room */
+#define MAXOBJ      6   /* max number of items to find on a level */
+#define MAXTREAS    30  /* max number monsters/treasure in treasure room */
+#define MAXTRAPS    80  /* max traps per level */
+#define MAXTRPTRY   16  /* max attempts/level allowed for setting traps */
+#define MAXPURCH    8   /* max purchases per trading post visit */
+#define NUMMONST    (sizeof(monsters) / sizeof(struct monster) - 2)
+#define NUMSUMMON   48  /* number of creatures that can summon hero */
+#define NLEVMONS    8   /* number of new monsters per level */
+#define LINELEN     512 /* characters in a buffer */
+/* The character types */
+#define C_FIGHTER    0
+#define C_PALADIN    1
+#define C_RANGER     2
+#define C_CLERIC     3
+#define C_DRUID      4
+#define C_MAGICIAN   5
+#define C_ILLUSION   6
+#define C_THIEF      7
+#define C_ASSASIN    8
+#define C_NINJA      9
+#define C_MONSTER   10
+#define C_NOTSET    11  /* Must not be a value from above */
+/* used for ring stuff */
+#define LEFT_1  0
+#define LEFT_2  1
+#define LEFT_3  2
+#define LEFT_4  3
+#define LEFT_5  4
+#define RIGHT_1 5
+#define RIGHT_2 6
+#define RIGHT_3 7
+#define RIGHT_4 8
+#define RIGHT_5 9
+/* All the fun defines */
+#define next(ptr) ((ptr)?(ptr->l_next):NULL)
+#define prev(ptr) ((ptr)?(ptr->l_prev):NULL)
+#define identifier(ptr) (ptr->o_ident)
+#define winat(y,x) ( (char) \
+ ((mvwinch(mw,y,x) == ' ') ? mvwinch(stdscr,y,x) : winch(mw))  )
+#define debug if (wizard && wiz_verbose) msg
+#define verify(b) if (b) verify_function(__FILE__, __LINE__);
+#define DISTANCE(c1, c2)  ( ((c2).x - (c1).x)*((c2).x - (c1).x) + \
+                            ((c2).y - (c1).y)*((c2).y - (c1).y) )
+#define xyDISTANCE(y1, x1, y2, x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
+#define OBJPTR(what)    ((*what).data.obj)
+#define THINGPTR(what)  ((*what).data.th)
+#define ce(a, b) ((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
+#define hero player.t_pos
+#define pstats player.t_stats
+#define max_stats player.maxstats
+#define pack player.t_pack
+#define attach(a, b) _attach(&a, b)
+#define detach(a, b) _detach(&a, b)
+#define free_list(a) _free_list(&a)
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define GOLDCALC (rnd(50 + 30 * level) + 2)
+#define o_charges o_ac
+#define mi_wght mi_worth
+/* Things that appear on the screens */
+#define WALL        ' '
+#define PASSAGE     '#'
+#define DOOR        '+'
+#define FLOOR       '.'
+#define VPLAYER     '@'
+#define IPLAYER     '_'
+#define POST        '^'
+#define LAIR        '('
+#define RUSTTRAP    ';'
+#define TRAPDOOR    '>'
+#define ARROWTRAP   '{'
+#define SLEEPTRAP   '$'
+#define BEARTRAP    '}'
+#define TELTRAP     '~'
+#define DARTTRAP    '`'
+#define POOL        '"'
+#define MAZETRAP    '\\'
+#define FIRETRAP    '<'
+#define POISONTRAP  '['
+#define ARTIFACT    ','
+#define SECRETDOOR  '&'
+#define STAIRS      '%'
+#define GOLD        '*'
+#define POTION      '!'
+#define SCROLL      '?'
+#define MAGIC       '$'
+#define BMAGIC      '>' /* Blessed magic */
+#define CMAGIC      '<' /* Cursed  magic */
+#define FOOD        ':'
+#define WEAPON      ')'
+#define ARMOR       ']'
+#define RING        '='
+#define STICK       '/'
+/* Various constants */
+#define HOLDTIME      2
+#define BEARTIME      3
+#define SLEEPTIME     4
+#define FREEZETIME    6
+#define STINKTIME     6
+#define CHILLTIME     (roll(2, 4))
+#define STONETIME     8
+#define SICKTIME     10
+#define CLRDURATION  15
+#define HUHDURATION  20
+#define SMELLTIME    20
+#define HEROTIME     20
+#define HEALTIME     30
+#define WANDERTIME   140
+#define GONETIME    200
+#define PHASEDURATION   300
+#define SEEDURATION 850
+#define STPOS         0
+#define BEFORE        1
+#define AFTER         2
+#define MORETIME     150
+#define HUNGERTIME  1300
+#define STOMACHSIZE 2000
+#define BOLT_LENGTH 10
+#define MARKLEN     20
+#define LINEFEED    10
+#define ESCAPE      27
+/* Adjustments for save against things */
+#define VS_POISON       0
+#define VS_PARALYZATION     0
+#define VS_DEATH        0
+#define VS_PETRIFICATION    1
+#define VS_WAND         2
+#define VS_BREATH       3
+#define VS_MAGIC        4
+/*attributes for treasures in dungeon */
+#define ISNORMAL    0x00000000UL /* Neither blessed nor cursed */
+#define ISCURSED    0x00000001UL /* cursed */
+#define ISKNOW      0x00000002UL /* has been identified */
+#define ISPOST      0x00000004UL /* object is in a trading post */
+#define ISMETAL     0x00000008UL /* is metallic */
+#define ISPROT      0x00000010UL /* object is protected */
+#define ISBLESSED   0x00000020UL /* blessed */
+#define ISZAPPED    0x00000040UL /* weapon has been charged by dragon */
+#define ISVORPED    0x00000080UL /* vorpalized weapon */
+#define ISSILVER    0x00000100UL /* silver weapon */
+#define ISPOISON    0x00000200UL /* poisoned weapon */
+#define CANRETURN   0x00000400UL /* weapon returns if misses */
+#define ISOWNED     0x00000800UL /* weapon returns always */
+#define ISLOST      0x00001000UL /* weapon always disappears */
+#define ISMISL      0x00002000UL /* missile weapon */
+#define ISMANY      0x00004000UL /* show up in a group */
+#define CANBURN     0x00008000UL /* burns monsters */
+#define ISSHARP     0x00010000UL /* cutting edge */
+#define ISTWOH      0x00020000UL /* needs two hands to wield */
+#define ISLITTLE    0x00040000UL /* small weapon */
+#define ISLAUNCHER  0x00080000UL /* used to throw other weapons */
+#define TYP_MAGIC_MASK  0x0f000000UL
+#define POT_MAGIC   0x01000000UL
+#define SCR_MAGIC   0x02000000UL
+#define ZAP_MAGIC   0x04000000UL
+#define SP_WIZARD   0x10000000UL /* only wizards */
+#define SP_ILLUSION 0x20000000UL /* only illusionists */
+#define SP_CLERIC   0x40000000UL /* only clerics/paladins */
+#define SP_DRUID    0x80000000UL /* only druids/rangers */
+#define SP_MAGIC    0x30000000UL /* wizard or illusionist */
+#define SP_PRAYER   0xc0000000UL /* cleric or druid */
+#define SP_ALL      0xf0000000UL /* all special classes */
+#define _TWO_       ISBLESSED   /* more powerful spell */
+/* Various flag bits */
+#define ISDARK      0x00000001UL
+#define ISGONE      0x00000002UL
+#define ISTREAS     0x00000004UL
+#define ISFOUND     0x00000008UL
+#define ISTHIEFSET  0x00000010UL
+#define WASDARK     0x00000020UL
