view srogue/fight.c @ 96:9fb343307b6b

Fix some 'test' failures when running 'make install'. When shell variables are unexpectedly empty, 'test' gets the wrong number of arguments and becomes unhappy. Logical AND should not be done with 'test EXPR1 -a EXPR2' in such cases, because 'test' logic does not short-circuit. Replace with 'test EXPR1 && test EXPR2'. Shell logic does short-circuit, and if the first test invocation fails, the second will never occur, and will never encounter missing arguments.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:54:28 -0700
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * All the fighting gets done here
 * @(#)fight.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * fight:
 *	The player attacks the monster.
fight(mp, weap, thrown)
struct coord *mp;
struct object *weap;
bool thrown;

	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct stats *st;
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	bool did_hit = TRUE;

	if (pl_on(ISETHER))			/* cant fight when ethereal */
		return 0;

	if ((item = find_mons(mp->y, mp->x)) == NULL) {
		mvaddch(mp->y, mp->x, FLOOR);
		mvwaddch(mw, mp->y, mp->x, ' ');
		msg("That monster must have been an illusion.");
		return 0;
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	st = &tp->t_stats;
	 * Since we are fighting, things are not quiet so
	 * no healing takes place.
	quiet = 0;
	isfight = TRUE;
	runto(mp, &hero);
	 * Let him know it was really a mimic (if it was one).
	if(tp->t_type == 'M' && tp->t_disguise != 'M' && pl_off(ISBLIND)) {
		msg("Wait! That's a mimic!");
		tp->t_disguise = 'M';
		did_hit = thrown;
	if (did_hit) {
		reg char *mname;

		did_hit = FALSE;
		if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
			mname = "it";
			mname = monsters[tp->t_indx].m_name;
		 * If the hero can see the invisibles, then
		 * make it easier to hit.
		if (pl_on(CANSEE) && on(*tp, ISINVIS) && off(*tp, WASHIT)) {
			tp->t_flags |= WASHIT;
			st->s_arm += 3;
		if (roll_em(him, st, weap, thrown)) {
			did_hit = TRUE;
			if (thrown)
				thunk(weap, mname);
			if (pl_on(CANHUH)) {
				msg("Your hands stop glowing red");
				msg("The %s appears confused.", mname);
				tp->t_flags |= ISHUH;
				player.t_flags &= ~CANHUH;
				 * If our hero was stuck by a bone devil,
				 * release him now because the devil is
				 * confused.
				if (pl_on(ISHELD))
			if (st->s_hpt <= 0)
				killed(item, TRUE);
			else if (monhurt(tp) && off(*tp, ISWOUND)) {
				if (levtype != MAZELEV && tp->t_room != NULL &&
				  !rf_on(tp->t_room, ISTREAS)) {
					tp->t_flags |= ISWOUND;
					msg("You wounded %s.",prname(mname,FALSE));
		else {
			if (thrown)
				bounce(weap, mname);
	count = 0;
	return did_hit;

 * attack:
 *	The monster attacks the player
struct thing *mp;
	reg char *mname;

