view srogue/fight.c @ 134:cfa9d1609b78

xrogue: fix definition of struct delayed_action. Arrays of struct delayed_action were declared before the definition. Also, daemon.c and state.c defined it differently. The state.c definition, in which d_arg is a union, is now used everywhere. This is the least bad option, but fuses and daemons are still a disheartening morass that undoubtedly shelters more bugs.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:11:02 -0400
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * All the fighting gets done here
 * @(#)fight.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <ctype.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * fight:
 *	The player attacks the monster.
fight(mp, weap, thrown)
struct coord *mp;
struct object *weap;
bool thrown;

	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct stats *st;
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	bool did_hit = TRUE;

	if (pl_on(ISETHER))			/* cant fight when ethereal */
		return 0;

	if ((item = find_mons(mp->y, mp->x)) == NULL) {
		mvaddch(mp->y, mp->x, FLOOR);
		mvwaddch(mw, mp->y, mp->x, ' ');
		msg("That monster must have been an illusion.");
		return 0;
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	st = &tp->t_stats;
	 * Since we are fighting, things are not quiet so
	 * no healing takes place.
	quiet = 0;
	isfight = TRUE;
	runto(mp, &hero);
	 * Let him know it was really a mimic (if it was one).
	if(tp->t_type == 'M' && tp->t_disguise != 'M' && pl_off(ISBLIND)) {
		msg("Wait! That's a mimic!");
		tp->t_disguise = 'M';
		did_hit = thrown;
	if (did_hit) {
		reg char *mname;

		did_hit = FALSE;
		if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
			mname = "it";
			mname = monsters[tp->t_indx].m_name;
		 * If the hero can see the invisibles, then
		 * make it easier to hit.
		if (pl_on(CANSEE) && on(*tp, ISINVIS) && off(*tp, WASHIT)) {
			tp->t_flags |= WASHIT;
			st->s_arm += 3;
		if (roll_em(him, st, weap, thrown)) {
			did_hit = TRUE;
			if (thrown)
				thunk(weap, mname);
			if (pl_on(CANHUH)) {
				msg("Your hands stop glowing red");
				msg("The %s appears confused.", mname);
				tp->t_flags |= ISHUH;
				player.t_flags &= ~CANHUH;
				 * If our hero was stuck by a bone devil,
				 * release him now because the devil is
				 * confused.
				if (pl_on(ISHELD))
			if (st->s_hpt <= 0)
				killed(item, TRUE);
			else if (monhurt(tp) && off(*tp, ISWOUND)) {
				if (levtype != MAZELEV && tp->t_room != NULL &&
				  !rf_on(tp->t_room, ISTREAS)) {
					tp->t_flags |= ISWOUND;
					msg("You wounded %s.",prname(mname,FALSE));
		else {
			if (thrown)
				bounce(weap, mname);
	count = 0;
	return did_hit;

 * attack:
 *	The monster attacks the player
struct thing *mp;
	reg char *mname;

	if (pl_on(ISETHER))		/* ethereal players cant be hit */
	if (mp->t_flags & ISPARA)	/* paralyzed monsters */
	running = FALSE;
	quiet = 0;
	isfight = TRUE;
	if (mp->t_type == 'M' && pl_off(ISBLIND))
		mp->t_disguise = 'M';
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		mname = "it";
		mname = monsters[mp->t_indx].m_name;
	if (roll_em(&mp->t_stats, him, NULL, FALSE)) {
		if (pl_on(ISINVINC)) {
			msg("%s does not harm you.",prname(mname,TRUE));
		else {
			nochange = FALSE;
			if (mp->t_type != 'E')
			if (him->s_hpt <= 0)
			if (off(*mp, ISCANC))
				switch (mp->t_type) {
				case 'R':
					if (hurt_armor(cur_armor)) {
						msg("Your armor weakens.");
				when 'E':
				 * The gaze of the floating eye hypnotizes you
					if (pl_off(ISBLIND) && player.t_nocmd <= 0) {
						player.t_nocmd = rnd(16) + 25;
						msg("You are transfixed.");
				when 'Q':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (him->s_ef.a_dex > MINABIL) {
							chg_abil(DEX, -1, TRUE);
							msg("You feel less agile.");
				when 'A':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							if (levcount > 0) {
								chg_abil(STR, -1, TRUE);
								msg("A sting has weakened you");
							msg("Sting has no effect.");
				when 'W':
					if (rnd(100) < 15 && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (him->s_exp <= 0)
						msg("You suddenly feel weaker.");
						if (--him->s_lvl == 0) {
							him->s_exp = 0;
							him->s_lvl = 1;
							him->s_exp = e_levels[him->s_lvl - 1] + 1;
				when 'F':
					player.t_flags |= ISHELD;
				when 'L': {
					long lastpurse;
					struct linked_list *lep;

