view arogue7/move.c @ 245:e7aab31362af

Rogue V[345], Super-Rogue: Fix violet fungi/venus flytraps. Violet fungi (renamed venus flytraps in Rogue V5) do an increasing amount of damage each time they hit. If they miss, you still suffer the same number of HP. This worked by keeping a counter and printing new damage strings into monsters[5].m_stats.s_dmg, which is the "prototype" of that particular monster. Each individual monster has its own damage string. Apparently these were once char *, pointing to the same string as the prototype. When the s_dmg member was changed to be an internal char array, changing the prototype's damage string no longer had any effect on actual monsters. As a result, flytraps did no damage on a hit, or only one point in V5. The mechanism for doing damage on a miss continued to work. This has been fixed by overwriting the individual monster's damage string instead of the prototype's. It is now no longer necessary to reset the damage string when the flytrap is killed. The method for resetting it when the hero teleports away had to be modified. Comments referencing the long-unused xstr have been removed.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sun, 01 May 2016 19:39:56 -0400
parents f9ef86cf22b2
children e52a8a7ad4c5
line wrap: on
line source

 * move.c  -  Hero movement commands
 * Advanced Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

 * Hero movement commands

#include "curses.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rogue.h"
#ifdef PC7300
#include "menu.h"

 * Used to hold the new hero position

static coord nh;

static char Moves[3][3] = {
    { 'y', 'k', 'u' },
    { 'h', '.', 'l' },
    { 'b', 'j', 'n' }
 * be_trapped:
 *	The guy stepped on a trap.... Make him pay.

be_trapped(struct thing *th, coord *tc)
    register struct trap *tp;
    register char ch, *mname = "";
    register bool is_player = (th == &player),
    register struct linked_list *mitem = NULL;
    register struct thing *mp;

    /* Can the player see the creature? */
    can_see = (cansee(tc->y, tc->x) && (is_player || !invisible(th)));

    tp = trap_at(tc->y, tc->x);
     * if he's wearing boots of elvenkind, he won't set off the trap
     * unless its a magic pool (they're not really traps)
    if (is_player					&&
	cur_misc[WEAR_BOOTS] != NULL			&&
	cur_misc[WEAR_BOOTS]->o_which == MM_ELF_BOOTS	&&
	tp->tr_type != POOL)
	    return '\0';

     * if the creature is flying then it won't set off the trap
     if (on(*th, ISFLY))
	return '\0';

    tp->tr_flags |= ISFOUND;

    if (!is_player) {
	mitem = find_mons(th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x);
	mname = monster_name(th);
    else {
	count = running = FALSE;
	mvwaddch(cw, tp->tr_pos.y, tp->tr_pos.x, tp->tr_type);
    switch (ch = tp->tr_type) {
	    if (is_player) {
		pstats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 10);
		if (pstats.s_hpt <= 0) death(D_FALL);
		msg("You fell into a trap!");
	    else {
		if (can_see) msg("%s fell into a trap!", prname(mname, TRUE));

		 * See if the fall killed the monster 
		 * don't let a UNIQUE die since it might have an artifact
		 * that we need
		if (off(*th,ISUNIQUE) && (th->t_stats.s_hpt-=roll(1,10)) <= 0){
		    killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
		else {	/* Just move monster to next level */

		    /* Erase the monster from the old position */
		    if (isalpha(mvwinch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x)))
			mvwaddch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, th->t_oldch);
		    mvwaddch(mw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, ' ');

		    /* let him summon on next lvl */
		    if (on (*th, HASSUMMONED)) {
			    turn_off(*th, HASSUMMONED); 
			    turn_on(*th, CANSUMMON);
		    detach(mlist, mitem);
		    attach(tlist, mitem);	/* remember him next level */

		    /* Make sure that no one is still chasing us */
		    for (mitem = mlist; mitem != NULL; mitem = next(mitem)) {
			mp = THINGPTR(mitem);
			if (mp->t_dest == &th->t_pos) {
			    mp->t_dest = &hero;
			    mp->t_wasshot = FALSE;
			    turn_off(*mp, ISFLEE);	/* Don't run away! */

