view lighttpd/conf.d/cgi.conf @ 67:5b6211e2e36f

Update some static pages. The front page has been reorganized. Links and information on the downloads page are now current.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sat, 21 Nov 2015 20:01:41 -0500
parents e8f3b7994d88
line wrap: on
line source

##  CGI modules
## --------------- 
server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )

## Plain old CGI handling
## For PHP don't forget to set cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 in the php.ini.
cgi.assign                 = ( ".pl"  => "/usr/bin/perl",
                               ".cgi" => "",
                               ".rb"  => "/usr/bin/ruby",
                               ".erb" => "/usr/bin/eruby",
                               ".py"  => "/usr/bin/python" )

## to get the old cgi-bin behavior of apache
## Note: make sure that mod_alias is loaded if you uncomment the
##       next line. (see modules.conf)
#alias.url += ( "/cgi-bin" => server_root + "/cgi-bin" )
#$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin" {
#   cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )
