view rogue3/init.c @ 111:7f8f43943b1f

Fix some terribly depressing corruption during restore. In rogue5/state.c, rs_read_daemons() zeroes out the argument and delay if the daemon slot is empty. Unfortunately that code ended up on the wrong side of the brace that closes the for loop, so instead of running after each daemon, it got run once after the loop exited, when the index was of course out of bounds. This tended to manifest, when compiled with -O2, by overwriting hw and setting it to NULL. When inventory() next ran, hw would be passed to wgetch(), which returns ERR when it gets a NULL argument. This made md_readchar() think something was wrong and autosave the game. Upon investigation, rogue3 was found to commit the same mistake. rogue4 and srogue don't zero the data. arogue5 already does it properly. Someday I am going to run all this through Valgrind. Someday when I am a kinder person who will not be driven to invoke hordes of trolls and centaurs upon the original authors.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Wed, 08 Jan 2014 16:44:16 -0500
parents e361fbca47ec
children ee250e3646fd
line wrap: on
line source

 * global variable initializaton
 * @(#)init.c	3.33 (Berkeley) 6/15/81
 * Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "curses.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "machdep.h"
#include "rogue.h"

int playing = TRUE, running = FALSE, wizard = FALSE;
int notify = TRUE, fight_flush = FALSE, terse = FALSE, door_stop = FALSE;
int jump = FALSE, slow_invent = FALSE, firstmove = FALSE, askme = TRUE;
int use_savedir = FALSE;
int amulet = FALSE;
int in_shell = FALSE;
struct linked_list *lvl_obj = NULL, *mlist = NULL;
struct object *cur_weapon = NULL;
int mpos = 0, no_move = 0, no_command = 0, level = 1, purse = 0, inpack = 0;
int total = 0, no_food = 0, count = 0, fung_hit = 0, quiet = 0;
int food_left = HUNGERTIME, group = 1, hungry_state = 0;
int lastscore = -1;

struct thing player;
struct room rooms[MAXROOMS];
struct room *oldrp;
struct stats max_stats; 
struct object *cur_armor;
struct object *cur_ring[2];
int after;
int waswizard;
coord oldpos;                            /* Position before last look() call */
coord delta;                             /* Change indicated to get_dir()    */

int s_know[MAXSCROLLS];         /* Does he know what a scroll does */
int p_know[MAXPOTIONS];         /* Does he know what a potion does */
int r_know[MAXRINGS];                   /* Does he know what a ring does
int ws_know[MAXSTICKS];         /* Does he know what a stick does */

int  take;                               /* Thing the rogue is taking */
int  runch;                              /* Direction player is running */
char whoami[80];                 /* Name of player */
char fruit[80];                          /* Favorite fruit */
char huh[80];                            /* The last message printed */
int dnum;                                /* Dungeon number */
char *s_names[MAXSCROLLS];               /* Names of the scrolls */
char *p_colors[MAXPOTIONS];              /* Colors of the potions */
char *r_stones[MAXRINGS];                /* Stone settings of the rings */
char *a_names[MAXARMORS];                /* Names of armor types */
char *ws_made[MAXSTICKS];                /* What sticks are made of */
char *s_guess[MAXSCROLLS];               /* Players guess at what scroll is */
char *p_guess[MAXPOTIONS];               /* Players guess at what potion is */
char *r_guess[MAXRINGS];         /* Players guess at what ring is */
char *ws_guess[MAXSTICKS];               /* Players guess at what wand is */
char *ws_type[MAXSTICKS];                /* Is it a wand or a staff */
char file_name[80];                      /* Save file name */
char home[PATH_MAX];                     /* User's home directory */
unsigned char prbuf[80];                 /* Buffer for sprintfs */
int max_hp;                              /* Player's max hit points */
int ntraps;                              /* Number of traps on this level */
int max_level;                           /* Deepest player has gone */
int seed;                                /* Random number seed */

struct trap  traps[MAXTRAPS];

