view urogue/dict.h @ 309:11aeff9acc07

Advanced Rogue 7: ignore file locations in the save file when restoring. The variables file_name, score_file, and home are no longer overwritten with the values stored in the save file. Those values could be inaccurate if the files have been moved or configuration has changed.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sun, 02 May 2021 21:54:11 -0400
parents 13b482bd9e66
line wrap: on
line source


    UltraRogue: The Ultimate Adventure in the Dungeons of Doom
    Copyright (C) 1995 Herb Chong
    All rights reserved.

    See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

  Change history:
  (AK:04/03/95) - Added hook for extensions to dictionary structure.
  (AK:04/04/95) - Added dictionary signature, table of contents and parameter
                  structure defintions and fields in DICTIONARY structure

#ifndef dict_h_included
#define dict_h_included

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE    1
#define FALSE   0

#define DICT_NONE       0x00000000              /* no flags set */
#define DICT_VALIDATE   0xdeadbeef              /* look for this in every dictionary structure */
#define DICT_ENTRY_NONE -1                      /* index of invalid entry */

typedef unsigned char BOOLEANC;

  string table entry
typedef struct string_entry {
        long    string_offset;       /* offset in string array */
        long    count;               /* number of occurrences of string */
        long    next;                /* offset of next in hash chain */
        void    *any_ptr;            /* free pointer */
        unsigned long flags;         /* user definable flag value for string */
        unsigned long hash_value;    /* hash value of string using hash function */

  Dictionary signature (AK:04/04/95)
typedef struct dict_sig_ {      /*  Dictionary signature               */
   unsigned long  check_value;  /*  0xdeadbeef                         */
   int            toc_size;     /*  # of entries in Table of Contents  */
   long           nparms;       /*  # of parameters                    */
   unsigned long  checksum;     /*  Checksum for TOC                   */

  Dictionary table of contents entry (AK:04/04/95)
typedef struct TOC_entry_ {     /*  Dictionary table of contents entry  */
   char           id[5];        /*  Field identifier:                   */
   long           offset;       /*  Offset (bytes) of entry in file     */
   long           size;         /*  Size (bytes) of entry               */
   void           *ptr;         /*  Where entry is stored in memory     */
   unsigned long  checksum;     /*  Checksum of entry                   */
   int            type;         /*  0=ordinary ; 1=EVECTOR ; 2=NULL     */

  Dictionary parameter table entry (AK:04/04/95)
typedef struct dict_parm_entry_ {   /*  Dictionary parameter table entry  */
   char           id[13];           /*  Parameter identifier              */
   unsigned long  value;            /*  Parameter value                   */

  Hash dictionary information
typedef struct dictionary {
        unsigned long   check_value;            /* check validation value */
        unsigned long   flags;                  /* flag values */
        long    entry_count;                    /* number of used entries in each table */

        char    *string_array;                  /* storage for strings */
        long    array_size;                     /* number of bytes allocated */
        long    array_used;                     /* number of bytes occupied */
        int     array_growth_count;             /* number of times grown */

        STRING_ENTRY    *string_table;          /* string table */
        long    string_max;                     /* max number of entries in string table */
        long    scan_string_index;              /* current index into string table for scan */
        int     string_growth_count;            /* number of times had to grow string table */

        long            *chains;                /* vector of array indices to hash entries */
        int     longest_chain_length;           /* longest chain length in hash table */
        int     allowable_chain_length;         /* chain lengths always < this */
        long    table_size;                     /* number of elements in hash entries vector */
        unsigned long   hash_mask;              /* mask for doing mod() function */
        int     hash_growth_count;              /* number of times had to grow hash table */

        void    *ext;                           /* Hook for extensions to the dictionary (AK:04/03/95) */

        DICT_SIG         *sig;                  /* Signature (AK:04/04/95) */
        DICT_TOC_ENTRY   *toc;                  /* Table of contents (AK:04/04/95) */
        DICT_PARM_ENTRY  *parm;                 /* Parameters (AK:04/04/95) */


  dict_create: create a dictionary and initialize its structures
extern DICTIONARY *dict_create(
        const long  toc_size,
        const long  initial_string_count,
        const long  initial_hash_entries,
        const long  max_chain_length );

  dict_delete: deletes an entry from the dictionary
extern BOOLEANC dict_delete(
        const DICTIONARY  *dict,
        const char        *s,
        const long        count );

  dict_destroy: discard a dictionary and its contents
extern BOOLEANC dict_destroy(
        DICTIONARY  *dict );

  dict_export: write a dictionary to an ASCII file
extern BOOLEANC dict_export(
        DICTIONARY  *dict,
        const char  *fname );

  dict_import: read a dictionary from an ASCII file
extern DICTIONARY *dict_import(
        const char  *dict_fname,
        const long  initial_string_count,
        const long  initial_hash_entries,
        const long  max_chain_length );

  dict_insert: add entries into the dictionary, growing as necessary
extern STRING_ENTRY *dict_insert(
        DICTIONARY           *dict,
        char                 *s,
        const long           occurences,
        const unsigned long  flags,
        void                 *any_ptr,
        long                 *number );

  dict_load: read a dictionary from a file into memory
extern DICTIONARY *dict_load(
        const char  *fname );

  dict_merge: merges the contents of a dictionary into another one,
  updating the contents of the destination
extern BOOLEANC dict_merge(
        const DICTIONARY  *dst,
        const DICTIONARY  *src,
        const BOOLEANC    move );

  dict_save: save a dictionary from memory into a file
extern BOOLEANC dict_save(
        DICTIONARY  *dict,
        const char  *fname );

  dict_scan_begin: begin a scan of the dictionary
extern BOOLEANC dict_scan_begin(
        DICTIONARY  *dict );

  dict_scan_next: get the next entry in a scan
extern STRING_ENTRY *dict_scan_next(
        DICTIONARY  *dict );

  dict_search: look for entries in the dictionary
extern STRING_ENTRY *dict_search(
        const DICTIONARY  *dict,
        const char        *s,
        long              *number );

  dict_string_by_number: return string pointer for a given string number
extern STRING_ENTRY *dict_string_by_number(
        const DICTIONARY  *dict,
        const long        number );

  dict_union: merges contents of 2 dictionaries into a third
extern DICTIONARY *dict_union(
        const DICTIONARY  *dict1,
        const DICTIONARY  *dict2 );

#endif  /* dict_h_included */