view srogue/move.c @ 155:1af259ac4ed2

arogue7, xrogue: fix save/restore of alchemy jugs. state.c now saves the fuse that refills alchemy jugs, using the method of numbering objects previously applied to Advanced Rogue 5. Alchemy jugs that are empty when the game is saved will continue to function after it is restored. Savefile compatibility should not be affected.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 29 May 2015 17:34:04 -0400
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * Hero movement commands
 * @(#)move.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * Used to hold the new hero position

struct coord nh;

 * do_run:
 *	Start the hero running

char ch;
	running = TRUE;
	after = FALSE;
	runch = ch;

 * do_move:
 *	Check to see that a move is legal.  If it is handle the
 *	consequences (fighting, picking up, etc.)

do_move(dy, dx)
int dy, dx;
	reg int ch;
	reg struct room *rp;

	firstmove = FALSE;
	curprice = -1;
	inpool = FALSE;

	if (player.t_nomove > 0) {
		player.t_nomove -= 1;
		msg("You are still stuck in the bear trap.");
	 * Do a confused move (maybe)
	if ((rnd(100) < 80 && pl_on(ISHUH)) ||
	  (iswearing(R_DELUS) && rnd(100) < 25))
		nh = *rndmove(&player);
	else {
		nh.y = hero.y + dy;
		nh.x = hero.x + dx;
	 * Check if he tried to move off the screen or make
	 *  an illegal diagonal move, and stop him if he did.
	if (!cordok(nh.y, nh.x) ||
	  (pl_off(ISETHER) && !diag_ok(&hero, &nh))) {
		after = running = FALSE;
	if (running) {
		ch = winat(nh.y, nh.x);
		if (dead_end(ch)) {
			reg int gox, goy, apsg, whichway;

			gox = goy = apsg = 0;
			if (dy == 0) {
				ch = show(hero.y+1,hero.x);
				if (ch == PASSAGE) {
					apsg += 1;
					goy = 1;
				ch = show(hero.y-1,hero.x);
				if (ch == PASSAGE) {
					apsg += 1;
					goy = -1;
			else if (dx == 0) {
				ch = show(hero.y,hero.x+1);
				if (ch == PASSAGE) {
					gox = 1;
					apsg += 1;
				ch = show(hero.y,hero.x-1);
				if (ch == PASSAGE) {
					gox = -1;
					apsg += 1;
			if (apsg != 1) {
				running = after = FALSE;
			else {			/* can still run here */
				nh.y = hero.y + goy;
				nh.x = hero.x + gox;
				whichway = (goy + 1) * 3 + gox + 1;
				switch(whichway) {
					case 0: runch = 'y';
					when 1: runch = 'k';
					when 2: runch = 'u';
					when 3: runch = 'h';
					when 4: runch = '.';	/* shouldn't do */
					when 5: runch = 'l';
					when 6: runch = 'b';
					when 7: runch = 'j';
					when 8: runch = 'n';
	if (running && ce(hero, nh))
		after = running = FALSE;
	ch = winat(nh.y, nh.x);
	if (pl_on(ISHELD) && ch != 'F' && ch != 'd') {
		msg("You are being held.");
	if (pl_off(ISETHER)) {
		if (isatrap(ch)) {
			ch = be_trapped(&nh, &player);
			if (nlmove) {
				nlmove = FALSE;
			else if (ch == POOL)
				inpool = TRUE;
	 	else if (dead_end(ch)) {
			after = running = FALSE;
		else {
			switch(ch) {
				case GOLD:	case POTION:	case SCROLL:
				case FOOD:	case WEAPON:	case ARMOR:
				case RING:	case AMULET:	case STICK:
					running = FALSE;
					take = ch;
					if (illeg_ch(ch)) {
						running = FALSE;
						mvaddch(nh.y, nh.x, FLOOR);
						teleport(rndspot, &player);
						msg("The spatial warp disappears !");
	rp = roomin(&nh);
	if (ch == DOOR) {		/* just stepped on a door */
		running = FALSE;
		if (rp != NULL && rf_on(rp, ISTREAS)) {
			struct linked_list *item;
			struct thing *tp;

			for (item = mlist; item != NULL; item = next(item)) {
				tp = THINGPTR(item);
				if (tp->t_room == rp)
					runto(&tp->t_pos, &hero);
	else if (ch == STAIRS && pl_off(ISETHER))
		running = FALSE;
	else if (isalpha(ch) && pl_off(ISETHER)) {
		running = FALSE;
		fight(&nh, cur_weapon, FALSE);
	if (rp == NULL && player.t_room != NULL)
		light(&hero);		/* exiting a room */
	else if (rp != NULL && player.t_room == NULL)
		light(&nh);			/* just entering a room */
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		ch = ' ';
		ch = player.t_oldch;
	mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, ch);
	mvwaddch(cw, nh.y, nh.x, PLAYER);
	hero = nh;
	player.t_room = rp;
	player.t_oldch = mvinch(hero.y, hero.x);

