view xrogue/rogue.h @ 264:778938a5c21d

UltraRogue: add location for character files. When using the -n option, UltraRogue will look for character files in a single location, similar to save files. The location is chosen by defining CHRDIR in getplay.c, at least until UltraRogue gets integrated with the build systems.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sun, 19 Feb 2017 19:47:09 -0500
parents 3d4252fa2ed3
children d3968e9cb98d
line wrap: on
line source

    rogue.h - Rogue definitions and variable declarations
    XRogue: Expeditions into the Dungeons of Doom
    Copyright (C) 1991 Robert Pietkivitch
    All rights reserved.
    Based on "Advanced Rogue"
    Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
    All rights reserved.

    Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
    Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
    All rights reserved.
    See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "config.h"

#include <assert.h>
#define reg  register
#undef lines
#define ENCREAD encread
#define ENCWRITE encwrite
#undef SCROLL   /* UNIX/370 defines SCROLL for some bizarre reason */
#define exfork fork     /* Standard fork with no paging available */

 * Maximum number of different things

#define MINCOLS         70
#define MINLINES        22
#define MAXROOMS        9
#define MAXTHINGS       9
#define MAXOBJ          9
#define MAXSTATS        74      /* max total of all stats at startup */
#define MAXPACK         27      /* max number of items in pack */
#define MAXDOUBLE       14      /* max number of times exppts is doubled */
#define MAXCONTENTS     20      /* max number of things beaker/book can hold */
#define MAXENCHANT      30      /* max number of enchantments on an item */
#define MAXTREAS        25      /* number monsters/treasure in treasure room */
#define MAXTRAPS        20      /* max number of traps that may be on level */
#define MAXTRPTRY       15      /* attempts/level allowed for setting traps */
#define MAXDOORS        4       /* maximum doors to a room */
#define MAXCHANTS       16      /* maximum number of chants for a druid */
#define MAXPRAYERS      16      /* maximum number of prayers for cleric */
#define MAXSPELLS       16      /* maximum number of spells for magician */
#define MAXQUILL        14      /* scrolls the Quill of Nagrom can write */
#define QUILLCHARGES    300     /* max num of charges in the Quill of Nagrom */
#define NUM_CNAMES      26      /* number of names per character level */
#define NUMMONST        211     /* current number of monsters */
#define NUMUNIQUE       60      /* number of UNIQUEs (minus jacaranda) */
#define NUMDINOS        30      /* number of dinosaurs (for OUTSIDE level) */
#define NLEVMONS        3       /* number of new monsters per level */
#define NUMSCORE        20      /* number of entries in score file */
#define HARDER          40      /* at this level start making things harder */
#define LINELEN         256     /* characters in a buffer */
#define JUG_EMPTY       -1      /* signifys that the alchemy jug is empty */
#define MAXPURCH        (pstats.s_charisma/3) /* num of purchases at */
#define MAXATT          50      /* charactor's attribute maximum number */

/* Movement penalties */
#define SHOTPENALTY 2           /* In line of sight of missile */
#define DOORPENALTY 1           /* Moving out of current room */

 * these defines are used in calls to get_item() to signify what
 * it is we want

#define ALL             -1
#define WEARABLE        -2
#define CALLABLE        -3
#define WIELDABLE       -4
#define USEABLE         -5
#define IDENTABLE       -6
#define REMOVABLE       -7
#define PROTECTABLE     -8
#define ZAPPABLE        -9
#define READABLE        -10
#define QUAFFABLE       -11

 * stuff to do with encumberance

#define NORMENCB        1400    /* normal encumberance */
#define F_SATIATED       0      /* player's stomach is very full */
#define F_OKAY           1      /* have plenty of food in stomach */
#define F_HUNGRY         2      /* player is hungry */
#define F_WEAK           3      /* weak from lack of food */
#define F_FAINT          4      /* fainting from lack of food */

 * actions a player/monster will take

#define A_MOVE          0200    /* normal movement */
#define A_FREEZE        0201    /* frozen in place */
#define A_ATTACK        0202    /* trying to hit */
#define A_SELL          0203    /* trying to sell goods */
#define A_NIL           0204    /* not doing anything */
#define A_BREATHE       0205    /* breathing */
#define A_MISSILE       0206    /* Firing magic missiles */
#define A_SONIC         0207    /* Sounding a sonic blast */
#define A_SUMMON        0210    /* Summoning help */
#define A_USERELIC      0211    /* Monster uses a relic */
#define A_SLOW          0212    /* monster slows the player */
#define A_ZAP           0213    /* monster shoots a wand */
#define A_PICKUP        0214    /* player is picking something up */
#define A_USEWAND       0215    /* monster is shooting a wand */
#define A_THROW         't'
#define C_CAST          'C'
#define C_COUNT         '*'
#define C_DIP           'D'
#define C_DROP          'd'
#define C_EAT           'e'
#define C_PRAY          'p'
#define C_CHANT         'c'
#define C_QUAFF         'q'
#define C_READ          'r'
#define C_SEARCH        's'
#define C_SETTRAP       '^'
#define C_TAKEOFF       'T'
#define C_USE           CTRL('U')
#define C_WEAR          'W'
#define C_WIELD         'w'
#define C_ZAP           'z'

/* Possible ways for the hero to move */

#define H_TELEPORT 0

 * return values for get functions

#define NORM    0       /* normal exit */
#define QUIT    1       /* quit option setting */
#define MINUS   2       /* back up one option */

 * The character types

#define C_FIGHTER       0
#define C_RANGER        1
#define C_PALADIN       2
#define C_MAGICIAN      3
#define C_CLERIC        4
#define C_THIEF         5
#define C_ASSASSIN      6
#define C_DRUID         7
#define C_MONK          8
#define C_MONSTER       9
#define NUM_CHARTYPES   10

 * define the ability types

#define A_STRENGTH      1
#define A_WISDOM        2
#define A_DEXTERITY     3
#define A_CHARISMA      5
#define NUMABILITIES    6

 * values for games end

#define UPDATE  -2
#define SCOREIT -1
#define KILLED   0
#define CHICKEN  1
#define WINNER   2

 * definitions for function step_ok:
 *      MONSTOK indicates it is OK to step on a monster -- it
 *      is only OK when stepping diagonally AROUND a monster;
 *      it is also OK if the stepper is a friendly monster and
 *      is in a fighting mood.

