view srogue/things.c @ 294:fe6b7a1a6dfc

Improve the documentation build process. The choice between troff implementations is now made at configure time, rather than using shell logic in the Makefile to choose while building.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sat, 30 Dec 2017 14:15:52 -0500
parents 94a0d9dd5ce1
children 0250220d8cdd
line wrap: on
line source

 * Contains functions for dealing with things like
 * potions and scrolls
 * @(#)things.c	9.0	(rdk)	 7/17/84
 * Super-Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984 Robert D. Kindelberger
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#include "rogue.ext"

void basic_init(struct object *cur);

 * inv_name:
 *	Return the name of something as it would appear in an inventory.
char *
inv_name(struct object *obj, bool drop)
	reg char *pb, *tn, *pl;
	reg int wh, knowit;
	char nm[3], *inm, *q;

	wh = obj->o_which;
	knowit = FALSE;
	if (obj->o_count > 1)
		pl = "s";
		pl = "";
	if (obj->o_count > 1)
		sprintf(nm, "%d", obj->o_count);
		strcpy(nm, "A");
	tn = obj->o_typname;
	q = "";
	switch(obj->o_type) {
	case SCROLL:
		sprintf(prbuf, "%s %s%s ", nm, tn, pl);
		pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		if (s_know[wh] || o_on(obj,ISPOST)) {
			knowit = TRUE;
			sprintf(pb, "of %s", s_magic[wh].mi_name);
		else if (s_guess[wh])
			sprintf(pb, "called %s", s_guess[wh]);
			sprintf(pb, "titled '%s'", s_names[wh]);
    when POTION:
		sprintf(prbuf, "%s %s%s ", nm, tn, pl);
		pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		if (p_know[wh] || o_on(obj, ISPOST)) {
			sprintf(pb, "of %s", p_magic[wh].mi_name);
			knowit = TRUE;
			if (p_know[wh]) {
				pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		else if (p_guess[wh])
			sprintf(pb,"called %s(%s)", p_guess[wh],p_colors[wh]);
		else if (obj->o_count == 1)
			sprintf(prbuf,"%s%s %s %s%s", nm, vowelstr(p_colors[wh]),
				p_colors[wh], tn, pl);
			sprintf(prbuf,"%s %s %s%s", nm, p_colors[wh], tn, pl);
	when FOOD:
		if (wh == 1) {
			if (obj->o_count == 1)
				q = vowelstr(fruit);
			sprintf(prbuf, "%s%s %s%s", nm, q, fruit, pl);
		else {
			if (obj->o_count == 1)
				sprintf(prbuf, "Some %s", tn);
				sprintf(prbuf, "%s rations of %s", nm, tn);
		knowit = TRUE;
	when WEAPON:
		inm = w_magic[wh].mi_name;
		strcpy(prbuf, nm);
		if (obj->o_count == 1)
			q = vowelstr(inm);
		pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		if (o_on(obj,ISKNOW | ISPOST)) {
			knowit = TRUE;
			sprintf(pb, " %s %s", num(obj->o_hplus, obj->o_dplus), inm);
			sprintf(pb, "%s %s", q, inm);
		strcat(prbuf, pl);
	when ARMOR:
		inm = a_magic[wh].mi_name;
		if (o_on(obj,ISKNOW | ISPOST)) {
			knowit = TRUE;
			sprintf(prbuf, "%s %s",num(armors[wh].a_class - obj->o_ac, 0),
			sprintf(prbuf, "%s", inm);
	when AMULET:
		strcpy(prbuf, "The Amulet of Yendor");
	when STICK: {
		struct rod *rd;

