view rogue4/rogue.h @ 239:837044d2c362

Merge the GCC5 and build fix branches. This fixes all warnings produced by GCC 5, except the ones related to system functions. Those could be fixed by including the proper headers, but it would be better to replace the system-dependent code with functions from mdport.c.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 11 Mar 2016 19:47:52 -0500
parents 2dcf10d45d5b
children d3968e9cb98d
line wrap: on
line source

 * Rogue definitions and variable declarations
 * @(#)rogue.h	5.2 (Berkeley) 5/10/82
 * Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981, 1982 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

typedef struct { 
    const char *st_name;
    const int   st_value;
extern const char *rainbow[];
extern const STONE stones[];
extern const char *sylls[];
extern const char *wood[];
extern const char *metal[];

#define NCOLORS 27
#define NSYLLS  159
#define NSTONES 26
#define NWOOD   33
#define NMETAL  22

 * Maximum number of different things
#define MAXDAEMONS  20
#define MAXROOMS	9
#define MAXTHINGS	9
#define MAXOBJ		9
#define MAXPACK		23
#define MAXTRAPS	10
#define AMULETLEVEL	26
#define	NUMTHINGS	7	/* number of types of things */
#define MAXPASS		13	/* upper limit on number of passages */

 * return values for get functions
#define	NORM	0	/* normal exit */
#define	QUIT	1	/* quit option setting */
#define	MINUS	2	/* back up one option */

 * All the fun defines
#define shint		char		/* short integer (for very small #s) */
#define when		break;case
#define otherwise	break;default
#define until(expr)	while(!(expr))
#define next(ptr)	(*ptr).l_next
#define prev(ptr)	(*ptr).l_prev
#define winat(y,x)	(moat(y,x) != NULL ? moat(y,x)->t_disguise : chat(y,x))
#define DISTANCE(y1, x1, y2, x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
#define ce(a,b)		((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
#define hero		player.t_pos
#define pstats		player.t_stats
#define pack		player.t_pack
#define proom		player.t_room
#define max_hp		player.t_stats.s_maxhp
#define attach(a,b)	_attach(&a,b)
#define detach(a,b)	_detach(&a,b)
#define free_list(a)	_free_list(&a)
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b)	((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define on(thing,flag)	(((thing).t_flags & (flag)) != 0)
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(ch)	(ch & 037)
#define GOLDCALC	(rnd(50 + 10 * level) + 2)
#define ISRING(h,r)	(cur_ring[h] != NULL && cur_ring[h]->o_which == r)
#define ISMULT(type) 	(type==POTION || type==SCROLL || type==FOOD || type==GOLD)
#define INDEX(y,x)	(((x) << 5) + (y))
#define chat(y,x)	(_level[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define flat(y,x)	(_flags[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define moat(y,x)	(_monst[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define unc(cp)		(cp).y, (cp).x
#ifdef WIZARD
#define debug		if (wizard) msg

 * Things that appear on the screens
#define PASSAGE		'#'
#define DOOR		'+'
#define FLOOR		'.'
#define PLAYER		'@'
#define TRAP		'^'
#define STAIRS		'%'
#define GOLD		'*'
#define POTION		'!'
#define SCROLL		'?'
#define MAGIC		'$'
#define FOOD		':'
#define WEAPON		')'
#define ARMOR		']'
#define AMULET		','
#define RING		'='
#define STICK		'/'
#define CALLABLE	-1

int spread(int nm);
 * Various constants
#define	PASSWD		"mTuZ7WUV9RWkQ"
#define BEARTIME	spread(3)
#define SLEEPTIME	spread(5)
#define HEALTIME	spread(30)
#define HOLDTIME	spread(2)
#define WANDERTIME	spread(70)
#define BEFORE		spread(1)
#define AFTER		spread(2)
#define HUHDURATION	spread(20)
#define SEEDURATION	spread(850)
#define HUNGERTIME	spread(1300)
#define MORETIME	150
#define STOMACHSIZE	2000
#define STARVETIME	850
#define ESCAPE		27
#define LEFT		0
#define RIGHT		1
#define BOLT_LENGTH	6
#define LAMPDIST	3

 * Save against things
#define VS_POISON	00
#define VS_DEATH	00
#define VS_BREATH	02
#define VS_MAGIC	03

 * Various flag bits
/* flags for rooms */
#define ISDARK	0000001		/* room is dark */
#define ISGONE	0000002		/* room is gone (a corridor) */

/* flags for objects */
#define ISCURSED 000001		/* object is cursed */
#define ISKNOW	0000002		/* player knows details about the object */
#define ISMISL	0000004		/* object is a missile type */
#define ISMANY	0000010		/* object comes in groups */

