view rogue3/rogue36.html @ 30:09da55b986ca

Slightly modify savefile location and prompt
author edwarj4
date Fri, 01 Jan 2010 15:04:30 +0000
parents b343f42c1f01
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<h1 align=center><b>A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom</b></h1>

<h2 align=center><i>Michael C. Toy</i></h2>

<h3 align=center>
Computer Systems Research Group<br>
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science<br>
University of California<br>
Berkeley, California 94720</h3>

<h2 align=center><i>ABSTRACT</i></h2>

		<p align="justify"><font size="2">Rogue is a visual CRT based fantasy game which runs under the 
		UNIX timesharing system. This paper describes how to play rogue, and gives a few hints for 
		those who might otherwise get 
		lost in the Dungeons of Doom.</font></p>

<h2 align="justify"><b>1. Introduction</b></h2>

<p align="justify">You have just finished your years as a
student at the local fighter&rsquo;s guild. After much
practice and sweat you have finally completed your training
and are ready to embark upon a perilous adventure. As a test
of your skills, the local guildmasters have sent you into
the Dungeons of Doom. Your task is to return with the Amulet
of Yendor. Your reward for the completion of this task will
be a full membership in the local guild. In addition, you
are allowed to keep all the loot you bring back from the

<p align="justify">In preparation for your journey, you are
given an enchanted sword, taken
from a dragon&rsquo;s hoard in the far off Dark Mountains.
You are also outfitted with elf-crafted armor and given
enough food to reach the dungeons. You say goodbye to family
and friends for what may be the last time and head up the

<p align="justify">You set out on your way to the dungeons and
after several days of uneventful travel, you see the
ancient ruins that mark the entrance to the Dungeons of
Doom. It is late at night so you make camp at the entrance
and spend the night sleeping under the open skies. In the
morning you gather your sword, put on your armor, eat what
is almost your last food and enter the

<h2 align="justify"><b>2. What is going on here?</b></h2>

<p align="justify">You have just begun a game of rogue. Your
goal is to grab as much treasure as you can, find the Amulet
of Yendor, and get out of the Dungeons of Doom alive. On the
screen, a map of where you have been and what you have seen
on the current dungeon level is kept. As you explore more of
the level, it appears on the screen in front of

<p align="justify">Rogue differs from most computer fantasy
games in that it is screen oriented. Commands are all one or
two keystrokes<sup>1 </sup>and the
results of your commands are displayed graphically on the
screen rather than being explained in words<sup>2</sup>.</p>

<p align="justify">Another major difference between rogue and 
other computer fantasy games is that once you have solved
all the puzzles in a standard fantasy game, it has lost most
of its excitement and it ceases to be fun. Rogue on the
other hand generates a new dungeon every time you play it
and even the author finds it an entertaining and exciting

<h2 align="justify"><b>3. What do all those things on the screen mean?</b></h2>

<p align="justify">In order to understand what is going on in
rogue you have to first get some grasp of what rogue is
doing with the screen. The rogue screen is intended to
replace the &ldquo;You can see ...&rdquo; descriptions of
standard fantasy games. Here is a sample of what a 
rogue screen might look like.</p>

<div align="center"><pre>

Level: 1  Gold: 0      Hp: 12(12)  Str: 16  Ac: 6  Exp: 1/0

<h3 align="justify"><b>3.1. The bottom line</b></h3>

<p align="justify">At the bottom line of the screen is a few
pieces of cryptic information describing your current
status. Here is an explanation of what these things

<table border="0" width="100%" id="table1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
		<td><p align="justify">Level&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">This number indicates how deep you have gone in the 
		dungeon. It starts at one and goes up forever<sup>2</sup>.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Gold</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">The number of gold pieces you have managed to find 
		and keep with you so far.</td>
		<td><p align="justify">Hp</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Your current and maximum hit points.
		Health points indicate how much damage you can take before
		you die. The more you get hit in a fight, the lower they
		get. You can regain health points by resting. The number in
		parentheses is the maximum number your hit points can
		<td><p align="justify">Str</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Your current strength. This can be any 
		integer less than or equal to eighteen. The higher the number, 
		the stronger you are.</td>
		<td><p align="justify">Ac</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Your current armor class. This number 
		indicates how effective your armor is in stopping blows from 
		unfriendly creatures. The lower this number is, the more 
		effective the armor.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Exp</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">These two numbers give your current experience 
		level and experience points. As you do things, you gain experience
		points. At certain experience point totals, you gain an
		experience level. The more experienced you are, the better
		you are able to fight and to withstand magical attacks.</p></td>

