view srogue/rogue.ext @ 134:cfa9d1609b78

xrogue: fix definition of struct delayed_action. Arrays of struct delayed_action were declared before the definition. Also, daemon.c and state.c defined it differently. The state.c definition, in which d_arg is a union, is now used everywhere. This is the least bad option, but fuses and daemons are still a disheartening morass that undoubtedly shelters more bugs.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:11:02 -0400
parents 34d7a614855e
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

EXTTHG player;
EXTWEP weaps[];
EXTARM armors[];
EXTMON monsters[], *mtlev[];
EXTTRAP *trap_at(), traps[];
EXTROOM *roomin(), *oldrp, rooms[];
EXTCORD *rndmove(), *rnd_pos(), delta, stairs, oldpos, rndspot;
EXTLKL *mlist, *lvl_obj, *new_item(), *new_thing(), *new_monster();
EXTLKL *find_mons(), *wake_monster(), *find_obj(), *get_item();
EXTOBJ *cur_armor, *cur_weapon, *cur_ring[];
EXTMAG r_magic[], s_magic[], ws_magic[], p_magic[];
EXTMAG things[], a_magic[], w_magic[];
EXTINT max_hp, quiet, food_left, hungry_state, level, max_level;
EXTINT foodlev, total, count, demoncnt, fung_hit, ntraps;
EXTINT lastscore, purse, mpos, seed, dnum, no_food, packvol, playuid;
EXTINT curprice, trader, group, levcount, levtype, ringfood, playgid;
EXTINT chkstairs(), rollwand(), swander(), notslow(), notfight(), rnd();
EXTINT rchg_str(), wghtchk(), stomach(), doctor(), runners(), status(), sight();
extern void quit(), auto_save(), endit(), byebye(), game_err();
EXTINT prntfile(), unconfuse(), sapem();
EXTINT noteth(), notregen(), notinvinc(), unsee(), nohaste(), npch();
EXTBOOL running, nochange, after, inwhgt, isfight, firstmove, nlmove;
EXTBOOL wizard, waswizard, in_shell, amulet, door_stop, playing, use_savedir;
EXTBOOL notify, ws_know[], p_know[], s_know[], r_know[], inpool;
EXTCHAR home[], file_name[], whoami[], fruit[], curpurch[], scorefile[];
EXTCHAR *r_stones[], *p_colors[], *s_names[], *ws_type[], *ws_made[];
EXTCHAR *ws_guess[], *s_guess[], *r_guess[], *p_guess[];/*, *unctrl();*/
EXTCHAR morestr[], prbuf[], huh[], *identify(), *vowelstr();
EXTCHAR *new(), *strcpy(), *strcat(), *inv_name(), pack_char(), *prname();
EXTCHAR *num(), *getenv(), *tr_name(), *release, take, runch;
EXTCHAR retstr[], wizstr[], spacemsg[], illegal[], callit[], starlist[];
EXTSTAT max_stats, *him;
extern struct magic_info thnginfo[];
extern struct real re_stats;
extern long e_levels[];
extern struct rod ws_stuff[];
extern struct sgttyb _tty;

extern struct coord nh;
extern struct delayed_action d_list[MAXDAEMONS];
extern int between;

extern char *rainbow[NCOLORS];
extern char *sylls[NSYLS];
extern char *stones[NSTONES];
extern char *wood[NWOOD];
extern char *metal[NMETAL];