view srogue/pstats.c @ 81:0e212d46b68f

rogue4: don't put savefile metadata into the savefile. The save_file() function in save.c stored the savefile's device number, inode number, creation time, and modification time in the file. The restore() function read them back, and apparently used to compare them to protect against cheaters. Unfortunately, the types and sizes of these numbers differ from system to system, which ruins the Roguelike Restoration Project's fine portability work. So they have been removed from the savefile. This BREAKS SAVEFILE COMPATIBILITY, but old files can be converted by excising the chunk starting at offset 0x22 with length sizeof(ino_t) + sizeof(dev_t) + 2 * sizeof(time_t). That's 0x14 on i686 and 0x20 on x86_64, at least with current versions of Linux and glibc.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Mon, 05 Aug 2013 20:49:41 -0700
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * Players status routines
 * @(#)pstats.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * chg_hpt:
 *	Changes players hit points
chg_hpt(howmany, alsomax, what)
int howmany;
bool alsomax;
char what;
	nochange = FALSE;
		him->s_maxhp += howmany;
	him->s_hpt += howmany;
	if (him->s_hpt < 1) {
		msg(" ");

 * rchg_str:
 *	Update the players real strength 
int amt;

 * chg_abil:
 *	Used to modify the hero's abilities
int amt, what, how;
	if (amt == 0)
	if (how == TRUE) {			/* real (must be 1st) */
		how = FALSE;
	updabil(what,amt,&pstats.s_ef,how);	/* effective */

 * updabil:
 *	Do the actual abilities updating
updabil(what, amt, pst, how)
struct real *pst;
int what, amt, how;
	register int *wh, *mx, *mr;
	struct real *mst, *msr;
	bool is_str = FALSE;
	int rtype;

	msr = &him->s_re;
	if (how == TRUE)				/* max real abilities */
		mst = &max_stats.s_re;
	else							/* max effective abil */
		mst = &max_stats.s_ef;
	switch (what) {
		case STR:
			is_str = TRUE;
			wh = &pst->a_str;
			mx = &mst->a_str;
			mr = &msr->a_str;
			rtype = R_ADDSTR;
		when DEX:
			wh = &pst->a_dex;
			mx = &mst->a_dex;
			mr = &msr->a_dex;
			rtype = R_DEX;
		when CON:
			wh = &pst->a_con;
			mx = &mst->a_con;
			mr = &msr->a_con;
			rtype = R_CONST;
		when WIS:
			wh = &pst->a_wis;
			mx = &mst->a_wis;
			mr = &msr->a_wis;
			rtype = R_KNOW;
	*wh += amt;						/* update by amt */
	if (amt < 0) {					/* if decrement */
		if (*wh < MINABIL)			/* minimum = 3 */
			*wh = MINABIL;
		if (how == FALSE) {
			if (*wh < *mr)			/* if less than real abil */
				*wh = *mr;			/* make equal to real */
	else {							/* increment */
		int themax;

		themax = MAXOTHER;				/* default maximum */
		if (is_str)
			themax = MAXSTR;			/* strength maximum */
		if (how != TRUE)
			themax += ringex(rtype);	/* get ring extra */
		if (*wh > themax) {				/* see if > max (if real) */
			*wh = themax;				/* max = 18  (24 if str) */
		 * Check for updating the max player stats.
		if (*wh > *mx)
			*mx = *wh;

 * add_haste:
 *	add a haste to the player
bool potion;
	if (pl_on(ISHASTE)) {
		msg("You faint from exhaustion.");
		player.t_nocmd += rnd(8);
		player.t_flags &= ~ISHASTE;
	else {
		player.t_flags |= ISHASTE;
		if (potion)
			fuse(nohaste, TRUE, roll(10,10));
			fuse(nohaste, TRUE, roll(40,20));