+/* struct thing t_flags (might include player) for monster attributes */
+#define ISBLIND     0x00000001UL
+#define ISINWALL    0x00000002UL
+#define ISRUN       0x00000004UL
+#define ISFLEE      0x00000008UL
+#define ISINVIS     0x00000010UL
+#define ISMEAN      0x00000020UL
+#define ISGREED     0x00000040UL
+#define CANSHOOT    0x00000080UL
+#define ISHELD      0x00000100UL
+#define ISHUH       0x00000200UL
+#define ISREGEN     0x00000400UL
+#define CANHUH      0x00000800UL
+#define CANSEE      0x00001000UL
+#define HASFIRE     0x00002000UL
+#define ISSLOW      0x00004000UL
+#define ISHASTE     0x00008000UL
+#define ISCLEAR     0x00010000UL
+#define CANINWALL   0x00020000UL
+#define ISDISGUISE  0x00040000UL
+#define CANBLINK    0x00080000UL
+#define CANSNORE    0x00100000UL
+#define HALFDAMAGE  0x00200000UL
+#define CANSUCK     0x00400000UL
+#define CANRUST     0x00800000UL
+#define CANPOISON   0x01000000UL
+#define CANDRAIN    0x02000000UL
+#define ISUNIQUE    0x04000000UL
+#define STEALGOLD   0x08000000UL
+#define STEALMAGIC  0x10000001UL
+#define CANDISEASE  0x10000002UL
+#define HASDISEASE  0x10000004UL
+#define CANSUFFOCATE    0x10000008UL
+#define DIDSUFFOCATE    0x10000010UL
+#define BOLTDIVIDE  0x10000020UL
+#define BLOWDIVIDE  0x10000040UL
+#define NOCOLD      0x10000080UL
+#define TOUCHFEAR   0x10000100UL
+#define BMAGICHIT   0x10000200UL
+#define NOFIRE      0x10000400UL
+#define NOBOLT      0x10000800UL
+#define CARRYGOLD   0x10001000UL
+#define CANITCH     0x10002000UL
+#define HASITCH     0x10004000UL
+#define DIDDRAIN    0x10008000UL
+#define WASTURNED   0x10010000UL
+#define CANSELL     0x10020000UL
+#define CANBLIND    0x10040000UL
+#define CANBBURN    0x10080000UL
+#define ISCHARMED   0x10100000UL
+#define CANSPEAK    0x10200000UL
+#define CANFLY      0x10400000UL
+#define ISFRIENDLY  0x10800000UL
+#define CANHEAR     0x11000000UL
+#define ISDEAF      0x12000000UL
+#define CANSCENT    0x14000000UL
+#define ISUNSMELL   0x18000000UL
+#define WILLRUST    0x20000001UL
+#define WILLROT     0x20000002UL
+#define SUPEREAT    0x20000004UL
+#define PERMBLIND   0x20000008UL
+#define MAGICHIT    0x20000010UL
+#define CANINFEST   0x20000020UL
+#define HASINFEST   0x20000040UL
+#define NOMOVE      0x20000080UL
+#define CANSHRIEK   0x20000100UL
+#define CANDRAW     0x20000200UL
+#define CANSMELL    0x20000400UL
+#define CANPARALYZE 0x20000800UL
+#define CANROT      0x20001000UL
+#define ISSCAVENGE  0x20002000UL
+#define DOROT       0x20004000UL
+#define CANSTINK    0x20008000UL
+#define HASSTINK    0x20010000UL
+#define ISSHADOW    0x20020000UL
+#define CANCHILL    0x20040000UL
+#define CANHUG      0x20080000UL
+#define CANSURPRISE 0x20100000UL
+#define CANFRIGHTEN 0x20200000UL
+#define CANSUMMON   0x20400000UL
+#define TOUCHSTONE  0x20800000UL
+#define LOOKSTONE   0x21000000UL
+#define CANHOLD     0x22000000UL
+#define DIDHOLD     0x24000000UL
+#define DOUBLEDRAIN 0x28000000UL
+#define ISUNDEAD    0x30000001UL
+#define BLESSMAP    0x30000002UL
+#define BLESSGOLD   0x30000004UL
+#define BLESSMONS   0x30000008UL
+#define BLESSMAGIC  0x30000010UL
+#define BLESSFOOD   0x30000020UL
+#define CANBRANDOM  0x30000040UL /* Types of breath */
+#define CANBACID    0x30000080UL
+#define CANBFIRE    0x30000100UL
+#define CANBBOLT    0x30000200UL
+#define CANBGAS     0x30000400UL
+#define CANBICE     0x30000800UL
+#define CANBPGAS    0x30001000UL /* Paralyze gas */
+#define CANBSGAS    0x30002000UL /* Sleeping gas */
+#define CANBSLGAS   0x30004000UL /* Slow gas */
+#define CANBFGAS    0x30008000UL /* Fear gas */
+#define CANBREATHE  0x3000ffc0UL /* Can it breathe at all? */
+#define STUMBLER    0x30010000UL
+#define POWEREAT    0x30020000UL
+#define ISELECTRIC  0x30040000UL
+#define HASOXYGEN   0x30080000UL /* Doesn't need to breath air */
+#define POWERDEXT   0x30100000UL
+#define POWERSTR    0x30200000UL
+#define POWERWISDOM 0x30400000UL
+#define POWERINTEL  0x30800000UL
+#define POWERCONST  0x31000000UL
+#define SUPERHERO   0x32000000UL
+#define ISUNHERO    0x34000000UL
+#define CANCAST     0x38000000UL
+#define CANTRAMPLE  0x40000001UL
+#define CANSWIM     0x40000002UL
+#define LOOKSLOW    0x40000004UL
+#define CANWIELD    0x40000008UL
+#define CANDARKEN   0x40000010UL
+#define ISFAST      0x40000020UL
+#define CANBARGAIN  0x40000040UL
+#define NOMETAL     0x40000080UL
+#define CANSPORE    0x40000100UL
+#define NOSHARP     0x40000200UL
+#define DRAINWISDOM 0x40000400UL
+#define DRAINBRAIN  0x40000800UL
+#define ISLARGE     0x40001000UL
+#define ISSMALL     0x40002000UL
+#define CANSTAB     0x40004000UL
+#define ISFLOCK     0x40008000UL
+#define ISSWARM     0x40010000UL
+#define CANSTICK    0x40020000UL
+#define CANTANGLE   0x40040000UL
+#define DRAINMAGIC  0x40080000UL
+#define SHOOTNEEDLE 0x40100000UL
+#define CANZAP      0x40200000UL
+#define HASARMOR    0x40400000UL
+#define CANTELEPORT 0x40800000UL
+#define ISBERSERK   0x41000000UL
+#define ISFAMILIAR  0x42000000UL
+#define HASFAMILIAR 0x44000000UL
+#define SUMMONING   0x48000000UL
+#define CANREFLECT  0x50000001UL
+#define LOWFRIENDLY 0x50000002UL
+#define MEDFRIENDLY 0x50000004UL
+#define HIGHFRIENDLY    0x50000008UL
+#define MAGICATTRACT    0x50000010UL
+#define ISGOD       0x50000020UL
+#define CANLIGHT    0x50000040UL
+#define HASSHIELD   0x50000080UL
+#define HASMSHIELD  0x50000100UL
+#define LOWCAST     0x50000200UL
+#define MEDCAST     0x50000400UL
+#define HIGHCAST    0x50000800UL
+#define WASSUMMONED 0x50001000UL
+#define HASSUMMONED 0x50002000UL
+#define CANTRUESEE  0x50004000UL
+#define FLAGSHIFT       28UL
+#define FLAGINDEX       0x0000000fL
+#define FLAGMASK        0x0fffffffL
+/* on - check if a monster flag is on */
+#define on(th, flag) \
+        ((th).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & (flag & FLAGMASK))
+/* off - check if a monster flag is off */
+#define off(th, flag) \
+        (!((th).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & (flag & FLAGMASK)))
+/* turn_on - turn on a monster flag */
+#define turn_on(th, flag) \
+        ( (th).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] |= (flag & FLAGMASK))
+/* turn_off - turn off a monster flag */
+#define turn_off(th, flag) \
+        ( (th).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] &= ~(flag & FLAGMASK))
