view srogue/init.c @ 296:000b1c5b8d63

UltraRogue: fix inventory collision after save and restore. Inventory letters are based on "identifiers" stored in objects' o_ident field. Identifiers are allocated by get_ident(), which keeps a list of objects that have them, to avoid giving the same identifier to multiple objects. The list is not stored in the savefile, so after restore, get_ident() was not aware of existing identifiers. This resulted in picked-up objects having the same inventory letters as objects restored from the file. The restore code now adds all objects with identifiers to the list.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Mon, 15 Jan 2018 20:20:35 -0500
parents 94a0d9dd5ce1
children e52a8a7ad4c5
line wrap: on
line source

 * initializate various things
 * @(#)init.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

int pinit(void);
void badcheck(char *name, struct magic_item *magic);

char *rainbow[NCOLORS] = {
	"Red",		"Blue",		"Green",	"Yellow",
	"Black",	"Brown",	"Orange",	"Pink",
	"Purple",	"Grey",		"White",	"Silver",
	"Gold",		"Violet",	"Clear",	"Vermilion",
	"Ecru",		"Turquoise","Magenta",	"Amber",
	"Topaz",	"Plaid",	"Tan",		"Tangerine",
	"Aquamarine", "Scarlet","Khaki",	"Crimson",
	"Indigo",	"Beige",	"Lavender",	"Saffron",

char *sylls[NSYLS] = {
	"a", "ab", "ag", "aks", "ala", "an", "ankh", "app", "arg", "arze",
	"ash", "ban", "bar", "bat", "bek", "bie", "bin", "bit", "bjor",
	"blu", "bot", "bu", "byt", "comp", "con", "cos", "cre", "dalf",
	"dan", "den", "do", "e", "eep", "el", "eng", "er", "ere", "erk",
	"esh", "evs", "fa", "fid", "for", "fri", "fu", "gan", "gar",
	"glen", "gop", "gre", "ha", "he", "hyd", "i", "ing", "ion", "ip",
	"ish", "it", "ite", "iv", "jo", "kho", "kli", "klis", "la", "lech",
	"man", "mar", "me", "mi", "mic", "mik", "mon", "mung", "mur",
	"nej", "nelg", "nep", "ner", "nes", "nes", "nih", "nin", "o", "od",
	"ood", "org", "orn", "ox", "oxy", "pay", "pet", "ple", "plu", "po",
	"pot","prok","re", "rea", "rhov", "ri", "ro", "rog", "rok", "rol",
	"sa", "san", "sat", "see", "sef", "seh", "shu", "ski", "sna",
	"sne", "snik", "sno", "so", "sol", "sri", "sta", "sun", "ta",
	"tab", "tem", "ther", "ti", "tox", "trol", "tue", "turs", "u",
	"ulk", "um", "un", "uni", "ur", "val", "viv", "vly", "vom", "wah",
	"wed", "werg", "wex", "whon", "wun", "xo", "y", "yot", "yu",
	"zant", "zap", "zeb", "zim", "zok", "zon", "zum",

char *stones[] = {
	"Agate",		"Alexandrite",	"Amethyst",
	"Azurite",		"Carnelian",	"Chrysoberyl",
	"Chrysoprase",	"Citrine",		"Diamond",
	"Emerald",		"Garnet",		"Hematite",
	"Jacinth",		"Jade",			"Kryptonite",
	"Lapus lazuli",	"Malachite",	"Moonstone",
	"Obsidian",		"Olivine",		"Onyx",
	"Opal",			"Pearl",		"Peridot",
	"Quartz",		"Rhodochrosite","Ruby",
	"Sapphire",		"Sardonyx",		"Serpintine",
	"Spinel",		"Tiger eye",	"Topaz",
	"Tourmaline",	"Turquoise",

char *wood[NWOOD] = {
	"Avocado wood",	"Balsa",	"Banyan",		"Birch",
	"Cedar",		"Cherry",	"Cinnibar",		"Dogwood",
	"Driftwood",	"Ebony",	"Eucalyptus",	"Hemlock",
	"Ironwood",		"Mahogany",	"Manzanita",	"Maple",
	"Oak",			"Pine",		"Redwood",		"Rosewood",
	"Teak",			"Walnut",	"Zebra wood", 	"Persimmon wood",

char *metal[NMETAL] = {
	"Aluminium",	"Bone",		"Brass",	"Bronze",
	"Copper",		"Chromium",	"Iron",		"Lead",
	"Magnesium",	"Pewter",	"Platinum",	"Steel",
	"Tin",			"Titanium",	"Zinc",

 * init_things:
 *	Initialize the probabilities for types of things
	struct magic_item *mi;
	 * init general things
	for (mi = &things[1]; mi < &things[NUMTHINGS]; mi++)
		mi->mi_prob += (mi-1)->mi_prob;
	badcheck("things", things);
	 * init armor things
	for (mi = &a_magic[1]; mi < &a_magic[MAXARMORS]; mi++)
		mi->mi_prob += (mi-1)->mi_prob;
	badcheck("armor", a_magic);
	 * init weapon stuff
	for (mi = &w_magic[1]; mi < &w_magic[MAXWEAPONS]; mi++)
		mi->mi_prob += (mi-1)->mi_prob;
	badcheck("weapon", w_magic);

