view arogue5/rogue.h @ 140:856017d63519

xrogue: don't segfault when backstabbing while empty-handed. The code for backstabbing checked the weapon's properties without making sure it was not NULL.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 05 May 2015 12:12:20 -0400
parents a5433ba4cabf
children aac28331e71d
line wrap: on
line source

 * Rogue definitions and variable declarations
 * Advanced Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "config.h"

#define reg	register	/* register abbr.	*/
#define NOOP(x) (x += 0)
#define CCHAR(x) ( (char) (x & A_CHARTEXT) )

 * Maximum number of different things

#define MAXDAEMONS	10
#define MAXFUSES	20

#define NCOLORS         32
#define NSTONES         47
#define NWOOD           24
#define NMETAL          16
#define NSYLLS          159

#define	MAXROOMS	9
#define	MAXTHINGS	9
#define	MAXOBJ		9
#define MAXSTATS	62	/* max total of all stats at startup */
#define	MAXPACK		23
#define	MAXCONTENTS	10
#define MAXENCHANT	10	/* max number of enchantments on an item */
#define	MAXTREAS	15	/* number monsters/treasure in treasure room */
#define	MAXTRAPS	20
#define	MAXTRPTRY	8	/* attempts/level allowed for setting traps */
#define	MAXDOORS	4	/* Maximum doors to a room */
#define	MAXPRAYERS	15	/* Maximum number of prayers for cleric */
#define	MAXSPELLS	20	/* Maximum number of spells (for magician) */
#define	NUMMONST	120	/* Current number of monsters */
#define NUMUNIQUE	24	/* number of UNIQUE creatures */
#define	NLEVMONS	3	/* Number of new monsters per level */
#define	MAXFOODS	1
#define NUMSCORE	20	/* number of entries in score file */
#define HARDER		35	/* at this level start making things harder */
#define MAXPURCH	4	/* max purchases per trading post visit */
#define LINELEN		80	/* characters in a buffer */
#define JUG_EMPTY	-1	/* signifys that the alchemy jug is empty */

/* Movement penalties */
#define SHOTPENALTY 2		/* In line of sight of missile */
#define DOORPENALTY 1		/* Moving out of current room */

 * these defines are used in calls to get_item() to signify what
 * it is we want
#define	ALL		-1
#define	WEARABLE	-2
#define	CALLABLE	-3
#define WIELDABLE	-4
#define USEABLE		-5
#define IDENTABLE	-6
#define REMOVABLE	-7
#define PROTECTABLE	-8
#define ZAPPABLE	-9

 * stuff to do with encumberance
#define NORMENCB	1500	/* normal encumberance */
#define F_OKAY		 0	/* have plenty of food in stomach */
#define F_HUNGRY	 1	/* player is hungry */
#define F_WEAK		 2	/* weak from lack of food */
#define F_FAINT		 3	/* fainting from lack of food */

 * return values for get functions
#define	NORM	0	/* normal exit */
#define	QUIT	1	/* quit option setting */
#define	MINUS	2	/* back up one option */

 * The character types
#define	C_FIGHTER	0
#define	C_MAGICIAN	1
#define	C_CLERIC	2
#define	C_THIEF		3
#define	C_MONSTER	4

 * Number of hit points for going up a level
#define HIT_FIGHTER	10
#define HIT_MAGICIAN	8
#define HIT_CLERIC	8
#define HIT_THIEF	6

 * values for games end
#define UPDATE  -2
#define SCOREIT -1
#define KILLED 	 0
#define CHICKEN  1
#define WINNER   2

 * definitions for function step_ok:
 *	MONSTOK indicates it is OK to step on a monster -- it
 *	is only OK when stepping diagonally AROUND a monster
#define MONSTOK 1
#define NOMONST 2

 * used for ring stuff
#define LEFT_1		 0
#define LEFT_2		 1
#define LEFT_3		 2
#define LEFT_4		 3
#define RIGHT_1		 4
#define RIGHT_2		 5
#define RIGHT_3		 6
#define RIGHT_4		 7
#define NUM_FINGERS	 8

 * used for micellaneous magic (MM) stuff
#define WEAR_BOOTS	0
#define WEAR_BRACERS	1
#define WEAR_CLOAK	2
#define WEAR_JEWEL	4
#define NUM_MM		6

 * All the fun defines
#define next(ptr) (*ptr).l_next
#define prev(ptr) (*ptr).l_prev
#define ldata(ptr) (*ptr).l_data
#define inroom(rp, cp) (\
    (cp)->x <= (rp)->r_pos.x + ((rp)->r_max.x - 1) && (rp)->r_pos.x <= (cp)->x \
 && (cp)->y <= (rp)->r_pos.y + ((rp)->r_max.y - 1) && (rp)->r_pos.y <= (cp)->y)
#define winat(y, x) (mvwinch(mw, y, x)==' '?mvwinch(stdscr, y, x):winch(mw))
#define debug if (wizard) msg
#define RN (((seed = seed*11109+13849) & 0x7fff) >> 1)
#define unc(cp) (cp).y, (cp).x
#define cmov(xy) move((xy).y, (xy).x)
#define DISTANCE(y1, x1, y2, x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
#define OBJPTR(what)	(struct object *)((*what).l_data)
#define THINGPTR(what)	(struct thing *)((*what).l_data)
#define DOORPTR(what)	(coord *)((*what).l_data)
#define when break;case
#define otherwise break;default
#define until(expr) while(!(expr))
#define ce(a, b) ((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
#define draw(window) wrefresh(window)
#define hero player.t_pos
#define pstats player.t_stats
#define max_stats player.maxstats
#define pack player.t_pack
#define attach(a, b) _attach(&a, b)
#define detach(a, b) _detach(&a, b)
#define o_free_list(a) _o_free_list(&a)
#define t_free_list(a) _t_free_list(&a)
#undef max
#undef min
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define on(thing, flag) \
    (((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & flag) != 0)
#define off(thing, flag) \
    (((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] & flag) == 0)
#define turn_on(thing, flag) \
    ((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] |= (flag & ~FLAGMASK))
#define turn_off(thing, flag) \
    ((thing).t_flags[(flag >> FLAGSHIFT) & FLAGINDEX] &= ~flag)

#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(ch) (ch & 037)

#define ALLOC(x) calloc((unsigned int) x,1)
#define FREE(x) free((char *) x)
#define	EQSTR(a, b, c)	(strncmp(a, b, c) == 0)
#define	EQUAL(a, b)	(strcmp(a, b) == 0)
#define GOLDCALC (rnd(50 + 10 * level) + 2)
#define ISRING(h, r) (cur_ring[h] != NULL && cur_ring[h]->o_which == r)
#define ISWEARING(r)	(ISRING(LEFT_1, r) || ISRING(LEFT_2, r) ||\
			 ISRING(LEFT_3, r) || ISRING(LEFT_4, r) ||\
			 ISRING(RIGHT_1, r) || ISRING(RIGHT_2, r) ||\
			 ISRING(RIGHT_3, r) || ISRING(RIGHT_4, r))
#define newgrp() ++group
#define o_charges o_ac
#define ISMULT(type) (type == FOOD)
#define isrock(ch) ((ch == WALL) || (ch == '-') || (ch == '|'))
#define invisible(monst) \
	    (((on(*monst, ISINVIS) || \
	       (on(*monst, ISSHADOW) && rnd(100) < 90)) && \
	      off(player, CANSEE)) || \
	     (on(*monst, CANSURPRISE) && !ISWEARING(R_ALERT)))
#define is_stealth(tp) \
    (rnd(25) < (tp)->t_stats.s_dext || (tp == &player && ISWEARING(R_STEALTH)))

#define has_light(rp) (((rp)->r_flags & HASFIRE) || ISWEARING(R_LIGHT))
#define mi_wght mi_worth

