view srogue/monsters.c @ 315:ad2570b5b21f

Advanced Rogue 5, 7: fix some trading post messages. When attempting to buy an unaffordable object, messages were often of the form "You can't afford that a scroll of hold monster !", because the object description (stored in curpurch) was the same text used in inventory displays. This has been worked around by inspecting the contents of curpurch and using different message templates.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sun, 24 Oct 2021 20:26:21 -0400
parents 28e22fb35989
line wrap: on
line source

 * File with various monster functions in it
 * @(#)monsters.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.ext"

 * rnd_mon:
 *	Pick a monster to show up.  The lower the level,
 *	the meaner the monster.
rnd_mon(bool wander, bool baddie)
	/* baddie; TRUE when from a polymorph stick */
	reg int i, ok, cnt;

	cnt = 0;
	if (levcount == 0)			/* if only asmodeus possible */
	if (baddie) {
		while (1) {
			i = rnd(MAXMONS);					/* pick ANY monster */
			if (monsters[i].m_lev.l_lev < 0)	/* skip genocided ones */
			return i;
	ok = FALSE;
	do {
		 * get a random monster from this range
		i = rnd(levcount);
		 * Only create a wandering monster if we want one
		 * (or the count is exceeded)
		if (!wander || mtlev[i]->m_lev.d_wand || ++cnt > 500)
			ok = TRUE;
	} while(!ok);
	return (midx(mtlev[i]->m_show));

 * lev_mon:
 *	This gets all monsters possible on this level
	reg int i;
	reg struct monster *mm;

	levcount = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < MAXMONS; i++) {
		mm = &monsters[i];
		if (mm->m_lev.h_lev >= level && mm->m_lev.l_lev <= level) {
			mtlev[levcount] = mm;
			if (++levcount >= MONRANGE)
	if (levcount == 0)					/* if no monsters are possible */
		mtlev[0] = &monsters[MAXMONS];	/* then asmodeus 'A' */

 * new_monster:
 *	Pick a new monster and add it to the list
struct linked_list *
new_monster(int indx, struct coord *cp, bool treas)
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct monster *mp;
	reg struct stats *st;
	float killexp;		/* experience gotten for killing him */

	item = new_item(sizeof(struct thing));
	attach(mlist, item);
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	st = &tp->t_stats;
	mp = &monsters[indx];		/* point to this monsters structure */
	tp->t_type = mp->m_show;
	tp->t_indx = indx;
	tp->t_pos = *cp;
	tp->t_room = roomin(cp);
	tp->t_oldch = mvwinch(cw, cp->y, cp->x) & A_CHARTEXT;
	tp->t_nomove = 0;
	tp->t_nocmd = 0;
	mvwaddch(mw, cp->y, cp->x, tp->t_type);

	 * copy monster data
	tp->t_stats = mp->m_stats;

	 * If below amulet level, make the monsters meaner the
	 * deeper the hero goes.
	if (level > AMLEVEL)
		st->s_lvl += ((level - AMLEVEL) / 4);

	 * If monster in treasure room, then tougher.
	if (treas)
		st->s_lvl += 1;
	if (levtype == MAZELEV)
		st->s_lvl += 1;
	 * If the hero is going back up, then the monsters are more
	 * prepared for him, so tougher.
	if (goingup())
		st->s_lvl += 1;

	 * Get hit points for monster depending on his experience
	st->s_hpt = roll(st->s_lvl, 8);
	st->s_maxhp = st->s_hpt;
	 * Adjust experience point we get for killing it by the
	 *  strength of this particular monster by ~~ +- 50%
	killexp = mp->m_stats.s_exp * (0.47 + (float)st->s_hpt /
		(8 * (float)st->s_lvl));

	st->s_exp = killexp;			/* use float for accuracy */
	if(st->s_exp < 1)
		st->s_exp = 1;				/* minimum 1 experience point */
	tp->t_flags = mp->m_flags;
	 * If monster in treasure room, then MEAN
	if (treas || levtype == MAZELEV)
		tp->t_flags |= ISMEAN;
	tp->t_turn = TRUE;
	tp->t_pack = NULL;
	 * Dont wander if treas room
	if (iswearing(R_AGGR) && !treas)
		runto(cp, &hero);
	if (tp->t_type == 'M') {
		char mch;

		if (tp->t_pack != NULL)
			mch = (OBJPTR(tp->t_pack))->o_type;
		else {
			switch (rnd(level >= AMLEVEL ? 9 : 8)) {
				case 0: mch = GOLD;
				when 1: mch = POTION;
				when 2: mch = SCROLL;
				when 3: mch = STAIRS;
				when 4: mch = WEAPON;
				when 5: mch = ARMOR;
				when 6: mch = RING;
				when 7: mch = STICK;
				when 8: mch = AMULET;
		if (treas)
			mch = 'M';		/* no disguise in treasure room */
		tp->t_disguise = mch;
	return item;

 * wanderer:
 *	A wandering monster has awakened and is headed for the player
	reg int ch = '-';
	reg struct room *rp, *hr = player.t_room;
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	reg struct thing *tp;
	struct coord mp;

	do {
		rp = &rooms[rnd_room()];
		if (rp != hr || levtype == MAZELEV) {
			mp = *rnd_pos(rp);
			ch = mvinch(mp.y, mp.x);
	} while (!step_ok(ch));
	item = new_monster(rnd_mon(TRUE,FALSE), &mp, FALSE);
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	tp->t_flags |= ISRUN;
	tp->t_dest = &hero;