					lastpurse = purse;
					purse -= GOLDCALC;
					if (!save(VS_MAGIC))
					if (purse < 0)
						purse = 0;
					if (purse != lastpurse)
						msg("Your purse feels lighter.");
					lep = find_mons(mp->t_pos.y,mp->t_pos.x);
					if (lep != NULL)
						remove_monster(&mp->t_pos, lep);
						mp = NULL;
				when 'N': {
					struct linked_list *steal, *list;
					struct object *sobj;
					int stworth = 0, wo;

					 * Nymph's steal a magic item, look through the pack
					 * and pick out one we like, namely the object worth
					 * the most bucks.
					steal = NULL;
					for (list = pack; list != NULL; list = next(list)) {
						wo = get_worth(OBJPTR(list));
						if (wo > stworth) {
							stworth = wo;
							steal = list;
					if (steal != NULL) {
						sobj = OBJPTR(steal);
						if (o_off(sobj, ISPROT)) {
							struct linked_list *nym;

							nym = find_mons(mp->t_pos.y, mp->t_pos.x);
							if (nym != NULL)
								remove_monster(&mp->t_pos, nym);
								mp = NULL;
							msg("She stole %s!", inv_name(sobj, TRUE));
							detach(pack, steal);
				when 'c':
					if (!save(VS_PETRIFICATION)) {
						msg("Your body begins to solidify.");
						msg("You are turned to stone !!! --More--");
						wait_for(cw, ' ');
				when 'd':
					if (rnd(100) < 50 && !(mp->t_flags & ISHUH))
						player.t_flags |= ISHELD;
					if (!save(VS_POISON)) {
						if (iswearing(R_SUSAB) || iswearing(R_SUSTSTR))
							msg("Sting has no effect.");
						else {
							int fewer, ostr;

							fewer = roll(1,4);
							ostr = herostr();
							if (herostr() < ostr) {
								fewer = ostr - herostr();
								fuse(rchg_str, fewer - 1, 10);
							msg("You feel weaker now.");
				when 'g':
					if (!save(VS_BREATH) && !iswearing(R_BREATH)) {
						msg("You feel singed.");
				when 'h':
					if (!save(VS_BREATH) && !iswearing(R_BREATH)) {
						msg("You are seared.");
				when 'p':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							msg("You are gnawed.");
				when 'u':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && herostr() > MINABIL) {
						if (!iswearing(R_SUSTSTR) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
							msg("You are bitten.");
							chg_abil(STR, -1, TRUE);
							fuse(rchg_str, 1, roll(5,10));
				when 'w':
					if (!save(VS_POISON) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						msg("You feel devitalized.");
				when 'i':
					if (!save(VS_PARALYZATION) && !iswearing(R_SUSAB)) {
						if (pl_on(ISSLOW))
						else {
							msg("You feel impaired.");
							player.t_flags |= ISSLOW;
	else if (mp->t_type != 'E') {
		if (mp->t_type == 'F') {
			him->s_hpt -= fung_hit;
			if (him->s_hpt <= 0)
	flushinp();					/* flush type ahead */
	count = 0;

	if (mp == NULL)