#define ___ 1
#define _x {1,1}
struct monster monsters[26] = {
	/* Name		 CARRY	FLAG    str, exp, lvl, amr, hpt, dmg */
	{ "giant ant",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x, 10,   2,   3, ___, "1d6" } },
	{ "bat",	 0,	0,	{ _x,  1,   1,   3, ___, "1d2" } },
	{ "centaur",	 15,	0,	{ _x, 15,   4,   4, ___, "1d6/1d6" } },
	{ "dragon",	 100,	ISGREED,{ _x,9000, 10,  -1, ___, "1d8/1d8/3d10" } },
	{ "floating eye",0,	0,	{ _x,  5,   1,   9, ___, "0d0" } },
	{ "violet fungi",0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x, 85,   8,   3, ___, "000d0" } },
	{ "gnome",	 10,	0,	{ _x,  8,   1,   5, ___, "1d6" } },
	{ "hobgoblin",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,  3,   1,   5, ___, "1d8" } },
	{ "invisible stalker",0,ISINVIS,{ _x,120,   8,   3, ___, "4d4" } },
	{ "jackal",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,  2,   1,   7, ___, "1d2" } },
	{ "kobold",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,  1,   1,   7, ___, "1d4" } },
	{ "leprechaun",	 0,	0,	{ _x, 10,   3,   8, ___, "1d1" } },
	{ "mimic",	 30,	0,	{ _x,140,   7,   7, ___, "3d4" } },
	{ "nymph",	 100,	0,	{ _x, 40,   3,   9, ___, "0d0" } },
	{ "orc",	 15,	ISBLOCK,{ _x,  5,   1,   6, ___, "1d8" } },
	{ "purple worm", 70,	0,	{ _x,7000, 15,   6, ___, "2d12/2d4" } },
	{ "quasit",	 30,	ISMEAN,	{ _x, 35,   3,   2, ___, "1d2/1d2/1d4" } },
	{ "rust monster",0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x, 25,   5,   2, ___, "0d0/0d0" } },
	{ "snake",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,  3,   1,   5, ___, "1d3" } },
	{ "troll",	 50,	ISREGEN|ISMEAN,{ _x, 55,   6,   4, ___, "1d8/1d8/2d6" } },
	{ "umber hulk",	 40,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,130,   8,   2, ___, "3d4/3d4/2d5" } },
	{ "vampire",	 20,	ISREGEN|ISMEAN,{ _x,380,   8,   1, ___, "1d10" } },
	{ "wraith",	 0,	0,	{ _x, 55,   5,   4, ___, "1d6" } },
	{ "xorn",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,120,   7,  -2, ___, "1d3/1d3/1d3/4d6" } },
	{ "yeti",	 30,	0,	{ _x, 50,   4,   6, ___, "1d6/1d6" } },
	{ "zombie",	 0,	ISMEAN,	{ _x,  7,   2,   8, ___, "1d8" } }
#undef ___

 * init_player:
 *	roll up the rogue

    pstats.s_lvl = 1;
    pstats.s_exp = 0L;
    max_hp = pstats.s_hpt = 12;
    if (rnd(100) == 7)
	pstats.s_str.st_str = 18;
	pstats.s_str.st_add = rnd(100) + 1;
	pstats.s_str.st_str = 16;
	pstats.s_str.st_add = 0;
    pstats.s_arm = 10;
    max_stats = pstats;
    pack = NULL;

 * Contains defintions and functions for dealing with things like
 * potions and scrolls

char *rainbow[] = {

#define NCOLORS (sizeof rainbow / sizeof (char *))

char *sylls[] = {
    "a", "ab", "ag", "aks", "ala", "an", "ankh", "app", "arg", "arze",
    "ash", "ban", "bar", "bat", "bek", "bie", "bin", "bit", "bjor",
    "blu", "bot", "bu", "byt", "comp", "con", "cos", "cre", "dalf",
    "dan", "den", "do", "e", "eep", "el", "eng", "er", "ere", "erk",
    "esh", "evs", "fa", "fid", "for", "fri", "fu", "gan", "gar",
    "glen", "gop", "gre", "ha", "he", "hyd", "i", "ing", "ion", "ip",
    "ish", "it", "ite", "iv", "jo", "kho", "kli", "klis", "la", "lech",
    "man", "mar", "me", "mi", "mic", "mik", "mon", "mung", "mur",
    "nej", "nelg", "nep", "ner", "nes", "nes", "nih", "nin", "o", "od",
    "ood", "org", "orn", "ox", "oxy", "pay", "pet", "ple", "plu", "po",
    "pot", "prok", "re", "rea", "rhov", "ri", "ro", "rog", "rok", "rol",
    "sa", "san", "sat", "see", "sef", "seh", "shu", "ski", "sna",
    "sne", "snik", "sno", "so", "sol", "sri", "sta", "sun", "ta",
    "tab", "tem", "ther", "ti", "tox", "trol", "tue", "turs", "u",
    "ulk", "um", "un", "uni", "ur", "val", "viv", "vly", "vom", "wah",
    "wed", "werg", "wex", "whon", "wun", "xo", "y", "yot", "yu",
    "zant", "zap", "zeb", "zim", "zok", "zon", "zum",

char *stones[] = {
    "lapus lazuli",
    "tiger eye",

#define NSTONES (sizeof stones / sizeof (char *))

char *wood[] = {
    "avocado wood",
    "persimmon wood",
    "zebra wood",

#define NWOOD (sizeof wood / sizeof (char *))

char *metal[] = {

#define NMETAL (sizeof metal / sizeof (char *))

struct magic_item things[NUMTHINGS] = {
    { "",			27 },	/* potion */
    { "",			27 },	/* scroll */
    { "",			18 },	/* food */
    { "",			 9 },	/* weapon */
    { "",			 9 },	/* armor */
    { "",			 5 },	/* ring */
    { "",			 5 },	/* stick */

struct magic_item s_magic[MAXSCROLLS] = {
    { "monster confusion",	 8, 170 },
    { "magic mapping",		 5, 180 },
    { "light",			10, 100 },
    { "hold monster",		 2, 200 },
    { "sleep",			 5,  50 },
    { "enchant armor",		 8, 130 },
    { "identify",		21, 100 },
    { "scare monster",		 4, 180 },
    { "gold detection",		 4, 110 },
    { "teleportation",		 7, 175 },
    { "enchant weapon",		10, 150 },
    { "create monster",		 5,  75 },
    { "remove curse",		 8, 105 },
    { "aggravate monsters",	 1,  60 },
    { "blank paper",		 1,  50 },
    { "genocide",		 1, 200 },

struct magic_item p_magic[MAXPOTIONS] = {
    { "confusion",		 8,  50 },
    { "paralysis",		10,  50 },
    { "poison",			 8,  50 },
    { "gain strength",		15, 150 },
    { "see invisible",		 2, 170 },
    { "healing",		15, 130 },
    { "monster detection",	 6, 120 },
    { "magic detection",	 6, 105 },
    { "raise level",		 2, 220 },
    { "extra healing",		 5, 180 },
    { "haste self",		 4, 200 },
    { "restore strength",	14, 120 },
    { "blindness",		 4,  50 },
    { "thirst quenching",	 1,  50 },

struct magic_item r_magic[MAXRINGS] = {
    { "protection",		 9, 200 },
    { "add strength",		 9, 200 },
    { "sustain strength",	 5, 180 },
    { "searching",		10, 200 },
    { "see invisible",		10, 175 },
    { "adornment",		 1, 100 },
    { "aggravate monster",	11, 100 },
    { "dexterity",		 8, 220 },
    { "increase damage",	 8, 220 },
    { "regeneration",		 4, 260 },
    { "slow digestion",		 9, 240 },
    { "teleportation",		 9, 100 },
    { "stealth",		 7, 100 },

struct magic_item ws_magic[MAXSTICKS] = {
    { "light",			12, 120 },
    { "striking",		 9, 115 },
    { "lightning",		 3, 200 },
    { "fire",			 3, 200 },
    { "cold",			 3, 200 },
    { "polymorph",		15, 210 },
    { "magic missile",		10, 170 },
    { "haste monster",		 9,  50 },
    { "slow monster",		11, 220 },
    { "drain life",		 9, 210 },
    { "nothing",		 1,  70 },
    { "teleport away",		 5, 140 },
    { "teleport to",		 5,  60 },
    { "cancellation",		 5, 130 },

int a_class[MAXARMORS] = {

char *a_names[MAXARMORS] = {
    "leather armor",
    "ring mail",
    "studded leather armor",
    "scale mail",
    "chain mail",
    "splint mail",
    "banded mail",
    "plate mail",

int a_chances[MAXARMORS] = {

#define MAX3(a,b,c)     (a > b ? (a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c))
static int used[MAX3(NCOLORS, NSTONES, NWOOD)];

 * init_things
 *	Initialize the probabilities for types of things
    struct magic_item *mp;

    for (mp = &things[1]; mp <= &things[NUMTHINGS-1]; mp++)
	mp->mi_prob += (mp-1)->mi_prob;
    badcheck("things", things, NUMTHINGS);

