view srogue/scrolls.c @ 296:000b1c5b8d63

UltraRogue: fix inventory collision after save and restore. Inventory letters are based on "identifiers" stored in objects' o_ident field. Identifiers are allocated by get_ident(), which keeps a list of objects that have them, to avoid giving the same identifier to multiple objects. The list is not stored in the savefile, so after restore, get_ident() was not aware of existing identifiers. This resulted in picked-up objects having the same inventory letters as objects restored from the file. The restore code now adds all objects with identifiers to the list.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Mon, 15 Jan 2018 20:20:35 -0500
parents 94a0d9dd5ce1
children e52a8a7ad4c5
line wrap: on
line source

 * Read a scroll and let it happen
 * @(#)scrolls.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * read_scroll:
 *	Let the hero read a scroll
	reg struct object *obj;
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	reg int i, j, wh;
	reg char ch, nch;
	struct room *rp;
	struct linked_list *titem;
	char buf[LINLEN];
	bool bless, curse;

	if ((item = get_item("read", SCROLL)) == NULL)
	obj = OBJPTR(item);
	if (obj->o_type != SCROLL) {
		msg("Nothing to read.");
		after = FALSE;
	msg("As you read the scroll, it vanishes.");
	wh = obj->o_which;
	bless = o_on(obj, ISBLESS);
	curse = o_on(obj, ISCURSED);
	del_pack(item);		/* Get rid of the thing */

	 * Calculate the effect it has on the hero
	switch(wh) {
	case S_KNOWALL:
		if (!curse) {
			idenpack();				/* identify all the pack */
			msg("You feel more knowledgable.");
			s_know[S_KNOWALL] = TRUE;
	when S_CONFUSE:
		if (!curse) {
			 * Scroll of monster confusion.  Give him that power.
			msg("Your hands begin to glow red.");
			player.t_flags |= CANHUH;
			s_know[S_CONFUSE] = TRUE;
	when S_LIGHT:
		rp = player.t_room;
		if (!curse) {
			if (rp == NULL) {
				s_know[S_LIGHT] = TRUE;
				msg("The corridor glows and then fades.");
			else {
				if (rf_on(rp,ISDARK)) {
					s_know[S_LIGHT] = TRUE;
					msg("The room is lit.");
					rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
				mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
	when S_ARMOR:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_armor != NULL && o_off(cur_armor,ISPROT)) {
				s_know[S_ARMOR] = TRUE;
				msg("Your armor glows faintly for a moment.");
				if (o_on(cur_armor,ISCURSED))
					cur_armor->o_ac = armors[cur_armor->o_which].a_class;
	when S_HOLD:
		if (!curse) {
			 * Hold monster scroll.  Stop all monsters within 3 spaces
			 * from chasing after the hero.
			reg int x,y;
			reg struct linked_list *mon;

			for (x = hero.x - 3; x <= hero.x + 3; x++) {
				for (y = hero.y - 3; y <= hero.y + 3; y++) {
					if (y > 0 && x > 0 && isalpha(mvwinch(mw, y, x))) {
						if ((mon = find_mons(y, x)) != NULL) {
							reg struct thing *th;

							th = THINGPTR(mon);
							th->t_flags &= ~ISRUN;
							th->t_flags |= ISHELD;
							th->t_flags |= ISSTUCK;
	when S_SLEEP:
		 * Scroll which makes you fall asleep
		if (!bless) {
			s_know[S_SLEEP] = TRUE;
			msg("You fall asleep.");
			player.t_nocmd += 4 + rnd(SLEEPTIME);
	when S_CREATE:
		if (!bless) {
			if (makemons(mtlev[rnd(levcount)]->m_show))
				s_know[S_CREATE] = TRUE;
				msg("You hear a faint cry of anguish in the distance.");
	when S_IDENT:
		if (!curse) {
			msg("This scroll is an identify scroll");
			s_know[S_IDENT] = TRUE;
	when S_MAP:
		if (curse)
		s_know[S_MAP] = TRUE;
		addmsg("Oh, now this scroll has a ");
		if (rnd(100) < 10 || bless) {
			addmsg("very detailed map on it.");
		else {
			addmsg("map on it.");
			overwrite(stdscr, hw);
			for (i = 1; i < LINES - 2; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {
					switch (nch = ch = mvwinch(hw, i, j)) {
						case SECRETDOOR:
							nch = DOOR;
							mvaddch(i, j, nch);
						case '-':
						case '|':
						case DOOR:
						case PASSAGE:
						case ' ':
						case STAIRS:
							if (mvwinch(mw, i, j) != ' ') {
								struct thing *it;
								struct linked_list *blah;

								blah = find_mons(i, j);
								if (blah != NULL) {
									it = THINGPTR(blah);
									if (it->t_oldch == ' ')
										it->t_oldch = nch;
							nch = ' ';
					if (nch != ch)
						waddch(hw, nch);
			overlay(cw, hw);
			overwrite(hw, cw);
	when S_GFIND:
		if (!curse) {
			int gtotal = 0;
			struct room *rp;

			for (rp = rooms; rp < &rooms[MAXROOMS]; rp++) {
				gtotal += rp->r_goldval;
				if (rp->r_goldval != 0 &&
				  mvinch(rp->r_gold.y,rp->r_gold.x) == GOLD)
			if (gtotal) {
				s_know[S_GFIND] = TRUE;
				msg("You begin to feel greedy and sense gold.");
				msg("You begin to feel a pull downward.");
	when S_TELEP:
		if (!curse) {
			int rm;
			struct room *cur_room;