+#define SAME_POS(c1,c2) ( (c1.x == c2.x) && (c1.y == c2.y) )
+/* types of things */
+/* All magic spells duplicate a potion, scroll, or stick effect */
+#define TYP_POTION  0
+#define TYP_SCROLL  1
+#define TYP_RING    2
+#define TYP_STICK   3
+#define MAXMAGICTYPES   4   /* max number of items in magic class */
+#define MAXMAGICITEMS   50  /* max number of items in magic class */
+#define TYP_FOOD    4
+#define TYP_WEAPON  5
+#define TYP_ARMOR   6
+#define TYP_ARTIFACT    7
+#define NUMTHINGS   (sizeof(things) / sizeof(struct magic_item))
+/* Artifact types */
+#define TR_PURSE    0
+#define TR_PHIAL    1
+#define TR_AMULET   2
+#define TR_PALANTIR 3
+#define TR_CROWN    4
+#define TR_SCEPTRE  5
+#define TR_SILMARIL 6
+#define TR_WAND     7
+#define MAXARTIFACT (sizeof(arts) / sizeof(struct init_artifact))
+/* Artifact flags */
+#define ISUSED      01
+#define ISACTIVE    02
+/* Potion types - add also to magic_item.c and potions.c */
+#define P_CLEAR     0
+#define P_GAINABIL  1
+#define P_SEEINVIS  2
+#define P_HEALING   3
+#define P_MONSTDET  4
+#define P_TREASDET  5
+#define P_RAISELEVEL    6
+#define P_HASTE     7
+#define P_RESTORE   8
+#define P_PHASE     9
+#define P_INVIS     10
+#define P_SMELL     11
+#define P_HEAR      12
+#define P_SHERO     13
+#define P_DISGUISE  14
+#define P_FIRERESIST    15
+#define P_COLDRESIST    16
+#define P_HASOXYGEN 17
+#define P_LEVITATION    18
+#define P_REGENERATE    19
+#define P_SHIELD    20
+#define P_TRUESEE   21
+#define MAXPOTIONS  22
+/* Scroll types - add also to magic_item.c and scrolls.c */
+#define S_CONFUSE   0
+#define S_MAP       1
+#define S_LIGHT     2
+#define S_HOLD      3
+#define S_SLEEP     4
+#define S_ENCHANT   5
+#define S_IDENTIFY  6
+#define S_SCARE     7
+#define S_GFIND     8
+#define S_SELFTELEP 9
+#define S_CREATE    10
+#define S_REMOVECURSE   11
+#define S_PETRIFY   12
+#define S_GENOCIDE  13
+#define S_CURING    14
+#define S_MAKEITEMEM    15
+#define S_PROTECT   16
+#define S_NOTHING   17
+#define S_SILVER    18
+#define S_OWNERSHIP 19
+#define S_FOODDET   20
+#define S_ELECTRIFY 21
+#define S_CHARM     22
+#define S_SUMMON    23
+#define S_REFLECT   24
+#define S_SUMFAMILIAR   25
+#define S_FEAR      26
+#define S_MSHIELD   27
+#define MAXSCROLLS  28
+/* Rod/Wand/Staff types - add also to magic_item.c and sticks.c */
+#define WS_LIGHT    0
+#define WS_HIT      1
+#define WS_ELECT    2
+#define WS_FIRE     3
+#define WS_COLD     4
+#define WS_POLYMORPH    5
+#define WS_MISSILE  6
+#define WS_SLOW_M   7
+#define WS_DRAIN    8
+#define WS_CHARGE   9
+#define WS_MONSTELEP    10
+#define WS_CANCEL   11
+#define WS_CONFMON  12
+#define WS_ANTIMATTER   14
+#define WS_PARALYZE 15
+#define WS_XENOHEALING  16
+#define WS_NOTHING  17
+#define WS_INVIS    18
+#define WS_BLAST    19
+#define WS_WEB      20
+#define WS_KNOCK    21
+#define WS_CLOSE    22
+#define MAXSTICKS   23
+/* Ring types */
+#define R_PROTECT   0
+#define R_ADDSTR    1
+#define R_SUSABILITY    2
+#define R_SEARCH    3
+#define R_SEEINVIS  4
+#define R_ALERT     5
+#define R_AGGR      6
+#define R_ADDHIT    7
+#define R_ADDDAM    8
+#define R_REGEN     9
+#define R_DIGEST    10
+#define R_TELEPORT  11
+#define R_STEALTH   12
+#define R_ADDINTEL  13
+#define R_ADDWISDOM 14
+#define R_HEALTH    15
+#define R_VREGEN    16
+#define R_LIGHT     17
+#define R_DELUSION  18
+#define R_CARRYING  19
+#define R_ADORNMENT 20
+#define R_LEVITATION    21
+#define R_FIRERESIST    22
+#define R_COLDRESIST    23
+#define R_ELECTRESIST   24
+#define R_RESURRECT 25
+#define R_BREATHE   26
+#define R_FREEDOM   27
+#define R_WIZARD    28
+#define R_PIETY     29
+#define R_TELCONTROL    30
+#define R_TRUESEE   31
+#define MAXRINGS    32
+/* Weapon types */
+#define SLING       0   /* sling */
+#define ROCK        1   /* rocks */
+#define BULLET      2   /* sling bullet */
+#define BOW     3   /* short bow */
+#define ARROW       4   /* arrow */
+#define SILVERARROW 5   /* silver arrows */
+#define FLAMEARROW  6   /* flaming arrows */
+#define FOOTBOW     7   /* footbow */
+#define FBBOLT      8   /* footbow bolt */
+#define CROSSBOW    9   /* crossbow */
+#define BOLT        10  /* crossbow bolt */
+#define DART        11  /* darts */
+#define DAGGER      12  /* dagger */
+#define HAMMER      13  /* hammer */
+#define LEUKU       14  /* leuku */
+#define JAVELIN     15  /* javelin */
+#define TOMAHAWK    16  /* tomahawk */
+#define MACHETE     17  /* machete */
+#define THROW_AXE   18  /* throwing axe */
+#define SHORT_SPEAR 19  /* spear */
+#define BOOMERANG   20  /* boomerangs */
+#define LONG_SPEAR  21  /* spear */
+#define SHURIKEN    22  /* shurikens */
+#define MOLOTOV     23  /* molotov cocktails */
+#define GRENADE     24  /* grenade for explosions */
+#define CLUB        25  /* club */
+#define PITCHFORK   26  /* pitchfork */
+#define SHORT_SWORD 27  /* short sword */
+#define HAND_AXE    28  /* hand axe */
+#define PARTISAN    29  /* partisan */
+#define GRAIN_FLAIL 30  /* grain flail */
+#define SINGLESTICK 31  /* singlestick */
+#define RAPIER      32  /* rapier */
+#define SICKLE      33  /* sickle */
+#define HATCHET     34  /* hatchet */
+#define SCIMITAR    35  /* scimitar */
+#define LIGHT_MACE  36  /* mace */
+#define MORNINGSTAR 37  /* morning star */
+#define BROAD_SWORD 38  /* broad sword */
+#define MINER_PICK  39  /* miner's pick */
+#define GUISARME    40  /* guisarme */
+#define WAR_FLAIL   41  /* war flail */
+#define CRYSKNIFE   42  /* crysknife */
+#define BATTLE_AXE  43  /* battle axe */
+#define CUTLASS     44  /* cutlass sword */
+#define GLAIVE      45  /* glaive */
+#define PERTUSKA    46  /* pertuska */
+#define LONG_SWORD  47  /* long sword */
+#define LANCE       48  /* lance */
+#define RANSEUR     49  /* ranseur */
+#define SABRE       50  /* sabre */
+#define SPETUM      51  /* spetum */
+#define HALBERD     52  /* halberd */
+#define TRIDENT     53  /* trident */
+#define WAR_PICK    54  /* war pick */
+#define BARDICHE    55  /* bardiche */
+#define HEAVY_MACE  56  /* mace */
+#define SCYTHE      57  /* great scythe */
+#define QUARTERSTAFF    58  /* quarter staff */
+#define BAST_SWORD  59  /* bastard sword */
+#define PIKE        60  /* pike */
+#define TWO_FLAIL   61  /* two-handed flail */