<h3 align="justify"><b>3.2. The top line</b></h3>

<p align="justify">The top line of the screen is reserved for
printing messages that describe things that are impossible
to represent visually. If you see a &ldquo;--More--&rdquo;
on the top line, this means that rogue wants to print
another message on the screen, but it wants to make certain
that you have read the one that is there first. To read the
next message, just type a space.</p>

<h3 align="justify"><b>3.3. The rest of the screen</b></h3>

<p align="justify">The rest of the screen is the map of the
level as you have explored it so far. Each symbol on the
screen represents something. Here is a list of what the
various symbols mean:</p>

<table border="0" width="100%" id="table2" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
		<td><p align="justify">This symbol represents you, the adventurer.</p></td>
		<td>- |</td>
		<td><p align="justify">These symbols represent the walls of rooms.</p></td>
		<p align="justify">A door to/from a room.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">The floor of a room.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">The floor of a passage between rooms.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A pile or pot of gold.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A weapon of some sort.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A piece of armor.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A flask containing a magic potion.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A piece of paper, usually a magic scroll.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A trap, watch out for these.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">The passage leading down to the next level.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">A piece of food.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">The uppercase letters represent the various 
		inhabitants of the Dungeons of Doom. Watch out, they can be mean.</p></td>

<h2 align="justify"><b>4. Commands</b></h2>

<p align="justify">Commands are given to rogue by pressing single letters.
Most commands can be preceded by a count to repeat them
(e.g. typing &quot;10s&quot; will do ten searches) The list
of commands is rather long, but it can be read at any time
during the game with the ? command. Here it is for
reference, with a short explanation of each command.</p>

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" id="table3">
		<td><p align="justify">The help command. Asks for a character to give help 
		on. If you type a &quot;*&quot;, it will list all the commands,
		otherwise it will explain what the character you typed
		<td align="justify"><p>This is the &quot;What is that on the screen?&quot;
		command. A &quot;/&quot; followed by any character that you
		see on the level, will tell you what that character is. For
		instance, typing &quot;/@&quot; will tell you that the @
		symbol represents you, the player.</p></td>
		<td colspan="2">h, H</td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move left. You move one space to the left. If you use
		upper case h, you will continue to move left until you run into something. 
		This works for all movement commands (e.g. &quot;L&quot; means run in direction
		<td><p align="justify">Move down.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move up.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move right.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move diagonally up and left.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move diagonally up and right.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move diagonally down and left.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Move diagonally down and right.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Throw an object. This is a prefix command. When 
		followed with a direction it throws an object in the specified direction. 
		(e.g. type &ldquo;th&rdquo; to throw something to the left.)</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Find prefix. When followed by a direction it means to
		continue moving in the specified direction until you pass
		something interesting or run into a wall.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Throw an object. This is a prefix command. Follow it
		with a direction and you throw an object in the specified
		direction. (e.g. type &quot;th&quot; to throw something
		<td><p align="justify">If you are standing over the passage down to the next
		level, this command means to climb down.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Search for traps and secret doors. Examine each space
		immediately adjacent to you for the existence of a trap or
		secret door. There is a large chance that even if there is
		something there, you won&rsquo;t find it so you might have
		to search a while before you find something.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">(space) Rest. This is the &quot;do nothing&quot;
		command. This is good for waiting and healing.</p></td>
		<td align="left" valign="top">
		<td align="justify">
		<p>Inventory. List what you are carrying in your pack.</td>
		<td><p align="justify">Selective inventory. Tells you what a single item in
		your pack is.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Quaff. Drink one of the potions you are 
		<td><p align="justify">Read. Read one of the scrolls in your pack.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Eat food. Take some food out of your pack and eat
		<td><p align="justify">Wield a weapon. Take a weapon out of your pack and 
		carry it. You must be wielding weapon to use it (except to throw
		things). To fire an arrow, you must wield the bow. You can
		only wield one weapon at a time.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Wear armor. Take a piece of armor out of your pack
		and put it on. You can only wear one suit of armor at a time.</td>
		<td><p align="justify">Take armor off. You can&rsquo;t remove armor that is
		cursed. This takes extra time.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Drop an object. Take something out of your pack and
		leave it lying on the floor. Only one object can occupy each
		<td><p align="justify">Examine and set options. This command is further
		explained in the section on options.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Redraws the screen. Useful if spurious messages or
		transmission errors have messed up the display.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Prints the program version number.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Quit. Leave the game.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Repeat last message. Useful when a message disappears
		before you can read it.</p></td>
		<td><p align="justify">Save the current game in a file. Caveat: Rogue
		won&rsquo;t let you start up a copy of a saved game, and it
		removes the save file as soon as you start up a restored
		game. This is to prevent people from saving a game just
		before a dangerous position and then restarting it if they
		die. To restore a saved game, give the file name as an
		argument to rogue. As in % rogue36 save_file</p></td>