 * swing:
 *	Returns true if the swing hits
swing(at_lvl, op_arm, wplus)
int at_lvl, op_arm, wplus;
	reg int res = rnd(20)+1;
	reg int need = (21 - at_lvl) - op_arm;

	return (res + wplus >= need);

 * check_level:
 *	Check to see if the guy has gone up a level.
	reg int lev, add, dif;

	for (lev = 0; e_levels[lev] != 0; lev++)
	if (e_levels[lev] > him->s_exp)
	lev += 1;
	if (lev > him->s_lvl) {
		dif = lev - him->s_lvl;
		add = roll(dif, 10) + (dif * getpcon(him));
		him->s_maxhp += add;
		if ((him->s_hpt += add) > him->s_maxhp)
			him->s_hpt = him->s_maxhp;
		msg("Welcome to level %d", lev);
	him->s_lvl = lev;

 * roll_em:
 *	Roll several attacks
roll_em(att, def, weap, hurl)
struct stats *att, *def;
struct object *weap;
bool hurl;
	reg char *cp;
	reg int ndice, nsides, def_arm, prop_hplus, prop_dplus;
	reg bool did_hit = FALSE;
	char *mindex();

	prop_hplus = prop_dplus = 0;
	if (weap == NULL) {
		cp = att->s_dmg;
	else if (hurl) {
		if (o_on(weap,ISMISL) && cur_weapon != NULL &&
		  cur_weapon->o_which == weap->o_launch) {
			cp = weap->o_hurldmg;
			prop_hplus = cur_weapon->o_hplus;
			prop_dplus = cur_weapon->o_dplus;
			cp = (o_on(weap,ISMISL) ? weap->o_damage : weap->o_hurldmg);
	else {
		cp = weap->o_damage;
		 * Drain a staff of striking
		if (weap->o_type == STICK && weap->o_which == WS_HIT
		  && weap->o_charges == 0) {
			strcpy(weap->o_damage, "0d0");
			weap->o_hplus = weap->o_dplus = 0;
	while(1) {
		int damage;
		int hplus = prop_hplus + (weap == NULL ? 0 : weap->o_hplus);
		int dplus = prop_dplus + (weap == NULL ? 0 : weap->o_dplus);

		if (att == him && weap == cur_weapon) {
			if (isring(LEFT, R_ADDDAM))
				dplus += cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			else if (isring(LEFT, R_ADDHIT))
				hplus += cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			if (isring(RIGHT, R_ADDDAM))
				dplus += cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
			else if (isring(RIGHT, R_ADDHIT))
				hplus += cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
		ndice = atoi(cp);
		if ((cp = mindex(cp, 'd')) == NULL)
		nsides = atoi(++cp);

		if (def == him) {			/* defender is hero */
			if (cur_armor != NULL)
				def_arm = cur_armor->o_ac;
				def_arm = def->s_arm;
			if (isring(LEFT, R_PROTECT))
				def_arm -= cur_ring[LEFT]->o_ac;
			if (isring(RIGHT, R_PROTECT))
				def_arm -= cur_ring[RIGHT]->o_ac;
		else						/* defender is monster */
			def_arm = def->s_arm;
		if (hurl)
			hplus += getpdex(att,TRUE);
		if (swing(att->s_lvl, def_arm + getpdex(def, FALSE),
		  hplus + str_plus(att))) {
			reg int proll;

			proll = roll(ndice, nsides);
			damage = dplus + proll + add_dam(att);
			if (pl_off(ISINVINC) || def != him)
				def->s_hpt -= max(0, damage);
			did_hit = TRUE;
		if ((cp = mindex(cp, '/')) == NULL)
	return did_hit;

 * mindex:
 *	Look for char 'c' in string pointed to by 'cp'
char *
mindex(cp, c)
char *cp, c;
	reg int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (*cp != c)  cp++;
	if (*cp == c)
		return cp;
		return NULL;

 * prname:
 *	The print name of a combatant
char *
prname(who, upper)
char *who;
bool upper;
static char tbuf[LINLEN];