+#define TWO_MAUL    62  /* two-handed maul */
+#define TWO_PICK    63  /* two-handed pick */
+#define TWO_SWORD   64  /* two-handed sword */
+#define CLAYMORE    65  /* claymore sword */
+#define MAXWEAPONS  (sizeof(weaps) / sizeof(struct init_weps))
+#define NONE        100 /* no weapon */
+/* Armor types */
+#define SOFT_LEATHER    0
+#define CUIRBOLILLI 1
+#define HEAVY_LEATHER   2
+#define RING_MAIL   3
+#define SCALE_MAIL  5
+#define PADDED_ARMOR    6
+#define CHAIN_MAIL  7
+#define BRIGANDINE  8
+#define SPLINT_MAIL 9
+#define BANDED_MAIL 10
+#define GOOD_CHAIN  11
+#define PLATE_MAIL  12
+#define PLATE_ARMOR 13
+#define MITHRIL     14
+#define CRYSTAL_ARMOR   15
+#define MAXARMORS   (sizeof(armors) / sizeof(struct init_armor))
+/* Food types */
+#define FD_RATION   0
+#define FD_FRUIT    1
+#define FD_CRAM     2
+#define FD_CAKES    3
+#define FD_LEMBA    4
+#define FD_MIRUVOR  5
+#define MAXFOODS    (sizeof(fd_data) / sizeof(struct magic_item))
+/* stuff to do with encumberance */
+#define F_OK        0   /* have plenty of food in stomach */
+#define F_HUNGRY    1   /* player is hungry */
+#define F_WEAK      2   /* weak from lack of food */
+#define F_FAINT     3   /* fainting from lack of food */
+/* return values for get functions */
+#define NORM    0       /* normal exit */
+#define QUIT    1       /* quit option setting */
+#define MINUS   2       /* back up one option */
+/* These are the types of inventory styles. */
+#define INV_SLOW    0
+#define INV_OVER    1
+#define INV_CLEAR   2
+/* These will eventually become enumerations */
+#define MESSAGE     TRUE
+#define POINTS      TRUE
+#define NOPOINTS    FALSE
+#define WANDER      TRUE
+#define NOWANDER    FALSE
+#define GRAB        TRUE
+#define NOGRAB      FALSE
+#define FAMILIAR    TRUE
+#define MAXSTATS    TRUE
+#define FORCE       TRUE
+#define NOFORCE     FALSE
+#define THROWN      TRUE
+#define NOTHROWN    FALSE
+/* Ways to die */
+#define D_PETRIFY   -1
+#define D_ARROW     -2
+#define D_DART      -3
+#define D_POISON    -4
+#define D_BOLT      -5
+#define D_SUFFOCATION   -6
+#define D_POTION    -7
+#define D_INFESTATION   -8
+#define D_DROWN     -9
+#define D_FALL      -10
+#define D_FIRE      -11
+#define D_SPELLFUMBLE   -12
+#define D_DRAINLIFE -13
+#define D_ARTIFACT  -14
+#define D_GODWRATH  -15
+#define D_CLUMSY    -16
+/* values for games end */
+#define SCOREIT -1
+#define KILLED   0
+#define CHICKEN  1
+#define WINNER   2
+#define TOTAL    3
+ * definitions for function step_ok: MONSTOK indicates it is OK to step on a
+ * monster -- it is only OK when stepping diagonally AROUND a monster
+ */
+#define MONSTOK 1
+#define NOMONST 2
+#define good_monster(m) (on(m, ISCHARMED) || \
+            on(m, ISFRIENDLY) || \
+            on(m, ISFAMILIAR))
+/* Now we define the structures and types */
+/* level types */
+typedef enum
+    NORMLEV,        /* normal level */
+    POSTLEV,        /* trading post level */
+    MAZELEV,        /* maze level */
+    THRONE          /* unique monster's throne room */
+/* Help list */
+struct h_list
+    char        h_ch;
+    char        *h_desc;
+/* Coordinate data type */
+typedef struct
+    int     x;
+    int     y;
+} coord;
+/* Linked list data type */
+typedef struct linked_list
+    struct linked_list  *l_next;
+    struct linked_list  *l_prev;
+    union
+    {
+        struct object *obj;
+        struct thing  *th;
+        void *l_data;
+    } data;
+} linked_list;
+/* Stuff about magic items */
+struct magic_item
+    char   *mi_name;
+    char   *mi_abrev;
+    int     mi_prob;
+    long    mi_worth;
+    int     mi_curse;
+    int     mi_bless;
+/* Room structure */
+struct room
+    coord   r_pos;      /* Upper left corner */
+    coord   r_max;      /* Size of room */
+    coord   r_exit[MAXDOORS];   /* Where the exits are */
+    int     r_flags;    /* Info about the room */
+    int     r_nexits;   /* Number of exits */
+    short   r_fires;    /* Number of fires in room */
+/* Initial artifact stats */
+struct init_artifact
+    char   *ar_name;   /* name of the artifact */
+    int     ar_level;   /* first level where it appears */
+    int     ar_rings;   /* number of ring effects */
+    int     ar_potions; /* number of potion effects */
+    int     ar_scrolls; /* number of scroll effects */
+    int     ar_wands;   /* number of wand effects */
+    int     ar_worth;   /* gold pieces */
+    int     ar_weight;  /* weight of object */
+/* Array of all traps on this level */
+struct trap
+    coord       tr_pos;     /* Where trap is */
+    long        tr_flags;   /* Info about trap (i.e. ISFOUND) */
+    char        tr_type;    /* What kind of trap */
+    char        tr_show;    /* What disguised trap looks like */
+/* Structure describing a fighting being */
+struct stats
+    char   *s_dmg;     /* String describing damage done */
+    long    s_exp;      /* Experience */
+    long    s_hpt;      /* Hit points */
+    int     s_pack;     /* current weight of his pack */
+    int     s_carry;    /* max weight he can carry */
+    int     s_lvl;      /* Level of mastery */
+    int     s_arm;      /* Armor class */
+    int     s_acmod;    /* Armor clss modifier */
+    int     s_power;    /* Spell points */
+    int     s_str;      /* Strength */
+    int     s_intel;    /* Intelligence */
+    int     s_wisdom;   /* Wisdom */
+    int     s_dext;     /* Dexterity */
+    int     s_const;    /* Constitution */
+    int     s_charisma; /* Charisma */
+/* Structure describing a fighting being (monster at initialization) */
+struct mstats
+    short s_str;        /* Strength */
+    long  s_exp;        /* Experience */
+    int   s_lvl;        /* Level of mastery */
+    int   s_arm;    /* Armor class */
+    char *s_hpt;        /* Hit points */
+    char *s_dmg;        /* String describing damage done */
+/* Structure for monsters and player */
+    NOTE: In initial v1.04 code the t_chasee variable will be
+          reset during the save/restore process. Eventually
+          need to implement a "thing" manager where I can
+          refer to "things" by number such that references
+          to them can be saved. Problems exist with regard
+          to removing references to "things" that have been
+          killed.
