view xrogue/options.c @ 227:696277507a2e

Rogue V4, V5: disable a cheat granting permanent monster detection. In these two games, a potion of monster detection turns on the player's SEEMONST flag. A fuse is set to call turn_see() to turn the flag back off. But the save and restore functions do not recognize turn_see() and fail to set the fuse up again. When restoring, Rogue V4 merely sets the fuse's function to NULL and leaves it burning. When it goes off, a segfault results. Rogue V5 clears all the fuse's fields, and the player retains the ability to see all monsters on the level. The save and restore code can now handle the fuse. The function used is a new wrapper, turn_see_off(), which should lead to less problems with daemons being multiple incompatible types. Also, Rogue V4 and Super-Rogue now properly clear unrecognized daemon and fuse slots when restoring a saved game.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sat, 05 Mar 2016 12:10:20 -0500
parents f54901b9c39b
children 50b89f165a34
line wrap: on
line source

    options.c - This file has all the code for the option command
    XRogue: Expeditions into the Dungeons of Doom
    Copyright (C) 1991 Robert Pietkivitch
    All rights reserved.
    Based on "Advanced Rogue"
    Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
    All rights reserved.

    Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
    Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
    All rights reserved.
    See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
 * I would rather this command were not necessary, but
 * it is the only way to keep the wolves off of my back.

#include <curses.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"

#define NUM_OPTS        (sizeof optlist / sizeof (OPTION))

 * description of an option and what to do with it
struct optstruct {
    char        *o_name;        /* option name */
    char        *o_prompt;      /* prompt for interactive entry */
    int         *o_opt;         /* pointer to thing to set */
    int         (*o_putfunc)(); /* function to print value */
    int         (*o_getfunc)(); /* function to get value interactively */

typedef struct optstruct        OPTION;

int get_ro(WINDOW *win, int oy, int ox);
void put_bool(bool *b, WINDOW *win);
int get_bool(bool *bp, WINDOW *win);
void put_str(char *str, WINDOW *win);
int get_str(char *opt, WINDOW *win);
void put_abil(int *ability, WINDOW *win);
void get_abil(int *abil, WINDOW *win);
void put_quest(int *quest, WINDOW *win);
void get_quest(int *quest, WINDOW *win);
void get_default(bool *bp, WINDOW *win);
int get_str_prot(char *opt, WINDOW *win);
int get_score(char *opt, WINDOW *win);
bool allowchange(OPTION *op);

OPTION  optlist[] = {
    {"terse",   "Terse output: ",
                (int *) &terse,         put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"flush",   "Flush typeahead during battle: ",
                (int *) &fight_flush,   put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"jump",    "Show position only at end of run: ",
                (int *) &jump,          put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"step",    "Do inventories one line at a time: ",
                (int *) &slow_invent,   put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"askme",   "Ask me about unidentified things: ",
                (int *) &askme,         put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"pickup",  "Pick things up automatically: ",
                (int *) &auto_pickup,   put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"overlay", "Overlay menu: ",
                (int *) &menu_overlay,  put_bool,       get_bool        },
    {"name",    "Name: ",
                (int *) whoami,         put_str,        get_str_prot    },
    {"file",    "Save file: ",
                (int *) file_name,      put_str,        get_str_prot    },
    {"score",   "Score file: ",
                (int *) score_file,     put_str,        get_score       },
    {"class",   "Character type: ",
                (int *) &char_type,     put_abil,       get_abil        },
    {"quest",   "Quest item: ",
                (int *) &quest_item,    put_quest,      get_quest       },
    {"default", "Default Attributes: ",
                (int *) &def_attr,      put_bool,    get_default     }

 * The default attribute field is read-only

get_default(bool *bp, WINDOW *win)
    register int oy, ox;

    getyx(win, oy, ox);
    put_bool(bp, win);
    get_ro(win, oy, ox);

 * The ability (class) field is read-only

get_abil(int *abil, WINDOW *win)
    register int oy, ox;

    getyx(win, oy, ox);
    put_abil(abil, win);
    get_ro(win, oy, ox);

 * The quest field is read-only

get_quest(int *quest, WINDOW *win)
    register int oy, ox;

    getyx(win, oy, ox);
    waddstr(win, rel_magic[*quest].mi_name);
    get_ro(win, oy, ox);

 * get_ro:
 *      "Get" a read-only value.

get_ro(WINDOW *win, int oy, int ox)
    register int ny, nx;
    register bool op_bad;
    op_bad = TRUE;
    getyx(win, ny, nx);
        wmove(win, oy, ox);
        switch (wgetch(win))
            case '\n':
            case '\r':
                op_bad = FALSE;
            case '\033':
            case '\007':
                return QUIT;
            case '-':
                return MINUS;
                mvwaddstr(win, ny, nx + 5, "(no change allowed)");
    wmove(win, ny, nx + 5);
    wmove(win, ny, nx);
    waddch(win, '\n');
    return NORM;

 * allow changing a boolean option and print it out

get_bool(bool *bp, WINDOW *win)
    register int oy, ox;
    register bool op_bad;

    op_bad = TRUE;
    getyx(win, oy, ox);
    waddstr(win, *bp ? "True" : "False");
        wmove(win, oy, ox);
        switch (wgetch(win))
            case 't':
            case 'T':
                *bp = TRUE;
                op_bad = FALSE;
            case 'f':
            case 'F':
                *bp = FALSE;
                op_bad = FALSE;
            case '\n':
            case '\r':
                op_bad = FALSE;
            case '\033':
            case '\007':
                return QUIT;
            case '-':
                return MINUS;
                mvwaddstr(win, oy, ox + 10, "(T or F)");
    wmove(win, oy, ox);
    waddstr(win, *bp ? "True" : "False");
    waddch(win, '\n');
    return NORM;

 * set a string option

get_str(char *opt, WINDOW *win)
    register char *sp;
    register int c, oy, ox;
    char buf[LINELEN];

    getyx(win, oy, ox);
     * loop reading in the string, and put it in a temporary buffer
    for (sp = buf;
        (c = wgetch(win)) != '\n'       && 
        c != '\r'                       && 
        c != '\033'                     && 
        c != '\007'                     &&
        sp < &buf[LINELEN-1];
        wclrtoeol(win), draw(win))
        if (c == -1)
        else if (c == erasechar()) /* process erase character */
            if (sp > buf)
                register int i;

                for (i = strlen(unctrl(*sp)); i; i--)
                    waddch(win, '\b');
        else if (c == killchar()) /* process kill character */
            sp = buf;
            wmove(win, oy, ox);
        else if (sp == buf)
            if (c == '-' && win == hw)  /* To move back a line in hw */
            else if (c == '~')
                strcpy(buf, home);
                waddstr(win, home);
                sp += strlen(home);
        *sp++ = c;
        waddstr(win, unctrl(c));
    *sp = '\0';
    if (sp > buf)       /* only change option if something has been typed */
        strucpy(opt, buf, strlen(buf));
    wmove(win, oy, ox);
    waddstr(win, opt);
    waddch(win, '\n');
    if (win == msgw)
        mpos += sp - buf;
    if (c == '-')
        return MINUS;
    else if (c == '\033' || c == '\007')
        return QUIT;
        return NORM;

 * print and then set options from the terminal

    register OPTION     *op;
    register int        retval;

     * Display current values of options
    for (op = optlist; op < &optlist[NUM_OPTS]; op++)
        waddstr(hw, op->o_prompt);
        (*op->o_putfunc)(op->o_opt, hw);
        waddch(hw, '\n');
     * Set values
    wmove(hw, 0, 0);
    for (op = optlist; op < &optlist[NUM_OPTS]; op++)
        waddstr(hw, op->o_prompt);

		retval = (*op->o_getfunc)(op->o_opt, hw);

        if (retval)
            if (retval == QUIT)
            else if (op > optlist) {    /* MINUS */
                wmove(hw, (op - optlist) - 1, 0);
                op -= 2;
            else        /* trying to back up beyond the top */
                wmove(hw, 0, 0);
     * Switch back to original screen
    mvwaddstr(hw, lines-1, 0, spacemsg);
    wait_for(' ');
    after = FALSE;