		    /* Make sure we were not chasing a monster here */
		    th->t_dest = &hero;
		    if (on(*th, ISFRIENDLY), turn_off(*th, ISFLEE));
	    if (is_stealth(th)) {
		if (is_player) msg("You pass a bear trap.");
		else if (can_see) msg("%s passes a bear trap.", 
				      prname(mname, TRUE));
	    else {
		th->t_no_move += movement(&player) * BEARTIME;
		th->t_action = A_FREEZE;
		if (is_player) msg("You are caught in a bear trap.");
		else if (can_see) msg("%s is caught in a bear trap.",
					prname(mname, TRUE));
	    if (is_player) {
		msg("A strange white mist envelops you.");
		    msg("You fall asleep.");
		    player.t_no_move += movement(&player) * SLEEPTIME;
		    player.t_action = A_FREEZE;
	    else {
		if (can_see) 
		    msg("A strange white mist envelops %s.",
			prname(mname, FALSE));
		if (on(*th, ISUNDEAD)) {
		    if (can_see) 
			msg("The mist doesn't seem to affect %s.",
			   prname(mname, FALSE));
		else {
		    th->t_no_move += movement(th) * SLEEPTIME;
		    th->t_action = A_FREEZE;
	    if (swing(th->t_ctype, th->t_stats.s_lvl-1, th->t_stats.s_arm, 1))
		if (is_player) {
		    msg("Oh no! An arrow shot you.");
		    if ((pstats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 6)) <= 0) {
			msg("The arrow killed you.");
		else {
		    if (can_see) 
			msg("An arrow shot %s.", prname(mname, FALSE));
		    if ((th->t_stats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 6)) <= 0) {
			if (can_see) 
			    msg("The arrow killed %s.", prname(mname, FALSE));
			killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
		register struct linked_list *item;
		register struct object *arrow;

		if (is_player) msg("An arrow shoots past you.");
		else if (can_see) 
			  msg("An arrow shoots by %s.", prname(mname, FALSE));
		item = new_item(sizeof *arrow);
		arrow = OBJPTR(item);
		arrow->o_type = WEAPON;
		arrow->contents = NULL;
		arrow->o_which = ARROW;
		arrow->o_hplus = rnd(3) - 1;
		arrow->o_dplus = rnd(3) - 1;
		init_weapon(arrow, ARROW);
		arrow->o_count = 1;
		arrow->o_pos = *tc;
		arrow->o_mark[0] = '\0';
		fall(item, FALSE);
	when TELTRAP:
	    if (is_player) teleport();
	    else {
		register int rm;
	        struct room *old_room;	/* old room of monster */

		 * Erase the monster from the old position 
		if (isalpha(mvwinch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x)))
		    mvwaddch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, th->t_oldch);
		mvwaddch(mw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, ' ');
		 * check to see if room should go dark
		if (on(*th, HASFIRE)) {
		    if (old_room != NULL) {
			register struct linked_list *fire_item;

			for (fire_item = old_room->r_fires; fire_item != NULL;
			     fire_item = next(fire_item)) {
			    if (THINGPTR(fire_item) == th) {
				detach(old_room->r_fires, fire_item);

				if (old_room->r_fires == NULL) {
				    old_room->r_flags &= ~HASFIRE;
				    if (can_see) light(&hero);

		/* Get a new position */
		do {
		    rm = rnd_room();
		    rnd_pos(&rooms[rm], &th->t_pos);
		} until(winat(th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x) == FLOOR);

		/* Put it there */
		mvwaddch(mw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, th->t_type);
		th->t_oldch = CCHAR( mvwinch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x) );
		 * check to see if room that creature appears in should
		 * light up
	        if (on(*th, HASFIRE)) {
		    register struct linked_list *fire_item;

		    fire_item = creat_item();
		    ldata(fire_item) = (char *) th;
		    attach(rooms[rm].r_fires, fire_item);

		    rooms[rm].r_flags |= HASFIRE;
		    if(cansee(th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x) && 
		       next(rooms[rm].r_fires) == NULL)
		if (can_see) 
		    msg("%s seems to have disappeared!", prname(mname, TRUE));
	    if (swing(th->t_ctype, th->t_stats.s_lvl+1, th->t_stats.s_arm, 1)) {
		if (is_player) {
		    msg("A small dart just hit you in the shoulder.");
		    if ((pstats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 4)) <= 0) {
			msg("The dart killed you.");

		    /* Now the poison */
		    if (!save(VS_POISON, &player, 0)) {
			/* 75% chance it will do point damage - else strength */
			if (rnd(100) < 75) {
			    pstats.s_hpt /= 2;
			    if (pstats.s_hpt == 0) death(D_POISON);
		else {
		    if (can_see)
			msg("A small dart just hit %s in the shoulder.",
				prname(mname, FALSE));
		    if ((th->t_stats.s_hpt -= roll(1,4)) <= 0) {
			if (can_see) 
			    msg("The dart killed %s.", prname(mname, FALSE));
			killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
		    if (!save(VS_POISON, th, 0)) {
			th->t_stats.s_hpt /= 2;
			if (th->t_stats.s_hpt <= 0) {
			    if (can_see) 
				msg("The dart killed %s.", prname(mname,FALSE));
			    killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
	    else {
		if (is_player)
		    msg("A small dart whizzes by your ear and vanishes.");
		else if (can_see)
		    msg("A small dart whizzes by %s's ear and vanishes.",
			prname(mname, FALSE));
        when POOL: {
	    register int i;

	    i = rnd(100);
	    if (is_player) {
		if ((tp->tr_flags & ISGONE)) {
		    if (i < 30) {
			teleport();	   /* teleport away */
			pool_teleport = TRUE;
		    else if((i < 45) && level > 2) {
			level -= rnd(2) + 1;
			cur_max = level;
			pool_teleport = TRUE;
			msg("You here a faint groan from below.");
		    else if(i < 70) {
			level += rnd(4) + 1;
			pool_teleport = TRUE;
			msg("You find yourself in strange surroundings.");
		    else if(i > 95) {
			msg("Oh no!!! You drown in the pool!!! --More--");
			wait_for(' ');
	    else {
		if (i < 60) {
		    if (can_see) {
			/* Drowns */
			if (i < 30) 
			    msg("%s drowned in the pool!", prname(mname, TRUE));

			/* Teleported to another level */
			else msg("%s disappeared!", prname(mname, TRUE));
		    killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
    when MAZETRAP:
	if (is_player) {
	    pstats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 10);
	    msg("You fell through a trap door!");
	    if (pstats.s_hpt <= 0) death(D_FALL);
	    msg("You are surrounded by twisty passages!");
	else {
	    if (can_see) msg("%s fell into a trap!", prname(mname, TRUE));

	    if (on(*th, ISUNIQUE)) {

		    /* Erase the monster from the old position */
		    if (isalpha(mvwinch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x)))
			mvwaddch(cw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, th->t_oldch);
		    mvwaddch(mw, th->t_pos.y, th->t_pos.x, ' ');

		    /* let him summon on next lvl */
		    if (on (*th, HASSUMMONED)) {
			    turn_off(*th, HASSUMMONED); 
			    turn_on(*th, CANSUMMON);
		    detach(mlist, mitem);
		    attach(tlist, mitem);	/* remember him next level */

		    /* Make sure that no one is still chasing us */
		    for (mitem = mlist; mitem != NULL; mitem = next(mitem)) {
			mp = THINGPTR(mitem);
			if (mp->t_dest == &th->t_pos) {
			    mp->t_dest = &hero;
			    mp->t_wasshot = FALSE;
			    turn_off(*mp, ISFLEE);	/* Don't run away! */

		    /* Make sure we were not chasing a monster here */
		    th->t_dest = &hero;
		    if (on(*th, ISFRIENDLY), turn_off(*th, ISFLEE));
		    killed(mitem, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

    /* Move the cursor back onto the hero */
    wmove(cw, hero.y, hero.x);

 * blue_light:
 *	magically light up a room (or level or make it dark)

blue_light(bool blessed, bool cursed)
    register struct room *rp;
    bool ret_val=FALSE;	/* Whether or not affect is known */

    rp = roomin(&hero);	/* What room is hero in? */

    /* Darken the room if the magic is cursed */
    if (cursed) {
	if ((rp == NULL) || !lit_room(rp)) msg(nothing);
	else {
	    rp->r_flags |= ISDARK;
	    if (!lit_room(rp) && (levtype != OUTSIDE || !daytime))
		msg("The %s suddenly goes dark.",
			levtype == OUTSIDE ? "area" : "room");
	    else msg(nothing);
	    ret_val = TRUE;
    else {
	ret_val = TRUE;
	if (rp && !lit_room(rp) &&
	    (levtype != OUTSIDE || !daytime)) {
	    addmsg("The %s is lit", levtype == OUTSIDE ? "area" : "room");
	    if (!terse)
		addmsg(" by a %s blue light.",
		    blessed ? "bright" : "shimmering");
	else if (winat(hero.y, hero.x) == PASSAGE)
	    msg("The corridor glows %sand then fades",
		    blessed ? "brightly " : "");
	else {
	    ret_val = FALSE;
	if (blessed) {
	    register int i;	/* Index through rooms */

	    for (i=0; i<MAXROOMS; i++)
		rooms[i].r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
	else if (rp) rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;

     * Light the room and put the player back up
    mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
 * corr_move:
 *	Check to see that a move is legal.  If so, return correct character.
 * 	If not, if player came from a legal place, then try to turn him.

corr_move(int dy, int dx)
    int legal=0;		/* Number of legal alternatives */
    register int y, x,		/* Indexes though possible positions */
		 locy, locx;	/* Hold delta of chosen location */

    /* New position */
    nh.y = hero.y + dy;
    nh.x = hero.x + dx;

    /* If it is a legal move, just return */
    if (nh.x >= 0 && nh.x < cols && nh.y > 0 && nh.y < lines - 2) {
	switch (winat(nh.y, nh.x)) {
	    case WALL:
	    case '|':
	    case '-':
		if (diag_ok(&hero, &nh, &player))

    /* Check legal places surrounding the player -- ignore previous position */
    for (y = hero.y - 1; y <= hero.y + 1; y++) {
	if (y < 1 || y > lines - 3)
	for (x = hero.x - 1; x <= hero.x + 1; x++) {
	    /* Ignore borders of the screen */
	    if (x < 0 || x > cols - 1)
	     * Ignore where we came from, where we are, and where we couldn't go
	    if ((x == hero.x - dx && y == hero.y - dy) ||
		(x == hero.x + dx && y == hero.y + dy) ||
		(x == hero.x && y == hero.y))

	    switch (winat(y, x)) {
		case WALL:
		case '|':
		case '-':
		    nh.y = y;
		    nh.x = x;
		    if (diag_ok(&hero, &nh, &player)) {
			locy = y - (hero.y - 1);
			locx = x - (hero.x - 1);

    /* If we have 2 or more legal moves, make no change */
    if (legal != 1) {

    runch = Moves[locy][locx];

     * For mazes, pretend like it is the beginning of a new run at each turn
     * in order to get the lighting correct.
    if (levtype == MAZELEV) firstmove = TRUE;
 * dip_it:
 *	Dip an object into a magic pool
	reg struct linked_list *what;
	reg struct object *ob;
	reg struct trap *tp;
	reg int wh, i;

	tp = trap_at(hero.y,hero.x);
	if (tp == NULL || tp->tr_type != POOL) {
	    msg("I see no shimmering pool here");
	if (tp->tr_flags & ISGONE) {
	    msg("This shimmering pool appears to have been used once already.");

	/* It takes 3 movement periods to dip something */
	if (player.t_action != C_DIP) {
	    if ((what = get_item(pack, "dip", ALL, FALSE, FALSE)) == NULL) {
		after = FALSE;

	    ob = OBJPTR(what);
	    if (ob == cur_armor		 || 
		ob == cur_misc[WEAR_BOOTS]	 || ob == cur_misc[WEAR_JEWEL]	 ||
		ob == cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET] ||
		ob == cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK]	 ||
		ob == cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS] ||
		ob == cur_misc[WEAR_NECKLACE]||
		ob == cur_ring[LEFT_1]	 || ob == cur_ring[LEFT_2]	 ||
		ob == cur_ring[LEFT_3]	 || ob == cur_ring[LEFT_4]	 ||
		ob == cur_ring[RIGHT_1]	 || ob == cur_ring[RIGHT_2]	 ||
		ob == cur_ring[RIGHT_3]	 || ob == cur_ring[RIGHT_4]) {
		mpos = 0;
		msg("You'll have to take it off first.");

	    player.t_using = what;	/* Remember what it is */
	    player.t_action = C_DIP;	/* We are dipping */
	    player.t_no_move = 3 * movement(&player);

	/* We have waited our time, let's dip it */
	what = player.t_using;
	player.t_using = NULL;
	player.t_action = A_NIL;

	ob = OBJPTR(what);

	tp->tr_flags |= ISGONE;
	if (ob != NULL) {
	    wh = ob->o_which;
	    ob->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
	    i = rnd(100);
	    switch(ob->o_type) {
		case WEAPON:
		    if(i < 50) {		/* enchant weapon here */
			if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0) {
				ob->o_hplus += 1;
				ob->o_dplus += 1;
			else {		/* weapon was prev cursed here */
				ob->o_hplus = rnd(2);
				ob->o_dplus = rnd(2);
			ob->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s glows blue for a moment.",weaps[wh].w_name);
		    else if(i < 70) {	/* curse weapon here */
			if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0) {
				ob->o_hplus = -(rnd(2)+1);
				ob->o_dplus = -(rnd(2)+1);
			else {			/* if already cursed */
			ob->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s glows red for a moment.",weaps[wh].w_name);
		when ARMOR:
		    if (i < 50) {	/* enchant armor */
			if((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
			    ob->o_ac -= rnd(2) + 1;
			    ob->o_ac = -rnd(3)+ armors[wh].a_class;
			ob->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s glows blue for a moment",armors[wh].a_name);
		    else if(i < 75){	/* curse armor */
			if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
			    ob->o_ac = rnd(3)+ armors[wh].a_class;
			    ob->o_ac += rnd(2) + 1;
			ob->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s glows red for a moment.",armors[wh].a_name);
		when STICK: {
		    int j;
		    j = rnd(8) + 1;
		    if(i < 50) {		/* add charges */
			ob->o_charges += j;
		        ws_know[wh] = TRUE;
			if (ob->o_flags & ISCURSED)
			    ob->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s %s glows blue for a moment.",
		    else if(i < 65) {	/* remove charges */
			if ((ob->o_charges -= i) < 0)
			    ob->o_charges = 0;
		        ws_know[wh] = TRUE;
			if (ob->o_flags & ISBLESSED)
			    ob->o_flags &= ~ISBLESSED;
			    ob->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
		        msg("The %s %s glows red for a moment.",
		when SCROLL:
		    s_know[wh] = TRUE;
		    msg("The '%s' scroll unfurls.",s_names[wh]);
		when POTION:
		    p_know[wh] = TRUE;
		    msg("The %s potion bubbles for a moment.",p_colors[wh]);
		when RING:
		    if(i < 50) {	 /* enchant ring */
			if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
			    ob->o_ac += rnd(2) + 1;
			    ob->o_ac = rnd(2) + 1;
			ob->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		    else if(i < 80) { /* curse ring */
			if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
			    ob->o_ac = -(rnd(2) + 1);
			    ob->o_ac -= (rnd(2) + 1);
			ob->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
		    r_know[wh] = TRUE;
		    msg("The %s ring vibrates for a moment.",r_stones[wh]);
		when MM:
		    m_know[wh] = TRUE;
		    switch (ob->o_which) {
		    case MM_BRACERS:
		    case MM_PROTECT:
			if(i < 50) {	 /* enchant item */
			    if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
				ob->o_ac += rnd(2) + 1;
				ob->o_ac = rnd(2) + 1;
			    ob->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
			else if(i < 80) { /* curse item */
			    if ((ob->o_flags & ISCURSED) == 0)
				ob->o_ac = -(rnd(2) + 1);
				ob->o_ac -= (rnd(2) + 1);
			    ob->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
			msg("The item vibrates for a moment.");
		    when MM_CHOKE:
		    case MM_DISAPPEAR:
			ob->o_ac = 0;
			msg ("The dust dissolves in the pool!");
		msg("The pool bubbles for a moment.");
	    updpack(FALSE, &player);
 * do_move:
 *	Check to see that a move is legal.  If it is handle the
 * consequences (fighting, picking up, etc.)

do_move(int dy, int dx)
    register struct room *rp, *orp;
    register char ch;
    struct linked_list *item;
    register struct thing *tp = NULL;
    coord old_hero;
    register int wasfirstmove, moved, num_hits;
    bool changed=FALSE;	/* Did we switch places with a friendly monster? */

    wasfirstmove = firstmove;
    firstmove = FALSE;
    curprice = -1;		/* if in trading post, we've moved off obj */

     * Do a confused move (maybe)
    if (player.t_action == A_NIL &&
	((on(player, ISHUH) && rnd(100) < 80) || 
	 (on(player, ISDANCE) && rnd(100) < 80) || 
	 (ISWEARING(R_DELUSION) && rnd(100) < 25)))
	/* Get a random move */
	nh = *rndmove(&player);
    else {
	nh.y = hero.y + dy;
	nh.x = hero.x + dx;

     * Check if he tried to move off the screen or make an illegal
     * diagonal move, and stop him if he did.
    if (nh.x < 0 || nh.x > cols-1 || nh.y < 1 || nh.y >= lines - 2
	|| !diag_ok(&hero, &nh, &player))
	after = running = FALSE;
	player.t_action = A_NIL;
    if (running && ce(hero, nh))
	after = running = FALSE;
    ch = CCHAR( winat(nh.y, nh.x) );

    /* Take care of hero trying to move close to something frightening */
    if (on(player, ISFLEE)) {
	if (rnd(100) < 10) {
	    turn_off(player, ISFLEE);
	    msg("You regain your composure.");
	else if (DISTANCE(nh.y, nh.x, player.t_dest->y, player.t_dest->x) <
		 DISTANCE(hero.y, hero.x, player.t_dest->y, player.t_dest->x)) {
			running = FALSE;
			msg("You are too terrified to move that way");
			player.t_action = A_NIL;
			player.t_no_move = movement(&player);