+typedef struct thing
+    long   chasee_index, horde_index; /* Used in save/rest process */
+    struct linked_list  *t_pack;    /* What the thing is carrying */
+    struct stats    t_stats;    /* Physical description */
+    struct stats    maxstats;   /* maximum(or initial) stats */
+    int           t_ischasing;  /* Are we chasing someone? */
+    struct thing *t_chasee;     /* Who are we chasing */
+    struct object *t_horde;     /* What are we hordeing */
+    coord      t_pos;      /* Cuurent Position */
+    coord      t_oldpos;   /* Last Position    */
+    coord      t_nxtpos;   /* Next Position    */
+    long       t_flags[16];    /* State word */
+    int        t_praycnt;  /* Times prayed... */
+    int        t_trans;    /* # of transactions at post */
+    int        t_turn;     /* If slowed, is it a turn to move */
+    int        t_wasshot;  /* Was character shot last round? */
+    int        t_ctype;    /* Character type */
+    int        t_index;    /* Index into monster table */
+    int        t_no_move;  /* How long the thing can't move */
+    int        t_rest_hpt; /* used in hit point regeneration */
+    int        t_rest_pow; /* used in spell point regeneration */
+    int        t_doorgoal; /* What door are we heading to? */
+    char       t_type;     /* What it is */
+    char       t_disguise; /* What mimic looks like */
+    char       t_oldch;    /* Character that was where it was */
+} thing;
+/* Array containing information on all the various types of monsters */
+struct monster
+    char         *m_name;    /* What to call the monster */
+    short         m_carry;    /* Probability of carrying something */
+    int           m_normal;   /* Does monster exist? */
+    int           m_wander;   /* Does monster wander? */
+    char          m_appear;   /* What does monster look like? */
+    char         *m_intel;   /* Intelligence range */
+    unsigned long          m_flags[16];    /* Things about the monster */
+    char         *m_typesum; /* type of creature can he summon */
+    short         m_numsum;   /* how many creatures can he summon */
+    short         m_add_exp;  /* Added experience per hit point */
+    struct mstats m_stats;    /* Initial stats */
+/* Structure for a thing that the rogue can carry */
+typedef struct object
+    coord       o_pos;      /* Where it lives on the screen */
+    struct linked_list  *next_obj;  /* The next obj. for stacked objects */
+    struct linked_list  *o_bag; /* bag linked list pointer */
+    char        *o_text;    /* What it says if you read it */
+    char        *o_damage;  /* Damage if used like sword */
+    char        *o_hurldmg; /* Damage if thrown */
+    long        o_flags;    /* Information about objects */
+    long        ar_flags;   /* general flags */
+    char     o_type;     /* What kind of object it is */
+    int     o_ident;    /* identifier for object */
+    unsigned int     o_count;    /* Count for plural objects */
+    int     o_which;    /* Which object of a type it is */
+    int     o_hplus;    /* Plusses to hit */
+    int     o_dplus;    /* Plusses to damage */
+    int     o_ac;       /* Armor class */
+    int     o_group;    /* Group number for this object */
+    int     o_weight;   /* weight of this object */
+    char        o_launch;   /* What you need to launch it */
+    char        o_mark[MARKLEN];    /* Mark the specific object */
+    long o_worth;
+}       object;
+/* weapon structure */
+struct init_weps
+    char        *w_name;    /* name of weapon */
+    char        *w_dam;     /* hit damage */
+    char        *w_hrl;     /* hurl damage */
+    char        w_launch;   /* need to launch it */
+    int         w_wght;     /* weight of weapon */
+    long        w_worth;    /* worth of this weapon */
+    long        w_flags;    /* flags */
+/* armor structure */
+struct init_armor
+    char        *a_name;    /* name of armor */
+    long        a_worth;    /* worth of armor */
+    int     a_prob;     /* chance of getting armor */
+    int     a_class;    /* normal armor class */
+    int     a_wght;     /* weight of armor */
+struct matrix
+    int     base;   /* Base to-hit value (AC 10) */
+    int     max_lvl;/* Maximum level for changing value */
+    int     factor; /* Amount base changes each time */
+    int     offset; /* What to offset level */
+    int     range;  /* Range of levels for each offset */
+    ANSI C Prototype Additions
+/* armor.c */
+extern void wear(void);
+extern void take_off(void);
+extern void waste_time(void);
+extern int  wear_ok(struct thing *th, struct object *obj, int print_message);
+/* artifact.c */
+extern void apply(void);
+extern int possessed(int artifact);
+extern int is_carrying(int artifact);
+extern int make_artifact(void);
+extern struct object *new_artifact(int which, struct object *cur);
+extern void do_minor(struct object *obj);
+extern void do_major(void);
+extern void do_phial(void);
+extern void do_palantir(void);
+extern void do_sceptre(void);
+extern void do_silmaril(void);
+extern void do_amulet(void);
+extern void do_bag(struct object *obj);
+extern void do_wand(void);
+extern void do_crown(void);
+extern void level_eval(void);
+/* bag.c */
+typedef union
+    void *varg;
+    int  *iarg;
+    struct object *obj;
+} bag_arg;
+extern struct object *apply_to_bag(struct linked_list *bag_p, int type,
+                    int (*bff_p)(struct object *obj, bag_arg *arg),
+                    int (*baf_p)(struct object *obj, bag_arg *arg, int id),
+                    void *user_arg);
+extern int count_bag(linked_list *bag_p, int type,
+                    int (*bff_p)(struct object *obj, bag_arg *arg));
+extern void del_bag(linked_list *bag_p, object *obj_p);
+extern struct object *pop_bag(linked_list **bag_pp, object *obj_p);
+extern void push_bag(linked_list **bag_pp, object *obj_p);
+extern struct object *scan_bag(linked_list *bag_p, int type, int id);
+extern struct object *select_bag(linked_list *bag_p, int type,
+                    int (*bff_p)(struct object *obj, bag_arg *arg), int index);
+/* chase.c */
+extern void do_chase(struct thing *th, int flee);
+extern void chase_it(coord *runner, struct thing *th);
+extern void runto(void);/* coord *runner, coord *spot); */
+extern int chase(struct thing *tp, coord *ee, int flee);
+extern struct room *roomin(coord cp);
+extern struct linked_list *find_mons(int y, int x);
+extern struct linked_list *f_mons_a(int y, int x, int hit_bad);
+extern int diag_ok(coord *sp, coord *ep, struct thing *flgptr);
+extern int cansee(int y, int x);
+extern coord *find_shoot(struct thing *tp, coord *dir);
+extern coord *can_shoot(coord *er, coord *ee, coord *dir);
+extern int straight_shot(int ery, int erx, int eey, int eex, coord *dir);
+extern struct linked_list *get_hurl(struct thing *tp);
+extern struct object *pick_weap(struct thing *tp);
+extern int can_blink(struct thing *tp);
+/* command.c */
+extern char  fight_ch;
+extern char  countch;
+extern void command(void);
+extern void do_after_effects(void);
+extern void make_omnipotent(void);
+extern void quit_handler(int sig);
+extern void quit(void);
+extern void search(int is_thief);
+extern void help(void);
+extern void identify(void);
+extern void d_level(void);
+extern void u_level(void);
+extern void call(int mark);
+extern int  att_bonus(void);
+/* daemon.c */
+extern int demoncnt;
+struct delayed_action
+    int d_type;
+    int d_when;
+    int d_id;
+    void *d_arg;
+    int d_time;
+#define EMPTY  0
+#define DAEMON 1
+#define FUSE   2
+typedef void fuse;
+typedef void daemon;
+typedef union
+    void *varg;
+    int  *iarg;
+    struct linked_list *ll;
+} fuse_arg;
+typedef union
+    void *varg;
+    int  *iarg;
+    struct thing *thingptr;
+} daemon_arg;
+struct fuse
+    int index;
+    fuse (*func)(fuse_arg *arg);
+struct daemon
+    int index;
+    daemon (*func)(daemon_arg *arg);
+#define MAXDAEMONS 60
+#define FUSE_NULL          0
+#define FUSE_SWANDER       1
+#define FUSE_UNCONFUSE     2
+#define FUSE_UNSCENT       3
+#define FUSE_SCENT         4
+#define FUSE_UNHEAR        5
+#define FUSE_HEAR          6
+#define FUSE_UNSEE         7
+#define FUSE_UNSTINK       8
+#define FUSE_UNCLRHEAD     9
+#define FUSE_UNPHASE      10
+#define FUSE_SIGHT        11
+#define FUSE_NOHASTE      13
+#define FUSE_NOSLOW       14
+#define FUSE_SUFFOCATE    15
+#define FUSE_UNITCH       17
+#define FUSE_APPEAR       18
+#define FUSE_UNBHERO      20
+#define FUSE_UNSHERO      21
+#define FUSE_UNXRAY       22
+#define FUSE_UNDISGUISE   23
+#define FUSE_SHERO        24
+#define FUSE_WGHTCHK      25
+#define FUSE_UNSUMMON     26
+#define FUSE_UNGAZE       27
+#define FUSE_UNCOLD       28
+#define FUSE_UNHOT        29
+#define FUSE_UNFLY        30
+#define FUSE_UNBREATHE    31
+#define FUSE_UNREGEN      32
+#define FUSE_UNSUPEREAT   33
+#define FUSE_UNSHIELD     34
