view srogue/encumb.c @ 82:f11eeafc6568

srogue: don't store machine-dependent metadata in the savefile. Super-Rogue, like Rogue V4, stored data of machine-dependent length in the savefile, to prevent cheating. This made saved games non-portable. Also deleted was a check that used this data, and prevented restoring savefiles from backup. This change BREAKS SAVEFILE COMPATIBILITY, but old files can be converted by removing the block at offset 0x1e with length sizeof(ino_t) + sizeof(dev_t) + 2 * sizeof(time_t). That seems to be 0x14 on i686 and 0x20 on x86_64.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Tue, 06 Aug 2013 19:02:58 -0700
parents 2128c7dc8a40
children 94a0d9dd5ce1
line wrap: on
line source

 * Stuff to do with encumberence
 * @(#)encumb.c		9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

 * updpack:
 *	Update his pack weight and adjust fooduse accordingly
	reg int topcarry, curcarry;

	him->s_carry = totalenc();			/* get total encumb */
	curcarry = packweight();			/* get pack weight */
	topcarry = him->s_carry / 5;		/* 20% of total carry */
	if (curcarry > 4 * topcarry) {
		if (rnd(100) < 80)
			foodlev = 3;				/* > 80% of pack */
	else if (curcarry > 3 * topcarry) {
		if (rnd(100) < 60)
			foodlev = 2;				/* > 60% of pack */
		foodlev = 1;					/* <= 60% of pack */
	him->s_pack = curcarry;				/* update pack weight */
	packvol = pack_vol();				/* update pack volume */
	nochange = FALSE;					/* also change display */

 * packweight:
 *	Get the total weight of the hero's pack
	reg struct object *obj;
	reg struct linked_list *pc;
	reg int weight, i;

	weight = 0;
	for (pc = pack ; pc != NULL ; pc = next(pc)) {
		obj = OBJPTR(pc);
		weight += itemweight(obj) * obj->o_count;
	if (weight < 0)		/* in case of amulet */
		 weight = 0;
	for (i = LEFT; i <= RIGHT; i += 1) {
		obj = cur_ring[i];
		if (obj != NULL) {
			if (obj->o_type == R_HEAVY && o_off(obj, ISBLESS))
				weight += weight / 4;
	return weight;

 * itemweight:
 *	Get the weight of an object
struct object *wh;
	reg int weight;

	weight = wh->o_weight;		/* get base weight */
	switch (wh->o_type) {
		case ARMOR:
			if ((armors[wh->o_which].a_class - wh->o_ac) > 0)
				weight /= 2;
		when WEAPON:
			if ((wh->o_hplus + wh->o_dplus) > 0)
				weight /= 2;
	if (o_on(wh,ISCURSED))
		weight += weight / 5;	/* 20% more for cursed */
	if (o_on(wh, ISBLESS))
		weight -= weight / 5;	/* 20% less for blessed */
	return weight;

 * pack_vol:
 *	Get the total volume of the hero's pack
	reg struct object *obj;
	reg struct linked_list *pc;
	reg int volume;

	volume = 0;
	for (pc = pack ; pc != NULL ; pc = next(pc)) {
		obj = OBJPTR(pc);
		volume += itemvol(obj);
	return volume;

 * itemvol:
 *	Get the volume of an object
struct object *wh;
	reg int volume, what, extra;

	extra = 0;
	what = getindex(wh->o_type);
	switch (wh->o_type) {
		case ARMOR:		extra = armors[wh->o_which].a_vol;
		when WEAPON:	extra = weaps[wh->o_which].w_vol;
		when STICK:		if (strcmp(ws_stuff[wh->o_which].ws_type,"staff") == 0)
							extra = V_WS_STAFF;
							extra = V_WS_WAND;
	volume = thnginfo[what].mf_vol + extra;
	volume *= wh->o_count;
	return volume;

 * playenc:
 *	Get hero's carrying ability above norm
	reg estr = him->s_ef.a_str;
	if (estr >= 24)
		return 3000;
	switch(him->s_ef.a_str) {
		case 23: return 2000;
		case 22: return 1500;
		case 21: return 1250;
		case 20: return 1100;
		case 19: return 1000;
		case 18: return 700;
		case 17: return 500;
		case 16: return 350;
		case 15:
		case 14: return 200;
		case 13:
		case 12: return 100;
		case 11:
		case 10:
		case  9:
		case  8: return 0;
		case  7:
		case  6: return -150;
		case  5:
		case  4: return -250;
	return -350;

 * totalenc:
 *	Get total weight that the hero can carry
	reg int wtotal;

	wtotal = NORMENCB + playenc();
	switch(hungry_state) {
		case F_OKAY:
		case F_HUNGRY:	;						/* no change */
		when F_WEAK:	wtotal -= wtotal / 10;	/* 10% off weak */
		when F_FAINT:	wtotal /= 2;			/* 50% off faint */
	return wtotal;

 * whgtchk:
 *	See if the hero can carry his pack
int fromfuse;
	reg int dropchk, err = TRUE;
	reg char ch;

	inwhgt = TRUE;
	if (him->s_pack > him->s_carry) {
		ch = player.t_oldch;
		if ((ch != FLOOR && ch != PASSAGE) || isfight) {
			fuse(wghtchk, TRUE, 1);
			inwhgt = FALSE;
		msg("Your pack is too heavy for you.");
		do {
			dropchk = drop(NULL);
			if (dropchk == SOMTHERE)
				err = FALSE;
			else if (dropchk == FALSE) {
				mpos = 0;
				msg("You must drop something");
			if (dropchk == TRUE)
				err = FALSE;
		} while(err);
	inwhgt = FALSE;

 * hitweight:
 *	Gets the fighting ability according to current weight
 * 	This returns a  +1 hit for light pack weight
 * 			 0 hit for medium pack weight
 *			-1 hit for heavy pack weight
	return(2 - foodlev);