#define MONSTOK 1
#define NOMONST 2
#define FIGHTOK 3

 * used for ring stuff

#define LEFT_1          0
#define LEFT_2          1
#define LEFT_3          2
#define LEFT_4          3
#define RIGHT_1         4
#define RIGHT_2         5
#define RIGHT_3         6
#define RIGHT_4         7
#define NUM_FINGERS     8

 * used for micellaneous magic (MM) stuff

#define WEAR_BOOTS      0
#define WEAR_BRACERS    1
#define WEAR_CLOAK      2
#define WEAR_GAUNTLET   3
#define WEAR_JEWEL      4
#define WEAR_NECKLACE   5
#define NUM_MM          6

    How to exit flags:

#define EXIT_CLS        1    /* Clear screen first */
#define EXIT_ENDWIN     2    /* Shutdown Curses    */

 * All the fun defines

#define next(ptr) (*ptr).l_next
#define prev(ptr) (*ptr).l_prev
#define ldata(ptr) (*ptr).l_data
#define inroom(rp, cp) (\
    (cp)->x <= (rp)->r_pos.x + ((rp)->r_max.x - 1) && (rp)->r_pos.x <= (cp)->x \
 && (cp)->y <= (rp)->r_pos.y + ((rp)->r_max.y - 1) && (rp)->r_pos.y <= (cp)->y)
#define winat(y, x) (mvwinch(mw, y, x)==' '?mvwinch(stdscr, y, x):winch(mw))
#define debug if (wizard) msg
#define RN (((seed = seed*11109+13849) & 0x7fff) >> 1)
#define unc(cp) (cp).y, (cp).x
#define cmov(xy) move((xy).y, (xy).x)
#define DISTANCE(y1, x1, y2, x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
#define OBJPTR(what)    (struct object *)((*what).l_data)
#define THINGPTR(what)  (struct thing *)((*what).l_data)
#define DOORPTR(what)   (coord *)((*what).l_data)
#define when break;case
#define otherwise break;default
#define until(expr) while(!(expr))
#define ce(a, b) ((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
#define draw(window) wrefresh(window)
#define newfont(window) if (funfont) wattron(window, A_ALTCHARSET);
#define nofont(window) if (funfont) wattroff(window, A_ALTCHARSET);
#define hero player.t_pos
#define pstats player.t_stats
#define max_stats player.maxstats
#define pack player.t_pack
#define attach(a, b) _attach(&a, b)
#define detach(a, b) _detach(&a, b)
#define o_free_list(a) _o_free_list(&a)
#define r_free_list(a) _r_free_list(&a)
#define t_free_list(a) _t_free_list(&a)
#undef min
#undef max
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define on(thing, flag) \
    (((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & flag) != 0)
#define off(thing, flag) \
    (((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & flag) == 0)
#define turn_on(thing, flag) \
    ((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] |= (flag & ~FLAGMASK))
#define turn_off(thing, flag) \
    ((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] &= ~flag)

/* define the control character */

#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(ch) (ch & 037)

#define ALLOC(x) malloc((unsigned int) x)
#define FREE(x) free((char *) x)
#define EQSTR(a, b, c)  (strncmp(a, b, c) == 0)
#define EQUAL(a, b)     (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
#define GOLDCALC (rnd(50 + 10 * level) + 2)
#define ISRING(h, r) (cur_ring[h] != NULL && cur_ring[h]->o_which == r)
#define ISWEARING(r)    (ISRING(LEFT_1, r)  || ISRING(LEFT_2, r)  ||\
                         ISRING(LEFT_3, r)  || ISRING(LEFT_4, r)  ||\
                         ISRING(RIGHT_1, r) || ISRING(RIGHT_2, r) ||\
             ISRING(RIGHT_3, r) || ISRING(RIGHT_4, r))
#define newgrp() ++group
#define o_charges o_ac
#define o_kind o_ac
#define ISMULT(type) (type == FOOD)
#define isrock(ch) ((ch == WALL) || (ch == HORZWALL) || (ch == VERTWALL) || (ch == SECRETDOOR))
#define is_stealth(tp) \
    (rnd(25) < (tp)->t_stats.s_dext || (tp == &player && ISWEARING(R_STEALTH)))

#define has_light(rp) (((rp)->r_flags & HASFIRE) || ISWEARING(R_LIGHT))

#define mi_wght mi_worth
#define mi_food mi_curse

 * Ways to die

#define D_PETRIFY       -1
#define D_ARROW         -2
#define D_DART          -3
#define D_POISON        -4
#define D_BOLT          -5
#define D_SUFFOCATION   -6
#define D_POTION        -7
#define D_INFESTATION   -8
#define D_DROWN         -9
#define D_ROT           -10
#define D_CONSTITUTION  -11
#define D_STRENGTH      -12
#define D_SIGNAL        -13
#define D_CHOKE         -14
#define D_STRANGLE      -15
#define D_FALL          -16
#define D_RELIC         -17
#define D_STARVATION    -18
#define D_FOOD_CHOKE    -19
#define D_SCROLL        -20
#define D_FRIGHT        -21
#define D_CRYSTAL       -22
#define D_CARD          -23
#define DEATHNUM         23      /* number of ways to die */

 * Things that appear on the screens

#define WALL            ' '
#define PASSAGE         '#'
#define DOOR            '+'
#define FLOOR           '.'
#define HORZWALL        '-'
#define VERTWALL        '|'
#define VPLAYER         '@'
#define IPLAYER         '_'
#define POST            '^'
#define TRAPDOOR        '>'
#define ARROWTRAP       '{'
#define SLEEPTRAP       '$'
#define BEARTRAP        '}'
#define TELTRAP         '~'
#define DARTTRAP        '`'
#define WORMHOLE        '<'
#define POOL            '"'
#define MAZETRAP        '\''
#define SECRETDOOR      '&'
#define STAIRS          '%'
#define GOLD            '*'
#define POTION          '!'
#define SCROLL          '?'
#define MAGIC           '$'
#define BMAGIC          '>'     /*      Blessed magic   */
#define CMAGIC          '<'     /*      Cursed  magic   */
#define FOOD            ':'
#define WEAPON          ')'
#define MISSILE         '*'     /*      Magic Missile   */
#define ARMOR           ']'
#define MM              ';'
#define RELIC           ','
#define RING            '='
#define STICK           '/'
#define FOREST          '\\'

 * Various constants
 * Crypt() returns a different string on the PC for some silly reason

#define PASSWD          "mT5uKwhm5WDRs"
#define FIGHTBASE       10
#define BEFORE          1
#define AFTER           2
#define ESC             27
#define BOLT_LENGTH     12
#define MARKLEN         20
#define SLEEPTIME       (roll(15, 2))
#define BEARTIME        (roll(15, 2))
#define FREEZETIME      30
#define HEALTIME        40
#define SICKTIME        40
#define MORETIME        80
#define STOMACHSIZE     2100
#define PAINTIME        (roll(15, 2))
#define CLOAK_TIME      (roll(15, 2))
#define CHILLTIME       (roll(15, 2))
#define STONETIME       (roll(15, 2))
#define SMELLTIME       (50+rnd(30))
#define DUSTTIME        (50+rnd(30))
#define STINKTIME       (50+rnd(30))
#define HASTETIME       (50+rnd(30))
#define HUHDURATION     (50+rnd(30))
#define GONETIME        (50+rnd(30)) 
#define SKILLDURATION   (50+rnd(30))
#define SEEDURATION     (150+rnd(50))
#define CLRDURATION     (150+rnd(50))
#define FLYTIME         (150+rnd(50))
#define PHASEDURATION   (150+rnd(50))
#define ALCHEMYTIME     (250+rnd(100))
#define FIRETIME        (180+roll(20, 2))
#define COLDTIME        (180+roll(20, 2))
#define BOLTTIME        (180+roll(20, 2))
#define DAYLENGTH       700
#define LEVEL           700  /* make depth of dungeon equal to DAYLENGTH */
#define WANDERTIME      (max(5, (HARDER+rnd(25))-rnd(vlevel*2)))
#define SPELLTIME       ((max(30-pstats.s_lvl,5)))
#define vlevel          (max(level, turns/LEVEL + 1))

 * Save against things

#define VS_POISON               00
#define VS_PARALYZATION         00
#define VS_DEATH                00
#define VS_PETRIFICATION        01
#define VS_WAND                 02
#define VS_BREATH               03
#define VS_MAGIC                04