+#define FUSE_UNMSHIELD    35
+#define FUSE_UNTRUESEE    36
+#define FUSE_MAX          37
+#define DAEMON_NULL       0
+#define DAEMON_DOCTOR     1
+#define DAEMON_ROLLWAND   2
+#define DAEMON_STOMACH    3
+#define DAEMON_RUNNERS    4
+#define DAEMON_MAX        5
+extern struct delayed_action d_list[MAXDAEMONS];
+extern struct daemon daemons[DAEMON_MAX];
+extern struct fuse fuses[FUSE_MAX];
+extern struct delayed_action *d_slot(void);
+extern struct delayed_action *find_slot(int id, int type);
+extern void start_daemon(int id, void *arg, int whendo);
+extern void kill_daemon(int id);
+extern void do_daemons(int now);
+extern void light_fuse(int id, void *arg, int time, int whendo);
+extern void lengthen_fuse(int id, int xtime);
+extern void extinguish_fuse(int id);
+extern void do_fuses(int flag);
+extern void activity(void);
+/* daemons.c */
+extern void doctor_spell_points(struct thing *tp);
+extern daemon runners(daemon_arg *arg);
+extern daemon doctor(daemon_arg *tp);
+extern daemon rollwand(daemon_arg *arg);
+extern daemon stomach(daemon_arg *arg);
+extern fuse swander(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unconfuse(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unscent(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse scent(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unhear(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse hear(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unsee(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unstink(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unclrhead(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unphase(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse sight(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse res_strength(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse nohaste(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse noslow(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse suffocate(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse cure_disease(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse un_itch(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse appear(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unelectrify(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unshero(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unbhero(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse undisguise(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unsummon(fuse_arg *monst);
+extern fuse ungaze(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse shero(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse uncold(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unhot(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unfly(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unbreathe(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unregen(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unsupereat(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unshield(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse unmshield(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse untruesee(fuse_arg *arg);
+extern fuse wghtchk(fuse_arg *arg);
+/* encumb.h */
+extern void updpack(void);
+extern int  packweight(void);
+extern int  itemweight(struct object *wh);
+extern int  playenc(void);
+extern int  totalenc(void);
+extern int  hitweight(void);
+/* fight.c */
+extern void do_fight(coord dir, int tothedeath);
+extern int  fight(coord *mp, struct object *weap, int thrown);
+extern int  attack(struct thing *mp, struct object *weapon, int thrown);
+extern int  mon_mon_attack(struct thing *attacker, struct linked_list *mon,
+                           struct object *weapon, int thrown);
+extern int  swing(int class, int at_lvl, int op_arm, int wplus);
+extern void init_exp(void);
+extern int  next_exp_level(int print_message);
+extern void check_level(void);
+extern int  roll_em(struct thing *att_er, struct thing *def_er,
+                    struct object *weap, int thrown, struct object *cur_weapon);
+extern const char *prname(char *who);
+extern void  hit(char *ee);
+extern void  miss(char *ee);
+extern int   save_throw(int which, struct thing *tp);
+extern int   save(int which);
+extern int   dext_plus(int dexterity);
+extern int   dext_prot(int dexterity);
+extern int   str_plus(int str);
+extern int   add_dam(int str);
+extern int   hung_dam(void);
+extern void  raise_level(void);
+extern void  thunk(struct object *weap, char *mname);
+extern void  m_thunk(struct object *weap, char *mname);
+extern void  bounce(struct object *weap, char *mname);
+extern void  m_bounce(struct object *weap, char *mname);
+extern void  remove_monster(coord *mp, struct linked_list *item);
+extern int   is_magic(struct object *obj);
+extern void  killed(struct thing *killer,struct linked_list *item,
+                    int print_message, int give_points);
+extern struct object *wield_weap(struct object *weapon, struct thing *mp);
+extern void  summon_help(struct thing *mons, int force);
+extern int   maxdamage(char *cp);
+/* getplay.c */
+extern int   geta_player(void);
+extern void  puta_player(void);
+extern void  do_getplayer(void);
+extern void  print_stored(void);
+extern char *which_class(int c_class);
+/* ident.c */
+extern char    print_letters[];
+extern int     get_ident(struct object *obj_p);
+extern void    free_ident(struct object *obj_p);
+extern int     unprint_id(char *print_id);
+extern int     max_print(void);
+/* init.c */
+extern void init_materials(void);
+extern void init_player(void);
+extern void init_flags(void);
+extern void init_things(void);
+extern void init_fd(void);
+extern void init_colors(void);
+extern void init_names(void);
+extern void init_stones(void);
+extern void badcheck(char *name, struct magic_item *magic, int bound);
+/* io.c */
+extern int get_string(char *buffer, WINDOW *win);
+extern void msg(const char *fmt, ...);
+extern void addmsg(const char *fmt, ...);
+extern void endmsg(void);
+extern void doadd(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+extern char readchar(void);
+extern char readcharw(WINDOW *scr);
+extern void status(int display);
+extern void wait_for(int ch);
+extern void show_win(WINDOW *scr, char *message);
+extern void restscr(WINDOW *scr);
+extern void add_line(const char *fmt, ...);
+extern void end_line(void);
+extern void hearmsg(const char *fmt, ...);
+extern void seemsg(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* list.c */
+extern void *ur_alloc(size_t size);
+extern void  ur_free(void *buf_p);
+extern void  _detach(struct linked_list **list, struct linked_list *item);
+extern void  _attach(struct linked_list **list, struct linked_list *item);
+extern void  _attach_after(linked_list **list_pp, linked_list *list_p, linked_list *new_p);
+extern void  _free_list(struct linked_list **ptr);
+extern void  discard(struct linked_list *item);
+extern void  throw_away(struct object *ptr);
+extern struct linked_list *new_item(int size);
+extern void *new_alloc(size_t size);
+extern struct linked_list *new_list(void);
+/* magic.c */
+/* for printing out messages */
+#define CAST_NORMAL       0x000   /* cast normal version  */
+#define CAST_CURSED       0x001   /* cast cursed version  */
+#define CAST_BLESSED      0x002   /* cast blessed version */
+#define CAST_CROWN        0x010   /* crown helped out     */
+#define CAST_SEPTRE       0x020   /* septre helped out    */
+#define MAX_SPELLS          100   /* Max # sorted_spells  */
+#define MIN_FUMBLE_CHANCE     5
+#define MAX_FUMBLE_CHANCE    95
+/* Spells that a monster can cast */
+#define M_SELFTELEP    0
+#define M_HLNG2        1
+#define M_REGENERATE   2
+#define M_HLNG         3
+#define NUM_RUN        4
+#define M_HASTE        4
+#define M_SEEINVIS     5
+#define M_SHERO        6
+#define M_PHASE        7
+#define M_INVIS        8
+#define M_CANCEL       9
+#define M_OFFENSE     10
+struct spells
+    int sp_level;   /* level of casting spell */
+    int sp_which;   /* which scroll or potion */
+    unsigned long sp_flags;   /* scroll, blessed, known */
+    int sp_cost;    /* generated in incant()  */
+extern void incant(struct thing *caster, coord shoot_dir);
+extern char *spell_name(struct spells *sp, char *buf);
+extern char *spell_abrev(struct spells *sp, char *buf);
+extern void fumble_spell(struct thing *caster, int num_fumbles);
+extern void learn_new_spells(void);
+extern struct spells *pick_monster_spell(struct thing *caster);
+extern int sort_spells(const void *a, const void *b);
+/* magicitm.c */
+extern struct magic_item    things[];   /* Chances for each type of item*/
+extern struct magic_item    s_magic[];  /* Names and chances for scrolls*/
+extern struct magic_item    p_magic[];  /* Names and chances for potions*/
+extern struct magic_item    r_magic[];  /* Names and chances for rings  */
+extern struct magic_item    ws_magic[]; /* Names and chances for sticks */