    /* If we want to move to a monster, see what it is */
    if (isalpha(ch)) {
	item = find_mons(nh.y, nh.x);
	if (item == NULL) {
	    debug("Cannot find monster in move.");
	    player.t_action = A_NIL;
	tp = THINGPTR(item);

     * Take care of hero being held.  If the player is being held, he
     * can't move unless he is either attacking a non-friendly monster
     * or attacking a friendly monster that can't move.
    if (on(player, ISHELD) &&
	(!isalpha(ch) || (on(*tp, ISFRIENDLY) && off(*tp, ISHELD)))) {
	msg("You are being held.");
	player.t_action = A_NIL;

    /* See if we have to wait for our movement rate */
    if (player.t_action == A_NIL) {
	after = FALSE;
	firstmove = wasfirstmove;	/* Remember if this is first move */
	player.t_no_move = movement(&player);
	if (player.t_ctype == C_MONK)
	    player.t_no_move -= pstats.s_lvl/6;
	if (on(player, ISFLY)) 
	    player.t_no_move /= 2; /* If flying, speed him up */

	if (player.t_no_move < 1) player.t_no_move = 1;

	/* Remember our action */
	player.t_action = Moves[dy+1][dx+1];

    /* Now let's forget the old move and just do it */
    player.t_action = A_NIL;

    /* If we're moving onto a friendly monster, let's change places. */
    if (isalpha(ch) && on(*tp, ISFRIENDLY) && off(*tp, ISHELD)) {
	coord tpos,	/* Where monster may have been going */
	      current;	/* Current hero position */
	int action;	/* The monster's action */

	current = hero;
	tpos = tp->t_newpos;
	action = tp->t_action;

	/* Disrupt whatever our friend was doing */
	tp->t_action = A_NIL;

	/* Tentatively move us to where he is */
	hero = tp->t_pos;

	/* See if we can move him to where we were */
	tp->t_newpos = current;

	/* Did we succeed? */
	if (ce(tp->t_pos, current)) {
	    /* Reset our idea of what ch is */
	    ch = CCHAR( winat(nh.y, nh.x) );

	    /* Let it be known that we made the switch */
	    changed = TRUE;
	    old_hero = current;

	    /* Make the monster think it didn't move */
	    tp->t_oldpos = current;
	    tp->t_doorgoal = NULL;

	    /* Let the player know something funny happened. */
	    msg("What a sidestep!");
	else {
	    /* Restore things -- we couldn't move */
	    hero = current;
	    tp->t_newpos = tpos;
	    tp->t_action = action;

    /* assume he's not in a wall */
    if (!isalpha(ch)) turn_off(player, ISINWALL);

    switch (ch) {
	case '|':
	case '-':
	    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) {
		hero = nh;
	case WALL:
	    if (off(player, CANINWALL) || running) {
	        after = running = FALSE;

		/* Light if finishing run */
		if (levtype == MAZELEV && lit_room(&rooms[0]))
		    look(FALSE, TRUE);

	        after = running = FALSE;

	    turn_on(player, ISINWALL);
	case POOL:
	    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) {
		running = FALSE;
	    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) {
	    running = FALSE;
	case TELTRAP:
	    ch = be_trapped(&player, &nh);
	    if (ch == TRAPDOOR || ch == TELTRAP || 
		pool_teleport  || ch == MAZETRAP) {
		pool_teleport = FALSE;
	case GOLD:
	case POTION:
	case SCROLL:
	case FOOD:
	case WEAPON:
	case ARMOR:
	case RING:
	case MM:
	case RELIC:
	case STICK:
	    running = FALSE;
	    take = ch;
    	case DOOR:
    	case STAIRS:
	case POST:
	    running = FALSE;

    if (isalpha(ch)) { /* if its a monster then fight it */
	 * If we were running down a corridor and didn't start right
	 * next to the critter, don't do anything.
	if (running && wasfirstmove == FALSE && roomin(&hero) == NULL) {
	    struct linked_list *item;

	    item = find_mons(nh.y, nh.x);
	    if (item != NULL && !invisible(THINGPTR(item))) {
	        after = running = FALSE;

	/* We have to add time because we're attacking */
	player.t_no_move = FIGHTBASE;
	player.t_no_move += weap_move(&player, cur_weapon);
	if (on(player, ISHASTE))
		player.t_no_move /= 2;
	else if (on(player, ISSLOW))
		player.t_no_move *= 2;