	if (pl_on(ISETHER))		/* ethereal players cant be hit */
	if (mp->t_flags & ISPARA)	/* paralyzed monsters */
	running = FALSE;
	quiet = 0;
	isfight = TRUE;
	if (mp->t_type == 'M' && pl_off(ISBLIND))
		mp->t_disguise = 'M';
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		mname = "it";
		mname = monsters[mp->t_indx].m_name;
	if (roll_em(&mp->t_stats, him, NULL, FALSE)) {
		if (pl_on(ISINVINC)) {
			msg("%s does not harm you.",prname(mname,TRUE));
		else {
			nochange = FALSE;
			if (mp->t_type != 'E')
			if (him->s_hpt <= 0)
			if (off(*mp, ISCANC))
				switch (mp->t_type) {
				case 'R':
					if (hurt_armor(cur_armor)) {
						msg("Your armor weakens.");
				when 'E':
				 * The gaze of the floating eye hypnotizes you
					if (pl_off(ISBLIND) && player.t_nocmd <= 0) {
						player.t_nocmd = rnd(16) + 25;
						msg("You are transfixed.");
				when 'Q':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (him->s_ef.a_dex > MINABIL) {
							chg_abil(DEX, -1, TRUE);
							msg("You feel less agile.");
				when 'A':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							if (levcount > 0) {
								chg_abil(STR, -1, TRUE);
								msg("A sting has weakened you");
							msg("Sting has no effect.");
				when 'W':
					if (rnd(100) < 15 && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (him->s_exp <= 0)
						msg("You suddenly feel weaker.");
						if (--him->s_lvl == 0) {
							him->s_exp = 0;
							him->s_lvl = 1;
							him->s_exp = e_levels[him->s_lvl - 1] + 1;
				when 'F':
					player.t_flags |= ISHELD;
				when 'L': {
					long lastpurse;
					struct linked_list *lep;

					lastpurse = purse;
					purse -= GOLDCALC;
					if (!save(VS_MAGIC))
					if (purse < 0)
						purse = 0;
					if (purse != lastpurse)
						msg("Your purse feels lighter.");
					lep = find_mons(mp->t_pos.y,mp->t_pos.x);
					if (lep != NULL)
						remove_monster(&mp->t_pos, lep);
						mp = NULL;
				when 'N': {
					struct linked_list *steal, *list;
					struct object *sobj;
					int stworth = 0, wo;

					 * Nymph's steal a magic item, look through the pack
					 * and pick out one we like, namely the object worth
					 * the most bucks.
					steal = NULL;
					for (list = pack; list != NULL; list = next(list)) {
						wo = get_worth(OBJPTR(list));
						if (wo > stworth) {
							stworth = wo;
							steal = list;
					if (steal != NULL) {
						sobj = OBJPTR(steal);
						if (o_off(sobj, ISPROT)) {
							struct linked_list *nym;

							nym = find_mons(mp->t_pos.y, mp->t_pos.x);
							if (nym != NULL)
								remove_monster(&mp->t_pos, nym);
								mp = NULL;
							msg("She stole %s!", inv_name(sobj, TRUE));
							detach(pack, steal);
				when 'c':
					if (!save(VS_PETRIFICATION)) {
						msg("Your body begins to solidify.");
						msg("You are turned to stone !!! --More--");
						wait_for(cw, ' ');
				when 'd':
					if (rnd(100) < 50 && !(mp->t_flags & ISHUH))
						player.t_flags |= ISHELD;
					if (!save(VS_POISON)) {
						if (iswearing(R_SUSAB) || iswearing(R_SUSTSTR))
							msg("Sting has no effect.");
						else {
							int fewer, ostr;

							fewer = roll(1,4);
							ostr = herostr();
							if (herostr() < ostr) {
								fewer = ostr - herostr();
								fuse(rchg_str, fewer - 1, 10);
							msg("You feel weaker now.");
				when 'g':
					if (!save(VS_BREATH) && !iswearing(R_BREATH)) {
						msg("You feel singed.");
				when 'h':
					if (!save(VS_BREATH) && !iswearing(R_BREATH)) {
						msg("You are seared.");
				when 'p':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							msg("You are gnawed.");
				when 'u':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							msg("You are bitten.");
							chg_abil(STR, -1, TRUE);
							fuse(rchg_str, 1, roll(5,10));
				when 'w':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						msg("You feel devitalized.");
				when 'i':
					if (!save(VS_PARALYZATION) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (pl_on(ISSLOW))
						else {
							msg("You feel impaired.");
							player.t_flags |= ISSLOW;
	else if (mp->t_type != 'E') {
		if (mp->t_type == 'F') {
			him->s_hpt -= fung_hit;
			if (him->s_hpt <= 0)
	flushinp();					/* flush type ahead */
	count = 0;

	if (mp == NULL)