+extern struct magic_item    fd_data[];  /* Names and chances for food   */
+extern struct init_weps     weaps[];    /* weapons and attributes   */
+extern struct init_armor    armors[];   /* armors and attributes    */
+extern struct init_artifact arts[];     /* artifacts and attributes     */
+extern int  maxarmors;
+extern int  maxartifact;
+extern int  maxfoods;
+extern int  maxpotions;
+extern int  maxrings;
+extern int  maxscrolls;
+extern int  maxsticks;
+extern int  maxweapons;
+extern int  numthings;
+extern char *s_names[];         /* Names of the scrolls */
+extern char *p_colors[];        /* Colors of the potions */
+extern char *r_stones[];        /* Stone settings of the rings */
+extern char *guess_items[MAXMAGICTYPES][MAXMAGICITEMS];
+                /* Players guess at what magic is */
+extern int know_items[MAXMAGICTYPES][MAXMAGICITEMS];
+                /* Does he know what a magic item does */
+extern char *ws_type[];     /* Is it a wand or a staff */
+extern char *ws_made[];     /* What sticks are made of */
+/* main.c */
+extern FILE *fd_score;
+extern int   summoned;
+extern coord dta;
+extern int   main(int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern void  fatal(char *s);
+extern int rnd(int range);
+extern unsigned char ucrnd(unsigned char range);
+extern short srnd(short range);
+extern unsigned long ulrnd(unsigned long range);
+extern int   roll(int number, int sides);
+/* maze.c */
+extern void do_maze(void);
+extern void draw_maze(void);
+extern char *moffset(int y, int x);
+extern char *foffset(int y, int x);
+extern int findcells(int y, int x);
+extern void rmwall(int newy, int newx, int oldy, int oldx);
+extern void crankout(void);
+/* memory.c */
+extern void  mem_debug(const int level);
+extern void  mem_tracking(int flag);
+extern int   mem_check(char *fname, int line);
+extern void *mem_malloc(const size_t bytes);
+extern void  mem_free(const void *ptr);
+extern void *mem_realloc(const void *ptr, const size_t new_size);
+extern int   mem_validate(const void *ptr);
+/* misc.c */
+extern char *tr_name(char ch, char *buf);
+extern void  look(int wakeup);
+extern char  secretdoor(int y, int x);
+extern struct linked_list *find_obj(int y, int x);
+extern void  eat(void);
+extern void  chg_str(int amt, int both, int lost);
+extern void  chg_dext(int amt, int both, int lost);
+extern void  add_haste(int blessed);
+extern void  aggravate(void);
+extern char  *vowelstr(char *str);
+extern int is_current(struct object *obj);
+extern int get_dir(void);
+extern int is_wearing(int type);
+extern int maze_view(int y, int x);
+extern void listen(void);
+extern void nothing_message(int flags);
+extern void feel_message(void);
+extern int const_bonus(void);
+extern int int_wis_bonus(void);
+extern void electrificate(void);
+extern void feed_me(int hungry_state);
+extern int get_monster_number(char *message);
+/* monsdata.c */
+extern struct monster monsters[];
+extern int nummonst;
+/* monsters.c */
+extern struct linked_list *summon_monster(int type, int familiar, int print_message);
+extern int randmonster(int wander, int grab);
+extern void new_monster(struct linked_list *item, int type, coord *cp, int max_monster);
+extern void wanderer(void);
+extern struct linked_list *wake_monster(int y, int x);
+extern void genocide(int flags);
+extern void id_monst(int monster);
+extern void check_residue(struct thing *tp);
+extern void sell(struct thing *tp);
+extern void carried_weapon(struct thing *owner, struct object *weapon);
+/* move.c */
+extern coord nh;
+extern void do_run(char ch);
+extern int  step_ok(int y, int x, int can_on_monst, struct thing *flgptr);
+extern void corr_move(int dy, int dx);
+extern void do_move(int dy, int dx);
+extern void light(coord *cp);
+extern int  blue_light(int flags);
+extern char  show(int y, int x);
+extern char be_trapped(struct thing *th, coord tc);
+extern void dip_it(void);
+extern struct trap *trap_at(int y, int x);
+extern void set_trap(struct thing *tp, int y, int x);
+extern coord rndmove(struct thing *who);
+extern int isatrap(int ch);
+/* newlvl.c */
+extern void new_level(LEVTYPE ltype, int special);
+extern void put_things(LEVTYPE ltype);
+extern int throne_monster;
+extern void do_throne(int special);
+extern void create_lucifer(coord *stairs);
+/* options.c */
+typedef union
+    void *varg;
+    char *str;
+    int  *iarg;
+} opt_arg;
+struct optstruct
+    char    *o_name;    /* option name */
+    char    *o_prompt;  /* prompt for interactive entry */
+    opt_arg o_opt;     /* pointer to thing to set */
+    void    (*o_putfunc)(opt_arg *arg,WINDOW *win);/* func to print value */
+    int     (*o_getfunc)(opt_arg *arg,WINDOW *win);/* func to get value  */
+typedef struct optstruct    OPTION;
+extern void parse_opts(char *str);
+extern void option(void);
+extern void put_bool(opt_arg *iarg, WINDOW *win);
+extern void put_str(opt_arg *str, WINDOW *win);
+extern void put_abil(opt_arg *ability, WINDOW *win);
+extern void put_inv(opt_arg *inv, WINDOW *win);
+extern int  get_bool(opt_arg *bp, WINDOW *win);
+extern int  get_str(opt_arg *opt, WINDOW *win);
+extern int  get_abil(opt_arg *abil, WINDOW *win);
+extern int  get_inv(opt_arg *inv, WINDOW *win);
+/* pack.c */
+extern void swap_top(struct linked_list *top, struct linked_list *node);
+extern void get_all(struct linked_list *top);
+extern struct linked_list *get_stack(struct linked_list *item);
+extern int add_pack(struct linked_list  *item, int print_message);
+extern void pack_report(object *obj, int print_message, char *message);
+extern void inventory(struct linked_list *container, int type);
+extern void pick_up(char ch);
+extern struct object *get_object(struct linked_list *container, char *purpose, int type, int (*bff_p)(struct object *obj, bag_arg *junk) );
+extern struct linked_list *get_item(char *purpose, int type);
+extern void del_pack(struct linked_list *what);
+extern void discard_pack(struct object *obj_p);
+extern void rem_pack(struct object *obj_p);
+extern void cur_null(struct object *op);
+extern void idenpack(void);
+extern void show_floor(void);
+/* passages.c */
+struct rdes
+    int conn[MAXROOMS];     /* possible to connect to room i? */
+    int isconn[MAXROOMS];   /* connection been made to room i? */
+    int ingraph;            /* this room in graph already? */
+extern void do_passages(void);
+extern void conn(int r1, int r2);
+extern void door(struct room *rm, coord *cp);
+/* player.c */
+extern void prayer(void);
+extern int  gsense(void);
+extern int  is_stealth(struct thing *tp);
+extern void steal(void);
+extern void affect(void);
+extern void undead_sense(void);
+/* potions.c */
+extern void quaff(struct thing *quaffer, int which, int flag);
+extern void lower_level(int who);
+extern void res_dexterity(void);
+extern void res_wisdom(void);
+extern void res_intelligence(void);
+extern void add_strength(int cursed);
+extern void add_intelligence(int cursed);
+extern void add_wisdom(int cursed);
+extern void add_dexterity(int cursed);
+extern void add_const(int cursed);
+extern void monquaff(struct thing *quaffer, int which, int flag);
+/* properti.c */
+extern int baf_print_item(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *type, int id);
+extern int baf_identify(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk, int id);
+extern int baf_curse(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk, int id);
+extern int baf_decrement_test(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *count_p, int id);
+extern int baf_increment(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *count_p, int id);
+extern int bafcweapon(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk, int id);
+extern int bafcarmor(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk, int id);
+extern int bff_group(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *new_obj_p);
+extern int bff_callable(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk);
+extern int bff_markable(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk);
+extern int bffron(object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk);
+extern int bff_zappable(struct object *obj_p, bag_arg *junk);
+/* random.c */
+extern void ur_srandom(unsigned x);
+extern long ur_random(void);
+/* rings.c */
+extern void ring_on(void);
+extern void ring_off(void);
+extern int ring_eat(int hand);
+extern char *ring_num(struct object *obj, char *buf);
+extern int   ring_value(int type);
+/* rip.c */
+extern void death(int monst);
+extern void score(long amount, int lvl, int flags, int monst);
+extern void total_winner(void);
+extern char *killname(int monst, char *buf);
+extern void showpack(char *howso);
+extern void byebye(void);
+extern int  save_resurrect(int bonus);
+/* rogue.c */
+extern const char *monstern;
+extern const struct h_list helpstr[];
+extern const char *cnames[][15];      /* Character level names */