	/* We may attack faster if we're high enough level 
	 * and the right class
	switch(player.t_ctype) {
	    case C_FIGHTER: num_hits = player.t_stats.s_lvl/9  + 1;
	    when C_PALADIN: num_hits = player.t_stats.s_lvl/12 + 1;
	    when C_RANGER:  num_hits = player.t_stats.s_lvl/13 + 1;
	    when C_MONK:    if(cur_weapon) num_hits= 1;
	    		    else	   num_hits= player.t_stats.s_lvl/5 + 1;
	    otherwise:      num_hits = 1;

	 * The player has already moved the initial movement period.
	 * Let's add that in, do our division, and then subtract it
	 * out so that the total time is divided, not just the
	 * additional attack time.
	moved = movement(&player),
	player.t_no_move += moved;
	player.t_no_move /= num_hits;
	player.t_no_move -= moved;
	running = FALSE;

	/* Mark that we are attacking and save the attack coordinate */
	player.t_action = A_ATTACK;
	player.t_newpos = nh;
	runch = Moves[dy+1][dx+1];	/* Remember the direction */

	if (player.t_no_move <= 0) after = FALSE;

     * if not fighting then move the hero
    if (changed == FALSE) {
	old_hero = hero;	/* Save hero's old position */
	hero = nh;		/* Move the hero */
    rp = roomin(&hero);
    orp = roomin(&old_hero);

    /* Unlight any possible cross-corridor */
    if (levtype == MAZELEV) {
	register bool call_light = FALSE;
	register char wall_check;

	if (wasfirstmove && lit_room(&rooms[0])) {
	    /* Are we moving out of a corridor? */
	    switch (runch) {
		case 'h':
		case 'l':
		    if (old_hero.y + 1 < lines - 2) {
			wall_check = CCHAR( winat(old_hero.y + 1, old_hero.x) );
			if (!isrock(wall_check)) call_light = TRUE;
		    if (old_hero.y - 1 > 0) {
			wall_check = CCHAR( winat(old_hero.y - 1, old_hero.x) );
			if (!isrock(wall_check)) call_light = TRUE;
		case 'j':
		case 'k':
		    if (old_hero.x + 1 < cols) {
			wall_check = CCHAR( winat(old_hero.y, old_hero.x + 1) );
			if (!isrock(wall_check)) call_light = TRUE;
		    if (old_hero.x - 1 >= 0) {
			wall_check = CCHAR( winat(old_hero.y, old_hero.x - 1) );
			if (!isrock(wall_check)) call_light = TRUE;
		    call_light = TRUE;
	    player.t_oldpos = old_hero;
	    if (call_light) light(&old_hero);

    else if (orp != NULL && rp == NULL) {    /* Leaving a room -- darken it */
	orp->r_flags |= FORCEDARK;	/* Fake darkness */
	orp->r_flags &= ~FORCEDARK;	/* Restore light state */
    else if (rp != NULL && orp == NULL){/* Entering a room */
	if (rp->r_flags & ISTREAS)
    ch = CCHAR( winat(old_hero.y, old_hero.x) );
    wmove(cw, unc(old_hero));
    waddch(cw, ch);
    wmove(cw, unc(hero));
    waddch(cw, PLAYER);
 * do_run:
 *	Start the hero running

do_run(char ch)
    firstmove = TRUE;
    running = TRUE;
    after = FALSE;
    runch = ch;
 * getdelta:
 *	Takes a movement character (eg. h, j, k, l) and returns the
 *	y and x delta corresponding to it in the remaining arguments.
 *	Returns TRUE if it could find it, FALSE otherwise.
getdelta(char match, int *dy, int *dx)
    int y, x;

    for (y = 0; y < 3; y++)
	for (x = 0; x < 3; x++)
	    if (Moves[y][x] == match) {
		*dy = y - 1;
		*dx = x - 1;

 * isatrap:
 *	Returns TRUE if this character is some kind of trap
isatrap(char ch)
	switch(ch) {
		case DARTTRAP:
		case TELTRAP:
		case TRAPDOOR:
		case BEARTRAP:	return(TRUE);
		case MAZETRAP:
		case POOL:	return(levtype != OUTSIDE);
		default:	return(FALSE);
 * Called to illuminate a room.
 * If it is dark, remove anything that might move.