 * attributes for treasures in dungeon

#define ISCURSED               01
#define ISKNOW                 02
#define ISPOST                 04       /* object is in a trading post */
#define ISMETAL               010
#define ISPROT                020       /* object is protected */
#define ISBLESSED             040
#define ISPOISON             0100
#define ISMISL             020000
#define ISMANY             040000

 * Various flag bits

#define ISDARK                 01
#define ISGONE                 02
#define ISTREAS                04
#define ISFOUND               010
#define ISTHIEFSET            020
#define FORCEDARK             040

 * 1st set of creature flags (this might include player)

#define ISBLIND         0x00000001
#define ISINWALL        0x00000002
#define ISRUN           0x00000004
#define ISFLEE          0x00000008
#define ISINVIS         0x00000010
#define ISMEAN          0x00000020
#define ISGREED         0x00000040
#define CANSHOOT        0x00000080
#define ISHELD          0x00000100
#define ISHUH           0x00000200
#define ISREGEN         0x00000400
#define CANHUH          0x00000800
#define CANSEE          0x00001000
#define HASFIRE         0x00002000
#define ISSLOW          0x00004000
#define ISHASTE         0x00008000
#define ISCLEAR         0x00010000
#define CANINWALL       0x00020000
#define ISDISGUISE      0x00040000
#define CANBLINK        0x00080000
#define CANSNORE        0x00100000
#define HALFDAMAGE      0x00200000
#define CANSUCK         0x00400000
#define CANRUST         0x00800000
#define CANPOISON       0x01000000
#define CANDRAIN        0x02000000
#define ISUNIQUE        0x04000000
#define STEALGOLD       0x08000000

 * Second set of flags 

#define STEALMAGIC      0x10000001
#define CANDISEASE      0x10000002
#define HASDISEASE      0x10000004
#define CANSUFFOCATE    0x10000008
#define DIDSUFFOCATE    0x10000010
#define BOLTDIVIDE      0x10000020
#define BLOWDIVIDE      0x10000040
#define NOCOLD          0x10000080
#define TOUCHFEAR       0x10000100
#define BMAGICHIT       0x10000200
#define NOFIRE          0x10000400
#define NOBOLT          0x10000800
#define CARRYGOLD       0x10001000
#define CANITCH         0x10002000
#define HASITCH         0x10004000
#define DIDDRAIN        0x10008000
#define WASTURNED       0x10010000
#define CANSELL         0x10020000
#define CANBLIND        0x10040000
#define NOACID          0x10080000
#define NOSLOW          0x10100000
#define NOFEAR          0x10200000
#define NOSLEEP         0x10400000
#define NOPARALYZE      0x10800000
#define NOGAS           0x11000000
#define CANMISSILE      0x12000000
#define CMAGICHIT       0x14000000
#define CANPAIN         0x18000000

 * Third set of flags 

#define CANSLOW         0x20000001
#define CANTUNNEL       0x20000002
#define TAKEWISDOM      0x20000004
#define NOMETAL         0x20000008
#define MAGICHIT        0x20000010
#define CANINFEST       0x20000020
#define HASINFEST       0x20000040
#define NOMOVE          0x20000080
#define CANSHRIEK       0x20000100
#define CANDRAW         0x20000200
#define CANSMELL        0x20000400
#define CANPARALYZE     0x20000800
#define CANROT          0x20001000
#define ISSCAVENGE      0x20002000
#define DOROT           0x20004000
#define CANSTINK        0x20008000
#define HASSTINK        0x20010000
#define ISSHADOW        0x20020000
#define CANCHILL        0x20040000
#define CANHUG          0x20080000
#define CANSURPRISE     0x20100000
#define CANFRIGHTEN     0x20200000
#define CANSUMMON       0x20400000
#define TOUCHSTONE      0x20800000
#define LOOKSTONE       0x21000000
#define CANHOLD         0x22000000
#define DIDHOLD         0x24000000
#define DOUBLEDRAIN     0x28000000

 * Fourth set of flags 

#define CANBRANDOM      0x30000001      /* Types of breath */
#define CANBACID        0x30000002      /* acid */
#define CANBFIRE        0x30000004      /* Fire */
#define CANBCGAS        0x30000008      /* confusion gas */
#define CANBBOLT        0x30000010      /* lightning bolt */
#define CANBGAS         0x30000020      /* chlorine gas */
#define CANBICE         0x30000040      /* ice */
#define CANBFGAS        0x30000080      /* Fear gas */
#define CANBPGAS        0x30000100      /* Paralyze gas */
#define CANBSGAS        0x30000200      /* Sleeping gas */
#define CANBSLGAS       0x30000400      /* Slow gas */
#define CANBREATHE      0x300007ff      /* Can it breathe at all? */

 * Fifth set of flags

#define ISUNDEAD        0x40000001
#define CANSONIC        0x40000002
#define TURNABLE        0x40000004
#define TAKEINTEL       0x40000008
#define NOSTAB          0x40000010
#define CANDISSOLVE     0x40000020
#define ISFLY           0x40000040      /* creature can fly */
#define CANTELEPORT     0x40000080      /* creature can teleport */
#define CANEXPLODE      0x40000100      /* creature explodes when hit */
#define CANDANCE        0x40000200      /* creature can make hero "dance" */
#define ISDANCE         0x40000400      /* creature (hero) is dancing */
#define CARRYFOOD       0x40000800
#define CARRYSCROLL     0x40001000
#define CARRYPOTION     0x40002000
#define CARRYRING       0x40004000
#define CARRYSTICK      0x40008000
#define CARRYMISC       0x40010000
#define CARRYMDAGGER    0x40020000      /* Dagger of Musty */
#define CARRYCLOAK      0x40040000      /* Cloak of Emori */
#define CARRYANKH       0x40080000      /* Ankh of Heil */
#define CARRYSTAFF      0x40100000      /* Staff of Ming */
#define CARRYWAND       0x40200000      /* Wand of Orcus */
#define CARRYROD        0x40400000      /* Rod of Asmodeus */
#define CARRYYAMULET    0x40800000      /* Amulet of Yendor */
#define CARRYMANDOLIN   0x41000000      /* Mandolin of Brian */
#define MISSEDDISP      0x42000000      /* Missed Cloak of Displacement */
#define CANBSTAB        0x44000000      /* Can backstab */
#define ISGUARDIAN      0x48000000      /* Guardian of a treasure room */

 * Sixth set of flags

#define CARRYHORN       0x50000001      /* Horn of Geryon */
#define CARRYMSTAR      0x50000002      /* Morning Star of Hruggek */
#define CARRYFLAIL      0x50000004      /* Flail of Yeenoghu */
#define CARRYWEAPON     0x50000008      /* A generic weapon */
#define CANAGE          0x50000010      /* can age you */
#define CARRYDAGGER     0x50000020      /* carry's a dumb old dagger */
#define AREMANY         0x50000040      /* they come in droves */
#define CARRYEYE        0x50000080      /* has the eye of Vecna */
#define HASSUMMONED     0x50000100      /* has already summoned */
#define ISSTONE         0x50000200      /* has been turned to stone */
#define NODETECT        0x50000400      /* detect monster will not show him */
#define NOSTONE         0x50000800      /* creature made its save vrs stone */
#define CARRYQUILL      0x50001000      /* has the quill of Nagrom */
#define CARRYAXE        0x50002000      /* has the axe of Aklad */
#define TOUCHSLOW       0x50004000      /* touch will slow hero */
#define WASDISRUPTED    0x50008000      /* creature was disrupted by player */
#define CARRYARMOR      0x50010000      /* creature will pick up armor */
#define CARRYBAMULET    0x50020000      /* amulet of skoraus stonebones */
#define CARRYSURTURRING 0x50040000      /* ring of Surtur */
#define CARRYCARD       0x50080000      /* carry the card of Alteran */
#define ISCHARMED       0x50100000      /* is the monster charmed? */
#define ISFRIENDLY      0x50100000      /* monster friendly for any reason? */

