comparison rlgwebd.js @ 8:ad0a31e52007

Call the dgl replacement rlgwebd instead of webttyd.
author John "Elwin" Edwards <>
date Mon, 07 May 2012 16:08:59 -0700
parents webttyd.js@bd412f63ce0d
children ef6127ed6da3
equal deleted inserted replaced
7:d1b3c3af34d6 8:ad0a31e52007
1 #!/usr/bin/env node
3 // If you can't quite trust node to find it on its own
4 var localModules = '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/';
5 var http = require('http');
6 var url = require('url');
7 var path = require('path');
8 var fs = require('fs');
9 var child_process = require('child_process');
10 var daemon = require(path.join(localModules, "daemon"));
12 var chrootDir = "/var/dgl/";
13 var dropToUID = 501;
14 var dropToGID = 501;
15 var serveStaticRoot = "/var/www/"; // inside the chroot
16 var passwdfile = "/dgldir/dgl-login";
17 var sessions = {};
19 var games = {
20 "rogue3": {
21 "name": "Rogue V3",
22 "uname": "rogue3",
23 "path": "/bin/rogue3"
24 },
25 "rogue4": {
26 "name": "Rogue V4",
27 "uname": "rogue4",
28 "path": "/bin/rogue4"
29 },
30 "rogue5": {
31 "name": "Rogue V5",
32 "uname": "rogue5",
33 "path": "/bin/rogue5"
34 },
35 "srogue": {
36 "name": "Super-Rogue",
37 "uname": "srogue",
38 "path": "/bin/srogue"
39 }
40 };
42 /* Constructor for TermSessions. Note that it opens the terminal and
43 * adds itself to the sessions dict. It currently assumes the user has
44 * been authenticated.
45 */
46 function TermSession(game, user, files) {
47 /* First make sure starting the game will work. */
48 if (!(game in games)) {
49 // TODO: throw an exception instead
50 return null;
51 }
52 /* This order seems to best avoid race conditions... */
53 this.alive = false;
54 this.sessid = randkey();
55 while (this.sessid in sessions) {
56 this.sessid = randkey();
57 }
58 /* Grab a spot in the sessions table. */
59 sessions[this.sessid] = this;
60 /* TODO handle tty-opening errors */
61 /* TODO make argument-finding into a method */
62 args = [games[game].path, "-n", user.toString()];
63 this.child = child_process.spawn("/bin/ptyhelper", args);
64 var ss = this;
65 this.alive = true;
66 = [];
67 this.lock = files[0];
68 fs.writeFile(this.lock, + '\n80\n24\n', "utf8");
69 this.record = fs.createWriteStream(files[1], { mode: 0664 });
70 /* END setup */
71 function ttyrec_chunk(buf) {
72 var ts = new Date();
73 var chunk = new Buffer(buf.length + 12);
74 /* TTYREC headers */
75 chunk.writeUInt32LE(Math.floor(ts.getTime() / 1000), 0);
76 chunk.writeUInt32LE(1000 * (ts.getTime() % 1000), 4);
77 chunk.writeUInt32LE(buf.length, 8);
78 buf.copy(chunk, 12);
80 ss.record.write(chunk);
81 }
82 this.child.stdout.on("data", ttyrec_chunk);
83 this.child.stderr.on("data", ttyrec_chunk);
84 this.child.on("exit", function (code, signal) {
85 ss.exitcode = (code != null ? code : 255);
86 ss.alive = false;
87 fs.unlink(ss.lock);
88 /* Wait for all the data to get collected */
89 setTimeout(ss.cleanup, 1000);
90 });
91 this.write = function (data) {
92 if (this.alive)
93 this.child.stdin.write(data);
94 /* Otherwise, throw some kind of exception? */
95 };
96 = function () {
97 if ( == 0)
98 return null;
99 var pos = 0;
100 var i = 0;
101 for (i = 0; i <; i++)
102 pos +=[i].length - 12;
103 var nbuf = new Buffer(pos);
104 var tptr;
105 pos = 0;
106 while ( > 0) {
107 tptr =;