/* flags for creatures */
#define CANHUH	0000001		/* creature can confuse */
#define CANSEE	0000002		/* creature can see invisible creatures */
#define ISBLIND	0000004		/* creature is blind */
#define ISCANC	0000010		/* creature has special qualities cancelled */
#define ISFOUND	0000020		/* creature has been seen (used for objects) */
#define ISGREED	0000040		/* creature runs to protect gold */
#define ISHASTE	0000100		/* creature has been hastened */
#define ISHELD	0000400		/* creature has been held */
#define ISHUH	0001000		/* creature is confused */
#define ISINVIS	0002000		/* creature is invisible */
#define ISMEAN	0004000		/* creature can wake when player enters room */
#define ISREGEN	0010000		/* creature can regenerate */
#define ISRUN	0020000		/* creature is running at the player */
#define SEEMONST 040000		/* hero can detect unseen monsters */
#define ISSLOW	0100000		/* creature has been slowed */

 * Flags for level map
#define F_PASS		0x80		/* is a passageway */
#define F_SEEN		0x40		/* have seen this corridor before */
#define F_DROPPED	0x20		/* object was dropped here */
#define F_LOCKED	0x20		/* door is locked */
#define F_REAL		0x10		/* what you see is what you get */
#define F_PNUM		0x0f		/* passage number mask */
#define F_TMASK		0x07		/* trap number mask */

 * Trap types
#define T_DOOR	00
#define T_ARROW	01
#define T_SLEEP	02
#define T_BEAR	03
#define T_TELEP	04
#define T_DART	05
#define NTRAPS	6

 * Potion types
#define P_CONFUSE	0
#define P_PARALYZE	1
#define P_POISON	2
#define P_STRENGTH	3
#define P_SEEINVIS	4
#define P_HEALING	5
#define P_MFIND		6
#define	P_TFIND 	7
#define	P_RAISE		8
#define P_XHEAL		9
#define P_HASTE		10
#define P_RESTORE	11
#define P_BLIND		12
#define P_NOP		13
#define MAXPOTIONS	14

 * Scroll types
#define S_CONFUSE	0
#define S_MAP		1
#define S_HOLD		2
#define S_SLEEP		3
#define S_ARMOR		4
#define S_IDENT		5
#define S_SCARE		6
#define S_GFIND		7
#define S_TELEP		8
#define S_ENCH		9
#define S_CREATE	10
#define S_REMOVE	11
#define S_AGGR		12
#define S_NOP		13
#define S_GENOCIDE	14
#define MAXSCROLLS	15

 * Weapon types
#define MACE		0
#define SWORD		1
#define BOW		2
#define ARROW		3
#define DAGGER		4
#define TWOSWORD	5
#define DART		6
#define CROSSBOW	7
#define BOLT		8
#define SPEAR		9
#define FLAME		10	/* fake entry for dragon breath (ick) */
#define MAXWEAPONS	10	/* this should equal FLAME */

 * Armor types
#define LEATHER		0
#define RING_MAIL	1
#define SCALE_MAIL	3
#define CHAIN_MAIL	4
#define SPLINT_MAIL	5
#define BANDED_MAIL	6
#define PLATE_MAIL	7
#define MAXARMORS	8

 * Ring types
#define R_PROTECT	0
#define R_ADDSTR	1
#define R_SUSTSTR	2
#define R_SEARCH	3
#define R_SEEINVIS	4
#define R_NOP		5
#define R_AGGR		6
#define R_ADDHIT	7
#define R_ADDDAM	8
#define R_REGEN		9
#define R_DIGEST	10
#define R_TELEPORT	11
#define R_STEALTH	12
#define R_SUSTARM	13
#define MAXRINGS	14

 * Rod/Wand/Staff types

#define WS_LIGHT	0
#define WS_HIT		1
#define WS_ELECT	2
#define WS_FIRE		3
#define WS_COLD		4
#define WS_POLYMORPH	5
#define WS_MISSILE	6
#define WS_HASTE_M	7
#define WS_SLOW_M	8
#define WS_DRAIN	9
#define WS_NOP		10
#define WS_TELAWAY	11
#define WS_TELTO	12
#define WS_CANCEL	13
#define MAXSTICKS	14

 * Now we define the structures and types

 * Help list

struct h_list {
    char h_ch;
    char *h_desc;

 * Coordinate data type
typedef struct {
    shint x;
    shint y;
} coord;

/* daemon/fuse data type */

struct delayed_action {
    int d_type;
    void (*d_func)();
    int d_arg;
    int d_time;


typedef unsigned int str_t;

 * Stuff about magic items

struct magic_item {
    const char *mi_name;
    shint mi_prob;
    short mi_worth;