 * Ways to die
#define	D_PETRIFY	-1
#define	D_ARROW		-2
#define	D_DART		-3
#define	D_POISON	-4
#define	D_BOLT		-5
#define	D_SUFFOCATION	-6
#define	D_POTION	-7
#define	D_INFESTATION	-8
#define D_DROWN		-9
#define D_ROT		-10
#define D_CONSTITUTION  -11
#define D_STRENGTH	-12
#define D_SIGNAL	-13
#define D_CHOKE		-14
#define D_STRANGLE	-15
#define D_FALL		-16
#define D_RELIC		-17
#define DEATHNUM	17	/* number of ways to die */

 * Things that appear on the screens
#define	WALL		' '
#define	PASSAGE		'#'
#define	DOOR		'+'
#define	FLOOR		'.'
#define VPLAYER 	'@'
#define IPLAYER 	'_'
#define	POST		'^'
#define	TRAPDOOR	'>'
#define	ARROWTRAP	'{'
#define	SLEEPTRAP	'$'
#define	BEARTRAP	'}'
#define	TELTRAP		'~'
#define	DARTTRAP	'`'
#define POOL		'"'
#define MAZETRAP	'\''
#define	SECRETDOOR	'&'
#define	STAIRS		'%'
#define	GOLD		'*'
#define	POTION		'!'
#define	SCROLL		'?'
#define	MAGIC		'$'
#define	BMAGIC		'>'	/*	Blessed	magic	*/
#define	CMAGIC		'<'	/*	Cursed	magic	*/
#define	FOOD		':'
#define	WEAPON		')'
#define MISSILE		'*'	/*	Magic Missile	*/
#define	ARMOR		']'
#define	MM		';'
#define RELIC		','
#define	RING		'='
#define	STICK		'/'
#define FOREST		'\\'

 * Various constants
#define	PASSWD		"SihQX7.LYSmbo"
#define	BEARTIME	3
#define	SLEEPTIME	4
#define	FREEZETIME	6
#define PAINTIME	(roll(1, 6))
#define	HEALTIME	30
#define	CHILLTIME	(roll(20, 4))
#define	SMELLTIME	20
#define	STONETIME	8
#define HASTETIME	6
#define	SICKTIME	10
#define	STPOS		0
#define	WANDERTIME	(max(5, HARDER-rnd(vlevel)))
#define	BEFORE		1
#define	AFTER		2
#define	HUHDURATION	20
#define	SEEDURATION	850
#define	CLRDURATION	15
#define GONETIME	200
#define FLYTIME		300
#define DUSTTIME	(20+roll(1,10))
#define	HUNGERTIME	1300
#define	MORETIME	150
#define	STINKTIME	6
#define	STOMACHSIZE	2000
#define	ESCAPE		27
#define	BOLT_LENGTH	10
#define	MARKLEN		20
#define DAYLENGTH	400
#define ALCHEMYTIME	(400+rnd(100))

 * Save against things
#define	VS_POISON		00
#define	VS_DEATH		00
#define	VS_WAND			02
#define	VS_BREATH		03
#define	VS_MAGIC		04

