view srogue/misc.c @ 221:71cb5b647f2b

Rogue V5: remove troublesome automatic platform detection. used AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM to guess the GNU system description triplets. The target description was substituted into the Makefile and formatted into the filename for the binary distribution tarball. But 'target' is only intended for cross-compilers. 'host_os' might have been a better choice. The tarball filename can still be changed manually, by running make with an argument of 'DESTSYS=systemname'. Cross-compiling may be more difficult now, but I am not certain that it worked properly previously, and due to pending autoconf changes, it was likely to break anyway. The top-level config.guess and config.sub are no longer needed, but they may reappear if better support for cross-compilation is added.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 12 Feb 2016 14:25:47 -0500
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * all sorts of miscellaneous routines
 * @(#)misc.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "rogue.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.ext"

 * waste_time:
 *	Do nothing but let other things happen
	if (inwhgt)		/* if from wghtchk, then done */

 * getindex:
 *	Convert a type into an index for the things structures
char what;
	int index = -1;

	switch (what) {
		case POTION:	index = TYP_POTION;
		when SCROLL:	index = TYP_SCROLL;
		when FOOD:		index = TYP_FOOD;
		when RING:		index = TYP_RING;
		when AMULET:	index = TYP_AMULET;
		when ARMOR:		index = TYP_ARMOR;
		when WEAPON:	index = TYP_WEAPON;
		when STICK:		index = TYP_STICK;
	return index;

 * tr_name:
 *	print the name of a trap
char *
char ch;
	reg char *s;

	switch (ch) {
		case TRAPDOOR:
			s = "A trapdoor.";
		when BEARTRAP:
			s = "A beartrap.";
			s = "A sleeping gas trap.";
			s = "An arrow trap.";
		when TELTRAP:
			s = "A teleport trap.";
		when DARTTRAP:
			s = "A dart trap.";
		when POOL:
			s = "A magic pool.";
		when POST:
			s = "A trading post.";
		when MAZETRAP:
			s = "A maze trap.";
		s = "A bottomless pit.";		/* shouldn't get here */
	return s;

 * Look:
 *	A quick glance all around the player
bool wakeup;
	reg char ch;
	reg int oldx, oldy, y, x;
	reg struct room *rp;
	int ey, ex, oex, oey;
	int passcount = 0;
	bool inpass, blind;

	getyx(cw, oldy, oldx);
	oex = player.t_oldpos.x;
	oey = player.t_oldpos.y;
	blind = pl_on(ISBLIND);
	if ((oldrp != NULL && rf_on(oldrp,ISDARK)) || blind) {
		for (x = oex - 1; x <= oex + 1; x += 1)
			for (y = oey - 1; y <= oey + 1; y += 1)
				if ((y != hero.y || x != hero.x) && show(y, x) == FLOOR)
					mvwaddch(cw, y, x, ' ');
	rp = player.t_room;
	inpass = (rp == NULL);				/* TRUE when not in a room */
	ey = hero.y + 1;
	ex = hero.x + 1;
	for (x = hero.x - 1; x <= ex; x += 1) {
		if (x >= 0 && x <= COLS - 1) {
			for (y = hero.y - 1; y <= ey; y += 1) {
				if (y <= 0 || y >= LINES - 2)
				if (isalpha(mvwinch(mw, y, x))) {
					reg struct linked_list *it;
					reg struct thing *tp;

					if (wakeup || (!inpass && rf_on(rp, ISTREAS)))
						it = wake_monster(y, x);
						it = find_mons(y, x);
					if (it == NULL)				/* lost monster */
						mvaddch(y, x, FLOOR);
					else {
						tp = THINGPTR(it);
						if (isatrap(tp->t_oldch = mvinch(y, x))) {
							struct trap *trp;

							if ((trp = trap_at(y,x)) == NULL)
							if (trp->tr_flags & ISFOUND)
								tp->t_oldch = trp->tr_type;
								tp->t_oldch = FLOOR;
						if (tp->t_oldch == FLOOR && rf_on(rp,ISDARK))
							if (!blind)
								tp->t_oldch = ' ';
				 * Secret doors show as walls
				if ((ch = show(y, x)) == SECRETDOOR) {
					if (inpass || y == rp->r_pos.y || y == rp->r_pos.y + rp->r_max.y - 1)
						ch = '-';
						ch = '|';
				 * Don't show room walls if he is in a passage
				if (!blind) {
					if ((y == hero.y && x == hero.x) || (inpass && (ch == '-' || ch == '|')))
					ch = ' ';
				wmove(cw, y, x);
				waddch(cw, ch);
				if (door_stop && !firstmove && running) {
					switch (runch) {
						case 'h':
							if (x == ex)
						when 'j':
							if (y == hero.y - 1)
						when 'k':
							if (y == ey)
						when 'l':
							if (x == hero.x - 1)
						when 'y':
							if ((x + y) - (hero.x + hero.y) >= 1)
						when 'u':
							if ((y - x) - (hero.y - hero.x) >= 1)
						when 'n':
							if ((x + y) - (hero.x + hero.y) <= -1)
						when 'b':
							if ((y - x) - (hero.y - hero.x) <= -1)
					switch (ch) {
						case DOOR:
							if (x == hero.x || y == hero.y)
								running = FALSE;
						case PASSAGE:
							if (x == hero.x || y == hero.y)
								passcount += 1;
						case FLOOR:
						case '|':
						case '-':
						case ' ':
							running = FALSE;
	if (door_stop && !firstmove && passcount > 1)
		running = FALSE;
	mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
	wmove(cw, oldy, oldx);
	player.t_oldpos = hero;
	oldrp = rp;

