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Merge lighttpd configuration into one include file. The lighttpd configuration was previously spread across several files which were intended to overwrite the defaults. They often became outdated. Now all customization is in lighttpd/rlgallery.conf, which should be included at the end of whatever main lighttpd configuration file is in use. It should require minimal updates for new lighttpd versions or distribution changes.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Wed, 28 Dec 2016 13:12:04 -0500
parents c045d4dcf88a
line wrap: on
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import math
import psycopg2
import rlgall

def makeExpPDF(lbd):
  def lpdf(x):
    return lbd * math.exp(-lbd * x)
  return lpdf

def makeExpCDF(lbd):
  def lcdf(x):
    return 1 - math.exp(-lbd * x)
  return lcdf

conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=rlg")
cur = conn.cursor()
for game in rlgall.gamelist:
  query = "SELECT score FROM {0};".format(game.uname)
  scores = [ r[0] for r in cur.fetchall() ]
  count = len(scores)
  total = sum(scores)
  lbd = float(count) / total
  cdf = makeExpCDF(lbd)
  print("{0}: {1} games, average {2}".format(, count, int(1/lbd)))
  for i in range(0, 10000, 1000):
    actual = len([ s for s in scores if i <= s < i + 1000 ])
    predicted = (cdf(i + 1000) - cdf(i)) * count
    print("{0:5}: {1:4} {2:.3}".format(i, actual, predicted))
  high = max(scores)
  print("Max: {0} {1:.3}\n".format(high, 1 - cdf(high)))