 * Called to illuminate a room.
 * If it is dark, remove anything that might move.
struct coord *cp;
	reg struct room *rp;
	reg int j, k, x, y;
	reg char ch, rch;
	reg struct linked_list *item;

	rp = roomin(cp);
	if (rp == NULL)
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND)) {
		for (j = 0; j < rp->r_max.y; j += 1) {
			for (k = 0; k < rp->r_max.x; k += 1) {
				y = rp->r_pos.y + j;
				x = rp->r_pos.x + k;
				mvwaddch(cw, y, x, ' ');
	if (iswearing(R_LIGHT))
		rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
	for (j = 0; j < rp->r_max.y; j += 1) {
		for (k = 0; k < rp->r_max.x; k += 1) {
			y = rp->r_pos.y + j;
			x = rp->r_pos.x + k;
			if (levtype == MAZELEV && !cansee(y, x))
			ch = show(y, x);
			wmove(cw, y, x);
			 * Figure out how to display a secret door
			if (ch == SECRETDOOR) {
				if (j == 0 || j == rp->r_max.y - 1)
					ch = '-';
					ch = '|';
			if (isalpha(ch)) {
				struct thing *mit;

				item = wake_monster(y, x);
				if (item == NULL) {
					ch = FLOOR;
					mvaddch(y, x, ch);
				else {
					mit = THINGPTR(item);
					if (mit->t_oldch == ' ')
						if (!rf_on(rp,ISDARK))
							mit->t_oldch = mvinch(y, x);
					if (levtype == MAZELEV)
						ch = mvinch(y, x);
			if (rf_on(rp,ISDARK)) {
				rch = mvwinch(cw, y, x);
				if (isatrap(rch)) {
					ch = rch;			/* if its a trap */
				else {					/* try other things */
					switch (rch) {
						case DOOR:	case STAIRS:	case '|':
						case '-':
							ch = rch;
							ch = ' ';
			mvwaddch(cw, y, x, ch);

 * show:
 *	returns what a certain thing will display as to the un-initiated
show(y, x)
int y, x;
	reg char ch = winat(y, x);
	reg struct linked_list *it;
	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct trap *ta;

	if (isatrap(ch)) {
		if ((ta = trap_at(y, x)) == NULL)
			return FLOOR;
		if (iswearing(R_FTRAPS))
			ta->tr_flags |= ISFOUND;
		return ((ta->tr_flags & ISFOUND) ? ta->tr_type : FLOOR);
	if (ch == SECRETDOOR && iswearing(R_FTRAPS)) {
		return DOOR;
	if ((it = find_mons(y, x)) != NULL) {	/* maybe a monster */
		tp = THINGPTR(it);
		if (ch == 'M' || (tp->t_flags & ISINVIS)) {
			if (ch == 'M')
				ch = tp->t_disguise;
			else if (pl_off(CANSEE)) {
				if (ch == 's')
					ch = ' ';		/* shadows show as a blank */
					ch = mvinch(y, x);	/* hide invisibles */
	return ch;

 * be_trapped:
 *	Hero or monster stepped on a trap.
be_trapped(tc, th)
struct thing *th;
struct coord *tc;
	reg struct trap *trp;
	reg int ch, ishero;
	struct linked_list *mon;
	char stuckee[35], seeit, sayso;

	if ((trp = trap_at(tc->y, tc->x)) == NULL)
	ishero = (th == &player);
	if (ishero) {
		strcpy(stuckee, "You");
		count = running = FALSE;
	else {
		sprintf(stuckee, "The %s", monsters[th->t_indx].m_name);
	seeit = cansee(tc->y, tc->x);
	if (seeit)
		mvwaddch(cw, tc->y, tc->x, trp->tr_type);
	trp->tr_flags |= ISFOUND;
	sayso = TRUE;
	switch (ch = trp->tr_type) {
		case POST:
			if (ishero) {
				nlmove = TRUE;
				goto goner;
		when MAZETRAP:
			if (ishero) {
				nlmove = TRUE;
				level += 1;
				msg("You are surrounded by twisty passages!");
				goto goner;
		when TELTRAP:
			nlmove = TRUE;
			teleport(trp->tr_goto, th);
		when TRAPDOOR:
			if (ishero) {
				level += 1;
			else {		/* monsters get lost */
				ch = GONER;
			nlmove = TRUE;
			if (seeit && sayso)
				msg("%s fell into a trap!", stuckee);
		when BEARTRAP:
			th->t_nomove += BEARTIME;
			if (seeit) {
				strcat(stuckee, (ishero ? " are" : " is"));
				msg("%s caught in a bear trap.", stuckee);
			if (ishero && pl_on(ISINVINC))
				msg("You feel momentarily dizzy.");
			else {
				if (ishero)
					th->t_nocmd += SLEEPTIME;
					th->t_nomove += SLEEPTIME;
				if (seeit)
					msg("%s fall%s asleep in a strange white mist.",
					  stuckee, (ishero ? "":"s"));
		when ARROWTRAP: {
			int resist, ac;
			struct stats *it;

			stuckee[0] = tolower(stuckee[0]);
			it = &th->t_stats;
			if (ishero && cur_armor != NULL)
				ac = cur_armor->o_ac;
				ac = it->s_arm;
			resist = ac + getpdex(it, FALSE);
			if (ishero && pl_on(ISINVINC))
				resist = -100;		/* invincible is impossible to hit */
			if (swing(3 + (level / 4), resist, 1)) {
				if (seeit)
					msg("%sAn arrow shot %s.", (ishero ? "Oh no! " : ""),
				if (ishero)
				else {
					it->s_hpt -= roll(1,6);
					if (it->s_hpt < 1) {
						sayso = FALSE;
						goto goner;
			else {
				struct linked_list *item;
				struct object *arrow;

				if (seeit)
					msg("An arrow shoots past %s.", stuckee);
				item = new_thing(FALSE, WEAPON, ARROW);
				arrow = OBJPTR(item);
				arrow->o_hplus = 3;
				arrow->o_dplus = rnd(2);
				arrow->o_count = 1;
		 		arrow->o_pos = th->t_pos;
				fall(item, FALSE);
		when DARTTRAP: {
			int resist, ac;
			struct stats *it;

			stuckee[0] = tolower(stuckee[0]);
			it = &th->t_stats;
			if (ishero && cur_armor != NULL)
				ac = cur_armor->o_ac;
				ac = it->s_arm;
			resist = ac + getpdex(it, FALSE);
			if (ishero && pl_on(ISINVINC))
				resist = -100;		/* invincible is impossible to hit */
			if (swing(3 + (level / 4), resist, 0)) {
				if (seeit)
					msg("A small dart just hit %s.", stuckee);
				if (ishero) {
					if (!save(VS_POISON))
					if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR))
					chg_hpt(-roll(1, 4),FALSE,K_DART);
				else {
					if (!save_throw(VS_POISON, th))
						it->s_ef.a_str -= 1;
					it->s_hpt -= roll(1, 4);
					if (it->s_hpt < 1) {
						sayso = FALSE;
						goto goner;
			else if (seeit)
				msg("A small dart whizzes by %s.", stuckee);
	    when POOL:
			if (!ishero && rnd(100) < 10) {
				if (seeit)
					msg("The %s drowns !!", stuckee);
				goto goner;
			if ((trp->tr_flags & ISGONE) && rnd(100) < 10) {
				nlmove = TRUE;
				if (rnd(100) < 15)
					teleport(rndspot);	   /* teleport away */
				else if(rnd(100) < 15 && level > 2) {
					level -= rnd(2) + 1;
					msg("You here a faint groan from below.");
				else if(rnd(100) < 40) {
					level += rnd(4);
					msg("You find yourself in strange surroundings.");
				else if(rnd(100) < 6 && pl_off(ISINVINC)) {
					msg("Oh no!!! You drown in the pool!!! --More--");
					wait_for(cw, ' ');
					 nlmove = FALSE;
	flushinp();		/* flush typeahead */
	return ch;

 * dip_it:
 *	Dip an object into a magic pool
	reg struct linked_list *what;
	reg struct object *ob;
	reg struct trap *tp;
	reg int wh;

	tp = trap_at(hero.y,hero.x);
	if (tp == NULL || inpool == FALSE || (tp->tr_flags & ISGONE))

