comparison py/ @ 38:d2c3c29ca4f9

Add a new statistics script that creates SVG plots.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 10 Jan 2014 07:15:39 -0500
children a97a20571526
equal deleted inserted replaced
37:c045d4dcf88a 38:d2c3c29ca4f9
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
3 import psycopg2
4 import rlgall
5 from datetime import datetime
7 sitename = ""
8 svgpath = rlgall.webdir
9 timestr = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
11 dochead = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
12 <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="900" height="600">
13 """
14 stylesheet = """<style type="text/css">
15 rect.frame {{
16 fill:#ffffff;
17 fill-opacity:1;
18 stroke:#000000;
19 stroke-width:4;
20 stroke-opacity:1;
21 }}
22 {{
23 fill:#{0};
24 fill-opacity:1;
25 stroke:#000000;
26 stroke-width:2;
27 stroke-opacity:1;
28 }}
29 </style>
30 """
31 framerect = '<rect width="750" height="500" x="100" y="50" class="frame"/>\n'
32 barstr = '<rect width="{0}" height="{1}" x="{2}" y="{3}" class="bar"/>\n'
33 xllabel = '<text x="{0}" y="570" font-size="15" text-anchor="middle">{1}</text>\n'
34 ylabel = '<text x="90" y="{0}" font-size="16" text-anchor="end">{1}</text>\n'
35 xlabelf = '<text x="475" y="590" font-size="15" text-anchor="middle">{0}</text>\n'
36 ltitle = '<text x="100" y="35" font-size="16" text-anchor="start">{0}</text>\n'
37 ctitle = '<text x="475" y="34" font-size="18" text-anchor="middle">{0}</text>\n'
38 rtitle = '<text x="850" y="35" font-size="16" text-anchor="end">{0}</text>\n'
39 ylabelf = """<g transform="translate(100, 300)">
40 <g transform="rotate(-90)">
41 <text x="0" y="-60" font-size="16" text-anchor="middle">{0}</text>
42 </g>
43 </g>
44 """
46 def ylimits(x):
47 ll = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15]
48 m = 1
49 size = 0
50 while True:
51 for i in ll:
52 if i * m > x:
53 size = i
54 lim = i * m
55 break
56 if size:
57 break
58 else:
59 m *= 10
60 if size in [3, 6]:
61 if lim == 3:
62 divs = 3
63 else:
64 divs = 6
65 elif size in [4, 8]:
66 divs = 4
67 else:
68 if lim == 2:
69 divs = 2
70 else:
71 divs = 5
72 return divs, lim
74 con = psycopg2.connect("dbname=rlg")
75 cur = con.cursor()
77 for game in rlgall.gamelist:
78 xlq = "SELECT count(*) FROM {0} WHERE xl = %s;".format(game.uname)
79 scrq = "SELECT count(*) FROM {0} WHERE score >= %s AND score < %s;".format(game.uname)
80 xls = range(1, 16)
81 scoreblocks = range(10)
82 xlcounts = []
83 scorecounts = []
84 for xl in xls:
85 cur.execute(xlq, [xl])
86 xlcounts.append(cur.fetchone()[0])
87 for sn in scoreblocks:
88 lscore = sn * 1000
89 if sn == 9:
90 hscore = 32000
91 else:
92 hscore = (sn + 1) * 1000
93 cur.execute(scrq, (lscore, hscore))
94 scorecounts.append(cur.fetchone()[0])
95 xlgraph = open("{0}/xl-{1}.svg".format(svgpath, game.uname), "w")
96 scoregraph = open("{0}/score-{1}.svg".format(svgpath, game.uname), "w")
97 xlgraph.write(dochead)
98 scoregraph.write(dochead)
99 xlgraph.write(stylesheet.format("0000ff"))
100 scoregraph.write(stylesheet.format("ffff00"))
101 xlgraph.write(framerect)
102 scoregraph.write(framerect)
104 xldivs, xlmax = ylimits(max(xlcounts))
105 scale = 500 / xlmax
106 for xl, count in zip(xls, xlcounts):
107 barx = xl * 50 + 60
108 barh = round(scale * count)
109 bary = 550 - barh
110 xlgraph.write(barstr.format(30, barh, barx, bary))
111 xlgraph.write(xllabel.format(barx + 15, xl))
112 for yl in range(xldivs + 1):
113 labeln = int(xlmax * yl / xldivs)
114 labelh = 550 + 8 - 500 * yl / xldivs
115 xlgraph.write(ylabel.format(labelh, labeln))
117 scoredivs, scoremax = ylimits(max(scorecounts))
118 scale = 500 / scoremax
119 for block, count in zip(scoreblocks, scorecounts):
120 barx = block * 75 + 100
121 barh = round(scale * count)
122 bary = 550 - barh
123 scoregraph.write(barstr.format(75, barh, barx, bary))
124 scoregraph.write(xllabel.format(barx, block * 1000))
125 for yl in range(scoredivs + 1):
126 labeln = int(scoremax * yl / scoredivs)
127 labelh = 550 + 8 - 500 * yl / scoredivs
128 scoregraph.write(ylabel.format(labelh, labeln))
130 xlgraph.write(xlabelf.format("Experience level"))
131 xlgraph.write(ylabelf.format("# of games"))
132 scoregraph.write(xlabelf.format("Score"))
133 scoregraph.write(ylabelf.format("# of games"))
134 xlgraph.write(ltitle.format(sitename))
135 xlgraph.write(ctitle.format(
136 xlgraph.write(rtitle.format(timestr))
137 scoregraph.write(ltitle.format(sitename))
138 scoregraph.write(ctitle.format(
139 scoregraph.write(rtitle.format(timestr))
140 xlgraph.write('</svg>\n')
141 xlgraph.close()
142 scoregraph.write('</svg>\n')
143 scoregraph.close()
145 cur.close()
146 con.close()
147 exit()