 * attributes for treasures in dungeon
#define ISCURSED     	       01
#define ISKNOW      	       02
#define ISPOST		       04	/* object is in a trading post */
#define	ISMETAL     	      010
#define ISPROT		      020	/* object is protected */
#define ISBLESSED     	      040
#define ISMISL      	   020000
#define ISMANY     	   040000
 * Various flag bits
#define ISDARK	    	       01
#define ISGONE	    	       02
#define	ISTREAS     	       04
#define ISFOUND     	      010
#define ISTHIEFSET	      020
#define FORCEDARK	      040
 * 1st set of creature flags (this might include player)
#define ISBLIND		0x00000001
#define	ISINWALL     	0x00000002
#define ISRUN		0x00000004
#define	ISFLEE		0x00000008
#define ISINVIS		0x00000010
#define ISMEAN		0x00000020
#define ISGREED		0x00000040
#define CANSHOOT	0x00000080
#define ISHELD		0x00000100
#define ISHUH		0x00000200
#define ISREGEN		0x00000400
#define CANHUH		0x00000800
#define CANSEE		0x00001000
#define HASFIRE		0x00002000
#define ISSLOW		0x00004000
#define ISHASTE		0x00008000
#define ISCLEAR		0x00010000
#define CANINWALL	0x00020000
#define ISDISGUISE	0x00040000
#define CANBLINK	0x00080000
#define CANSNORE	0x00100000
#define HALFDAMAGE	0x00200000
#define	CANSUCK		0x00400000
#define	CANRUST		0x00800000
#define	CANPOISON	0x01000000
#define	CANDRAIN	0x02000000
#define ISUNIQUE	0x04000000
#define	STEALGOLD	0x08000000
 * Second set of flags 
#define	STEALMAGIC	0x10000001
#define	CANDISEASE	0x10000002
#define HASDISEASE	0x10000004
#define CANSUFFOCATE	0x10000008
#define DIDSUFFOCATE	0x10000010
#define BOLTDIVIDE	0x10000020
#define BLOWDIVIDE	0x10000040
#define NOCOLD		0x10000080
#define	TOUCHFEAR	0x10000100
#define BMAGICHIT	0x10000200
#define NOFIRE		0x10000400
#define NOBOLT		0x10000800
#define CARRYGOLD	0x10001000
#define CANITCH		0x10002000
#define HASITCH		0x10004000
#define DIDDRAIN	0x10008000
#define WASTURNED	0x10010000
#define CANSELL		0x10020000
#define CANBLIND	0x10040000
#define NOACID		0x10080000
#define NOSLOW		0x10100000
#define NOFEAR		0x10200000
#define NOSLEEP		0x10400000
#define NOPARALYZE	0x10800000
#define NOGAS		0x11000000
#define CANMISSILE	0x12000000
#define CMAGICHIT	0x14000000
#define CANPAIN		0x18000000

 * Third set of flags 
#define CANSLOW		0x20000001
#define CANTUNNEL	0x20000002
#define TAKEWISDOM	0x20000004
#define NOMETAL		0x20000008
#define MAGICHIT	0x20000010
#define CANINFEST	0x20000020
#define HASINFEST	0x20000040
#define NOMOVE		0x20000080
#define CANSHRIEK	0x20000100
#define CANDRAW		0x20000200
#define CANSMELL	0x20000400
#define CANPARALYZE	0x20000800
#define CANROT		0x20001000
#define ISSCAVENGE	0x20002000
#define DOROT		0x20004000
#define CANSTINK	0x20008000
#define HASSTINK	0x20010000
#define ISSHADOW	0x20020000
#define CANCHILL	0x20040000
#define	CANHUG		0x20080000
#define CANSURPRISE	0x20100000
#define CANFRIGHTEN	0x20200000
#define CANSUMMON	0x20400000
#define TOUCHSTONE	0x20800000
#define LOOKSTONE	0x21000000
#define CANHOLD		0x22000000
#define DIDHOLD		0x24000000
#define DOUBLEDRAIN	0x28000000