	if ((what = get_item("dip",0)) == NULL)
	ob = OBJPTR(what);
	mpos = 0;
	 * If hero is trying to dip an object OTHER than his
	 * current weapon, make sure that he could drop his
	 * current weapon
	if (ob != cur_weapon) {
		if (cur_weapon != NULL && o_on(cur_weapon, ISCURSED)) {
			msg("You are unable to release your weapon.");
			after = FALSE;
	if (ob == cur_armor) {
		msg("You have to take off your armor before you can dip it.");
		after = FALSE;
	else if (ob == cur_ring[LEFT] || ob == cur_ring[RIGHT]) {
		msg("You have to take that ring off before you can dip it.");
		after = FALSE;
	wh = ob->o_which;
	tp->tr_flags |= ISGONE;
	if (ob != NULL && o_off(ob,ISPROT)) {
		switch(ob->o_type) {
		case WEAPON:
			if(rnd(100) < 20) {		/* enchant weapon here */
				if (o_off(ob,ISCURSED)) {
					ob->o_hplus += 1;
					ob->o_dplus += 1;
				else {		/* weapon was prev cursed here */
					ob->o_hplus = rnd(2);
					ob->o_dplus = rnd(2);
			else if(rnd(100) < 10) {	/* curse weapon here */
				if (o_off(ob,ISCURSED)) {
					ob->o_hplus = -(rnd(2)+1);
					ob->o_dplus = -(rnd(2)+1);
				else {			/* if already cursed */
			msg("The %s glows for a moment.",w_magic[wh].mi_name);
		when ARMOR:
			if (rnd(100) < 30) {			/* enchant armor */
					ob->o_ac -= rnd(2) + 1;
					ob->o_ac = -rnd(3)+ armors[wh].a_class;
			else if(rnd(100) < 15){			/* curse armor */
				if (o_off(ob,ISCURSED))
					ob->o_ac = rnd(3)+ armors[wh].a_class;
					ob->o_ac += rnd(2) + 1;
			msg("The %s glows for a moment.",a_magic[wh].mi_name);
		when STICK: {
			int i;
			struct rod *rd;

			i = rnd(8) + 1;
			if(rnd(100) < 25)		/* add charges */
				ob->o_charges += i;
			else if(rnd(100) < 10) {	/* remove charges */
				if ((ob->o_charges -= i) < 0)
					ob->o_charges = 0;
			ws_know[wh] = TRUE;
			rd = &ws_stuff[wh];
			msg("The %s %s glows for a moment.",rd->ws_made,rd->ws_type);
		when SCROLL:
			s_know[wh] = TRUE;
			msg("The '%s' scroll unfurls.",s_names[wh]);
		when POTION:
			p_know[wh] = TRUE;
			msg("The %s potion bubbles for a moment.",p_colors[wh]);
		when RING:
			r_know[wh] = TRUE;
			if (magring(ob)) {
				if(rnd(100) < 25) {	 		/* enchant ring */
					if (o_off(ob,ISCURSED))
						ob->o_ac += rnd(2) + 1;
						ob->o_ac = rnd(2) + 1;
				else if(rnd(100) < 10) {	 /* curse ring */
					if (o_off(ob,ISCURSED))
						ob->o_ac = -(rnd(2) + 1);
						ob->o_ac -= (rnd(2) + 1);
			msg("The %s ring vibrates for a moment.",r_stones[wh]);
			msg("The pool bubbles for a moment.");
	cur_weapon = ob;	/* hero has to weild item to dip it */

 * trap_at:
 *	Find the trap at (y,x) on screen.
struct trap *
trap_at(y, x)
int y, x;
	reg struct trap *tp, *ep;

	ep = &traps[ntraps];
	for (tp = traps; tp < ep; tp += 1)
		if (tp->tr_pos.y == y && tp->tr_pos.x == x)
	if (tp >= ep)
		tp = NULL;
	return tp;

 * rndmove:
 *	move in a random direction if the monster/person is confused
struct coord *
struct thing *who;
	reg int x, y, ex, ey, ch;
	int nopen = 0;
	struct linked_list *item;
	static struct coord ret;  /* what we will be returning */
	static struct coord dest;

	ret = who->t_pos;
	 * Now go through the spaces surrounding the player and
	 * set that place in the array to true if the space can be
	 * moved into
	ey = ret.y + 1;
	ex = ret.x + 1;
	for (y = who->t_pos.y - 1; y <= ey; y += 1) {
		for (x = who->t_pos.x - 1; x <= ex; x += 1) {
			if (!cordok(y, x))
			ch = winat(y, x);
			if (step_ok(ch)) {
				dest.y = y;
				dest.x = x;
				if (!diag_ok(&who->t_pos, &dest))
				if (ch == SCROLL && who != &player) {
					 * check for scare monster scrolls
					item = find_obj(y, x);
					if (item != NULL && (OBJPTR(item))->o_which == S_SCARE)
				if (rnd(++nopen) == 0)
					ret = dest;
	return &ret;

 * isatrap:
 *	Returns TRUE if this character is some kind of trap
char ch;
	switch(ch) {
		case POST:
		case DARTTRAP:
		case POOL:
		case TELTRAP:
		case TRAPDOOR:
		case BEARTRAP:
		case MAZETRAP:
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;