108 tptr.copy(nbuf, pos, 12);
109 pos += tptr.length - 12;
110 }
111 return nbuf;
112 };
113 this.close = function () {
114 if (this.alive)
115 this.child.kill('SIGHUP');
116 };
117 this.cleanup = function () {
118 /* Call this when the child is dead. */
119 if (this.alive)
120 return;
121 ss.record.end();
122 /* Give the client a chance to read any leftover data. */
123 if ( > 0)
124 setTimeout(ss.remove, 8000);
125 else
126 ss.remove();
127 };
128 this.remove = function () {
129 delete sessions[ss.sessid];
130 console.log("Session " + this.sessid + " removed.");
131 };
132 }
134 /* A few utility functions */
135 function timestamp() {
136 dd = new Date();
137 sd = dd.toISOString();
138 sd = sd.slice(0, sd.indexOf("."));
139 return sd.replace("T", ".");
140 }
142 function randkey() {
143 rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 65536 * 65536);
144 hexstr = rnum.toString(16);
145 while (hexstr.length < 8)
146 hexstr = "0" + hexstr;
147 return hexstr;
148 }
150 /* Returns a list of the cookies in the request, obviously. */
151 function getCookies(req) {
152 cookies = [];
153 if ("cookie" in req.headers) {
154 cookstrs = req.headers["cookie"].split("; ");
155 for (var i = 0; i < cookstrs.length; i++) {
156 eqsign = cookstrs[i].indexOf("=");
157 if (eqsign > 0) {
158 name = cookstrs[i].slice(0, eqsign).toLowerCase();
159 val = cookstrs[i].slice(eqsign + 1);
160 cookies[name] = val;
161 }
162 else if (eqsign < 0)
163 cookies[cookstrs[i]] = null;
164 }
165 }
166 return cookies;
167 }
169 function urlDec(encstr) {
170 var decstr = "";
171 var tnum;
172 for (var i = 0; i < encstr.length; i++)
173 {
174 if (encstr.charAt(i) == "+")
175 decstr += " ";
176 else if (encstr.charAt(i) == "%")
177 {
178 tnum = Number("0x" + encstr.slice(i + 1, 2));
179 if (!isNaN(tnum) && tnum >= 0)
180 decstr += String.fromCharCode(tnum);
181 i += 2;
182 }
183 else
184 decstr += encstr.charAt(i);
185 }
186 return decstr;
187 }
189 /* Returns the contents of a form */
190 function getFormValues(formtext) {
191 var pairstrs = formtext.split("&");
192 var data = {};
193 for (var i = 0; i < pairstrs.length; i++)
194 {
195 var eqsign = pairstrs[i].indexOf("=");
196 if (eqsign > 0) {
197 rawname = pairstrs[i].slice(0, eqsign);
198 rawval = pairstrs[i].slice(eqsign + 1);
199 name = urlDec(rawname);
200 val = urlDec(rawval);
201 if (!(name in data))
202 data[name] = [];
203 data[name].push(val);
204 }
205 }
206 return data;
207 }
209 function auth(username, password) {
210 // Real authentication not implemented
211 return true;
212 }
214 function login(req, res, formdata) {
215 if (!("game" in formdata)) {
216 sendError(res, 2, "No game specified.");
217 return;
218 }
219 else if (!("name" in formdata)) {
220 sendError(res, 2, "Username not given.");
221 return;
222 }
223 else if (!("pw" in formdata)) {
224 sendError(res, 2, "Password not given.");
225 return;
226 }
227 var username = formdata["name"][0];
228 var password = formdata["pw"][0];
229 var gname = formdata["game"][0];
230 if (!(gname in games)) {
231 sendError(res, 2, "No such game: " + gname);
232 console.log("Request for nonexistant game \"" + gname + "\"");
233 return;
234 }
235 var progressdir = "/dgldir/inprogress-" + games[gname].uname;
237 // This sets up the game once starting is approved.