 * wake_monster:
 *	What to do when the hero steps next to a monster
struct linked_list *
wake_monster(int y, int x)
	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct linked_list *it;
	reg struct room *rp;
	reg char ch;
	bool treas = FALSE;

	if ((it = find_mons(y, x)) == NULL)
		return NULL;
	tp = THINGPTR(it);
	ch = tp->t_type;
	 * Every time he sees mean monster, it might start chasing him
	rp = player.t_room;
	if (rp != NULL && rf_on(rp,ISTREAS)) {
		tp->t_flags &= ~ISHELD;
		treas = TRUE;
	if (treas || (rnd(100) > 33 && on(*tp,ISMEAN) && off(*tp,ISHELD) &&
	  !iswearing(R_STEALTH))) {
		tp->t_dest = &hero;
		tp->t_flags |= ISRUN;
	if (ch == 'U' && pl_off(ISBLIND)) {
		if ((rp != NULL && !rf_on(rp,ISDARK) && levtype != MAZELEV)
		  || DISTANCE(y, x, hero.y, hero.x) < 3) {
			if (off(*tp,ISFOUND) && !save(VS_PETRIFICATION)
			  && !iswearing(R_SUSAB) && pl_off(ISINVINC)) {
				msg("The umber hulk's gaze has confused you.");
				if (pl_on(ISHUH))
				player.t_flags |= ISHUH;
			tp->t_flags |= ISFOUND;
	 * Hide invisible monsters
	if ((tp->t_flags & ISINVIS) && pl_off(CANSEE))
		ch = mvinch(y, x) & A_CHARTEXT;
	 * Let greedy ones guard gold
	if (on(*tp, ISGREED) && off(*tp, ISRUN)) {
		if (rp != NULL && rp->r_goldval) {
			tp->t_dest = &rp->r_gold;
			tp->t_flags |= ISRUN;
	return it;

 * genocide:
 *	Eradicate a monster forevermore
	reg struct linked_list *ip, *nip;
	reg struct thing *mp;
	struct monster *mm;
	reg int i, c;

	if (levcount == 0) {
		mpos = 0;
		msg("You cannot genocide Asmodeus !!");
	i = TRUE;		/* assume an error now */
	while (i) {
		msg("Which monster (remember UPPER & lower case)?");
		c = readchar();		/* get a char */
		if (c == ESCAPE) {	/* he can abort (the fool) */
		if (isalpha(c))		/* valid char here */
			i = FALSE;		/* exit the loop */
		else {				/* he didn't type a letter */
			mpos = 0;
			msg("Please specify a letter between 'A' and 'z'");
	i = midx(c);						/* get index to monster */
	mm = &monsters[i];
	if (mm->m_lev.l_lev < 0) {
		mpos = 0;
		msg("You have already eliminated the %s.",mm->m_name);
		goto tryagain;
	for (ip = mlist; ip != NULL; ip = nip) {
		mp = THINGPTR(ip);
		nip = next(ip);
		if (mp->t_type == c)
			remove_monster(&mp->t_pos, ip);
	mm->m_lev.l_lev = -1;				/* get rid of it */
	mm->m_lev.h_lev = -1;
	lev_mon();							/* redo monster list */
	mpos = 0;
	msg("You have wiped out the %s.",mm->m_name);

 * unhold:
 *	Release the player from being held
unhold(char whichmon)
	struct linked_list *item;
	struct thing *mon;

	switch (whichmon) {
		case 'F':
			fung_hit = 0;
			for (item = mlist; item != NULL; item = next(item)) {
				mon = THINGPTR(item);
				if (mon->t_type == 'F')
					strcpy(mon->t_stats.s_dmg, "000d0");
		case 'd':
			player.t_flags &= ~ISHELD;

 * midx:
 *	This returns an index to 'whichmon'
midx(char whichmon)
	if (isupper(whichmon))
		return(whichmon - 'A');			/* 0 to 25 for uppercase */
	else if (islower(whichmon))
		return(whichmon - 'a' + 26);	/* 26 to 51 for lowercase */
		return(MAXMONS);				/* 52 for Asmodeus */

 * monhurt:
 *	See when monster should run or fight. Return
 *	TRUE if hit points less than acceptable.
monhurt(struct thing *th)
	reg int ewis, crithp, f1, f2;
	reg struct stats *st;

	st = &th->t_stats;
	ewis = st->s_ef.a_wis;
	if (ewis <= MONWIS)				/* stupid monsters dont know */
		return FALSE;
	f1 = st->s_maxhp / 4;			/* base hpt for being hurt */
	f2 = (ewis - MONWIS) * 5 / 3;	/* bonus for smart monsters */
	if (th->t_flags & ISWOUND)		/* if recovering from being */
		f1 *= 2;					/* wounded, then double the base */
	crithp = f1 + f2;				/* get critical hpt for hurt */
	if (crithp > st->s_maxhp)		/* only up to max hpt */
		crithp = st->s_maxhp;
	if (st->s_hpt < crithp)			/* if < critical, then still hurt */
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;