view srogue/rogue.h @ 191:fb25a62680c7

srogue: clean up configuration in mdport.c. curses.h is already included in rogue.h and doesn't need to be included twice more in mdport.c. Also set flags for some features when they are present.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Mon, 03 Aug 2015 17:16:42 -0400
parents f4f6734771e0
children 3de8058dd549
line wrap: on
line source

 * Rogue definitions and variable declarations
 * @(#)rogue.h	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#ifdef BSD
#include "cx.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <curses.h>

#ifdef ATT
#define _IOSTRG	01

#include "config.h"
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__PDCURSES__)

/* mdport functions */
#include <sys/types.h>

int	md_chmod(const char *filename, int mode);
char	*md_crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
int	md_dsuspchar(void);
int	md_erasechar(void);
FILE *	md_fdopen(int fd, char *mode);
char	*md_gethomedir(void);
char	*md_getusername(void);
uid_t	md_getuid(void);
gid_t	md_getgid(void);
char	*md_getpass(char *prompt);
pid_t	md_getpid(void);
char	*md_getrealname(uid_t uid);
void	md_init(void);
int	md_killchar(void);
void	md_normaluser(void);
void	md_raw_standout(void);
void	md_raw_standend(void);
int	md_readchar(WINDOW *win);
int	md_setdsuspchar(int c);
int	md_shellescape(void);
void	md_sleep(int s);
int	md_suspchar(void);
int	md_hasclreol(void);
int	md_unlink(char *file);
int	md_unlink_open_file(const char *file, FILE *inf);
void md_tstpsignal(void);
void md_tstphold(void);
void md_tstpresume(void);
void md_ignoreallsignals(void);
void md_onsignal_autosave(void);
void md_onsignal_exit(void);
void md_onsignal_default(void);
int md_issymlink(char *sp);
long md_memused(void);
int md_random(void);
void md_srandom(unsigned int seed);
char *xcrypt(const char *key, const char *setting);

#define reg     register        /* register abbr.       */

 * Maximum number of different things

#define NCOLORS		32
#define NSYLS       159
#define NSTONES     35
#define NWOOD       24
#define NMETAL      15

#define MAXDAEMONS 20

#define TYPETRAPS	9	/* max types of traps */
#define MAXROOMS	9	/* max rooms per level */
#define MAXTHINGS	9	/* max things on each level */
#define MAXOBJ		9	/* max goodies on each level */	
#define MAXPACK		23	/* max things this hero can carry */
#define MAXTRAPS	10	/* max traps per level */
#define MAXMONS		52	/* max available monsters */
#define MONRANGE	20	/* max # of monsters avail each level */
#define AMLEVEL		35	/* earliest level that amulet can appear */
#define MAXPURCH	4	/* max purchases in trading post */
#define MINABIL		3	/* minimum for any ability */
#define MAXSTR		24	/* maximum strength */
#define MAXOTHER	18	/* maximum wis, dex, con */
#define NORMAC		10	/* normal hero armor class (no armor) */
#define MONWIS		10	/* monsters standard wisdom */

#define NORMLEV		0	/* normal level */
#define POSTLEV		1	/* trading post level */
#define MAZELEV		2	/* maze level */

#define NORMFOOD	0	/* normal food's group no. */
#define FRUITFOOD	1	/* fruit's group no. */
#define NEWGROUP	2	/* start of group no. other than food */

#define	NUMTHINGS	8	/* types of goodies for hero */
#define TYP_POTION	0
#define TYP_SCROLL	1
#define TYP_FOOD	2
#define TYP_WEAPON	3
#define TYP_ARMOR	4
#define TYP_RING	5
#define TYP_STICK	6
#define TYP_AMULET	7

#define V_PACK		3600	/* max volume in pack */
#define V_POTION	50		/* volume of potion */
#define V_SCROLL	80		/* volume of scroll */
#define V_FOOD		35		/* volume of food */
#define V_WEAPON	0		/* volume of weapon (depends on wep) */
#define V_ARMOR		0		/* volume of armor (depends on armor) */
#define V_RING		20		/* volume of ring */
#define V_STICK		0		/* volume of stick (depends on staff/wand) */
#define V_AMULET	30		/* volume of amulet */

#define V_WS_STAFF	200		/* volume of a staff */
#define V_WS_WAND	110		/* volume of a wand */
#define W_WS_STAFF	100		/* weight of a staff */
#define W_WS_WAND	 60		/* weight of a wand */

#define FROMRING	2
#define DONTCARE	-1

#define K_ARROW		240		/* killed by an arrow */
#define K_DART		241		/* killed by a dart */
#define K_BOLT		242		/* killed by a bolt */
#define K_POOL		243		/* killed by drowning */
#define K_ROD		244		/* killed by an exploding rod */
#define K_SCROLL	245		/* killed by a burning scroll */
#define K_STONE		246		/* killed by materializing in rock */
#define K_STARVE	247		/* killed by starvation */
 * return values for get functions

#define	NORM	0		/* normal exit */
#define	QUIT	1		/* quit option setting */
#define	MINUS	2		/* back up one option */

 * Return values for games end
#define KILLED	0		/* hero was killed */
#define CHICKEN	1		/* hero chickened out (quit) */
#define WINNER	2		/* hero was a total winner */

 * return values for chase routines
#define CHASE	0		/* continue chasing hero */
#define FIGHT	1		/* fight the hero */
#define GONER	2		/* chaser fell into a trap */

 * All the fun defines
#define next(ptr)	(*ptr).l_next
#define prev(ptr)	(*ptr).l_prev
#define ldata(ptr)	(*ptr).l_data
#define OBJPTR(what)	(struct object *)((*what).l_data)
#define THINGPTR(what)	(struct thing *)((*what).l_data)

#define inroom(rp, cp) (\
	(cp)->x <= (rp)->r_pos.x + ((rp)->r_max.x - 1) && \
	(rp)->r_pos.x <= (cp)->x && (cp)->y <= (rp)->r_pos.y + \
	((rp)->r_max.y - 1) && (rp)->r_pos.y <= (cp)->y)

#define unc(cp) (cp).y, (cp).x
#define cmov(xy) move((xy).y, (xy).x)
#define DISTANCE(y1,x1,y2,x2) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1))
#define when break;case
#define otherwise break;default
#define until(expr) while(!(expr))

#define ce(a, b) ((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y)
#define draw(window) wrefresh(window)

#define hero player.t_pos
#define pstats player.t_stats
#define pack player.t_pack

#define herowis() (getpwis(him))
#define herodex() (getpdex(him,FALSE))
#define herostr() (pstats.s_ef.a_str)
#define herocon() (pstats.s_ef.a_con)

#define attach(a,b) _attach(&a,b)
#define detach(a,b) _detach(&a,b)
#define free_list(a) _free_list(&a)
#ifndef max
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define goingup() (level < max_level)

#define on(thing, flag) (((thing).t_flags & flag) != 0)
#define off(thing, flag) (((thing).t_flags & flag) == 0)
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(ch) (ch & 0x1F)

#define ALLOC(x) malloc((unsigned int) x)
#define FREE(x) free((char *) x)
#define	EQSTR(a, b, c)	(strncmp(a, b, c) == 0)
#define GOLDCALC (rnd(50 + 10 * level) + 2)
#define ISMULT(type) (type == POTION || type == SCROLL || type == FOOD)

#define newgrp() ++group
#define o_charges o_ac

 * Things that appear on the screens
#define PASSAGE		'#'
#define DOOR		'+'
#define FLOOR		'.'
#define PLAYER		'@'
#define POST		'^'
#define MAZETRAP	'\\'
#define TRAPDOOR	'>'
#define ARROWTRAP	'{'
#define SLEEPTRAP	'$'
#define BEARTRAP	'}'
#define TELTRAP		'~'
#define DARTTRAP	'`'
#define POOL		'"'
#define SECRETDOOR	'&'
#define STAIRS		'%'
#define GOLD		'*'
#define POTION		'!'
#define SCROLL		'?'
#define MAGIC		'$'
#define FOOD		':'
#define WEAPON		')'
#define ARMOR		']'
#define AMULET		','
#define RING		'='
#define STICK		'/'
#define CALLABLE	-1

 *	stuff to do with encumberence 
#define NORMENCB 1500	/* normal encumberence */
#define SOMTHERE 5		/* something is in the way for dropping */
#define CANTDROP 6		/* cant drop it cause its cursed */
#define F_OKAY	 0		/* have plenty of food in stomach */
#define F_HUNGRY 1		/* player is hungry */
#define F_WEAK	 2		/* weak from lack of food */
#define F_FAINT	 3		/* fainting from lack of food */

 * Various constants
#define	PASSWD		"mTuZ7WUV9RWkQ"
#define BEARTIME	3
#define SLEEPTIME	5
#define HEALTIME	30
#define HOLDTIME	2
#define STPOS		0
#define WANDERTIME	70
#define BEFORE		1
#define AFTER		2
#define HUHDURATION	20
#define SEEDURATION	850
#define HUNGERTIME	1300
#define WEAKTIME	150
#define HUNGTIME	300		/* 2 * WEAKTIME */
#define STOMACHSIZE	2000
#define ESCAPE		27
#define LEFT		0
#define RIGHT		1
#define BOLT_LENGTH	6

#define STR		1
#define DEX		2
#define CON		3
#define WIS		4

 * Save against things
#define VS_POISON			00
#define VS_DEATH			00
#define VS_BREATH			02
#define VS_MAGIC			03

 * Various flag bits
#define ISSTUCK 0000001		/* monster can't run (violet fungi) */
#define ISDARK	0000001		/* room is dark */
#define ISCURSED 000001		/* object is cursed */
#define ISBLIND 0000001		/* hero is blind */
#define ISPARA  0000002		/* monster is paralyzed */
#define ISGONE	0000002		/* room is gone */
#define ISKNOW  0000002		/* object is known */
#define ISRUN	0000004		/* Hero & monsters are running */
#define ISTREAS 0000004		/* room is a treasure room */
#define ISPOST  0000004		/* object is in a trading post */
#define ISFOUND 0000010		/* trap is found */
#define ISINVINC 000010		/* player is invincible */
#define ISINVIS 0000020		/* monster is invisible */
#define ISPROT	0000020		/* object is protected somehow */
#define ISMEAN  0000040		/* monster is mean */
#define ISBLESS 0000040		/* object is blessed */
#define ISGREED 0000100		/* monster is greedy */
#define ISWOUND 0000200		/* monster is wounded */
#define ISHELD  0000400		/* hero is held fast */
#define ISHUH   0001000		/* hero | monster is confused */
#define ISREGEN 0002000		/* monster is regenerative */
#define CANHUH  0004000		/* hero can confuse monsters */
#define CANSEE  0010000		/* hero can see invisible monsters */
#define WASHIT	0010000		/* hero has hit monster at least once */
#define ISMISL  0020000		/* object is normally thrown in attacks */
#define ISCANC	0020000		/* monsters special attacks are canceled */
#define ISMANY  0040000		/* objects are found in a group (> 1) */
#define ISSLOW	0040000		/* hero | monster is slow */
#define ISHASTE 0100000		/* hero | monster is fast */
#define ISETHER	0200000		/* hero is thin as air */
#define NONE	100			/* equal to 'd' (used for weaps) */

 * Potion types
#define P_CONFUSE	0		/* confusion */
#define P_PARALYZE	1		/* paralysis */
#define P_POISON	2		/* poison */
#define P_STRENGTH	3		/* gain strength */
#define P_SEEINVIS	4		/* see invisible */
#define P_HEALING	5		/* healing */
#define P_MFIND		6		/* monster detection */
#define P_TFIND		7		/* magic detection */
#define P_RAISE		8		/* raise level */
#define P_XHEAL		9		/* extra healing */
#define P_HASTE		10		/* haste self */
#define P_RESTORE	11		/* restore strength */
#define P_BLIND		12		/* blindness */
#define P_NOP		13		/* thirst quenching */
#define P_DEX		14		/* increase dexterity */
#define P_ETH		15		/* etherealness */
#define P_SMART		16		/* wisdom */
#define P_REGEN		17		/* regeneration */
#define P_SUPHERO	18		/* super ability */
#define P_DECREP	19		/* decrepedness */
#define P_INVINC	20		/* invicibility */
#define MAXPOTIONS	21		/* types of potions */

 * Scroll types
#define S_CONFUSE	0		/* monster confusion */
#define S_MAP		1		/* magic mapping */
#define S_LIGHT		2		/* light */
#define S_HOLD		3		/* hold monster */
#define S_SLEEP		4		/* sleep */
#define S_ARMOR		5		/* enchant armor */
#define S_IDENT		6		/* identify */
#define S_SCARE		7		/* scare monster */
#define S_GFIND		8		/* gold detection */
#define S_TELEP		9		/* teleportation */
#define S_ENCH		10		/* enchant weapon */
#define S_CREATE	11		/* create monster */
#define S_REMOVE	12		/* remove curse */
#define S_AGGR		13		/* aggravate monster */
#define S_NOP		14		/* blank paper */
#define S_GENOCIDE	15		/* genocide */
#define S_KNOWALL	16		/* item knowledge */
#define S_PROTECT	17		/* item protection */
#define S_DCURSE	18		/* demons curse */
#define S_DLEVEL	19		/* transport */
#define S_ALLENCH	20		/* enchantment */
#define S_BLESS		21		/* gods blessing */
#define S_MAKEIT	22		/* aquirement */
#define S_BAN		23		/* banishment */
#define S_CWAND		24		/* charge wands */
#define S_LOCTRAP	25		/* locate traps */
#define MAXSCROLLS	26		/* types of scrolls */

 * Weapon types
#define MACE		0		/* mace */
#define SWORD		1		/* long sword */
#define BOW			2		/* short bow */
#define ARROW		3		/* arrow */
#define DAGGER		4		/* dagger */
#define ROCK		5		/* rocks */
#define TWOSWORD	6		/* two-handed sword */
#define SLING		7		/* sling */
#define DART		8		/* darts */
#define CROSSBOW	9		/* crossbow */
#define BOLT		10		/* crossbow bolt */
#define SPEAR		11		/* spear */
#define TRIDENT		12		/* trident */
#define SPETUM		13		/* spetum */
#define BARDICHE	14 		/* bardiche */
#define PIKE		15		/* pike */
#define BASWORD		16		/* bastard sword */
#define HALBERD		17		/* halberd */
#define MAXWEAPONS	18		/* types of weapons */

 * Armor types
#define LEATHER		0		/* leather */
#define RINGMAIL	1		/* ring */
#define STUDDED		2		/* studded leather */
#define SCALE		3		/* scale */
#define PADDED		4		/* padded */
#define CHAIN		5		/* chain */
#define SPLINT		6		/* splint */
#define BANDED		7		/* banded */
#define PLATEMAIL	8		/* plate mail */
#define PLATEARMOR	9		/* plate armor */
#define MAXARMORS	10		/* types of armor */

 * Ring types
#define R_PROTECT	0		/* protection */
#define R_ADDSTR	1		/* add strength */
#define R_SUSTSTR	2		/* sustain strength */
#define R_SEARCH	3		/* searching */
#define R_SEEINVIS	4		/* see invisible */
#define R_CONST		5		/* constitution */
#define R_AGGR		6		/* aggravate monster */
#define R_ADDHIT	7		/* agility */
#define R_ADDDAM	8		/* increase damage */
#define R_REGEN		9		/* regeneration */
#define R_DIGEST	10		/* slow digestion */
#define R_TELEPORT	11		/* teleportation */
#define R_STEALTH	12		/* stealth */
#define R_SPEED		13		/* speed */
#define R_FTRAPS	14		/* find traps */
#define R_DELUS		15		/* delusion */
#define R_SUSAB		16		/* sustain ability */
#define R_BLIND		17		/* blindness */
#define R_SLOW		18		/* lethargy */
#define R_GIANT		19		/* ogre strength */
#define R_SAPEM		20		/* enfeeblement */
#define R_HEAVY		21		/* burden */
#define R_LIGHT		22		/* illumination */
#define R_BREATH	23		/* fire protection */
#define R_KNOW		24		/* wisdom */
#define R_DEX		25		/* dexterity */
#define MAXRINGS	26		/* types of rings */

 * Rod/Wand/Staff types

#define WS_LIGHT	0		/* light */
#define WS_HIT		1		/* striking */
#define WS_ELECT	2		/* lightning */
#define WS_FIRE		3		/* fire */
#define WS_COLD		4		/* cold */
#define WS_POLYM	5		/* polymorph */
#define WS_MISSILE	6		/* magic missile */
#define WS_HASTE_M	7		/* haste monster */
#define WS_SLOW_M	8		/* slow monster */
#define WS_DRAIN	9		/* drain life */
#define WS_NOP		10		/* nothing */
#define WS_TELAWAY	11		/* teleport away */
#define WS_TELTO	12		/* teleport to */
#define WS_CANCEL	13		/* cancellation */
#define WS_SAPLIFE	14		/* sap life */
#define WS_CURE		15		/* curing */
#define WS_PYRO		16		/* pyromania */
#define WS_ANNIH	17		/* annihilate monster */
#define WS_PARZ		18		/* paralyze monster */
#define WS_HUNGER	19		/* food absorption */
#define WS_MREG		20		/* regenerate monster */
#define WS_MINVIS	21		/* hide monster */
#define WS_ANTIM	22		/* anti-matter */
#define WS_MOREMON	23		/* clone monster */
#define WS_CONFMON	24		/* confuse monster */
#define WS_MDEG		25		/* degenerate monster */
#define MAXSTICKS	26		/* max types of sticks */

#define MAXAMULETS	1		/* types of amulets */
#define MAXFOODS	1		/* types of food */

 * Now we define the structures and types

struct delayed_action {
	int d_type;
	int (*d_func)();
	int d_arg;
	int d_time;

 * Help list
struct h_list {
	char h_ch;
	char *h_desc;

 * Coordinate data type
struct coord {
	int x;			/* column position */
	int y;			/* row position */

struct monlev {
	int l_lev;		/* lowest level for a monster */
	int h_lev;		/* highest level for a monster */
	bool d_wand;	/* TRUE if monster wanders */

 * Linked list data type
struct linked_list {
	struct linked_list *l_next;
	struct linked_list *l_prev;
	char *l_data;			/* Various structure pointers */

 * Stuff about magic items
#define mi_wght mi_worth
struct magic_item {
	char *mi_name;			/* name of item */
	int mi_prob;			/* probability of getting item */
	int mi_worth;			/* worth of item */

struct magic_info {
	int mf_max;						/* max # of this type */
	int	mf_vol;						/* volume of this item */
	char mf_show;					/* appearance on screen */
	struct magic_item *mf_magic;	/* pointer to magic tables */

 * staff/wand stuff
struct rod {
	char *ws_type;		/* either "staff" or "wand" */
	char *ws_made;		/* "mahogany", etc */
	int	 ws_vol;		/* volume of this type stick */
	int  ws_wght;		/* weight of this type stick */

 * armor structure 
struct init_armor {
	int a_class;		/* normal armor class */
	int a_wght;			/* weight of armor */
	int a_vol;			/* volume of armor */

 * weapon structure
struct init_weps {
    char *w_dam;		/* hit damage */
    char *w_hrl;		/* hurl damage */
    int  w_flags;		/* flags */
    int  w_wght;		/* weight of weapon */
	int  w_vol;			/* volume of weapon */
    char w_launch;		/* need to launch it */

 * Room structure
struct room {
	struct coord r_pos;		/* Upper left corner */
	struct coord r_max;		/* Size of room */
	struct coord r_gold;	/* Where the gold is */
	struct coord r_exit[4];	/* Where the exits are */
	struct room *r_ptr[4];	/* this exits' link to next rm */
	int r_goldval;			/* How much the gold is worth */
	int r_flags;			/* Info about the room */
	int r_nexits;			/* Number of exits */