 * Room structure
struct room {
    coord r_pos;			/* Upper left corner */
    coord r_max;			/* Size of room */
    coord r_gold;			/* Where the gold is */
    int r_goldval;			/* How much the gold is worth */
    short r_flags;			/* Info about the room */
    shint r_nexits;			/* Number of exits */
    coord r_exit[12];			/* Where the exits are */

 * Structure describing a fighting being
struct stats {
    str_t s_str;			/* Strength */
    long s_exp;				/* Experience */
    shint s_lvl;			/* Level of mastery */
    shint s_arm;			/* Armor class */
    short s_hpt;			/* Hit points */
    char s_dmg[16];			/* String describing damage done */
    shint s_maxhp;			/* Max hit points */

 * Structure for monsters and player
union thing {
    struct {
	union thing *_l_next, *_l_prev;	/* Next pointer in link */
	coord _t_pos;			/* Position */
	bool _t_turn;			/* If slowed, is it a turn to move */
	unsigned char _t_type;		/* What it is */
	char _t_disguise;		/* What mimic looks like */
	char _t_oldch;			/* Character that was where it was */
	coord *_t_dest;			/* Where it is running to */
	short _t_flags;			/* State word */
	struct stats _t_stats;		/* Physical description */
	struct room *_t_room;		/* Current room for thing */
	union thing *_t_pack;		/* What the thing is carrying */
    int  _t_reserved;
    } _t;
    struct {
	union thing *_l_next, *_l_prev;	/* Next pointer in link */
	shint _o_type;			/* What kind of object it is */
	coord _o_pos;			/* Where it lives on the screen */
	char *_o_text;			/* What it says if you read it */
	char _o_launch;			/* What you need to launch it */
	char _o_damage[8];		/* Damage if used like sword */
	char _o_hurldmg[8];		/* Damage if thrown */
	shint _o_count;			/* Count for plural objects */
	shint _o_which;			/* Which object of a type it is */
	shint _o_hplus;			/* Plusses to hit */
	shint _o_dplus;			/* Plusses to damage */
	short _o_ac;			/* Armor class */
	short _o_flags;			/* Information about objects */
	shint _o_group;			/* Group number for this object */
    } _o;

typedef union thing THING;

#define l_next		_t._l_next
#define l_prev		_t._l_prev
#define t_pos		_t._t_pos
#define t_turn		_t._t_turn
#define t_type		_t._t_type
#define t_disguise	_t._t_disguise
#define t_oldch		_t._t_oldch
#define t_dest		_t._t_dest
#define t_flags		_t._t_flags
#define t_stats		_t._t_stats
#define t_pack		_t._t_pack
#define t_room		_t._t_room
#define t_reserved      _t._t_reserved
#define o_type		_o._o_type
#define o_pos		_o._o_pos
#define o_text		_o._o_text
#define o_launch	_o._o_launch
#define o_damage	_o._o_damage
#define o_hurldmg	_o._o_hurldmg
#define o_count		_o._o_count
#define o_which		_o._o_which
#define o_hplus		_o._o_hplus
#define o_dplus		_o._o_dplus
#define o_ac		_o._o_ac
#define o_charges	o_ac
#define o_goldval	o_ac
#define o_flags		_o._o_flags
#define o_group		_o._o_group
#define o_reserved      _o._o_reserved

 * Array containing information on all the various types of mosnters
struct monster {
    const char *m_name;			/* What to call the monster */
    const shint m_carry;			/* Probability of carrying something */
    const short m_flags;			/* Things about the monster */
    struct stats m_stats;		/* Initial stats */

 * External variables

extern struct delayed_action d_list[20];

extern THING	*_monst[], *cur_armor, *cur_ring[], *cur_weapon,
		*lvl_obj, *mlist, player;

extern coord	delta, oldpos;

extern struct h_list	helpstr[];

extern struct room	*oldrp, passages[], rooms[];

extern struct stats	max_stats;

extern struct monster	monsters[];

extern struct magic_item	p_magic[], r_magic[], s_magic[],
				things[], ws_magic[];

 * Function types

coord	*find_dest(), *rndmove();