<h2 align="justify"><b>5. Dealing with objects</b></h2>

<p align="justify">When you find something in the dungeon, it is common to
want to pick the object up. This is accomplished in rogue by
walking over the object. If you are carrying too many
things, the program will tell you and it won&rsquo;t pick up
the object, otherwise it will add it to your pack and if the
notify option is set, tell you what you just picked up.</p>

<p align="justify">Many of the commands that operate on objects must prompt
you to find out which object you want to use. If you change
your mind and don&rsquo;t want to do that command after all,
just press an escape and the command will be aborted.</p>

<h2 align="justify"><b>6. Light</b></h2>

<p align="justify">Rooms in the dungeons are either lit or dark. If you
walk into a lit room, the entire room will be drawn on the
screen as soon as you enter. If you walk into a dark room,
it will only be displayed as you explore it. Upon leaving a
dark room, all objects inside the room which might move are
removed from the screen. In the darkness you can only see
one space in all directions around you.</p>

<h2 align="justify"><b>7. Fighting</b></h2>
<p align="justify">If you see a monster and you wish to fight it, just
attempt to run into it. Many times a monster you find will
mind its own business unless you attack it. It is often the
case that discretion is the better part of valor.</p>

<h2 align="justify">8<b>. Armor</b></h2>

<p align="justify">There are various sorts of armor lying around in the
dungeon. Some of it is enchanted, some is cursed and some is
just normal. Different armor types have different armor
classes. The lower the armor class, the more protection the
armor affords against the blows of monsters. If a piece of
armor is enchanted or cursed, its armor class will be higher
or lower than normal. Here is a list of the various armor
types and their normal armor class.</p>

<div align="center">
	<table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" id="table4" style="border-collapse: collapse">
			<td>Leather armor</td>
			<td align="center">8</td>
			<td>Studded leather / Ring mail</td>
			<td align="center">7</td>
			<td>Scale mail </td>
			<td align="center">6</td>
			<td>Chain mail&nbsp; </td>
			<td align="center">5</td>
			<td>Banded mail / Splint mail</td>
			<td align="center">4</td>
			<td>Plate mail</td>
			<td align="center">3</td>

<h2 align="justify">9<b>. Options</b></h2>

<p align="justify">Due to variations in personal tastes and conceptions of
the way rogue should do things, there are a set of options
you can set that cause rogue to behave in various different

<h3 align="justify"><b>9.1 Setting the options</b></h3>

<p align="justify">There are basically two ways to set the options. The
first is with the &quot;o&quot; command of rogue, the second
is with the ROGUEOPTS environment variable. On Version 6
systems, there is no equivalent of the ROGUEOPTS