 * swing:
 *	Returns true if the swing hits
swing(at_lvl, op_arm, wplus)
int at_lvl, op_arm, wplus;
	reg int res = rnd(20)+1;
	reg int need = (21 - at_lvl) - op_arm;

	return (res + wplus >= need);

 * check_level:
 *	Check to see if the guy has gone up a level.
	reg int lev, add, dif;

	for (lev = 0; e_levels[lev] != 0; lev++)
	if (e_levels[lev] > him->s_exp)
	lev += 1;
	if (lev > him->s_lvl) {
		dif = lev - him->s_lvl;
		add = roll(dif, 10) + (dif * getpcon(him));
		him->s_maxhp += add;
		if ((him->s_hpt += add) > him->s_maxhp)
			him->s_hpt = him->s_maxhp;
		msg("Welcome to level %d", lev);
	him->s_lvl = lev;

 * roll_em:
 *	Roll several attacks
roll_em(att, def, weap, hurl)
struct stats *att, *def;
struct object *weap;
bool hurl;
	reg char *cp;
	reg int ndice, nsides, def_arm, prop_hplus, prop_dplus;
	reg bool did_hit = FALSE;
	char *mindex();

	prop_hplus = prop_dplus = 0;
	if (weap == NULL) {
		cp = att->s_dmg;
	else if (hurl) {
		if (o_on(weap,ISMISL) && cur_weapon != NULL &&
		  cur_weapon->o_which == weap->o_launch) {
			cp = weap->o_hurldmg;
			prop_hplus = cur_weapon->o_hplus;
			prop_dplus = cur_weapon->o_dplus;
			cp = (o_on(weap,ISMISL) ? weap->o_damage : weap->o_hurldmg);
	else {
		cp = weap->o_damage;
		 * Drain a staff of striking
		if (weap->o_type == STICK && weap->o_which == WS_HIT
		  && weap->o_charges == 0) {
			strcpy(weap->o_damage, "0d0");
			weap->o_hplus = weap->o_dplus = 0;
	while(1) {
		int damage;
		int hplus = prop_hplus + (weap == NULL ? 0 : weap->o_hplus);
		int dplus = prop_dplus + (weap == NULL ? 0 : weap->o_dplus);

		if (att == him && weap == cur_weapon) {
			if (isring(LEFT, R_ADDDAM))
				dplus += cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			else if (isring(LEFT, R_ADDHIT))
				hplus += cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			if (isring(RIGHT, R_ADDDAM))
				dplus += cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
			else if (isring(RIGHT, R_ADDHIT))
				hplus += cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
		ndice = atoi(cp);
		if ((cp = mindex(cp, 'd')) == NULL)
		nsides = atoi(++cp);

		if (def == him) {			/* defender is hero */
			if (cur_armor != NULL)
				def_arm = cur_armor->o_ac;
				def_arm = def->s_arm;
			if (isring(LEFT, R_PROTECT))
				def_arm -= cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			if (isring(RIGHT, R_PROTECT))
				def_arm -= cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
		else						/* defender is monster */
			def_arm = def->s_arm;
		if (hurl)
			hplus += getpdex(att,TRUE);
		if (swing(att->s_lvl, def_arm + getpdex(def, FALSE),
		  hplus + str_plus(att))) {
			reg int proll;

			proll = roll(ndice, nsides);
			damage = dplus + proll + add_dam(att);
			if (pl_off(ISINVINC) || def != him)
				def->s_hpt -= max(0, damage);
			did_hit = TRUE;
		if ((cp = mindex(cp, '/')) == NULL)
	return did_hit;

 * mindex:
 *	Look for char 'c' in string pointed to by 'cp'
char *
mindex(cp, c)
char *cp, c;
	reg int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (*cp != c)  cp++;
	if (*cp == c)
		return cp;
		return NULL;

 * prname:
 *	The print name of a combatant
char *
prname(who, upper)
char *who;
bool upper;
static char tbuf[LINLEN];