THING	*find_mons(), *find_obj(), *get_item(), *new_item(),
	*new_thing(), *wake_monster();

struct room	*roomin(coord *cp);

void    _attach(THING **list, THING *item);
void    _detach(THING **list, THING *item);
void    _free_list(THING **ptr);
bool    add_haste(bool potion);
void    add_line(char *fmt, char *arg);
void    add_pack(THING *obj, bool silent);
void    add_str(str_t *sp, int amt);
void    addmsg(char *fmt, ...);
void    aggravate(void);
int     attack(THING *mp);
void    auto_save(int sig);
void    call_it(bool know, char **guess);
bool    cansee(int y, int x);
char   *charge_str(THING *obj);
void    check_level(void);
void    chg_str(int amt);
void    command(void);
void    death(char monst);
bool    diag_ok(coord *sp, coord *ep);
void    discard(THING *item);
void    discovered(void);
void    do_daemons(int flag);
void    do_fuses(int flag);
void    do_motion(THING *obj, int ydelta, int xdelta);
void    do_move(int dy, int dx);
void    do_passages(void);
void    do_rooms(void);
void    do_run(char ch);
void    do_zap(void);
void    doctor(void);
void    door_open(struct room *rp);
void    drop(void);
bool    dropcheck(THING *op);
void    eat(void);
int     encread(void *starta, int size, int inf);
void    encwrite(void *starta, int size, FILE *outf);
void    end_line(void);
void    endmsg(void);
void    enter_room(coord *cp);
void    extinguish(void (*func)());
void    fall(THING *obj, bool pr);
bool    fallpos(coord *pos, coord *newpos, bool pass);
void    fatal(char *s);
bool    fight(coord *mp, char mn, THING *weap, bool thrown);
THING  *find_obj(int y, int x);
void    fire_bolt(coord *start, coord *dir, char *name);
void    fix_stick(THING *cur);
void    flush_type(void);
void    fuse(void (*func)(), int arg, int time, int type);
void    genocide(void);
bool    get_dir(void);
THING  *get_item(char *purpose, int type);
int     get_str(char *opt, WINDOW *win);
void    give_pack(THING *tp);
bool    hit_monster(int y, int x, THING *obj);
void    init_check(void);
void    init_colors(void);
void    init_materials(void);
void    init_names(void);
void    init_player(void);
void    init_stones(void);
void    init_things(void);
void    init_weapon(THING *weap, char type);
char   *inv_name(THING *obj, bool drop);
bool    inventory(THING *list, int type);
void    invis_on(void);
bool    is_current(THING *obj);
bool    is_magic(THING *obj);
bool    issymlink(char *sp);
void    kill_daemon(void (*func)());
void    killed(THING *tp, bool pr);
void    leave(int sig);
void    leave_room(coord *cp);
void    lengthen(void (*func)(), int xtime);
bool    lock_sc(void);
void    look(bool wakeup);
void    missile(int ydelta, int xdelta);
void    msg(char *fmt, ...);
THING  *new_item(void);
void    new_level(void);
void    new_monster(THING *tp, char type, coord *cp);
THING  *new_thing(void);
void    nohaste(void);
char   *num(int n1, int n2, char type);
void    open_log(void);
void    open_score(void);
void    option(void);
char    pack_char(THING *obj);
void    parse_opts(char *str);
void    pick_up(char ch);
void    picky_inven(void);
void    playit(void);
void    quaff(void);
void    quit(int a);
void    raise_level(void);
char    randmonster(bool wander);
void    read_scroll(void);
int     readchar(void);
int     readcharw(WINDOW *win);
void    remove_monster(coord *mp, THING *tp, bool waskill);
bool    restore(char *file, char **envp);
int     ring_eat(int hand);
char   *ring_num(THING *obj);
void    ring_off(void);
void    ring_on(void);
int     rnd(int range);
void    rnd_pos(struct room *rp, coord *cp);
int     rnd_room(void);
coord  *rndmove(THING *who);
int     roll(int number, int sides);
void    rollwand(void);
void    runners(void);
void    runto(coord *runner, coord *spot);
bool    save(int which);
bool    save_game(void);
bool    save_throw(int which, THING *tp);
void    score(int amount, int flags, char monst);
bool    see_monst(THING *mp);
void    setup(void);
void    shell(void);
void    show_win(WINDOW *scr, char *message);
void    sight(void);
int     sign(int nm);
void    start_daemon(void (*func)(), int arg, int type);
void    start_score(void);
void    status(void);
bool    step_ok(char ch);
void    stomach(void);
void    strucpy(char *s1, char *s2, int len);
void    swander(void);
bool    swing(int at_lvl, int op_arm, int wplus);
void    take_off(void);
int     teleport(void);
void    total_winner(void);
char   *tr_name(char type);
bool    turn_see(bool turn_off);
void    turn_see_off(void);
void    unconfuse(void);
char   *unctrol(char ch);
void    unlock_sc(void);
void    unsee(void);
char   *vowelstr(const char *str);
char   *xcrypt(const char *key, const char *setting);
void    w_wait_for(WINDOW *win, char ch);
void    wait_for(char ch);
THING  *wake_monster(int y, int x);
void    wanderer(void);
void    waste_time(void);
void    wear(void);
void    whatis(bool insist);
void    wield(void);
void    writelog(int amount, int flags, char monst);

#include "config.h"
#include "extern.h"

#ifndef PATH_MAX