 * getpdex:
 *	Gets players added dexterity for fighting
getpdex(who, heave)
struct stats *who;
bool heave;
	reg int edex;

	edex = who->s_ef.a_dex;
	if (heave) {				/* an object was thrown here */
		if (edex > 18)
			return (edex - 15);
		switch(edex) {
			case 18: return 3;
			case 17: return 2;
			case 16: return 1;
			case 15:
			case 14:
			case 13:
			case 12:
			case 11:
			case 10:
			case 9:
			case 8:
			case 7:
			case 6: return 0;
			case 5: return -1;
			case 4: return -2;
			default: return -3;
	else {		/* object NOT thrown here (affects armor class) */
		if (edex > 18)
			return (14 - edex);
		switch(edex) {
			case 18: return -4;
			case 17: return -3;
			case 16: return -2;
			case 15: return -1;
			case 14:
			case 13:
			case 12:
			case 11:
			case 10:
			case 9:
			case 8: 
			case 7: return 0;
			case 6: return 1;
			case 5: return 2;
			case 4: return 3;
			default: return 4;

 * getpwis:
 *	Get a players wisdom for fighting
struct stats *who;
	reg int ewis;

	ewis = who->s_ef.a_wis;
	if (ewis > 18)
		return (ewis - 14);
	switch(ewis) {
		case 18: return 4;
		case 17: return 3;
		case 16: return 2;
		case 15: return 1;
		case 14:
		case 13:
		case 12:
		case 11:
		case 10:
		case 9:
		case 8: return 0;
		case 7:
		case 6: return -1;
		case 5:
		case 4: return -2;
		default: return -3;

 * getpcon:
 *	Get added hit points from players constitution
struct stats *who;
	reg int econ;

	econ = who->s_ef.a_con;
	if (econ > 18)
		return (econ - 14);
	switch(econ) {
		case 18: return 4;
		case 17: return 3;
		case 16: return 2;
		case 15: return 1;
		case 14:
		case 13:
		case 12:
		case 11:
		case 10:
		case 9:
		case 8:
		case 7: return 0;
		case 6:
		case 5:
		case 4: return -1;
		default: return -2;

 * str_plus:
 *	compute bonus/penalties for strength on the "to hit" roll
struct stats *who;
	reg int hitplus, str;

	hitplus = 0;
	str = who->s_ef.a_str;
	if (str > 24)			/* > 24 */
		hitplus = str - 21;
	else if (str == 24)		/* 24 */
		hitplus = 3;
	else if (str > 20)		/* 21 to 23 */
		hitplus = 2;
	else if(str >= 17)		/* 17 to 20 */
		hitplus = 1;
	else if(str > 7)		/* 8 to 16 */
		hitplus = 0;
	else if(str > 5)		/* 6 to 7 */
		hitplus = -1;
	else if(str > 3)		/* 4 to 5 */
		hitplus = -2;
		hitplus = -3;		/* < 4 */
	if (who == him)			/* add pack weight if hero */
		hitplus += hitweight();
	return hitplus;

 * add_dam:
 *	Compute additional damage done depending on strength
struct stats *who;
	reg int exdam, str;

	exdam = 0;
	str = who->s_ef.a_str;
	if (str > 24)			/* > 24 */
		exdam = str - 18;
	else if (str == 24)		/* 24 */
		exdam = 6;
	else if (str == 23)		/* 23 */
		exdam = 5;
	else if (str > 20)		/* 21 to 22 */
		exdam = 4;
	else if (str > 18)		/* 19 to 20 */
		exdam = 3;
	else if (str == 18)		/* 18 */
		exdam = 2;
	else if (str > 15)		/* 16 to 17 */
		exdam = 1;
	else if (str > 6)		/* 7 to 14 */
		exdam = 0;
		exdam = -1;			/* 3 to 6 */
	if (who == him)
		exdam += hungdam();		/* add hungry state if hero */
	return exdam;

 * hungdam:
 *	Calculate damage depending on players hungry state
	switch (hungry_state) {
		case F_OKAY:
		case F_HUNGRY:	return 0;
		when F_WEAK:	return -1;
		when F_FAINT:	return -2;

 * heal_self:
 *	Heal the hero.
heal_self(factor, updmaxhp)
int factor;
bool updmaxhp;
	him->s_hpt += roll(him->s_lvl + getpcon(him), factor);
	if (updmaxhp)
		him->s_maxhp += 1;
	if (him->s_hpt > him->s_maxhp)
		him->s_hpt = him->s_maxhp;
	nochange = FALSE;