#define NEEDSTOACT      0x60000001      /* monster ready to act this turn n */
#define ISDEAD          0x60000002      /* monster is dead                  */
#define ISELSEWHERE     0x60000004      /* monster has been whisked away    */

/* Masks for choosing the right flag */

#define FLAGMASK     0xf0000000
#define FLAGINDEX    0x0000000f
#define FLAGSHIFT    28
#define MAXFLAGS     25                 /* max initial flags per creature */

 * Mask for cancelling special abilities 
 * The flags listed here will be the ones left on after the
 * cancellation takes place

#define CANC0MASK (     ISBLIND         | ISINWALL      | ISRUN         | \
                        ISFLEE          | ISMEAN        | ISGREED       | \
                        CANSHOOT        | ISHELD        | ISHUH         | \
                        ISSLOW          | ISHASTE       | ISCLEAR       | \
                        ISUNIQUE )
                        HASITCH         | CANSELL       | DIDDRAIN      | \
                        WASTURNED )
#define CANC2MASK (     HASINFEST       | NOMOVE        | ISSCAVENGE    | \
                        DOROT           | HASSTINK      | DIDHOLD )
#define CANC3MASK (     CANBREATHE )
#define CANC4MASK (     ISUNDEAD        | CANSONIC      | NOSTAB        | \
                        ISFLY           | CARRYFOOD     | CANEXPLODE    | \
                        ISDANCE         | CARRYSCROLL   | CARRYPOTION   | \
                        CARRYRING       | CARRYSTICK    | CARRYMISC     | \
                        CARRYMDAGGER    | CARRYCLOAK    | CARRYANKH     | \
                        CARRYSTAFF      | CARRYWAND     | CARRYROD      | \
                        CARRYYAMULET    | CARRYMANDOLIN | ISGUARDIAN )
#define CANC5MASK (     CARRYHORN       | CARRYMSTAR    | CARRYFLAIL    | \
                        CARRYEYE        | CARRYDAGGER   | HASSUMMONED   | \
                        AREMANY         | CARRYWEAPON   | NOSTONE       | \
                        CARRYQUILL      | CARRYAXE      | WASDISRUPTED  | \
                        CARRYARMOR      | CARRYBAMULET  | CARRYSURTURRING )
#define CANC6MASK (     CARRYCARD )
#define CANC7MASK ( 0 )
#define CANC8MASK ( 0 )
#define CANC9MASK ( 0 )
#define CANCAMASK ( 0 )
#define CANCBMASK ( 0 )
#define CANCCMASK ( 0 )
#define CANCDMASK ( 0 )
#define CANCEMASK ( 0 )
#define CANCFMASK ( 0 )

/* types of things */

#define TYP_POTION      0
#define TYP_SCROLL      1
#define TYP_FOOD        2
#define TYP_WEAPON      3
#define TYP_ARMOR       4
#define TYP_RING        5
#define TYP_STICK       6
#define TYP_MM          7
#define TYP_RELIC       8
#define NUMTHINGS       9

 * food types

#define E_RATION        0
#define E_APPLE         1
#define E_BANANA        2
#define E_BLUEBERRY     3
#define E_CANDLEBERRY   4
#define E_CAPRIFIG      5
#define E_DEWBERRY      6
#define E_ELDERBERRY    7
#define E_GOOSEBERRY    8
#define E_GUANABANA     9
#define E_HAGBERRY      10
#define E_JABOTICABA    11
#define E_PEACH         12
#define E_PITANGA       13
#define E_PRICKLEY      14
#define E_RAMBUTAN      15
#define E_SAPODILLA     16
#define E_SOURSOP       17
#define E_STRAWBERRY    18
#define E_SWEETSOP      19
#define E_WHORTLEBERRY  20
#define E_SLIMEMOLD     21
#define MAXFOODS        22

 * Potion types

#define P_CLEAR         0
#define P_ABIL          1
#define P_SEEINVIS      2
#define P_HEALING       3
#define P_MFIND         4
#define P_TFIND         5
#define P_RAISE         6
#define P_HASTE         7
#define P_RESTORE       8
#define P_PHASE         9
#define P_INVIS         10
#define P_FLY           11
#define P_FFIND         12
#define P_SKILL         13
#define P_FIRE          14
#define P_COLD          15
#define P_LIGHTNING     16
#define P_POISON        17
#define MAXPOTIONS      18

 * Scroll types

#define S_CONFUSE       0
#define S_MAP           1
#define S_LIGHT         2
#define S_HOLD          3
#define S_SLEEP         4
#define S_ALLENCH       5
#define S_IDENT         6
#define S_SCARE         7
#define S_GFIND         8
#define S_TELEP         9
#define S_CREATE        10
#define S_REMOVE        11
#define S_PETRIFY       12
#define S_GENOCIDE      13
#define S_CURING        14
#define S_MAKEIT        15
#define S_PROTECT       16
#define S_FINDTRAPS     17
#define S_RUNES         18
#define S_CHARM         19
#define MAXSCROLLS      20

 * Weapon types

#define MACE            0               /* mace */
#define SWORD           1               /* long sword */
#define BOW             2               /* short bow */
#define ARROW           3               /* arrow */
#define DAGGER          4               /* dagger */
#define ROCK            5               /* rocks */
#define TWOSWORD        6               /* two-handed sword */
#define SLING           7               /* sling */
#define DART            8               /* darts */
#define CROSSBOW        9               /* crossbow */
#define BOLT            10              /* crossbow bolt */
#define SPEAR           11              /* spear */
#define TRIDENT         12              /* trident */
#define SPETUM          13              /* spetum */
#define BARDICHE        14              /* bardiche */
#define PIKE            15              /* pike */
#define BASWORD         16              /* bastard sword */
#define HALBERD         17              /* halberd */
#define BATTLEAXE       18              /* battle axe */
#define MAXWEAPONS      19              /* types of weapons */
#define NONE            100             /* no weapon */

 * Armor types
#define LEATHER         0
#define RING_MAIL       1
#define SCALE_MAIL      3
#define PADDED_ARMOR    4
#define CHAIN_MAIL      5
#define SPLINT_MAIL     6
#define BANDED_MAIL     7
#define PLATE_MAIL      8
#define PLATE_ARMOR     9
#define MAXARMORS       10