 * Fourth set of flags 
#define CANBRANDOM	0x30000001	/* Types of breath */
#define CANBACID	0x30000002	/* acid */
#define CANBFIRE	0x30000004	/* Fire */
#define CANBCGAS	0x30000008	/* confusion gas */
#define CANBBOLT	0x30000010	/* lightning bolt */
#define CANBGAS		0x30000020	/* clorine gas */
#define CANBICE		0x30000040	/* ice */
#define CANBFGAS	0x30000080	/* Fear gas */
#define CANBPGAS	0x30000100	/* Paralyze gas */
#define CANBSGAS	0x30000200	/* Sleeping gas */
#define CANBSLGAS	0x30000400	/* Slow gas */
#define CANBREATHE	0x300007ff	/* Can it breathe at all? */
 * Fifth set of flags
#define ISUNDEAD	0x40000001
#define CANSONIC	0x40000002
#define TURNABLE	0x40000004
#define TAKEINTEL	0x40000008
#define NOSTAB		0x40000010
#define CANDISSOLVE	0x40000020
#define ISFLY		0x40000040	/* creature can fly */
#define CANTELEPORT	0x40000080	/* creature can teleport */
#define CANEXPLODE	0x40000100	/* creature explodes when hit */
#define CANDANCE	0x40000200	/* creature can make hero "dance" */
#define ISDANCE		0x40000400	/* creature (hero) is dancing */
#define CARRYFOOD	0x40000800
#define CARRYSCROLL	0x40001000
#define CARRYPOTION	0x40002000
#define CARRYRING	0x40004000
#define CARRYSTICK	0x40008000
#define CARRYMISC	0x40010000
#define CARRYDAGGER	0x40020000	/* Dagger of Musty */
#define CARRYCLOAK	0x40040000	/* Cloak of Emori */
#define CARRYANKH	0x40080000	/* Ankh of Heil */
#define CARRYSTAFF	0x40100000	/* Staff of Ming */
#define CARRYWAND	0x40200000	/* Wand of Orcus */
#define	CARRYROD	0x40400000	/* Rod of Asmodeus */
#define	CARRYAMULET	0x40800000	/* Amulet of Yendor */
#define	CARRYMANDOLIN	0x41000000	/* Mandolin of Brian */
#define MISSEDDISP	0x42000000	/* Missed Cloak of Displacement */
#define CANBSTAB	0x44000000	/* Can backstab */

#define CARRYHORN	0x50000001	/* Horn of Geryon */
#define CARRYMSTAR	0x50000002	/* Morning Star of Hruggek */
#define CARRYFLAIL	0x50000004	/* Flail of Yeenoghu */
#define CARRYWEAPON	0x50000008	/* A generic weapon */
#define CANAGE		0x50000010	/* can age you */

#define	ISREADY		0x60000001
#define ISDEAD		0x60000002
#define ISELSEWHERE	0x60000004

/* Masks for choosing the right flag */
#define FLAGMASK     0xf0000000
#define FLAGINDEX    0x0000000f
#define FLAGSHIFT    28
#define MAXFLAGS     25			/* max initial flags per creature */

 * Mask for cancelling special abilities 
 * The flags listed here will be the ones left on after the
 * cancellation takes place

/* types of things */
#define TYP_POTION	0
#define TYP_SCROLL	1
#define TYP_FOOD	2
#define TYP_WEAPON	3
#define TYP_ARMOR	4
#define TYP_RING	5
#define TYP_STICK	6
#define TYP_MM		7
#define	TYP_RELIC	8
#define	NUMTHINGS	9
 * Potion types
#define	P_CLEAR		0
#define	P_ABIL		1
#define	P_SEEINVIS	2
#define	P_HEALING	3
#define	P_MFIND		4
#define	P_TFIND		5
#define	P_RAISE		6
#define	P_HASTE		7
#define	P_RESTORE	8
#define	P_PHASE		9
#define P_INVIS		10
#define P_FLY		11
#define	MAXPOTIONS	12
 * Scroll types
#define	S_CONFUSE	0
#define	S_MAP		1
#define	S_LIGHT		2
#define	S_HOLD		3
#define	S_SLEEP		4
#define	S_ALLENCH	5
#define	S_IDENT		6
#define	S_SCARE		7
#define	S_GFIND		8
#define	S_TELEP		9
#define	S_CREATE	10
#define	S_REMOVE	11
#define	S_PETRIFY	12
#define	S_GENOCIDE	13
#define	S_CURING	14
#define S_MAKEIT	15
#define S_PROTECT	16
#define	MAXSCROLLS	17

 * Weapon types
#define MACE		0		/* mace */
#define SWORD		1		/* long sword */
#define BOW		2		/* short bow */
#define ARROW		3		/* arrow */
#define DAGGER		4		/* dagger */
#define ROCK		5		/* rocks */
#define TWOSWORD	6		/* two-handed sword */
#define SLING		7		/* sling */
#define DART		8		/* darts */
#define CROSSBOW	9		/* crossbow */
#define BOLT		10		/* crossbow bolt */
#define SPEAR		11		/* spear */
#define TRIDENT		12		/* trident */
#define SPETUM		13		/* spetum */
#define BARDICHE	14 		/* bardiche */
#define PIKE		15		/* pike */
#define BASWORD		16		/* bastard sword */
#define HALBERD		17		/* halberd */
#define BATTLEAXE	18		/* battle axe */
#define MAXWEAPONS	19		/* types of weapons */
#define NONE		100		/* no weapon */

 * Armor types
#define	LEATHER		0
#define	RING_MAIL	1
#define	SCALE_MAIL	3
#define	PADDED_ARMOR	4
#define	CHAIN_MAIL	5
#define	SPLINT_MAIL	6
#define	BANDED_MAIL	7
#define	PLATE_MAIL	8
#define	PLATE_ARMOR	9
#define	MAXARMORS	10

 * Ring types
#define	R_PROTECT	0
#define	R_ADDSTR	1
#define	R_SUSABILITY	2
#define	R_SEARCH	3
#define	R_SEEINVIS	4
#define	R_ALERT		5
#define	R_AGGR		6
#define	R_ADDHIT	7
#define	R_ADDDAM	8
#define	R_REGEN		9
#define	R_DIGEST	10
#define	R_TELEPORT	11
#define	R_STEALTH	12
#define	R_ADDINTEL	13
#define	R_ADDWISDOM	14
#define	R_HEALTH	15
#define R_HEAVY		16
#define R_LIGHT		17
#define R_DELUSION	18
#define R_FEAR		19
#define R_HEROISM	20
#define R_FIRE		21
#define R_WARMTH	22
#define R_VAMPREGEN	23
#define	MAXRINGS	24

 * Rod/Wand/Staff types

#define	WS_LIGHT	0
#define	WS_HIT		1
#define	WS_ELECT	2
#define	WS_FIRE		3
#define	WS_COLD		4
#define	WS_POLYMORPH	5
#define	WS_MISSILE	6
#define	WS_SLOW_M	7
#define	WS_DRAIN	8
#define	WS_CHARGE	9
#define	WS_TELMON	10
#define	WS_CANCEL	11
#define WS_CONFMON	12
#define WS_PETRIFY	14
#define WS_PARALYZE	15
#define WS_MDEG		16
#define WS_CURING	17
#define WS_WONDER	18
#define WS_FEAR		19
#define	MAXSTICKS	20

 * miscellaneous magic items
#define	MM_JUG		0
#define	MM_BEAKER	1
#define	MM_BOOK		2
#define	MM_ELF_BOOTS	3
#define MM_BRACERS	4
#define MM_OPEN		5
#define MM_HUNGER	6
#define MM_DISP		7
#define MM_PROTECT	8
#define MM_DRUMS	9
#define MM_DISAPPEAR	10
#define MM_CHOKE	11
#define MM_G_DEXTERITY	12
#define MM_G_OGRE	13
#define MM_JEWEL	14
#define MM_KEOGHTOM	15
#define MM_R_POWERLESS	16
#define MM_FUMBLE	17
#define MM_ADAPTION	18
#define MM_STRANGLE	19
#define MM_DANCE	20
#define MM_SKILLS	21
#define MAXMM		22

 * Relic types
#define MUSTY_DAGGER	0
#define EMORI_CLOAK	1
#define HEIL_ANKH	2
#define MING_STAFF	3
#define ORCUS_WAND	4
#define ASMO_ROD	5
#define GERYON_HORN	8
#define MAXRELIC	11

#define LEVEL  600
#define vlevel max(level, turns/LEVEL + 1)
 * Now we define the structures and types

struct delayed_action {
	int d_type;
	int (*d_func)();
	void *d_arg;
	int d_time;