	*tbuf = '\0';
	if (who == 0)
		strcpy(tbuf, "you"); 
	else if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		strcpy(tbuf, "it");
	else {
		strcpy(tbuf, "the ");
		strcat(tbuf, who);
	if (upper)
		*tbuf = toupper(*tbuf);
	return tbuf;

 * hit:
 *	Print a message to indicate a succesful hit
char *er;
	msg("%s hit.",prname(er, TRUE));

 * miss:
 *	Print a message to indicate a poor swing
char *er;
	msg("%s miss%s.",prname(er, TRUE),(er == 0 ? "":"es"));

 * save_throw:
 *	See if a creature saves against something
save_throw(which, tp)
int which;
struct thing *tp;
	reg int need;
	reg struct stats *st;

	st = &tp->t_stats;
	need = 14 + which - (st->s_lvl / 2) - getpwis(st);
	return (roll(1, 20) >= need);

 * save:
 *	See if he saves against various nasty things
int which;
	return save_throw(which, &player);

 * raise_level:
 *	The guy just magically went up a level.
	him->s_exp = e_levels[him->s_lvl-1] + 1L;

 * thunk:
 *	A missile hits a monster
thunk(weap, mname)
struct object *weap;
char *mname;
	if (weap->o_type == WEAPON)
		msg("The %s hits the %s.",w_magic[weap->o_which].mi_name,mname);
		msg("You hit the %s.", mname);

 * bounce:
 *	A missile misses a monster
bounce(weap, mname)
struct object *weap;
char *mname;
	if (weap->o_type == WEAPON)
		msg("The %s misses the %s.", w_magic[weap->o_which].mi_name,mname);
		msg("You missed the %s.", mname);

 * remove:
 *	Remove a monster from the screen
remove_monster(mp, item)
struct coord *mp;
struct linked_list *item;
	reg char what;

	mvwaddch(mw, mp->y, mp->x, ' ');
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		what = ' ';							/* if blind, then a blank */
		what = (THINGPTR(item))->t_oldch;	/* normal char */
	mvwaddch(cw, mp->y, mp->x, what);
	detach(mlist, item);

 * is_magic:
 *	Returns true if an object radiates magic
struct object *obj;
	switch (obj->o_type) {
		case ARMOR:
			return obj->o_ac != armors[obj->o_which].a_class;
		case WEAPON:
			return obj->o_hplus != 0 || obj->o_dplus != 0;
		case POTION:
		case SCROLL:
		case STICK:
		case RING:
		case AMULET:
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * killed:
 *	Called to put a monster to death
killed(item, pr)
struct linked_list *item;
bool pr;
	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct object *obj;
	struct linked_list *pitem, *nexti, *itspack;
	struct coord here;
	nochange = FALSE;
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	here = tp->t_pos;
	if (pr) {
		addmsg("Defeated ");
		if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
			msg("%s.", monsters[tp->t_indx].m_name);
	him->s_exp += tp->t_stats.s_exp;
	isfight = FALSE;
	unhold(tp->t_type);					/* free player if held */
	if (tp->t_type == 'L') {
		reg struct room *rp;

		rp = roomin(&here);
		if (rp != NULL) {
			if (rp->r_goldval!=0 || fallpos(&here, &rp->r_gold, FALSE)) {
				rp->r_goldval += GOLDCALC;
				if (!save_throw(VS_MAGIC,tp))
					rp->r_goldval += GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC
								   + GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC;
				mvaddch(rp->r_gold.y, rp->r_gold.x, GOLD);
				if (!rf_on(rp,ISDARK)) {
					mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
	pitem = tp->t_pack;
	itspack = tp->t_pack;
	remove_monster(&here, item);
	while (pitem != NULL) {
		nexti = next(pitem);
		obj = OBJPTR(pitem);
		obj->o_pos = here;
		detach(itspack, pitem);
		fall(pitem, FALSE);
		pitem = nexti;