 * Ring types
#define R_PROTECT       0
#define R_ADDSTR        1
#define R_SUSABILITY    2
#define R_SEARCH        3
#define R_SEEINVIS      4
#define R_ALERT         5
#define R_AGGR          6
#define R_ADDHIT        7
#define R_ADDDAM        8
#define R_REGEN         9
#define R_DIGEST        10
#define R_TELEPORT      11
#define R_STEALTH       12
#define R_ADDINTEL      13
#define R_ADDWISDOM     14
#define R_HEALTH        15
#define R_CARRY         16
#define R_LIGHT         17
#define R_DELUSION      18
#define R_FEAR          19
#define R_HEROISM       20
#define R_FIRE          21
#define R_WARMTH        22
#define R_VAMPREGEN     23
#define R_FREEDOM       24
#define R_TELCONTROL    25
#define MAXRINGS        26

 * Rod/Wand/Staff types
#define WS_LIGHT        0
#define WS_HIT          1
#define WS_ELECT        2
#define WS_FIRE         3
#define WS_COLD         4
#define WS_POLYMORPH    5
#define WS_MISSILE      6
#define WS_SLOW_M       7
#define WS_DRAIN        8
#define WS_CHARGE       9
#define WS_TELMON       10
#define WS_CANCEL       11
#define WS_CONFMON      12
#define WS_PETRIFY      14
#define WS_PARALYZE     15
#define WS_MDEG         16
#define WS_CURING       17
#define WS_WONDER       18
#define WS_FEAR         19
#define MAXSTICKS       20

 * miscellaneous magic items
#define MM_JUG          0
#define MM_BEAKER       1
#define MM_BOOK         2
#define MM_ELF_BOOTS    3
#define MM_BRACERS      4
#define MM_OPEN         5
#define MM_HUNGER       6
#define MM_DISP         7
#define MM_PROTECT      8
#define MM_DRUMS        9
#define MM_DISAPPEAR    10
#define MM_CHOKE        11
#define MM_G_DEXTERITY  12
#define MM_G_OGRE       13
#define MM_JEWEL        14
#define MM_KEOGHTOM     15
#define MM_R_POWERLESS  16
#define MM_FUMBLE       17
#define MM_ADAPTION     18
#define MM_STRANGLE     19
#define MM_DANCE        20
#define MM_SKILLS       21
#define MM_CRYSTAL      22
#define MAXMM           23

 * Relic types
#define MUSTY_DAGGER            0
#define EMORI_CLOAK             1
#define HEIL_ANKH               2
#define MING_STAFF              3
#define ORCUS_WAND              4
#define ASMO_ROD                5
#define YENDOR_AMULET           6
#define BRIAN_MANDOLIN          7
#define GERYON_HORN             8
#define HRUGGEK_MSTAR           9
#define YEENOGHU_FLAIL          10
#define EYE_VECNA               11
#define AXE_AKLAD               12
#define QUILL_NAGROM            13
#define STONEBONES_AMULET       14
#define SURTUR_RING             15
#define ALTERAN_CARD            16
#define MAXRELIC                17

#define MAXDAEMONS      10
#define MAXFUSES        20

struct delayed_action {
    int d_type;
    void (*d_func)();
	union {
		void *vp;
		int  i;
	} d_arg;
    int d_time;

extern struct delayed_action d_list[MAXDAEMONS];
extern struct delayed_action f_list[MAXFUSES];
extern int demoncnt;        /* number of active daemons */
extern int fusecnt;

/* Now define the structures and types */

 * character types
struct character_types {
    char        name[40];       /* name of character class              */
    long        start_exp;      /* starting exp pts for 2nd level       */
    long        cap;            /* stop doubling here                   */
    int         hit_pts;        /* hit pts gained per level             */
    int         base;           /* Base to-hit value (AC 10)            */
    int         max_lvl;        /* Maximum level for changing value     */
    int         factor;         /* Amount base changes each time        */
    int         offset;         /* What to offset level                 */
    int         range;          /* Range of levels for each offset      */

 * level types
typedef enum {
        NORMLEV,        /* normal level */
        POSTLEV,        /* trading post level */
        MAZELEV,        /* maze level */
        OUTSIDE,        /* outside region */
        STARTLEV        /* beginning of the game */

 * Help lists
struct h_list {
    char h_ch;
    char h_desc[40];

struct item_list {
    unsigned char item_ch;
    char item_desc[40];

 * Coordinate data type
typedef struct {
    int x;
    int y;
} coord;

 * structure for the ways to die
struct death_type {
    int reason;
    char name[30];

 * Linked list data type
struct linked_list {
    struct linked_list *l_next;
    struct linked_list *l_prev;
    char *l_data;                       /* Various structure pointers */

 * Stuff about magic items
struct magic_item {
    char mi_name[30];
    int  mi_prob;
    int  mi_worth;
    int  mi_curse;
    int  mi_bless;

 * Room structure
struct room {
    coord r_pos;                        /* Upper left corner */
    coord r_max;                        /* Size of room */
    long r_flags;                       /* Info about the room */
    struct linked_list *r_fires;        /* List of fire creatures in room */
    struct linked_list *r_exit;         /* Linked list of exits */

 * Array of all traps on this level
struct trap {
    unsigned char tr_type;              /* What kind of trap */
    unsigned char tr_show;              /* Where disguised trap looks like */
    coord tr_pos;                       /* Where trap is */
    long tr_flags;                      /* Info about trap (i.e. ISFOUND) */

 * Structure describing a fighting being
struct stats {
    short s_str;                        /* Strength */
    short s_intel;                      /* Intelligence */
    short s_wisdom;                     /* Wisdom */
    short s_dext;                       /* Dexterity */
    short s_const;                      /* Constitution */
    short s_charisma;                   /* Charisma */
    unsigned long s_exp;                /* Experience */
    int s_lvladj;                       /* how much level is adjusted */
    int s_lvl;                          /* Level of mastery */
    int s_arm;                          /* Armor class */
    int s_hpt;                          /* Hit points */
    int s_pack;                         /* current weight of his pack */
    int s_carry;                        /* max weight he can carry */
    char s_dmg[30];                      /* String describing damage done */

 * Structure describing a fighting being (monster at initialization)
struct mstats {
    short ms_str;                        /* Strength */
    short ms_dex;                        /* dexterity */
    short ms_move;                       /* movement rate */
    unsigned long ms_exp;                /* Experience */
    short ms_lvl;                        /* Level of mastery */
    short ms_arm;                        /* Armor class */
    char ms_hpt[9];                        /* Hit points */
    char ms_dmg[30];                      /* String describing damage done */

 * Structure for monsters and player
struct thing {
    bool t_wasshot;                     /* Was character shot last round? */
    unsigned char t_type;                        /* What it is */
    unsigned char t_disguise;                    /* What mimic looks like */
    unsigned char t_oldch;                       /* Character that was where it was */
    short t_ctype;                      /* Character type */
    short t_index;                      /* Index into monster table */
    short t_no_move;                    /* How long the thing can't move */
    short t_quiet;                      /* used in healing */
    short t_movement;                   /* Base movement rate */
    short t_action;                     /* Action we're waiting to do */
    short t_artifact;                   /* base chance of using artifact */
    short t_wand;                       /* base chance of using wands */
    short t_summon;                     /* base chance of summoning */
    short t_cast;                       /* base chance of casting a spell */
    short t_breathe;                    /* base chance to swing at player */
    char  *t_name;                      /* name player gave his pet */
    coord t_doorgoal;                   /* What door are we heading to? */
    coord *t_dest;                      /* Where it is running to */
    coord t_pos;                        /* Position */
    coord t_oldpos;                     /* Last position */
    coord t_newpos;                     /* Where we want to go */
    unsigned long t_flags[16];          /* State word */
    struct linked_list *t_pack;         /* What the thing is carrying */
	struct linked_list *t_using;        /* What the thing is using */
	int t_selection;
    struct stats t_stats;               /* Physical description */
    struct stats maxstats;              /* maximum(or initial) stats */
    int    t_reserved;                  /* reserved for save/restore code */