+extern char *spacemsg;
+extern char *morestr;
+extern char *retstr;
+/* state.c */
+extern int mpos;           /* Where cursor is on top line */
+extern struct trap    traps[];
+extern struct room    rooms[];      /* One for each room -- A level */
+extern struct thing   player;       /* The rogue */
+extern struct thing  *beast;        /* The last monster attacking */
+extern struct object *cur_armor;    /* What a well dresssed rogue wears */
+extern struct object *cur_weapon;   /* Which weapon he is wielding */
+extern struct object *cur_ring[];   /* What rings are being worn */
+extern struct linked_list *fam_ptr;     /* A ptr to the familiar */
+extern struct linked_list *lvl_obj;     /* List of objects on this level */
+extern struct linked_list *mlist;       /* List of monsters on the level */
+extern struct linked_list *curr_mons;   /* The mons. currently moving */
+extern struct linked_list *next_mons;   /* The mons. after curr_mons */
+extern int  prscore;    /* Print scores */
+extern int  prversion;  /* Print version info */
+extern WINDOW   *cw;            /* Window that the player sees */
+extern WINDOW   *hw;            /* Used for the help command */
+extern WINDOW   *mw;            /* Used to store mosnters */
+extern LEVTYPE  levtype;
+extern coord    delta;          /* Change indicated to get_dir() */
+extern char *release;       /* Release number of rogue */
+extern char *lastfmt;
+extern char *lastarg;
+extern unsigned long    total;      /* Total dynamic memory bytes */
+extern long purse;         /* How much gold the rogue has */
+extern int line_cnt;       /* Counter for inventory style */
+extern int newpage;
+extern int resurrect;      /* resurrection counter */
+extern int foodlev;        /* how fast he eats food */
+extern int see_dist;       /* (how far he can see)^2 */
+extern int level;          /* What level rogue is on */
+extern int ntraps;         /* Number of traps on this level */
+extern int no_command;     /* Number of turns asleep */
+extern int no_food;        /* Number of levels without food */
+extern int count;          /* Number of times to repeat command */
+extern int dnum;           /* Dungeon number */
+extern int max_level;      /* Deepest player has gone */
+extern int food_left;      /* Amount of food in hero's stomach */
+extern int group;          /* Current group number */
+extern int hungry_state;       /* How hungry is he */
+extern int infest_dam;     /* Damage from parasites */
+extern int lost_str;       /* Amount of strength lost */
+extern int lost_dext;      /* amount of dexterity lost */
+extern int hold_count;     /* Number of monsters holding player */
+extern int trap_tries;     /* Number of attempts to set traps */
+extern int has_artifact;       /* set for possesion of artifacts */
+extern int picked_artifact;    /* set for any artifacts picked up */
+extern int msg_index;      /* pointer to current message buffer */
+extern int luck;           /* how expensive things to buy thing */
+extern int fam_type;       /* Type of familiar */
+extern int times_prayed;       /* The number of time prayed */
+extern int mons_summoned;      /* Number of summoned monsters */
+extern int char_type;      /* what type of character is player */
+extern int pool_teleport;      /* just teleported from a pool */
+extern int inwhgt;         /* true if from wghtchk() */
+extern int running;        /* True if player is running */
+extern int fighting;       /* True if player is fighting */
+extern int playing;        /* True until he quits */
+extern int wizard;         /* True if allows wizard commands */
+extern int wiz_verbose;        /* True if show debug messages */
+extern int after;          /* True if we want after daemons */
+extern int fight_flush;        /* True if toilet input */
+extern int terse;          /* True if we should be short */
+extern int doorstop;       /* Stop running when we pass a door */
+extern int jump;           /* Show running as series of jumps */
+extern int door_stop;      /* Current status of doorstop */
+extern int firstmove;      /* First move after setting door_stop */
+extern int waswizard;      /* Was a wizard sometime */
+extern int canwizard;      /* Will be permitted to do this */
+extern int askme;          /* Ask about unidentified things */
+extern int moving;         /* move using 'm' command */
+extern int inv_type;       /* Inven style. Bool so options works */
+extern char take;           /* Thing the rogue is taking */
+extern char PLAYER;         /* what the player looks like */
+extern char prbuf[];        /* Buffer for sprintfs */
+extern char runch;          /* Direction player is running */
+extern char whoami[];       /* Name of player */
+extern char fruit[];        /* Favorite fruit */
+extern char msgbuf[10][2 * LINELEN];    /* message buffer */
+extern char file_name[];        /* Save file name */
+extern char score_file[];       /* Score file name */
+extern struct linked_list   *arrow, *bolt, *rock, *silverarrow, *fbbolt;
+extern struct linked_list   *bullet, *firearrow, *dart, *dagger, *shuriken;
+extern struct linked_list   *oil, *grenade;
+extern struct room  *oldrp;     /* Roomin(&oldpos) */
+extern void ur_write_thing(FILE *savef, struct thing *t);
+extern struct thing *ur_read_thing(FILE *savef);
+extern void ur_write_object_stack(FILE *savef, struct linked_list *l);
+extern void ur_write_bag(FILE *savef, struct linked_list *l);
+extern struct linked_list *ur_read_bag(FILE *savef);
+extern struct linked_list *ur_read_object_stack(FILE *savef);
+extern int restore_file(FILE *savef);
+/* rooms.c */
+extern void do_rooms(void);
+extern void draw_room(struct room *rp);
+extern void horiz(int cnt);
+extern void vert(int cnt);
+extern void rnd_pos(struct room *rp, coord *cp);
+extern int  rnd_room(void);
+/* save.c */
+extern int restore(char *file);
+extern int save_game(void);
+extern void save_file(FILE *savefd);
+/* scrolls.c */
+extern void read_scroll(struct thing *reader, int which, int flags);
+extern struct linked_list *creat_mons(struct thing *person,int monster,int message);
+extern int place_mons(int y, int x, coord *pos);
+extern int is_r_on(struct object *obj);
+extern void monread(struct thing *reader, int which, int flags);
+/* status.c */
+extern int has_defensive_spell(struct thing th);
+/* sticks.c */
+extern void fix_stick(struct object *cur);
+extern void do_zap(struct thing *zapper, int which, unsigned long flags);
+extern void drain(int ymin, int ymax, int xmin, int xmax);
+extern char *charge_str(struct object *obj, char *buf);
+extern void shoot_bolt(struct thing *shooter, coord start, coord dir, int get_points, int reason, char *name, int damage);
+extern void monster_do_zap(struct thing *zapper, int which, int flags);
+extern void cancel_player(int not_unique);
+/* things.c */
+extern char *inv_name(struct object *obj, int lowercase);
+extern void rem_obj(struct linked_list *item, int dis);
+extern void add_obj(struct linked_list *item, int y, int x);
+extern int  drop(struct linked_list *item);
+extern int dropcheck(struct object *op);
+extern struct linked_list *new_thing(void);
+extern struct linked_list *spec_item(char type, int which, int hit, int damage);
+extern int pick_one(struct magic_item *magic, int nitems);
+extern char *blesscurse(long flags);
+extern int extras(void);
+extern char *name_type(int type);
+extern linked_list *make_item(object *obj_p);
+extern int is_member(char *list_p, int member);
+/* trader.c */
+extern void do_post(void);
+extern void buy_it(char itemtype, int flags);
+extern void sell_it(void);
+extern void describe_it(struct object *obj);
+extern int  open_market(void);
+extern int  get_worth(struct object *obj);
+extern void trans_line(void);
+/* verify.c */
+extern void  verify_function(const char *file, const int line);
+/* vers.c */
+extern char *save_format;
+extern char *version;
+extern char *release;
+/* weapons.c */
+extern coord do_motion(int ob, int ydelta, int xdelta, struct thing *tp);
+extern void fall(struct thing *tp, struct linked_list *item, int pr, int
+extern int hit_monster(int y, int x, struct object *weapon, struct thing *thrower);
+extern int wield_ok(struct thing *wieldee, struct object *obj, int print_message);
+extern int shoot_ok(int ch);
+extern int fallpos(coord pos, coord *newpos);
+extern void wield(void);
+extern char *num(int n1, int n2, char *buf);
+extern void init_weapon(struct object *weap, int type);
+extern void missile(int ydelta, int xdelta, struct linked_list *item, struct thing *tp);
+/* wizard.c */
+extern void whatis(struct linked_list *what);
+extern void teleport(void);
+extern int passwd(void);
+/* mdport.c */
+char *md_strdup(const char *s);
+long md_random(void);
+void md_srandom(long seed);
+int md_readchar(WINDOW *win);
+#define NOOP(x) (x += 0)
+#define CCHAR(x) ( (char) (x & A_CHARTEXT) )
\ No newline at end of file