238 function startgame() {
239 var ts = timestamp();
240 var lockfile = path.join(progressdir, username + ":node:" + ts + ".ttyrec");
241 var ttyrec = path.join("/dgldir/ttyrec", username, gname, ts + ".ttyrec");
242 var nsession = new TermSession(gname, username, [lockfile, ttyrec]);
243 if (nsession) {
244 /* Technically there's a race condition for the "lock"file, but since
245 * it requires the user deliberately starting two games at similar times,
246 * it's not too serious. We can't get O_EXCL in Node anyway. */
247 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
248 res.write("l1\n" + nsession.sessid + "\n");
249 res.end();
250 console.log("%s playing %s (key %s, pid %d)", username, gname,
251 nsession.sessid,;
252 }
253 else {
254 sendError(res, 5, "Failed to open TTY");
255 console.log("Unable to allocate TTY for " + gname);
256 }
257 }
258 function checkit(code, signal) {
259 // check the password
260 if (code != 0) {
261 sendError(res, 3);
262 console.log("Password check failed for user " + username);
263 return;
264 }
265 // check for an existing game
266 fs.readdir(progressdir, function(err, files) {
267 if (!err) {
268 var fre = RegExp("^" + username + ":");
269 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
270 if (files[i].match(fre)) {
271 sendError(res, 4, null);
272 return;
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 // If progressdir isn't readable, start a new game anyway.
277 startgame();
278 });
279 }
280 /* Look for the user in the password file */
281 fs.readFile(passwdfile, "utf8", function(err, data) {
282 if (err) {
283 sendError(res, 3);
284 console.log("Can't authenticate: " + err.toString());
285 return;
286 }
287 var dlines = data.split('\n');
288 for (var n = 0; n < dlines.length; n++) {
289 var fields = dlines[n].split(':');
290 if (fields[0] == username) {
291 // check the password with the quickrypt utility
292 checker = require('child_process').spawn("/bin/quickrypt")
293 checker.on("exit", checkit);
294 checker.stdin.end(password + '\n' + fields[2] + '\n', "utf8");
295 return;
296 }
297 }
298 sendError(res, 3);
299 console.log("Attempted login by nonexistent user " + username);
300 });
301 return;
302 }
304 function logout(term, res) {
305 if (!term.alive) {
306 sendError(res, 1, null);
307 return;
308 }
309 cterm.close();
310 var resheaders = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'};
311 res.writeHead(200, resheaders);
312 res.write("q1\n\n");
313 res.end();
314 return;
315 }
317 function findTermSession(formdata) {
318 if ("id" in formdata) {
319 var sessid = formdata["id"][0];
320 if (sessid in sessions) {
321 return sessions[sessid];
322 }
323 }
324 return null;
325 }
327 function serveStatic(req, res, fname) {
328 var nname = path.normalize(fname);
329 if (nname == "" || nname == "/")
330 nname = "index.html";
331 if (nname.match(/\/$/))
332 path.join(nname, "index.html"); /* it was a directory */
333 var realname = path.join(serveStaticRoot, nname);
334 var extension = path.extname(realname);
335 path.exists(realname, function (exists) {
336 var resheaders = {};
337 if (!exists || !extension || extension == ".html")
338 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "text/html";
339 else if (extension == ".png")
340 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "image/png";
341 else if (extension == ".css")
342 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "text/css";
343 else if (extension == ".js")
344 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript";
345 else if (extension == ".svg")
346 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "image/svg+xml";
347 else
348 resheaders["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream";
349 if (exists) {
350 fs.readFile(realname, function (error, data) {
351 if (error) {
352 res.writeHead(500, {});
353 res.end();
354 }
355 else {
356 res.writeHead(200, resheaders);
357 res.write(data);
358 res.end();
359 }
360 });
361 }
362 else {
363 res.writeHead(404, resheaders);
364 res.write("<html><head><title>" + nname + "</title></head>\n<body><h1>" + nname + " Not Found</h1></body></html>\n");