 * Array of all traps on this level
struct trap {
	struct coord tr_pos;	/* Where trap is */
	struct coord tr_goto;	/* where trap tranports to (if any) */
	int tr_flags;			/* Info about trap */
	char tr_type;			/* What kind of trap */

 * structure for describing true abilities
struct real {
	int a_str;			/* strength (3-24) */
	int a_dex;			/* dexterity (3-18) */
	int a_wis;			/* wisdom (3-18) */
	int a_con;			/* constitution (3-18) */

 * Structure describing a fighting being
struct stats {
	struct real s_re;	/* True ability */
	struct real s_ef;	/* Effective ability */
	long s_exp;			/* Experience */
	int s_lvl;			/* Level of mastery */
	int s_arm;			/* Armor class */
	int s_hpt;			/* Hit points */
	int s_maxhp;		/* max value of hit points */
	int s_pack;			/* current weight of his pack */
	int s_carry;		/* max weight he can carry */
	char s_dmg[16];		/* String describing damage done */

 * Structure for monsters and player
struct thing {
	struct stats t_stats;		/* Physical description */
	struct coord t_pos;			/* Position */
	struct coord t_oldpos;		/* last spot of it */
	struct coord *t_dest;		/* Where it is running to */
	struct linked_list *t_pack;	/* What the thing is carrying */
	struct room *t_room;		/* Room this thing is in */
	long t_flags;				/* State word */
	int t_indx;					/* Index into monster structure */
	int t_nomove;				/* # turns you cant move */
	int t_nocmd;				/* # turns you cant do anything */
	bool t_turn;				/* If slow, is it a turn to move */
	char t_type;				/* What it is */
	char t_disguise;			/* What mimic looks like */
	char t_oldch;				/* Char that was where it was */
	char t_reserved;

 * Array containing information on all the various types of mosnters
struct monster {
	char *m_name;			/* What to call the monster */
	char m_show;			/* char that monster shows */
	short m_carry;			/* Probability of having an item */
	struct monlev m_lev;	/* level stuff */
	long m_flags;			/* Things about the monster */
	struct stats m_stats;	/* Initial stats */

 * Structure for a thing that the rogue can carry
struct object {
	struct coord o_pos;		/* Where it lives on the screen */
	char o_damage[8];		/* Damage if used like sword */
	char o_hurldmg[8];		/* Damage if thrown */
	char *o_typname;		/* name this thing is called */
	int o_type;				/* What kind of object it is */
	int o_count;			/* Count for plural objects */
	int o_which;			/* Which object of a type it is */
	int o_hplus;			/* Plusses to hit */
	int o_dplus;			/* Plusses to damage */
	int o_ac;				/* Armor class or charges */
	int o_flags;			/* Information about objects */
	int o_group;			/* Group number for this object */
	int o_weight;			/* weight of this object */
	int o_vol;				/* volume of this object */
	char o_launch;			/* What you need to launch it */

extern WINDOW *cw, *hw, *mw;

#define LINLEN	80			/* length of buffers */

#define EXTLKL	extern struct linked_list
#define EXTTHG	extern struct thing
#define EXTOBJ	extern struct object
#define EXTSTAT extern struct stats
#define EXTCORD	extern struct coord
#define EXTMON	extern struct monster
#define EXTARM	extern struct init_armor
#define EXTWEP	extern struct init_weps
#define EXTMAG	extern struct magic_item
#define EXTROOM	extern struct room
#define EXTTRAP	extern struct trap
#define EXTINT	extern int
#define EXTBOOL	extern bool
#define EXTCHAR	extern char

#ifdef BSD
#define flushout()	ioctl(_tty_ch, TIOCFLUSH, 0)

#ifdef ATT

struct sgttyb {
	char	sg_ispeed;		/* input speed */
	char	sg_ospeed;		/* output speed */
	char	sg_erase;		/* erase character */
	char	sg_kill;		/* kill character */
	int	sg_flags;		/* mode flags */

struct sgttyb _tty;
#define flushout()	ioctl(2, TCFLSH, 0)