 * Array containing information on all the various types of monsters
struct monster {
    char m_name[30];                    /* What to call the monster */
    short m_carry;                      /* Probability of carrying something */
    bool m_normal;                      /* Does monster exist? */
    bool m_wander;                      /* Does monster wander? */
    char m_appear;                      /* What does monster look like? */
    char m_intel[8];                    /* Intelligence range */
    long m_flags[MAXFLAGS];             /* Things about the monster */
    char m_typesum[30];                 /* type of creature can he summon */
    short m_numsum;                     /* how many creatures can he summon */
    short m_add_exp;                    /* Added experience per hit point */
    struct mstats m_stats;              /* Initial stats */

 * Structure for a thing that the rogue can carry
struct object {
    int o_type;                         /* What kind of object it is */
    coord o_pos;                        /* Where it lives on the screen */
    char o_launch;                      /* What you need to launch it */
    char o_damage[8];                   /* Damage if used like sword */
    char o_hurldmg[8];                  /* Damage if thrown */
    struct linked_list *contents;       /* contents of this object */
    int o_count;                        /* Count for plural objects */
    int o_which;                        /* Which object of a type it is */
    int o_hplus;                        /* Plusses to hit */
    int o_dplus;                        /* Plusses to damage */
    int o_ac;                           /* Armor class */
    long o_flags;                       /* Information about objects */
    int o_group;                        /* Group number for this object */
    int o_weight;                       /* weight of this object */
    unsigned char o_mark[MARKLEN];               /* Mark the specific object */

 * weapon structure
struct init_weps {
    char w_name[20];            /* name of weapon */
    char w_dam[8];              /* hit damage */
    char w_hrl[8];              /* hurl damage */
    char w_launch;              /* need to launch it */
    int  w_flags;               /* flags */
    int  w_rate;                /* rate of fire */
    int  w_wght;                /* weight of weapon */
    int  w_worth;               /* worth of this weapon */

 * armor structure 
struct init_armor {
        char a_name[30];        /* name of armor */
        int  a_prob;            /* chance of getting armor */
        int  a_class;           /* normal armor class */
        int  a_worth;           /* worth of armor */
        int  a_wght;            /* weight of armor */

struct spells {
    short s_which;              /* which scroll or potion */
    short s_cost;               /* cost of casting spell */
    short s_type;               /* scroll or potion */
    int   s_flag;               /* is the spell blessed/cursed? */

struct words
    char w_string[30];

#define NAMELEN 80
#define SYSLEN 10
#define LOGLEN 9

struct sc_ent {
    unsigned long       sc_score;
    char        sc_name[NAMELEN];
    char        sc_system[SYSLEN];
    char        sc_login[LOGLEN];
    short       sc_flags;
    short       sc_level;
    short       sc_ctype;
    short       sc_monster;
    short       sc_quest;