<h3 align="justify"><b>9.1.1. Using the &quot;o&quot; command</b></h3>

<p align="justify">When you press &quot;o&quot; in rogue, it clears the
screen and displays the current settings for all the
options. It then places the cursor by the value of the first
option and waits for you to type. You can type a RETURN
which means to go to the next option, a &quot;&minus;&quot;
which means to go to the previous option, an escape which
means to return to the game, or you can give the option a
value. For boolean options this merely involves pressing
&quot;t&quot; for true or &quot;f&quot; for false. For
string options, type the new value followed by a return.</p>

<h3 align="justify">9<b>.1.2. Using the ROGUEOPTS variable</b></h3>

<p align="justify">The ROGUEOPTS variable is a string containing a comma
separated list of initial values for the various options.
Boolean variables can be turned on by listing their name and
turned off by putting a &quot;no&quot; in front of the name.
Thus to set up an environment variable so that jump is on,
terse is off, the name is set to &quot;Conan the
Barbarian&quot; and the fruit is &quot;mango&quot;, use the

<div align="justify"><pre>
   % setenv ROGUEOPTS &quot;jump,noterse,name=Conan the Barbarian,fruit=mango&quot;<sup>3</sup>

<h3 align="justify"><b>9.2. Option list</b></h3>

<p align="justify">Here is a list of the options and an explanation of what
each one is for. The default value for each is enclosed in
square brackets.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>terse</b>[<i>noterse</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">
	Useful for those who are tired of the sometimes lengthy
	messages of rogue. This is a useful option for those on slow
	terminals. This option defaults to on if your are on a slow
	(under 1200 baud) terminal.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>jump</b>[<i>nojump</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">If this option is set, running moves will not be
	displayed until you reach the end of the move. This saves
	considerable cpu time and display time. This option defaults
	to on if you are using a slow terminal.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>step</b>[<i>nostep</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">When step is set, lists of things, like inventories or
	&quot;*&quot; responses to &quot;Which item do you wish to
	xxxx? &quot; questions, are displayed one item at a time on
	the top of the screen, rather than clearing the screen,
	displaying the list, then re-displaying the dungeon

<p align="justify"><b>flush</b>[<i>noflush</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">If flush is set, all typeahead is thrown away after each
	round of battle. This is useful for those who type way ahead
	and watch to their dismay as a Kobold kills them.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>askme</b>[<i>noaskme</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">Upon reading a scroll or quaffing a potion which does
	not automatically identify it upon use, rogue will ask you
	what to name it so you can recognize it in the future.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>name</b> [account name]</p>
	<p align="justify">This is the name of your character. It is used if you
	get on the top ten scorer&rsquo;s list. It should be less
	than eighty characters long.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>fruit</b>[<i>slime-mold</i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">This should hold the name of a fruit that you enjoy
	eating. It is basically a whimsy that the program uses in a
	couple of places.</p>

<p align="justify"><b>file</b>[<i></i>]</p>
	<p align="justify">The default file name for saving the game. If your phone
	is hung up by accident, rogue will automatically save the
	game in this file. The file name may contain the special
	character &quot;~&quot; which expands to be your home

<h2 align="justify"><br>

<b>10. Acknowledgements</b></h2>

<p align="justify">Rogue was originally conceived of by Glenn Wichman and
Michael Toy. The help of Ken Arnold in making the program
easier to use and putting the finishing touches on is
greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank Marty
McNary, Scott Nelson, Daniel Jensen, Kipp Hickman, Joe
Kalash, Steve Maurer, Bill Joy, Mark Horton and Jan Miller
for their ideas and assistance.</p>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" id="table5">
		<td align="center"><sup>1</sup></td>
		<td>As opposed to pseudo English sentences.</td>
		<td align="center"><sup>2</sup></td>
		<td>Or until you get killed or decide to quit.</td>
		<td align="center"><sup>3</sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
		<td><p>For those of you who use the Bourne shell, the commands would be</p>
<pre>    $ ROGUEOPTS=&quot;jump,noterse,name=Conan the Barbarian,fruit=mango&quot;
    $ export ROGUEOPTS</pre>