 * init_colors:
 *	Initialize the potion color scheme for this time
	reg int i, j;
	reg char *str;
	bool used[NCOLORS];

	for (i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++)
		used[i] = FALSE;
	for (i = 0; i < MAXPOTIONS; i++) {
		do {
			j = rnd(NCOLORS);
		} until (!used[j]);
		used[j] = TRUE;
		p_colors[i] = rainbow[j];
		p_know[i] = FALSE;
		p_guess[i] = NULL;
		if (i > 0)
			p_magic[i].mi_prob += p_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
	badcheck("potions", p_magic);

 * init_names:
 *	Generate the names of the various scrolls
	reg int nsyl;
	reg char *cp, *sp;
	reg int i, nwords;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXSCROLLS; i++) {
		cp = prbuf;
		nwords = rnd(3)+1;
		while(nwords--)	{
			nsyl = rnd(3)+2;
			while(nsyl--) {
				sp = sylls[rnd(NSYLS)];
					*cp++ = *sp++;
			*cp++ = ' ';
		*--cp = '\0';
		s_names[i] = new(strlen(prbuf)+1);
		s_know[i] = FALSE;
		s_guess[i] = NULL;
		strcpy(s_names[i], prbuf);
		if (i > 0)
			s_magic[i].mi_prob += s_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
	badcheck("scrolls", s_magic);

 * init_stones:
 *	Initialize the ring stone setting scheme for this time

	reg int i, j;
	reg char *str;
	bool used[NSTONES];

	for (i = 0; i < NSTONES; i++)
		used[i] = FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXRINGS; i++) {
		do {
			j = rnd(NSTONES);
		} until (!used[j]);
		used[j] = TRUE;
		r_stones[i] = stones[j];
		r_know[i] = FALSE;
		r_guess[i] = NULL;
		if (i > 0)
			r_magic[i].mi_prob += r_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
	badcheck("rings", r_magic);

 * init_materials:
 *	Initialize the construction materials for wands and staffs

	int i, j;
	char *str;
	struct rod *rd;
	bool metused[NMETAL], woodused[NWOOD];

	for (i = 0; i < NWOOD; i++)
		woodused[i] = FALSE;
	for (i = 0; i < NMETAL; i++)
		metused[i] = FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXSTICKS; i++) {
		rd = &ws_stuff[i];
		for (;;)  {
			if (rnd(100) > 50) {
				j = rnd(NMETAL);
				if (!metused[j]) {
					str = metal[j];
					rd->ws_type = "wand";
					rd->ws_vol = V_WS_WAND;
					rd->ws_wght = W_WS_WAND;
					metused[j] = TRUE;
			else {
				j = rnd(NWOOD);
				if (!woodused[j]) {
					str = wood[j];
					rd->ws_type = "staff";
					rd->ws_vol = V_WS_STAFF;
					rd->ws_wght = W_WS_WAND;
					woodused[j] = TRUE;
		ws_stuff[i].ws_made = str;
		ws_know[i] = FALSE;
		ws_guess[i] = NULL;
		if (i > 0)
			ws_magic[i].mi_prob += ws_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
	badcheck("sticks", ws_magic);

badcheck(char *name, struct magic_item *magic)
	struct magic_item *mg;

	for (mg = magic; mg->mi_name != NULL; mg++)
	if ((mg - 1)->mi_prob == 1000)
	printf("\nBad percentages for %s:\n", name);
	for (mg = magic; mg->mi_name != NULL; mg++)
		printf("%4d%% %s\n", mg->mi_prob, mg->mi_name);
	printf("%s", retstr);
	while (getchar() != '\n')

 * init_player:
 *	roll up the rogue

	player.t_nomove = 0;
	player.t_nocmd = 0;
	him = &player.t_stats;
	him->s_lvl = 1;
	him->s_exp = 0L;
	him->s_maxhp = him->s_hpt = pinit();		/* hit points */
	him->s_re.a_str = pinit();		/* strength */
	him->s_re.a_dex = pinit();		/* dexterity */
	him->s_re.a_wis = pinit();		/* wisdom */
	him->s_re.a_con = pinit();		/* constitution */
	him->s_ef = him->s_re;			/* effective = real */
	strcpy(him->s_dmg, "1d4");
	him->s_arm = NORMAC;
	him->s_carry = totalenc();
	him->s_pack = 0;
	pack = NULL;				/* empty pack so far */
	max_stats = *him;

 * pinit:
 *	Returns the best 3 of 4 on a 6-sided die
	int best[4];
	reg int i, min, minind, dicetot;

	for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		best[i] = roll(1,6);	/* populate array */
	min = best[0];				/* assume that 1st entry */
	minind = 0;					/* is the lowest */
	for (i = 1 ; i < 4 ; i++) {	/* find the lowest */
		if (best[i] < min) {	/* if < minimum then update */
			min = best[i];
			minind = i;			/* point to lowest value */
	dicetot = 0;				/* start with nothing */
	for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
		if (i != minind)		/* if not minimum, then add it */
			dicetot += best[i];

 * init_everything:
 *	Set up all important stuff.
	init_player();			/* Roll up the rogue */
	init_things();			/* Set up probabilities */
	init_names();			/* Set up names of scrolls */
	init_colors();			/* Set up colors of potions */
	init_stones();			/* Set up stones in rings */
	init_materials();		/* Set up materials of wands */