 * Other structures

void    _attach(struct linked_list **list, struct linked_list *item);
void    _detach(struct linked_list **list, struct linked_list *item);
void    _o_free_list(struct linked_list **ptr);
void    _r_free_fire_list(struct linked_list **ptr);
void    _r_free_list(struct linked_list **ptr);
void    _t_free_list(struct linked_list **ptr);
int     ac_compute(bool ignoremetal);
void    activity(void);
bool    add_pack(struct linked_list *item, bool silent);
void    add_slow(void);
void    addmsg(char *fmt, ...);
void    affect(void);
void    aggravate(bool do_uniques, bool do_good);
void    alchemy(struct object *obj);
void    appear(void);
bool    attack(struct thing *mp, struct object *weapon, bool thrown);
void    auto_save(int sig);
char    be_trapped(struct thing *th, coord *tc);
bool    blue_light(bool blessed, bool cursed);
void    buy_it(void);
void    byebye(int sig);
bool    can_blink(struct thing *tp);
int     can_shoot(coord *er, coord *ee, coord *shoot_dir);
bool    cansee(int y, int x);
void    carry_obj(struct thing *mp, int chance);
void    cast(void);
void    changeclass(int newclass);
void    chant(void);
void    chant_recovery(void);
void    chase(struct thing *tp, coord *ee, struct room *rer, struct room *ree, 
              bool flee);
long    check_level(void);
void    check_residue(struct thing *tp);
void    chg_str(int amt);
void    choose_qst(void);
void    cloak_charge(struct object *obj);
void    command(void);
void    confus_player(void);
int     const_bonus(void);
void    corr_move(int dy, int dx);
struct linked_list *creat_item(void);
bool    creat_mons(struct thing *person, short monster, bool report);
void    create_obj(bool prompt, int which_item, int which_type);
void    cur_null(struct object *op);
void    cure_disease(void);
void    dbotline(WINDOW *scr, char *message);
void    death(short monst);
void    del_pack(struct linked_list *item);
void    destroy_item(struct linked_list *item);
int     dex_compute(void);
int     dext_plus(int dexterity);
int     dext_prot(int dexterity);
bool    diag_ok(coord *sp, coord *ep, struct thing *flgptr);
void    dip_it(void);
void    do_chase(struct thing *th);
void    do_daemons(int flag);
void    do_fuses(int flag);
void    do_maze(void);
void    do_motion(struct object *obj, int ydelta, int xdelta, struct thing *tp);
void    do_move(int dy, int dx);
void    do_panic(int who);
void    do_passages(void);
void    do_post(bool startup);
void    do_rooms(void);
void    do_run(char ch);
void    do_teleport(void);
void    do_terrain(int basey, int basex, int deltay, int deltax, bool fresh);
void    do_zap(struct thing *zapper, struct object *obj, coord *direction,
               int which, int flags);
void    doctor(struct thing *tp);
coord  *doorway(struct room *rp, coord *door);
void    draw_room(struct room *rp);
bool    drop(struct linked_list *item);
bool    dropcheck(struct object *op);
void    dsrpt_monster(struct thing *tp, bool always, bool see_him);
void    dsrpt_player(void);
void    dust_appear(void);
void    eat(void);
void    eat_gold(struct object *obj);
int     effect(struct thing *att, struct thing *def, struct object *weap,
               bool thrown, bool see_att, bool see_def);
long    encread(char *start, unsigned long size, int inf);
long    encwrite(char *start, unsigned long size, FILE *outf);
void    endit(int sig);
void    endmsg(void);
void    exit_game(int flag);
void    explode(struct thing *tp);
void    extinguish(void (*dfunc)());
void    fall(struct linked_list *item, bool pr);
coord  *fallpos(coord *pos, bool be_clear, int range);
void    fatal(char *s);
bool    fight(coord *mp, struct object *weap, bool thrown);
struct linked_list *find_mons(int y, int x);
struct linked_list *find_obj(int y, int x);
struct delayed_action *find_slot(void (*func)());
int     findmindex(char *name);
void    fix_stick(struct object *cur);
void    fright(struct thing *th);
void    fumble(void);
void    fuse(void (*dfunc)(), void *arg, int time, int type);
void    genmonsters(int least, bool treas);
coord   get_coordinates(void);
bool    get_dir(coord *direction);
struct linked_list *get_hurl(struct thing *tp);
struct linked_list *get_item(struct linked_list *list, char *purpose, int type,
                             bool askfirst, bool showcost);
int     get_str(char *opt, WINDOW *win);
long    get_worth(struct object *obj);
int     getdeath(void);
bool    getdelta(char match, int *dy, int *dx);
void    give(struct thing *th);
int     grab(int y, int x);
void    gsense(void);
void    help(void);
bool    hit_monster(int y, int x, struct object *obj, struct thing *tp);
int     hitweight(void);
void    idenpack(void);
void    ident_hero(void);
void    identify(unsigned char ch);
void    init_colors(void);
void    init_foods(void);
void    init_materials(void);
void    init_misc(void);
void    init_names(void);
void    init_player(void);
void    init_stones(void);
void    init_terrain(void);
void    init_things(void);
void    init_weapon(struct object *weap, char type);
char   *inv_name(struct object *obj, bool drop);
bool    inventory(struct linked_list *list, int type);
bool    invisible(struct thing *monst);
bool    is_current(struct object *obj);
bool    is_magic(struct object *obj);
bool    isatrap(char ch);
int     itemweight(struct object *wh);
void    kill_daemon(void (*dfunc)());
void    killed(struct linked_list *item, bool pr, bool points, bool treasure);
void    land(void);
void    lengthen(void (*dfunc)(), int xtime);
void    light(coord *cp);
bool    lit_room(struct room *rp);
void    look(bool wakeup, bool runend);
void    lower_level(short who);
void    m_use_relic(struct thing *monster);
void    m_use_wand(struct thing *monster);
void    make_sell_pack(struct thing *tp);
short   makemonster(bool showall, char *action);
bool    maze_view(int y, int x);
int     misc_name(char *str, struct object *obj);
void    missile(int ydelta, int xdelta, struct linked_list *item,
                struct thing *tp);
char   *monster_name(struct thing *tp);
bool    move_hero(int why);
short   movement(struct thing *tp);
void    msg(char *fmt, ...);
void    nameitem(struct linked_list *item, bool mark);
bool    need_dir(int type, int which);
char   *new(int size);
struct linked_list *new_item(int size);
void    new_level(LEVTYPE ltype);
void    new_monster(struct linked_list *item, short type, coord *cp, 
                    bool max_monster);
struct linked_list *new_thing(int thing_type, bool allow_curse);
void    nobolt(void);
void    nocold(void);
void    nofire(void);
void    nohaste(void);
void    noslow(void);
char   *num(int n1, int n2);
void    o_discard(struct linked_list *item);
void    opt_player(void);
void    option(void);
void    over_win(WINDOW *oldwin, WINDOW *newin, int maxy, int maxx, int cursory,
                 int cursorx, char redraw);
char    pack_char(struct linked_list *list, struct object *obj);
void    parse_opts(char *str);
bool    passwd(void);
void    picky_inven(void);
bool    player_zap(int which, int flag);
void    playit(void);
void    pray(void);
void    prayer_recovery(void);
bool    price_it(void);
char   *prname(char *who, bool upper);
void    quaff(int which, int kind, int flags, bool is_potion);
void    quill_charge(void);
void    quit(int sig);
void    raise_level(void);
short   randmonster(bool wander, bool no_unique);
void    read_scroll(int which, int flag, bool is_scroll);
void    reap(void);
void    res_strength(long howmuch);
bool    restore(char *file, char *envp[]);
void    restscr(WINDOW *scr);
int     ring_eat(int hand);
char   *ring_num(struct object *obj);
void    ring_on(struct linked_list *item);
void    ring_search(void);
void    ring_teleport(void);
int     ring_value(int type);
void    rmmsg(void);
int     rnd(int range);
void    rnd_pos(struct room *rp, coord *cp);
int     rnd_room(void);
coord   rndmove(struct thing *who);
int     roll(int number, int sides);
void    rollwand(void);
struct room *roomin(coord *cp);
int     runners(int segments);
void    runto(struct thing *runner, coord *spot);
bool    save(int which, struct thing *who, int adj);
bool    save_game(void);
char    secretdoor(int y, int x);
void    score(unsigned long amount, int flags, short monst);
void    search(bool is_thief, bool door_chime);
void    sell(struct thing *tp);
void    sell_it(void);
void    set_trap(struct thing *tp, int y, int x);
void    setup(void);
void    shoot_bolt(struct thing *shooter, coord start, coord dir, 
                   bool get_points, short reason, char *name, int damage);
bool    shoot_ok(int ch);
char    show(int y, int x);
void    sight(void);
bool    skirmish(struct thing *attacker, coord *mp, struct object *weap, 
                 bool thrown);
struct linked_list *spec_item(int type, int which, int hit, int damage);
void    spell_recovery(void);
void    start_daemon(void (*dfunc)(), void *arg, int type);
void    status(bool display);
void    steal(void);
bool    step_ok(int y, int x, int can_on_monst, struct thing *flgptr);
void    stomach(void);
int     str_compute(void);
int     str_plus(short str);
void    strangle(void);
void    strucpy(char *s1, char *s2, int len);
void    suffocate(void);
void    swander(void);
bool    swing(short class, int at_lvl, int op_arm, int wplus);
void    take_off(void);
void    take_with(void);
void    teleport(void);
void    total_winner(void);
int     totalenc(struct thing *tp);
char   *tr_name(char ch);
struct trap *trap_at(int y, int x);
void    trap_look(void);
void    unchoke(void);
void    unclrhead(void);
void    unconfuse(void);
void    undance(void);
void    unphase(void);
void    unsee(void);
void    unskill(void);
void    unstink(void);
void    updpack(int getmax, struct thing *tp);
int     usage_time(struct linked_list *item);
void    use_mm(int which);
char   *vowelstr(char *str);
void    wait_for(char ch);
struct linked_list *wake_monster(int y, int x);
void    wake_room(struct room *rp);
void    wanderer(void);
void    waste_time(void);
int     weap_move(struct thing *wielder, struct object *weap);
char   *weap_name(struct object *obj);
void    wear(void);
void    wghtchk(void);
void    whatis(struct linked_list *what);
void    wield(void);
struct linked_list *wield_weap(struct object *thrown, struct thing *mp);
void    writelog(unsigned long amount, int flags, short monst);
void    xsense(void);

char *getenv(), *misc_num();

int usage_time();

void    tstp();

int     md_getuid(void);
long    md_memused(void);
int     md_normaluser(void);
int     md_rand(int range);
unsigned int md_random_seed(void);
void    md_setup(void);
int     md_shellescape(void);
int     md_srand(int seed);

