view arogue5/init.c @ 164:49af2fd0bb0c

Move some autotools files to where configure can find them. rogue5 uses config.guess and config.sub to find the canonical system names. The configure script expects them to be in the same directory as install-sh. So they have been relocated to the top level. This is a quick and dirty fix. The eventual plan is to relocate them to /dev/null. I also suspect they should be used to set HOST, not TARGET. Rogue is not a cross-compiler.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 16 Jun 2015 11:44:49 -0400
parents c49f7927b0fa
children 68a63ddfbe14
line wrap: on
line source

 * global variable initializaton
 * Advanced Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "curses.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "mach_dep.h"

char *rainbow[NCOLORS] = {

"amber",		"aquamarine",		"beige",
"black",		"blue",			"brown",
"clear",		"crimson",		"ecru",
"gold",			"green",		"grey",
"indigo",		"khaki",		"lavender",
"magenta",		"orange",		"pink",
"plaid",		"purple",		"red",
"silver",		"saffron",		"scarlet",
"tan",			"tangerine", 		"topaz",
"turquoise",		"vermilion",		"violet",
"white",		"yellow",

char *sylls[NSYLLS] = {
    "a",   "ab",  "ag",  "aks", "ala", "an",  "ankh","app", "arg", "arze",
    "ash", "ban", "bar", "bat", "bek", "bie", "bin", "bit", "bjor",
    "blu", "bot", "bu",  "byt", "comp","con", "cos", "cre", "dalf",
    "dan", "den", "do",  "e",   "eep", "el",  "eng", "er",  "ere", "erk",
    "esh", "evs", "fa",  "fid", "for", "fri", "fu",  "gan", "gar",
    "glen","gop", "gre", "ha",  "he",  "hyd", "i",   "ing", "ion", "ip",
    "ish", "it",  "ite", "iv",  "jo",  "kho", "kli", "klis","la",  "lech",
    "man", "mar", "me",  "mi",  "mic", "mik", "mon", "mung","mur",
    "nej", "nelg","nep", "ner", "nes", "nes", "nih", "nin", "o",   "od",
    "ood", "org", "orn", "ox",  "oxy", "pay", "pet", "ple", "plu", "po",
    "pot", "prok","re",  "rea", "rhov","ri",  "ro",  "rog", "rok", "rol",
    "sa",  "san", "sat", "see", "sef", "seh", "shu", "ski", "sna",
    "sne", "snik","sno", "so",  "sol", "sri", "sta", "sun", "ta",
    "tab", "tem", "ther","ti",  "tox", "trol","tue", "turs","u",
    "ulk", "um",  "un",  "uni", "ur",  "val", "viv", "vly", "vom", "wah",
    "wed", "werg","wex", "whon","wun", "xo",  "y",   "yot", "yu",
    "zant","zap", "zeb", "zim", "zok", "zon", "zum",

char *stones[NSTONES] = {
	"agate",		"alexandrite",		"amethyst",
	"azurite",		"bloodstone",		"cairngorm",
	"carnelian",		"chalcedony",		"chrysoberyl",
	"chrysolite",		"chrysoprase",		"citrine",
	"coral",		"diamond",		"emerald",
	"garnet",		"heliotrope",		"hematite",
	"hyacinth",		"jacinth",		"jade",
	"jargoon",		"jasper",		"kryptonite",
	"lapus lazuli",		"malachite",		"mocca stone",
	"moonstone",		"obsidian",		"olivine",
	"onyx",			"opal",			"pearl",
	"peridot",		"quartz",		"rhodochrosite",
	"rhodolite",		"ruby",			"sapphire",
	"sardonyx",		"serpintine",		"spinel",
	"tiger eye",		"topaz",		"tourmaline",
	"turquoise",		"zircon",

char *wood[NWOOD] = {
	"avocado wood",	"balsa",	"banyan",	"birch",
	"cedar",	"cherry",	"cinnibar",	"dogwood",
	"driftwood",	"ebony",	"eucalyptus",	"hemlock",
	"ironwood",	"mahogany",	"manzanita",	"maple",
	"oak",		"pine",		"redwood",	"rosewood",
	"teak",		"walnut",	"zebra wood", 	"persimmon wood",

char *metal[NMETAL] = {
	"aluminium",	"bone",		"brass",	"bronze",
	"copper",	"chromium",	"iron",		"lead",
	"magnesium",	"pewter",	"platinum",	"silver",
	"steel",	"tin",		"titanium",	"zinc",

 * make sure all the percentages specified in the tables add up to the
 * right amounts
badcheck(name, magic, bound)
char *name;
register struct magic_item *magic;
register int bound;
    register struct magic_item *end;

    if (magic[bound - 1].mi_prob == 1000)
    printf("\nBad percentages for %s:\n", name);
    for (end = &magic[bound] ; magic < end ; magic++)
	printf("%4d%% %s\n", magic->mi_prob, magic->mi_name);
    while (getchar() != '\n')
 * init_colors:
 *	Initialize the potion color scheme for this time

    register int i, j;
    bool used[NCOLORS];

    for(i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++)
        used[i] = FALSE;