 * init_colors:
 *	Initialize the potion color scheme for this time

    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++)
	used[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPOTIONS; i++)
	    j = rnd(NCOLORS);
	until (!used[j]);
	used[j] = TRUE;
	p_colors[i] = rainbow[j];
	p_know[i] = FALSE;
	p_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		p_magic[i].mi_prob += p_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("potions", p_magic, MAXPOTIONS);

 * init_names:
 *	Generate the names of the various scrolls

    int nsyl;
    char *cp, *sp;
    int i, nwords;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXSCROLLS; i++)
	cp = prbuf;
	nwords = rnd(4)+2;
	    nsyl = rnd(3)+1;
		sp = sylls[rnd((sizeof sylls) / (sizeof (char *)))];
		    *cp++ = *sp++;
	    *cp++ = ' ';
	*--cp = '\0';
	s_names[i] = (char *) _new(strlen(prbuf)+1);
	s_know[i] = FALSE;
	s_guess[i] = NULL;
	strcpy(s_names[i], prbuf);
	if (i > 0)
		s_magic[i].mi_prob += s_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("scrolls", s_magic, MAXSCROLLS);

 * init_stones:
 *	Initialize the ring stone setting scheme for this time

    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < NSTONES; i++)
	used[i] = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXRINGS; i++)
	    j = rnd(NSTONES);
	until (!used[j]);
	used[j] = TRUE;
	r_stones[i] = stones[j];
	r_know[i] = FALSE;
	r_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		r_magic[i].mi_prob += r_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("rings", r_magic, MAXRINGS);

 * init_materials:
 *	Initialize the construction materials for wands and staffs

    int i, j;
    static int metused[NMETAL];

    for (i = 0; i < NWOOD; i++)
	used[i] = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < NMETAL; i++)
	metused[i] = FALSE;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXSTICKS; i++)
	for (;;)
	    if (rnd(100) > 50)
		j = rnd(NMETAL);
		if (!metused[j])
		    metused[j] = TRUE;
		    ws_made[i] = metal[j];
		    ws_type[i] = "wand";
		j = rnd(NWOOD);
		if (!used[j])
		    used[j] = TRUE;
		    ws_made[i] = wood[j];
		    ws_type[i] = "staff";

	ws_know[i] = FALSE;
	ws_guess[i] = NULL;
	if (i > 0)
		ws_magic[i].mi_prob += ws_magic[i-1].mi_prob;
    badcheck("sticks", ws_magic, MAXSTICKS);

badcheck(char *name, struct magic_item *magic, int bound)
    struct magic_item *end;

    if (magic[bound - 1].mi_prob == 100)
    printf("\nBad percentages for %s:\n", name);
    for (end = &magic[bound]; magic < end; magic++)
	printf("%3d%% %s\n", magic->mi_prob, magic->mi_name);
    printf("[hit RETURN to continue]");
    while (getchar() != '\n')

struct h_list helpstr[] = {
    '?',	"	prints help",
    '/',	"	identify object",
    'h',	"	left",
    'j',	"	down",
    'k',	"	up",
    'l',	"	right",
    'y',	"	up & left",
    'u',	"	up & right",
    'b',	"	down & left",
    'n',	"	down & right",
    'H',	"	run left",
    'J',	"	run down",
    'K',	"	run up",
    'L',	"	run right",
    'Y',	"	run up & left",
    'U',	"	run up & right",
    'B',	"	run down & left",
    'N',	"	run down & right",
    't',	"<dir>	throw something",
    'f',	"<dir>	forward until find something",
    'p',	"<dir>	zap a wand in a direction",
    'z',	"	zap a wand or staff",
    '>',	"	go down a staircase",
    's',	"	search for trap/secret door",
    '.',	"	rest for a turn",
    'i',	"	inventory",
    'I',	"	inventory single item",
    'q',	"	quaff potion",
    'r',	"	read paper",
    'e',	"	eat food",
    'w',	"	wield a weapon",
    'W',	"	wear armor",
    'T',	"	take armor off",
    'P',	"	put on ring",
    'R',	"	remove ring",
    'd',	"	drop object",
    'c',	"	call object",
    'o',	"	examine/set options",
    CTRL('L'),	"	redraw screen",
    CTRL('R'),	"	repeat last message",
    ESCAPE,	"	cancel command",
    'v',	"	print program version number",
    '!',	"	shell escape",
    'S',	"	save game",
    'Q',	"	quit",
    0, 0