 * level types
typedef enum {
	NORMLEV,	/* normal level */
	POSTLEV,	/* trading post level */
	MAZELEV,	/* maze level */
	OUTSIDE		/* outside level */

 * Help list

struct h_list {
    char h_ch;
    char *h_desc;

 * Coordinate data type
typedef struct {
    int x;
    int y;
} coord;

 * structure for the ways to die
struct death_type {
    int reason;
    char *name;

 * Linked list data type
struct linked_list {
    struct linked_list *l_next;
    struct linked_list *l_prev;
    char *l_data;			/* Various structure pointers */

 * Stuff about magic items

struct magic_item {
    char *mi_name;
    int mi_prob;
    int mi_worth;
    int mi_curse;
    int mi_bless;

 * Room structure
struct room {
    coord r_pos;			/* Upper left corner */
    coord r_max;			/* Size of room */
    long r_flags;			/* Info about the room */
    struct linked_list *r_fires;	/* List of fire creatures in room */
    struct linked_list *r_exit;		/* Linked list of exits */

 * Array of all traps on this level

struct trap {
    char tr_type;			/* What kind of trap */
    char tr_show;			/* Where disguised trap looks like */
    coord tr_pos;			/* Where trap is */
    long tr_flags;			/* Info about trap (i.e. ISFOUND) */

 * Structure describing a fighting being
struct stats {
    short s_str;			/* Strength */
    short s_intel;			/* Intelligence */
    short s_wisdom;			/* Wisdom */
    short s_dext;			/* Dexterity */
    short s_const;			/* Constitution */
    short s_charisma;			/* Charisma */
    unsigned long s_exp;		/* Experience */
    int s_lvl;				/* Level of mastery */
    int s_arm;				/* Armor class */
    int s_hpt;				/* Hit points */
    int s_pack;				/* current weight of his pack */
    int s_carry;			/* max weight he can carry */
    char s_dmg[30];			/* String describing damage done */

 * Structure describing a fighting being (monster at initialization)
struct mstats {
    short s_str;			/* Strength */
    unsigned long s_exp;		/* Experience */
    int s_lvl;				/* Level of mastery */
    int s_arm;				/* Armor class */
    char *s_hpt;			/* Hit points */
    char *s_dmg;			/* String describing damage done */

 * Structure for monsters and player
struct thing {
    bool t_turn;			/* If slowed, is it a turn to move */
    bool t_wasshot;			/* Was character shot last round? */
    char t_type;			/* What it is */
    char t_disguise;			/* What mimic looks like */
    char t_oldch;			/* Character that was where it was */
    short t_ctype;			/* Character type */
    short t_index;			/* Index into monster table */
    short t_no_move;			/* How long the thing can't move */
    short t_quiet;			/* used in healing */
    coord *t_doorgoal;			/* What door are we heading to? */
    coord t_pos;			/* Position */
    coord t_oldpos;			/* Last position */
    coord *t_dest;			/* Where it is running to */
    unsigned long t_flags[16];		/* State word */
    struct linked_list *t_pack;		/* What the thing is carrying */
    struct stats t_stats;		/* Physical description */
    struct stats maxstats;		/* maximum(or initial) stats */
    int    t_reserved;
	int    t_reserved2;
	int    t_reserved3;

 * Array containing information on all the various types of monsters
struct monster {
    const char *m_name;			/* What to call the monster */
    const short m_carry;			/* Probability of carrying something */
    bool m_normal;			/* Does monster exist? */
    bool m_wander;			/* Does monster wander? */
    const char m_appear;			/* What does monster look like? */
    const char *m_intel;			/* Intelligence range */
    const long m_flags[MAXFLAGS];		/* Things about the monster */
    const char *m_typesum;			/* type of creature can he summon */
    short m_numsum;			/* how many creatures can he summon */
    const short m_add_exp;			/* Added experience per hit point */
    const struct mstats m_stats;		/* Initial stats */

 * Structure for a thing that the rogue can carry