    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXPOTIONS ; i++)
	    j = rnd(NCOLORS);
        until (!used[j]);
        used[j] = TRUE;
	p_colors[i] = rainbow[j];
	p_know[i] = FALSE;
	p_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		p_magic[i].mi_prob += p_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("potions", p_magic, MAXPOTIONS);
 * init_materials:
 *	Initialize the construction materials for wands and staffs

    register int i, j;
    register char *str;
    bool metused[NMETAL], woodused[NWOOD];

    for(i = 0; i < NWOOD; i++)
        woodused[i] = FALSE;

    for(i = 0; i < NMETAL; i++)
        metused[i] = FALSE;

    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXSTICKS ; i++)
        for (;;)
	    if (rnd(100) > 50)
                j = rnd(NMETAL);

                if (!metused[j])
                    ws_type[i] = "wand";
                    str = metal[j];
                    metused[j] = TRUE;
                j = rnd(NWOOD);

                if (!woodused[j])
                    ws_type[i] = "staff";
                    str = wood[j];
                    woodused[j] = TRUE;

        ws_made[i] = str;
	ws_know[i] = FALSE;
	ws_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		ws_magic[i].mi_prob += ws_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("sticks", ws_magic, MAXSTICKS);
 * do any initialization for miscellaneous magic

    register int i;

    for (i=0; i < MAXMM; i++) {
	m_know[i] = FALSE;
	m_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
	    m_magic[i].mi_prob += m_magic[i-1].mi_prob;

    badcheck("miscellaneous magic", m_magic, MAXMM);

 * init_names:
 *	Generate the names of the various scrolls

    register int nsyl;
    register char *cp, *sp;
    register int i, nwords;

    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXSCROLLS ; i++)
	cp = prbuf;
	nwords = rnd(COLS/20) + 1 + (COLS > 40 ? 1 : 0);
	    nsyl = rnd(3)+1;
		sp = sylls[rnd((sizeof sylls) / (sizeof (char *)))];
		    *cp++ = *sp++;
	    *cp++ = ' ';
	*--cp = '\0';
	s_names[i] = (char *) new(strlen(prbuf)+1);
	s_know[i] = FALSE;
	s_guess[i] = NULL;
	strcpy(s_names[i], prbuf);
	if (i > 0)
		s_magic[i].mi_prob += s_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("scrolls", s_magic, MAXSCROLLS);
 * init_player:
 *	roll up the rogue

    int stat_total, ch = 0, wpt = 0, i, j;
    struct linked_list *weap_item, *armor_item, *food_item;
    struct object *obj;
    char *class;

    weap_item = armor_item = NULL;

    if (char_type == -1) {
	/* See what type character will be */
	mvwaddstr(hw,2,0,"[1] Fighter\n[2] Magician\n[3] Cleric\n[4] Thief");
	mvwaddstr(hw, 0, 0, "What character class do you desire? ");
	char_type = (wgetch(hw) - '0');
	while (char_type < 1 || char_type > 4) {
	    mvwaddstr(hw,0,0,"Please enter a character type between 1 and 4: ");
	    char_type = (wgetch(hw) - '0');
    player.t_ctype = char_type;
    player.t_quiet = 0;
    pack = NULL;

#ifdef WIZARD
     * allow me to describe a super character 
    if (wizard && md_getuid() == AUTHOR && strcmp(getenv("SUPER"),"YES") == 0) {
	    pstats.s_str = 25;
	    pstats.s_intel = 25;
	    pstats.s_wisdom = 25;
	    pstats.s_dext = 25;
	    pstats.s_const = 25;
	    pstats.s_charisma = 25;
	    pstats.s_exp = 7500000L;
	    pstats.s_lvl = 20;
	    pstats.s_hpt = 500;
	    pstats.s_carry = totalenc();
	    if (player.t_ctype == C_FIGHTER)
		weap_item = spec_item(WEAPON, TWOSWORD, 5, 5);
		weap_item = spec_item(WEAPON, SWORD, 5, 5);
	    obj = OBJPTR(weap_item);
	    obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
	    add_pack(weap_item, TRUE, NULL);
	    cur_weapon = obj;
	    j = PLATE_ARMOR;
	    if (player.t_ctype == C_THIEF)
	    armor_item = spec_item(ARMOR, j, 10, 0);
	    obj = OBJPTR(armor_item);
	    obj->o_flags |= (ISKNOW | ISPROT);
	    obj->o_weight = armors[j].a_wght;
	    add_pack(armor_item, TRUE, NULL);
	    cur_armor = obj;
	    purse += 10000;

	do {
	    if (armor_item != NULL) {
		armor_item = NULL;
	    if (weap_item != NULL) {
		weap_item = NULL;
	    pstats.s_lvl = 1;
	    pstats.s_exp = 0L;
	    pstats.s_hpt = 12 + rnd(10);
	    pstats.s_str = 7 + rnd(5);
	    pstats.s_intel = 7 + rnd(5);
	    pstats.s_wisdom = 7 + rnd(5);
	    pstats.s_dext = 7 + rnd(5);
	    pstats.s_const = 14 + rnd(5);
	    pstats.s_charisma = 7 + rnd(5);