 * parse options from string, usually taken from the environment.
 * the string is a series of comma seperated values, with booleans
 * being stated as "name" (true) or "noname" (false), and strings
 * being "name=....", with the string being defined up to a comma
 * or the end of the entire option string.

parse_opts(char *str)
    register char *sp;
    register OPTION *op;
    register int len;

    if (*str == '\"')

    while (*str)
         * Get option name

        for (sp = str; isalpha(*sp); sp++)
        len = (char *)sp - str;
         * Look it up and deal with it
        for (op = optlist; op < &optlist[NUM_OPTS]; op++)
            if (EQSTR(str, op->o_name, len))
                if (op->o_putfunc == put_bool)  /* if option is a boolean */
                    *(bool *)op->o_opt = TRUE;
                else                            /* string option */
                    register char *start;
                    char value[LINELEN];

                     * Skip to start of string value
                    for (str = sp + 1; *str == '=' || *str == ':'; str++)

                    if (*str == '~')
                        strcpy((char *) value, home);
                        start = (char *) value + strlen(home);
                        while (*++str == '/')
                        start = (char *) value;
                     * Skip to end of string value
                    for (sp = str + 1; *sp && *sp != ',' && *sp != '\"'; sp++)
                    strucpy(start, str, (char *) sp - str);

                    /* Put the value into the option field */
                    if (op->o_putfunc != put_abil) {
                        if (allowchange(op))
                            strcpy((char *)op->o_opt, value);

                    else if (*op->o_opt == -1) { /* Only init ability once */
                        register int len = strlen(value);
                        register int i;

                        for (i=0; i<NUM_CHARTYPES-1; i++) {
                            if (EQSTR(value, char_class[i].name, len)) {
                                *op->o_opt = i;
             * check for "noname" for booleans
            else if (op->o_putfunc == put_bool
              && EQSTR(str, "no", 2) && EQSTR(str + 2, op->o_name, len - 2))
                *(bool *)op->o_opt = FALSE;

         * skip to start of next option name
        while (*sp && !isalpha(*sp))
        str = sp;

 * print the default attributes

/* put_default(b, win)
 * bool *b;
 * WINDOW *win;
 * {
 *     waddstr(win, *b ? "True" : "False");
 * }

 * print the character type

put_abil(int *ability, WINDOW *win)
    waddstr(win, char_class[*ability].name);

 * print out the quest

put_quest(int *quest, WINDOW *win)
    waddstr(win, rel_magic[*quest].mi_name);

 * put out a boolean

put_bool(bool *b, WINDOW *win)
    waddstr(win, *b ? "True" : "False");

 * put out a string

put_str(char *str, WINDOW *win)
    waddstr(win, str);

/* Like get_str, but disallows changes when use_savedir is set. */
get_str_prot(char *opt, WINDOW *win)
    int oy, ox;

    if (use_savedir) {
        getyx(win, oy, ox);
        waddstr(win, opt);
        return get_ro(win, oy, ox);
    else {
        return get_str(opt, win);

/* When getting the scorefile, the new file must be opened. */
get_score(char *optstr, WINDOW *win)
    char old_score_file[LINELEN];
    int status;

    if (use_savedir)
        return get_str_prot(optstr, win);

    strcpy(old_score_file, optstr);
    status = get_str(optstr, win);
    if (status == NORM && strcmp(old_score_file, optstr))
        if (scorefi != NULL)
        scorefi = fopen(score_file, "rb+");
        if (scorefi == NULL)
            scorefi = fopen(score_file, "wb+");
    return status;

allowchange(OPTION *op)
    if (!use_savedir)
        return TRUE;
    if (!strcmp(op->o_name, "name"))
        return FALSE;
    if (!strcmp(op->o_name, "file"))
        return FALSE;
    if (!strcmp(op->o_name, "score"))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;