		rd = &ws_stuff[wh];
		sprintf(prbuf, "A %s ", rd->ws_type);
		pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		if (ws_know[wh] || o_on(obj, ISPOST)) {
			knowit = TRUE;
			sprintf(pb,"of %s%s",ws_magic[wh].mi_name,charge_str(obj));
			if (ws_know[wh]) {
				pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
		else if (ws_guess[wh])
			sprintf(pb, "called %s(%s)", ws_guess[wh], rd->ws_made);
			sprintf(prbuf, "A%s %s %s", vowelstr(rd->ws_made),
				rd->ws_made, rd->ws_type);
    when RING:
		if (r_know[wh] || o_on(obj, ISPOST)) {
			knowit = TRUE;
			sprintf(prbuf, "A%s %s of %s", ring_num(obj), tn,
			if (r_know[wh]) {
				pb = &prbuf[strlen(prbuf)];
				sprintf(pb,"(%s)", r_stones[wh]);
		else if (r_guess[wh])
			sprintf(prbuf,"A %s called %s(%s)",tn, r_guess[wh],
			sprintf(prbuf,"A%s %s %s",vowelstr(r_stones[wh]), 
				r_stones[wh], tn);
		sprintf(prbuf,"Something bizarre %s", unctrl(obj->o_type));
	if (obj == cur_armor)
		strcat(prbuf, " (being worn)");
	if (obj == cur_weapon)
		strcat(prbuf, " (weapon in hand)");
	if (obj == cur_ring[LEFT])
		strcat(prbuf, " (on left hand)");
	else if (obj == cur_ring[RIGHT])
		strcat(prbuf, " (on right hand)");
	if (drop && isupper(prbuf[0]))
		prbuf[0] = tolower(prbuf[0]);
	else if (!drop && islower(*prbuf))
		*prbuf = toupper(*prbuf);
	if (o_on(obj, ISPROT))
		strcat(prbuf, " [!]");
	if (o_on(obj, ISPOST))
		strcat(prbuf, " [$]");
	if (knowit) {
		if (o_on(obj, ISCURSED))
			strcat(prbuf, " [-]");
		else if (o_on(obj, ISBLESS))
			strcat(prbuf, " [+]");
	if (!drop)
		strcat(prbuf, ".");
	return prbuf;

 * money:
 *	Add to characters purse
	reg struct room *rp;
	reg struct linked_list *item;
	reg struct thing *tp;

	rp = player.t_room;
	if (rp != NULL && ce(hero, rp->r_gold)) {
		msg("%d gold pieces.", rp->r_goldval);
		purse += rp->r_goldval;
		rp->r_goldval = 0;
		 * once gold is taken, all monsters will chase him
		for (item = mlist; item != NULL; item = next(item)) {
			tp = THINGPTR(item);
			if (rnd(100) < 70 && tp->t_room == rp && !iswearing(R_STEALTH)
			  && ((tp->t_flags & (ISMEAN | ISGREED)) || rnd(1000) < 20))
				runto(&tp->t_pos, &hero);
		msg("That gold must have been counterfeit.");

 * drop:
 *	put something down
drop(struct linked_list *item)
	reg char ch;
	reg struct linked_list *ll, *nll;
	reg struct object *op;

	if (item == NULL) {
		ch = mvinch(hero.y, hero.x);
		if (ch != FLOOR && ch != PASSAGE && ch != POOL) {
			msg("There is something there already.");
			after = FALSE;
			return SOMTHERE;
		if ((ll = get_item("drop", 0)) == NULL)
			return FALSE;
	else {
		ll = item;
	op = OBJPTR(ll);
	if (!dropcheck(op))
		return CANTDROP;
	 * Take it out of the pack
	if (op->o_count >= 2 && op->o_type != WEAPON) {
		nll = new_item(sizeof *op);
		op->o_vol = itemvol(op);
		op = OBJPTR(nll);
		*op = *(OBJPTR(ll));
		op->o_count = 1;
		op->o_vol = itemvol(op);
		ll = nll;
	else {
		detach(pack, ll);
	if (ch == POOL) {
		msg("%s sinks out of sight.",inv_name(op, TRUE));
	else {			/* put on dungeon floor */
		if (levtype == POSTLEV) {
			op->o_pos = hero;	/* same place as hero */
			if (item == NULL)	/* if item wasn't sold */
				msg("Thanks for your donation to the Fiend's flea market.");
		else {
			attach(lvl_obj, ll);
			mvaddch(hero.y, hero.x, op->o_type);
			op->o_pos = hero;
			msg("Dropped %s", inv_name(op, TRUE));
	updpack();			/* new pack weight */
	return TRUE;