 * find_obj:
 *	find the unclaimed object at y, x
struct linked_list *
find_obj(y, x)
int y, x;
	reg struct linked_list *obj;
	reg struct object *op;

	for (obj = lvl_obj; obj != NULL; obj = next(obj)) {
		op = OBJPTR(obj);
		if (op->o_pos.y == y && op->o_pos.x == x)
			return obj;
	return NULL;

 * eat:
 *	Let the hero eat some food.
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	reg struct object *obj;
	reg int goodfood, cursed;

	if ((item = get_item("eat", FOOD)) == NULL)
	obj = OBJPTR(item);
	if (obj->o_type != FOOD) {
		msg("That's Inedible!");
		after = FALSE;
	cursed = 1;
	if (o_on(obj, ISCURSED))
		cursed += 1;
	else if (o_on(obj, ISBLESS))
		cursed -= 1;
	if (obj->o_which == FRUITFOOD) {
		msg("My, that was a yummy %s.", fruit);
		goodfood = 100;
	else {
		if (rnd(100) > 80 || o_on(obj, ISCURSED)) {
			msg("Yuk, this food tastes like ARA.");
			goodfood = 300;
			him->s_exp += 1;
		else {
			msg("Yum, that tasted good.");
			goodfood = 200;
	goodfood *= cursed;
	if ((food_left += HUNGERTIME + rnd(400) - goodfood) > STOMACHSIZE)
		food_left = STOMACHSIZE;
	hungry_state = F_OKAY;
	updpack();					/* update pack */
	if (obj == cur_weapon)
		cur_weapon = NULL;
	del_pack(item);		/* get rid of the food */

 * aggravate:
 *	aggravate all the monsters on this level
	reg struct linked_list *mi;

	for (mi = mlist; mi != NULL; mi = next(mi))
		runto(&(THINGPTR(mi))->t_pos, &hero);

 * vowelstr:
 * 	If string starts with a vowel, return "n" for an "an"
char *
char *str;
	switch (tolower(*str)) {
		case 'a':
		case 'e':
		case 'i':
		case 'o':
		case 'u':
			return "n";
			return "";

 * is_current:
 *	See if the object is one of the currently used items
struct object *obj;
	if (obj == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	if (obj == cur_armor || obj == cur_weapon || obj == cur_ring[LEFT]
	  || obj == cur_ring[RIGHT]) {
		msg("Already in use.");
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * get_dir:
 *	Set up the direction coordinates
	reg char *prompt;
	reg bool gotit;

	prompt = "Direction: ";
	do {
		gotit = TRUE;
		switch (readchar()) {
			case 'h': case'H': delta.y =  0; delta.x = -1;
			when 'j': case'J': delta.y =  1; delta.x =  0;
			when 'k': case'K': delta.y = -1; delta.x =  0;
			when 'l': case'L': delta.y =  0; delta.x =  1;
			when 'y': case'Y': delta.y = -1; delta.x = -1;
			when 'u': case'U': delta.y = -1; delta.x =  1;
			when 'b': case'B': delta.y =  1; delta.x = -1;
			when 'n': case'N': delta.y =  1; delta.x =  1;
			when ESCAPE: return FALSE;
				mpos = 0;
				gotit = FALSE;
	} until (gotit);
	if (pl_on(ISHUH) && rnd(100) > 80) {
		do {
			delta.y = rnd(3) - 1;
			delta.x = rnd(3) - 1;
		} while (delta.y == 0 && delta.x == 0);
	mpos = 0;
	return TRUE;

 * initfood:
 *	Set up stuff for a food-type object
struct object *what;
	what->o_type = FOOD;
	what->o_group = NORMFOOD;
	if (rnd(100) < 15)
		what->o_group = FRUITFOOD;
	what->o_which = what->o_group;
	what->o_count = 1 + extras();
	what->o_flags = ISKNOW;
	what->o_weight = things[TYP_FOOD].mi_wght;
	what->o_typname = things[TYP_FOOD].mi_name;
	what->o_hplus = what->o_dplus = 0;
	what->o_vol = itemvol(what);