 * Now all the global variables
extern struct trap traps[];
extern struct character_types char_class[];  /* character classes */
extern struct room rooms[];             /* One for each room -- A level */
extern struct room *oldrp;              /* Roomin(&oldpos) */
extern struct linked_list *mlist;       /* List of monsters on the level */
extern struct linked_list *tlist;       /* list of monsters fallen down traps */
extern struct linked_list *rlist;       /* list of monsters that have died    */
extern struct death_type deaths[];      /* all the ways to die */
extern struct thing player;             /* The rogue */
extern struct monster monsters[NUMMONST+1];       /* The initial monster states */
extern struct linked_list *lvl_obj;     /* List of objects on this level */
extern struct linked_list *monst_dead;  /* Indicates monster that got killed */
extern struct object *cur_weapon;       /* Which weapon he is weilding */
extern struct object *cur_armor;        /* What a well dresssed rogue wears */
extern struct object *cur_ring[];       /* Which rings are being worn */
extern struct object *cur_misc[];       /* which MM's are in use */
extern struct magic_item things[];      /* Chances for each type of item */
extern struct magic_item s_magic[];     /* Names and chances for scrolls */
extern struct magic_item p_magic[];     /* Names and chances for potions */
extern struct magic_item r_magic[];     /* Names and chances for rings */
extern struct magic_item ws_magic[];    /* Names and chances for sticks */
extern struct magic_item m_magic[];     /* Names and chances for MM */
extern struct magic_item rel_magic[];   /* Names and chances for relics */
extern struct magic_item foods[];       /* Names and chances for foods */
extern struct spells magic_spells[];    /* spells for magicians */
extern struct spells cleric_spells[];   /* spells for clerics */
extern struct spells druid_spells[];    /* spells for druids */
extern struct spells quill_scrolls[];   /* scrolls for quill */
extern const char *cnames[][NUM_CNAMES];      /* Character level names */
extern struct words abilities[NUMABILITIES];   /* Names of the various abilities */
extern char curpurch[];                 /* name of item ready to buy */
extern char PLAYER;                     /* what the player looks like */
extern int nfloors;                     /* Number of floors in this dungeon */
extern int cols;                        /* number of columns on terminal */
extern int lines;                       /* number of lines in terminal */
extern int char_type;                   /* what type of character is player */
extern int foodlev;                     /* how fast he eats food */
extern int level;                       /* What level rogue is on */
extern int trader;                      /* number of purchases */
extern int curprice;                    /* price of an item */
extern long purse;                      /* How much gold the rogue has */
extern int mpos;                        /* Where cursor is on top line */
extern int ntraps;                      /* Number of traps on this level */
extern int inpack;                      /* Number of things in pack */
extern int total;                       /* Total dynamic memory bytes */
extern int lastscore;                   /* Score before this turn */
extern int no_food;                     /* Number of levels without food */
extern int foods_this_level;            /* num of foods this level */
extern int seed;                        /* Random number seed */
extern int count;                       /* Number of times to repeat command */
extern int max_level;                   /* Deepest player has gone */
extern int cur_max;                     /* Deepest player has gone currently */
extern int prev_max;                    /* A flag for worm hole */
extern int move_free;                   /* Free movement check */
extern int food_left;                   /* Amount of food in hero's stomach */
extern int group;                       /* Current group number */
extern int hungry_state;                /* How hungry is he */
extern int infest_dam;                  /* Damage from parasites */
extern int lost_str;                    /* Amount of strength lost */
extern int hold_count;                  /* Number of monsters holding player */
extern int trap_tries;                  /* Number of attempts to set traps */
extern int chant_time;                  /* Number of chant points/exp level */
extern int pray_time;                   /* Number of prayer points/exp level */
extern int spell_power;                 /* Spell power left at this level */
extern long turns;                      /* Number of turns player has taken */
extern int quest_item;                  /* Item hero is looking for */
extern int cur_relic[];                 /* Current relics */
extern char take;                       /* Thing the rogue is taking */
extern char prbuf[];                    /* Buffer for sprintfs */
extern char outbuf[];                   /* Output buffer for stdout */
extern char runch;                      /* Direction player is running */
extern char *s_names[];                 /* Names of the scrolls */
extern char *p_colors[];                /* Colors of the potions */
extern char *r_stones[];                /* Stone settings of the rings */
extern struct init_weps weaps[];        /* weapons and attributes */
extern struct init_armor armors[];      /* armors and attributes */
extern char *ws_made[];                 /* What sticks are made of */
extern char *release;                   /* Release number of rogue */
extern char whoami[];                   /* Name of player */
extern char fruit[];                    /* Favorite fruit */
extern char huh[];                      /* The last message printed */
extern char *s_guess[];                 /* Players guess at what scroll is */
extern char *p_guess[];                 /* Players guess at what potion is */
extern char *r_guess[];                 /* Players guess at what ring is */
extern char *ws_guess[];                /* Players guess at what wand is */
extern char *m_guess[];                 /* Players guess at what MM is */
extern char *ws_type[];                 /* Is it a wand or a staff */
extern char file_name[];                /* Save file name */
extern char score_file[];               /* Score file name */
extern char home[];                     /* User's home directory */
extern WINDOW *cw;                      /* Window that the player sees */
extern WINDOW *hw;                      /* Used for the help command */
extern WINDOW *mw;                      /* Used to store mosnters */
extern WINDOW *msgw;                    /* Message window */
extern bool pool_teleport;              /* just teleported from a pool */
extern bool inwhgt;                     /* true if from wghtchk() */
extern bool running;                    /* True if player is running */
extern bool playing;                    /* True until he quits */
extern bool wizard;                     /* True if allows wizard commands */
extern bool after;                      /* True if we want after daemons */
extern bool notify;                     /* True if player wants to know */
extern bool fight_flush;                /* True if toilet input */
extern bool terse;                      /* True if we should be short */
extern bool auto_pickup;                /* Pick up things automatically? */
extern bool menu_overlay;               /* Use overlay type menu */
extern bool door_stop;                  /* Stop running when we pass a door */
extern bool jump;                       /* Show running as series of jumps */
extern bool slow_invent;                /* Inventory one line at a time */
extern bool def_attr;                   /* True for default attributes */
extern bool firstmove;                  /* First move after setting door_stop */
extern bool waswizard;                  /* Was a wizard sometime */
extern bool askme;                      /* Ask about unidentified things */
extern bool use_savedir;                /* Use common save location */
extern bool s_know[];                   /* Does he know what a scroll does */
extern bool p_know[];                   /* Does he know what a potion does */
extern bool r_know[];                   /* Does he know what a ring does */
extern bool ws_know[];                  /* Does he know what a stick does */
extern bool m_know[];                   /* Does he know what a MM does */
extern bool in_shell;                   /* True if executing a shell */
extern bool daytime;                    /* Indicates whether it is daytime */
extern bool funfont;                    /* Is fun font available? */
extern coord oldpos;                    /* Position before last look() call */
extern coord grid[];                    /* used for random pos generation */
extern char *nothing;                   /* "Nothing seems to happen." */
extern char *spacemsg;
extern char *morestr;
extern char *retstr;
extern FILE *scorefi;
extern FILE *logfile;
extern LEVTYPE levtype;
extern int (*add_abil[NUMABILITIES])(int); /* Functions to change abilities */
extern int mf_count;       /* move_free counter - see actions.c(m_act()) */
extern int mf_jmpcnt;      /* move_free counter for # of jumps        */
extern int killed_chance;  /* cumulative chance for goodies to loose it, fight.c */
extern coord move_nh;        /* move.c */
#define NCOLORS 32
#define NSYLLS  127
#define NSTONES 47
#define NWOOD 24
#define NMETAL 16
extern struct words rainbow[NCOLORS];
extern struct words sylls[NSYLLS];
extern struct words stones[NSTONES];
extern struct words wood[NWOOD];
extern struct words metal[NMETAL];