 * dropcheck:
 *	Do special checks for dropping or unweilding|unwearing|unringing
dropcheck(struct object *op)
	if (op == NULL)
		return TRUE;
	if (levtype == POSTLEV) {
		if (o_on(op,ISCURSED) && o_on(op,ISKNOW)) {
			msg("The trader does not accept shoddy merchandise.");
			return FALSE;
		else {
			cur_null(op);	/* update cur_weapon, etc */
			return TRUE;
	if (op != cur_armor && op != cur_weapon
	  && op != cur_ring[LEFT] && op != cur_ring[RIGHT])
		return TRUE;
	if (o_on(op,ISCURSED)) {
		msg("You can't.  It appears to be cursed.");
		return FALSE;
	if (op == cur_weapon)
		cur_weapon = NULL;
	else if (op == cur_armor) {
		cur_armor = NULL;
	else if (op == cur_ring[LEFT] || op == cur_ring[RIGHT])
	return TRUE;

 * new_thing:
 *	Return a new thing
struct linked_list *
new_thing(bool treas, int type, int which)
	struct linked_list *item;
	struct magic_item *mi;
	struct object *cur;
	int chance, whi;

	item = new_item(sizeof *cur);
	cur = OBJPTR(item);
	if (type == DONTCARE) {
		if (++no_food > 4 && !treas)
			whi = TYP_FOOD;
			whi = pick_one(things);
	else {
		whi = getindex(type);
	mi = thnginfo[whi].mf_magic;
	if (which == DONTCARE) {
		which = 0;
		if (mi != NULL)
			which = pick_one(mi);
	cur->o_typname = things[whi].mi_name;
	cur->o_weight = things[whi].mi_wght;
	switch (whi) {
		case TYP_AMULET:
			cur->o_type = AMULET;
			cur->o_hplus = 500;
			strcpy(cur->o_hurldmg,"80d8");	/* if thrown, WOW!!! */
			cur->o_vol = itemvol(cur);
		when TYP_POTION:
			cur->o_type = POTION;
			cur->o_which = which;
			cur->o_count += extras();
			cur->o_vol = itemvol(cur);
		when TYP_SCROLL:
			cur->o_type = SCROLL;
			cur->o_which = which;
			cur->o_count += extras();
			cur->o_vol = itemvol(cur);
		when TYP_FOOD:
			no_food = 0;
		when TYP_WEAPON:
			cur->o_which = which;
			init_weapon(cur, which);
			if ((chance = rnd(100)) < 10) {
				cur->o_hplus -= rnd(3)+1;
				cur->o_dplus -= rnd(3)+1;
			else if (chance < 15) {
				cur->o_hplus += rnd(3)+1;
				cur->o_dplus += rnd(3)+1;
		when TYP_ARMOR:
			cur->o_which = which;
			initarmor(cur, which);
			if ((chance = rnd(100)) < 20) {
				cur->o_ac += rnd(3)+1;
			else if (chance < 30)
				cur->o_ac -= rnd(3)+1;
		when TYP_RING:
			cur->o_which = which;
			init_ring(cur, FALSE);
		when TYP_STICK:
			cur->o_which = which;
	return item;

 * basic_init:
 *	Set all params of an object to the basic values.
basic_init(struct object *cur)
	cur->o_ac = 11;
	cur->o_count = 1;
	cur->o_launch = 0;
	cur->o_typname = NULL;
	cur->o_group = newgrp();
	cur->o_weight = cur->o_vol = 0;
	cur->o_hplus = cur->o_dplus = 0;
	cur->o_flags = cur->o_type = cur->o_which = 0;

 * extras:
 *	Return the number of extra items to be created
	reg int i;

	i = rnd(100);
	if (i < 4)			/* 4% for 2 more */
		return 2;
	else if (i < 11)	/* 7% for 1 more */
		return 1;
	else				/* otherwise no more */
		return 0;

 * pick_one:
 * 	Pick an item out of a list of nitems possible magic items
pick_one(struct magic_item *mag)
	reg struct magic_item *start;
	reg int i;

	start = mag;
	for (i = rnd(1000); mag->mi_name != NULL; mag++) {
		if (i < mag->mi_prob)
		if (mag->mi_name == NULL) {
			if (author() || wizard) {
				for (mag = start; mag->mi_name != NULL; mag++)
					msg("%s: %d%%", mag->mi_name, mag->mi_prob);
			mag = start;
	return mag - start;