			cur_room = player.t_room;
			rm = teleport(rndspot, &player);
			if (cur_room != &rooms[rm])
				s_know[S_TELEP] = TRUE;
	when S_ENCH:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_weapon == NULL || (cur_weapon != NULL &&
			  (o_on(cur_weapon,ISPROT) || cur_weapon->o_type != WEAPON)))
				msg("You feel a strange sense of loss.");
			else {
				s_know[S_ENCH] = TRUE;
				if (o_on(cur_weapon,ISCURSED)) {
					cur_weapon->o_hplus = rnd(2);
					cur_weapon->o_dplus = rnd(2);
				else {		/* weapon was not cursed here */
					if (rnd(100) < 50)
						cur_weapon->o_hplus += 1;
						cur_weapon->o_dplus += 1;
				setoflg(cur_weapon, ISKNOW);
				msg("Your %s glows blue for a moment.",
	when S_SCARE:
		 * A monster will refuse to step on a scare monster scroll
		 * if it is dropped.  Thus reading it is a mistake and produces
		 * laughter at the poor rogue's boo boo.
		msg("You hear maniacal laughter in the distance.");
	when S_REMOVE:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_armor != NULL && o_off(cur_armor,ISPROT))
			if (cur_weapon != NULL && o_off(cur_weapon,ISPROT))
			if (cur_ring[LEFT]!=NULL && o_off(cur_ring[LEFT],ISPROT))
			if (cur_ring[RIGHT]!=NULL && o_off(cur_ring[RIGHT],ISPROT))
			msg("You feel as if somebody is watching over you.");
			s_know[S_REMOVE] = TRUE;
	when S_AGGR:
		if (!bless) {
			if (mlist != NULL) {
				msg("You hear a high pitched humming noise.");
				s_know[S_AGGR] = TRUE;
	when S_NOP:
		msg("This scroll seems to be blank.");
		if (!curse) {
			msg("You have been granted the boon of genocide.");
			s_know[S_GENOCIDE] = TRUE;
	when S_DCURSE:
		if (!bless) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("Your pack shudders.");
			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				if (o_off(lb,ISPROT)) {
					resoflg(lb, ISBLESS);
					setoflg(lb, ISCURSED);
	when S_DLEVEL:
		if (!bless) {
			int much = rnd(9) - 4;

			if (much != 0) {
				level += much;
				if (level < 1)
					level = 1;
				mpos = 0;
				new_level(NORMLEV);		/* change levels */
				msg("You are whisked away to another region.");
				s_know[S_DLEVEL] = TRUE;
	when S_PROTECT:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("You are granted the power of protection.");
			if ((ll = get_item("protect",0)) != NULL) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				mpos = 0;
				msg("Protected %s.",inv_name(lb,TRUE));
			s_know[S_PROTECT] = TRUE;
	when S_ALLENCH:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;
			int howmuch, ac, good;

			msg("You are granted the power of enchantment.");
			good = TRUE;
			if ((ll = get_item("enchant",0)) != NULL) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				howmuch = rnd(3) + 1;
				switch(lb->o_type) {
					case RING:
						if (lb->o_ac < 0)
							lb->o_ac = 0;
						lb->o_ac += howmuch;
					when ARMOR:
						ac = armors[lb->o_which].a_class;
						if (lb->o_ac > ac)
							lb->o_ac = ac;
						lb->o_ac -= howmuch;
					when STICK:
						lb->o_charges += howmuch + 10;
					when WEAPON:
						if (lb->o_dplus < 0)
							lb->o_dplus = 0;
						if (lb->o_hplus < 0)
							lb->o_hplus = 0;
						lb->o_hplus += howmuch;
						lb->o_dplus += howmuch;
						msg("You are injured as the scroll flashes & bursts into flames !!!");
						good = FALSE;
				if (good) {
					mpos = 0;
					msg("Enchanted %s.",inv_name(lb,TRUE));
			s_know[S_ALLENCH] = TRUE;
	when S_BLESS:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("Your pack glistens brightly.");
			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
	when S_MAKEIT:
		if (!curse) {
			msg("You have been endowed with the power of creation.");
			s_know[S_MAKEIT] = TRUE;
	when S_BAN: {
		int howdeep;
		char *ptr = "";

		if (bless) {
			if (level > 6) {
				howdeep = 1 + rnd(5);
				ptr = "elevated to the upper";
			else {
				howdeep = -1;
				bless = FALSE;
		else {
			howdeep = level + 10 + rnd(20) + (curse * 20);
			ptr = "banished to the lower";
		if ((!bless && level < howdeep) || bless) {
			level = howdeep;
			mpos = 0;
			msg("You are %s regions.", ptr);
			s_know[S_BAN] = TRUE;
	when S_CWAND:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;
			bool wands = FALSE;

			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				if (lb->o_type == STICK) {
					setoflg(lb, ISKNOW);
					resoflg(lb, ISCURSED);
					lb->o_charges += rnd(11) + 5;
					wands = TRUE;
			if (wands) {
				msg("Your sticks gleam.");
				s_know[wh] = TRUE;
	when S_LOCTRAP: {
		struct trap *trp;

		if (ntraps > 0) {
			for (trp = &traps[0]; trp < &traps[ntraps]; trp++)
				trp->tr_flags |= ISFOUND;
			msg("You now recognize pitfalls.");
			s_know[S_LOCTRAP] = TRUE;
		msg("What a puzzling scroll!");
	nochange = FALSE;
	if (s_know[wh] && s_guess[wh]) {
		s_guess[wh] = NULL;
	else if (!s_know[wh] && s_guess[wh] == NULL) {
		strcpy(buf, s_names[wh]);
		if (get_str(buf, cw) == NORM) {
			s_guess[wh] = new(strlen(buf) + 1);
			strcpy(s_guess[wh], buf);