	    /* Now for the special ability */
	    switch (char_type) {
		case C_FIGHTER:  pstats.s_str	= (rnd(10) == 7) ? 18 : 16;
		when C_MAGICIAN: pstats.s_intel	= (rnd(10) == 7) ? 18 : 16;
		when C_CLERIC:   pstats.s_wisdom= (rnd(10) == 7) ? 18 : 16;
		when C_THIEF:    pstats.s_dext	= (rnd(10) == 7) ? 18 : 16;
	    stat_total =pstats.s_str  + pstats.s_intel + pstats.s_wisdom +
			pstats.s_dext + pstats.s_const;
	     * since the player can re-roll stats at will, keep the maximum
	     * to some reasonable limit
	    if (stat_total > MAXSTATS)
		pstats.s_const -= (stat_total - MAXSTATS);
	    pstats.s_carry = totalenc();

	     * Give the rogue his weaponry.  
	    do {
		i = rnd(8);	/* number of acceptable weapons */
		switch(i) {
		    case 0: ch = 25; wpt = MACE;
		    when 1: ch = 25; wpt = SWORD;
		    when 2: ch = 20; wpt = BATTLEAXE;
		    when 3: ch = 20; wpt = TRIDENT;
		    when 4: ch = 20; wpt = SPETUM;
		    when 5: ch = 20; wpt = BARDICHE;
		    when 6: ch = 15; wpt = PIKE;
		    when 7: ch = 20; wpt = HALBERD;
	    } while(rnd(100) > ch);
	    if (player.t_ctype == C_FIGHTER)
		wpt = TWOSWORD;
	    weap_item = spec_item(WEAPON, wpt, rnd(2), rnd(2)+1);
	    obj = OBJPTR(weap_item);
	    obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
	     * And his suit of armor.......
	     * Thieves can only wear leather armor
	     * fighters get better armor on an average
	    if (player.t_ctype == C_THIEF)
	    else {
		if (player.t_ctype == C_FIGHTER)
		    i = 50 + rnd(50);
		    i = rnd(100);
		j = 0;
		while (armors[j].a_prob < i)
	    armor_item = spec_item(ARMOR, j, 0, 0);
	    obj = OBJPTR(armor_item);
	    obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
	    obj->o_weight = armors[j].a_wght;
	    switch(player.t_ctype) {
		case C_FIGHTER:	class = "fighter";
		when C_MAGICIAN:class = "magic user";
		when C_CLERIC:	class = "cleric";
		when C_THIEF:	class = "thief";
		otherwise:	class = "unknown";
	    wmove(hw, 2, 0);
	    wprintw(hw, "You have rolled a %s with the following attributes:",class);
	    wprintw(hw, "    Int: %2d", pstats.s_intel);
	    wprintw(hw, "    Str: %2d", pstats.s_str);
	    wprintw(hw, "    Wis: %2d", pstats.s_wisdom); 
	    wprintw(hw, "    Dex: %2d", pstats.s_dext);
	    wprintw(hw, "  Const: %2d", pstats.s_const);
	    wmove(hw, 6, 0);
	    wprintw(hw, "     Hp: %2d", pstats.s_hpt);
	    mvwaddstr(hw, 8, 5, inv_name(OBJPTR(weap_item), FALSE));
	    mvwaddstr(hw, 9, 5, inv_name(OBJPTR(armor_item), FALSE));
	    mvwaddstr(hw,0,0,"Would you like to re-roll the character? ");
	} while(wgetch(hw) == 'y');

	obj = OBJPTR(weap_item);
	add_pack(weap_item, TRUE, NULL);
	cur_weapon = obj;
	obj = OBJPTR(armor_item);
	add_pack(armor_item, TRUE, NULL);
	cur_armor = obj;
     * Give him some food
    food_item = spec_item(FOOD, 0, 0, 0);
    obj = OBJPTR(food_item);
    obj->o_weight = things[TYP_FOOD].mi_wght;
    add_pack(food_item, TRUE, NULL);
    pstats.s_arm = 10;
    max_stats = pstats;


 * init_stones:
 *	Initialize the ring stone setting scheme for this time

    register int i, j;
    bool used[NSTONES];

    for (i = 0; i < NSTONES; i++)
        used[i] = FALSE;

    for (i = 0 ; i < MAXRINGS ; i++)
            j = rnd(NSTONES);
        until (!used[j]);

        used[j] = TRUE;
	r_stones[i] = stones[j];
	r_know[i] = FALSE;
	r_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		r_magic[i].mi_prob += r_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("rings", r_magic, MAXRINGS);
 * init_things
 *	Initialize the probabilities for types of things
    register struct magic_item *mp;

    for (mp = &things[1] ; mp < &things[NUMTHINGS] ; mp++)
	mp->mi_prob += (mp-1)->mi_prob;
    badcheck("things", things, NUMTHINGS);