view rogue4/rogue.h @ 50:c9382913d6df

rogue5: make sure SAVEDIR is a directory.
author elwin
date Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:57:51 +0000
parents 9535a08ddc39
children a1dc75e38e73
line wrap: on
line source

 * Rogue definitions and variable declarations
 * @(#)rogue.h	5.2 (Berkeley) 5/10/82
 * Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981, 1982 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

typedef struct { 
    const char *st_name;
    const int   st_value;
extern const char *rainbow[];
extern const STONE stones[];
extern const char *sylls[];
extern const char *wood[];
extern const char *metal[];

#define NCOLORS 27
#define NSYLLS  159
#define NSTONES 26
#define NWOOD   33
#define NMETAL  22

 * Maximum number of different things
#define MAXDAEMONS  20
#define MAXROOMS	9
#define MAXTHINGS	9
#define MAXOBJ		9
#define MAXPACK		23
#define MAXTRAPS	10
#define AMULETLEVEL	26
#define	NUMTHINGS	7	/* number of types of things */
#define MAXPASS		13	/* upper limit on number of passages */

 * return values for get functions
#define	NORM	0	/* normal exit */
#define	QUIT	1	/* quit option setting */
#define	MINUS	2	/* back up one option */

 * All the fun defines
#define shint		char		/* short integer (for very small #s) */
#define when		break;case
#define otherwise	break;default
#define until(expr)	while(!(expr))
#define next(ptr)	(*ptr).l_next
#define prev(ptr)	(*ptr).l_prev
#define winat(y,x)	(moat(y,x) != NULL ? moat(y,x)->t_disguise : chat(y,x))
#define DISTANCE(y1, x1, y2, x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
#define ce(a,b)		((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
#define hero		player.t_pos
#define pstats		player.t_stats
#define pack		player.t_pack
#define proom		player.t_room
#define max_hp		player.t_stats.s_maxhp
#define attach(a,b)	_attach(&a,b)
#define detach(a,b)	_detach(&a,b)
#define free_list(a)	_free_list(&a)
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b)	((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define on(thing,flag)	(((thing).t_flags & (flag)) != 0)
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(ch)	(ch & 037)
#define GOLDCALC	(rnd(50 + 10 * level) + 2)
#define ISRING(h,r)	(cur_ring[h] != NULL && cur_ring[h]->o_which == r)
#define ISMULT(type) 	(type==POTION || type==SCROLL || type==FOOD || type==GOLD)
#define INDEX(y,x)	(((x) << 5) + (y))
#define chat(y,x)	(_level[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define flat(y,x)	(_flags[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define moat(y,x)	(_monst[((x) << 5) + (y)])
#define unc(cp)		(cp).y, (cp).x
#ifdef WIZARD
#define debug		if (wizard) msg

 * Things that appear on the screens
#define PASSAGE		'#'
#define DOOR		'+'
#define FLOOR		'.'
#define PLAYER		'@'
#define TRAP		'^'
#define STAIRS		'%'
#define GOLD		'*'
#define POTION		'!'
#define SCROLL		'?'
#define MAGIC		'$'
#define FOOD		':'
#define WEAPON		')'
#define ARMOR		']'
#define AMULET		','
#define RING		'='
#define STICK		'/'
#define CALLABLE	-1

 * Various constants
#define	PASSWD		"mTuZ7WUV9RWkQ"
#define BEARTIME	spread(3)
#define SLEEPTIME	spread(5)
#define HEALTIME	spread(30)
#define HOLDTIME	spread(2)
#define WANDERTIME	spread(70)
#define BEFORE		spread(1)
#define AFTER		spread(2)
#define HUHDURATION	spread(20)
#define SEEDURATION	spread(850)
#define HUNGERTIME	spread(1300)
#define MORETIME	150
#define STOMACHSIZE	2000
#define STARVETIME	850
#define ESCAPE		27
#define LEFT		0
#define RIGHT		1
#define BOLT_LENGTH	6
#define LAMPDIST	3

 * Save against things
#define VS_POISON	00
#define VS_DEATH	00
#define VS_BREATH	02
#define VS_MAGIC	03

 * Various flag bits
/* flags for rooms */
#define ISDARK	0000001		/* room is dark */
#define ISGONE	0000002		/* room is gone (a corridor) */

/* flags for objects */
#define ISCURSED 000001		/* object is cursed */
#define ISKNOW	0000002		/* player knows details about the object */
#define ISMISL	0000004		/* object is a missile type */
#define ISMANY	0000010		/* object comes in groups */