	*tbuf = '\0';
	if (who == 0)
		strcpy(tbuf, "you"); 
	else if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		strcpy(tbuf, "it");
	else {
		strcpy(tbuf, "the ");
		strcat(tbuf, who);
	if (upper)
		*tbuf = toupper(*tbuf);
	return tbuf;

 * hit:
 *	Print a message to indicate a succesful hit
char *er;
	msg("%s hit.",prname(er, TRUE));

 * miss:
 *	Print a message to indicate a poor swing
char *er;
	msg("%s miss%s.",prname(er, TRUE),(er == 0 ? "":"es"));

 * save_throw:
 *	See if a creature saves against something
save_throw(which, tp)
int which;
struct thing *tp;
	reg int need;
	reg struct stats *st;

	st = &tp->t_stats;
	need = 14 + which - (st->s_lvl / 2) - getpwis(st);
	return (roll(1, 20) >= need);

 * save:
 *	See if he saves against various nasty things
int which;
	return save_throw(which, &player);

 * raise_level:
 *	The guy just magically went up a level.
	him->s_exp = e_levels[him->s_lvl-1] + 1L;

 * thunk:
 *	A missile hits a monster
thunk(weap, mname)
struct object *weap;
char *mname;
	if (weap->o_type == WEAPON)
		msg("The %s hits the %s.",w_magic[weap->o_which].mi_name,mname);
		msg("You hit the %s.", mname);

 * bounce:
 *	A missile misses a monster
bounce(weap, mname)
struct object *weap;
char *mname;
	if (weap->o_type == WEAPON)
		msg("The %s misses the %s.", w_magic[weap->o_which].mi_name,mname);
		msg("You missed the %s.", mname);

 * remove:
 *	Remove a monster from the screen
remove_monster(mp, item)
struct coord *mp;
struct linked_list *item;
	reg char what;

	mvwaddch(mw, mp->y, mp->x, ' ');
	if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
		what = ' ';							/* if blind, then a blank */
		what = (THINGPTR(item))->t_oldch;	/* normal char */
	mvwaddch(cw, mp->y, mp->x, what);
	detach(mlist, item);

 * is_magic:
 *	Returns true if an object radiates magic
struct object *obj;
	switch (obj->o_type) {
		case ARMOR:
			return obj->o_ac != armors[obj->o_which].a_class;
		case WEAPON:
			return obj->o_hplus != 0 || obj->o_dplus != 0;
		case POTION:
		case SCROLL:
		case STICK:
		case RING:
		case AMULET:
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * killed:
 *	Called to put a monster to death
killed(item, pr)
struct linked_list *item;
bool pr;
	reg struct thing *tp;
	reg struct object *obj;
	struct linked_list *pitem, *nexti, *itspack;
	struct coord here;
	nochange = FALSE;
	tp = THINGPTR(item);
	here = tp->t_pos;
	if (pr) {
		addmsg("Defeated ");
		if (pl_on(ISBLIND))
			msg("%s.", monsters[tp->t_indx].m_name);
	him->s_exp += tp->t_stats.s_exp;
	isfight = FALSE;
	unhold(tp->t_type);					/* free player if held */
	if (tp->t_type == 'L') {
		reg struct room *rp;

		rp = roomin(&here);
		if (rp != NULL) {
			if (rp->r_goldval!=0 || fallpos(&here, &rp->r_gold, FALSE)) {
				rp->r_goldval += GOLDCALC;
				if (!save_throw(VS_MAGIC,tp))
					rp->r_goldval += GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC
								   + GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC;
				mvaddch(rp->r_gold.y, rp->r_gold.x, GOLD);
				if (!rf_on(rp,ISDARK)) {
					mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
	pitem = tp->t_pack;
	itspack = tp->t_pack;
	remove_monster(&here, item);
	while (pitem != NULL) {
		nexti = next(pitem);
		obj = OBJPTR(pitem);
		obj->o_pos = here;
		detach(itspack, pitem);
		fall(pitem, FALSE);
		pitem = nexti;