/* flags for creatures */
#define CANHUH	0000001		/* creature can confuse */
#define CANSEE	0000002		/* creature can see invisible creatures */
#define ISBLIND	0000004		/* creature is blind */
#define ISCANC	0000010		/* creature has special qualities cancelled */
#define ISFOUND	0000020		/* creature has been seen (used for objects) */
#define ISGREED	0000040		/* creature runs to protect gold */
#define ISHASTE	0000100		/* creature has been hastened */
#define ISHELD	0000400		/* creature has been held */
#define ISHUH	0001000		/* creature is confused */
#define ISINVIS	0002000		/* creature is invisible */
#define ISMEAN	0004000		/* creature can wake when player enters room */
#define ISREGEN	0010000		/* creature can regenerate */
#define ISRUN	0020000		/* creature is running at the player */
#define SEEMONST 040000		/* hero can detect unseen monsters */
#define ISSLOW	0100000		/* creature has been slowed */

 * Flags for level map
#define F_PASS		0x80		/* is a passageway */
#define F_SEEN		0x40		/* have seen this corridor before */
#define F_DROPPED	0x20		/* object was dropped here */
#define F_LOCKED	0x20		/* door is locked */
#define F_REAL		0x10		/* what you see is what you get */
#define F_PNUM		0x0f		/* passage number mask */
#define F_TMASK		0x07		/* trap number mask */

 * Trap types
#define T_DOOR	00
#define T_ARROW	01
#define T_SLEEP	02
#define T_BEAR	03
#define T_TELEP	04
#define T_DART	05
#define NTRAPS	6

 * Potion types
#define P_CONFUSE	0
#define P_PARALYZE	1
#define P_POISON	2
#define P_STRENGTH	3
#define P_SEEINVIS	4
#define P_HEALING	5
#define P_MFIND		6
#define	P_TFIND 	7
#define	P_RAISE		8
#define P_XHEAL		9
#define P_HASTE		10
#define P_RESTORE	11
#define P_BLIND		12
#define P_NOP		13
#define MAXPOTIONS	14

 * Scroll types
#define S_CONFUSE	0
#define S_MAP		1
#define S_HOLD		2
#define S_SLEEP		3
#define S_ARMOR		4
#define S_IDENT		5
#define S_SCARE		6
#define S_GFIND		7
#define S_TELEP		8
#define S_ENCH		9
#define S_CREATE	10
#define S_REMOVE	11
#define S_AGGR		12
#define S_NOP		13
#define S_GENOCIDE	14
#define MAXSCROLLS	15

 * Weapon types
#define MACE		0
#define SWORD		1
#define BOW		2
#define ARROW		3
#define DAGGER		4
#define TWOSWORD	5
#define DART		6
#define CROSSBOW	7
#define BOLT		8
#define SPEAR		9
#define FLAME		10	/* fake entry for dragon breath (ick) */
#define MAXWEAPONS	10	/* this should equal FLAME */

 * Armor types
#define LEATHER		0
#define RING_MAIL	1
#define SCALE_MAIL	3
#define CHAIN_MAIL	4
#define SPLINT_MAIL	5
#define BANDED_MAIL	6
#define PLATE_MAIL	7
#define MAXARMORS	8

 * Ring types
#define R_PROTECT	0
#define R_ADDSTR	1
#define R_SUSTSTR	2
#define R_SEARCH	3
#define R_SEEINVIS	4
#define R_NOP		5
#define R_AGGR		6
#define R_ADDHIT	7
#define R_ADDDAM	8
#define R_REGEN		9
#define R_DIGEST	10
#define R_TELEPORT	11
#define R_STEALTH	12
#define R_SUSTARM	13
#define MAXRINGS	14

 * Rod/Wand/Staff types

#define WS_LIGHT	0
#define WS_HIT		1
#define WS_ELECT	2
#define WS_FIRE		3
#define WS_COLD		4
#define WS_POLYMORPH	5
#define WS_MISSILE	6
#define WS_HASTE_M	7
#define WS_SLOW_M	8
#define WS_DRAIN	9
#define WS_NOP		10
#define WS_TELAWAY	11
#define WS_TELTO	12
#define WS_CANCEL	13
#define MAXSTICKS	14

 * Now we define the structures and types

 * Help list

struct h_list {
    char h_ch;
    char *h_desc;

 * Coordinate data type
typedef struct {
    shint x;
    shint y;
} coord;

/* daemon/fuse data type */

struct delayed_action {
    int d_type;
    int (*d_func)();
    int d_arg;
    int d_time;


typedef unsigned int str_t;

 * Stuff about magic items

struct magic_item {
    const char *mi_name;
    shint mi_prob;
    short mi_worth;

 * Room structure
struct room {
    coord r_pos;			/* Upper left corner */
    coord r_max;			/* Size of room */
    coord r_gold;			/* Where the gold is */
    int r_goldval;			/* How much the gold is worth */
    short r_flags;			/* Info about the room */
    shint r_nexits;			/* Number of exits */
    coord r_exit[12];			/* Where the exits are */

 * Structure describing a fighting being
struct stats {
    str_t s_str;			/* Strength */
    long s_exp;				/* Experience */
    shint s_lvl;			/* Level of mastery */
    shint s_arm;			/* Armor class */
    short s_hpt;			/* Hit points */
    char s_dmg[16];			/* String describing damage done */
    shint s_maxhp;			/* Max hit points */

 * Structure for monsters and player
union thing {
    struct {
	union thing *_l_next, *_l_prev;	/* Next pointer in link */
	coord _t_pos;			/* Position */
	bool _t_turn;			/* If slowed, is it a turn to move */
	unsigned char _t_type;		/* What it is */
	char _t_disguise;		/* What mimic looks like */
	char _t_oldch;			/* Character that was where it was */
	coord *_t_dest;			/* Where it is running to */
	short _t_flags;			/* State word */
	struct stats _t_stats;		/* Physical description */
	struct room *_t_room;		/* Current room for thing */
	union thing *_t_pack;		/* What the thing is carrying */
    int  _t_reserved;
    } _t;
    struct {
	union thing *_l_next, *_l_prev;	/* Next pointer in link */
	shint _o_type;			/* What kind of object it is */
	coord _o_pos;			/* Where it lives on the screen */
	char *_o_text;			/* What it says if you read it */
	char _o_launch;			/* What you need to launch it */
	char _o_damage[8];		/* Damage if used like sword */
	char _o_hurldmg[8];		/* Damage if thrown */
	shint _o_count;			/* Count for plural objects */
	shint _o_which;			/* Which object of a type it is */
	shint _o_hplus;			/* Plusses to hit */
	shint _o_dplus;			/* Plusses to damage */
	short _o_ac;			/* Armor class */
	short _o_flags;			/* Information about objects */
	shint _o_group;			/* Group number for this object */
    } _o;

typedef union thing THING;

#define l_next		_t._l_next
#define l_prev		_t._l_prev
#define t_pos		_t._t_pos
#define t_turn		_t._t_turn
#define t_type		_t._t_type
#define t_disguise	_t._t_disguise
#define t_oldch		_t._t_oldch
#define t_dest		_t._t_dest
#define t_flags		_t._t_flags
#define t_stats		_t._t_stats
#define t_pack		_t._t_pack
#define t_room		_t._t_room
#define t_reserved      _t._t_reserved
#define o_type		_o._o_type
#define o_pos		_o._o_pos
#define o_text		_o._o_text
#define o_launch	_o._o_launch
#define o_damage	_o._o_damage
#define o_hurldmg	_o._o_hurldmg
#define o_count		_o._o_count
#define o_which		_o._o_which
#define o_hplus		_o._o_hplus
#define o_dplus		_o._o_dplus
#define o_ac		_o._o_ac
#define o_charges	o_ac
#define o_goldval	o_ac
#define o_flags		_o._o_flags
#define o_group		_o._o_group
#define o_reserved      _o._o_reserved

 * Array containing information on all the various types of mosnters
struct monster {
    const char *m_name;			/* What to call the monster */
    const shint m_carry;			/* Probability of carrying something */
    const short m_flags;			/* Things about the monster */
    struct stats m_stats;		/* Initial stats */

 * External variables

extern struct delayed_action d_list[20];

extern THING	*_monst[], *cur_armor, *cur_ring[], *cur_weapon,
		*lvl_obj, *mlist, player;

extern coord	delta, oldpos;

extern struct h_list	helpstr[];

extern struct room	*oldrp, passages[], rooms[];

extern struct stats	max_stats;

extern struct monster	monsters[];

extern struct magic_item	p_magic[], r_magic[], s_magic[],
				things[], ws_magic[];

 * Function types

coord	*find_dest(), *rndmove();

THING	*find_mons(), *find_obj(), *get_item(), *new_item(),
	*new_thing(), *wake_monster();

struct room	*roomin();

#include "extern.h"

#ifndef PATH_MAX