light(coord *cp)
    register struct room *rp;
    register int j, k, x, y;
    register char ch, rch, sch;
    register struct linked_list *item;
    int jlow, jhigh, klow, khigh;	/* Boundaries of lit area */

    if ((rp = roomin(cp)) != NULL) {
	 * is he wearing ring of illumination? 
	if (&hero == cp && ISWEARING(R_LIGHT)) /* Must be hero's room */
	    rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
	/* If we are in a maze, don't look at the whole room (level) */
	if (levtype == MAZELEV) {
	    int see_radius;

	    see_radius = 1;

	    /* If we are looking at the hero in a rock, broaden our sights */
	    if (&hero == cp || &player.t_oldpos == cp) {
		ch = CCHAR( winat(hero.y, hero.x) );
		if (isrock(ch)) see_radius = 2;
		ch = CCHAR( winat(player.t_oldpos.y, player.t_oldpos.x) );
		if (isrock(ch)) see_radius = 2;

	    jlow = max(0, cp->y - see_radius - rp->r_pos.y);
	    jhigh = min(rp->r_max.y, cp->y + see_radius + 1 - rp->r_pos.y);
	    klow = max(0, cp->x - see_radius - rp->r_pos.x);
	    khigh = min(rp->r_max.x, cp->x + see_radius + 1 - rp->r_pos.x);
	else {
	    jlow = klow = 0;
	    jhigh = rp->r_max.y;
	    khigh = rp->r_max.x;
	for (j = 0; j < rp->r_max.y; j++)
	    for (k = 0; k < rp->r_max.x; k++)
		bool see_here, see_before;

		/* Is this in the give area -- needed for maze */
		if ((j < jlow || j >= jhigh) && (k < klow || k >= khigh))

		y = rp->r_pos.y + j;
		x = rp->r_pos.x + k;

		 * If we are in a maze do not look at this area unless
		 * we can see it from where we are or where we last were
		 * (for erasing purposes).
		if (levtype == MAZELEV) {
		    /* If we can't see it from here, could we see it before? */
		    if ((see_here = maze_view(y, x)) == FALSE) {
			coord savhero;

			/* Could we see it from where we were? */
			savhero = hero;
			hero = player.t_oldpos;
			see_before = maze_view(y, x);
			hero = savhero;

			if (!see_before) continue;

		ch = show(y, x);
		wmove(cw, y, x);
		 * Figure out how to display a secret door
		if (ch == SECRETDOOR) {
		    if (j == 0 || j == rp->r_max.y - 1)
			ch = '-';
			ch = '|';
		/* For monsters, if they were previously not seen and
		 * now can be seen, or vice-versa, make sure that will
		 * happen.  This is for dark rooms as opposed to invisibility.
		 * Call winat() in the test because ch will not reveal
		 * invisible monsters.
		if (isalpha(winat(y, x))) {
		    struct thing *tp;	/* The monster */

		    item = wake_monster(y, x);
		    tp = THINGPTR(item);

		    /* Previously not seen -- now can see it */
		    if (tp->t_oldch == ' ' && cansee(tp->t_pos.y, tp->t_pos.x)) 
			tp->t_oldch = CCHAR( mvinch(y, x) );

		    /* Previously seen -- now can't see it */
		    else if (!cansee(tp->t_pos.y, tp->t_pos.x) &&
			     roomin(&tp->t_pos) != NULL)
			switch (tp->t_oldch) {
			     * Only blank it out if it is in a room and not
			     * the border (or other wall) of the room.
			     case DOOR:
			     case SECRETDOOR:
			     case '-':
			     case '|':

				tp->t_oldch = ' ';

		 * If the room is a dark room, we might want to remove
		 * monsters and the like from it (since they might
		 * move).
		 * A dark room.
		if ((!lit_room(rp) && (levtype != OUTSIDE)) ||
		    (levtype == OUTSIDE && !daytime) ||
		    on(player, ISBLIND) 	||
		    (rp->r_flags & FORCEDARK)	||
		    (levtype == MAZELEV && !see_here && see_before)) {
		    sch = CCHAR( mvwinch(cw, y, x) );	/* What's seen */
		    rch = CCHAR( mvinch(y, x) );	/* What's really there */
		    switch (rch) {
			case DOOR:
			case STAIRS:
			case TRAPDOOR:
			case TELTRAP:
			case BEARTRAP:
			case SLEEPTRAP:
			case ARROWTRAP:
			case DARTTRAP:
			case MAZETRAP:
			case POOL:
			case POST:
			case '|':
			case '-':
			case WALL:
			    if (isalpha(sch)) ch = rch;
			    else if (sch != FLOOR) ch = sch;
			    else ch = ' '; /* Hide undiscoverd things */
			when FLOOR:
			    ch = ' ';
			    ch = ' ';
		    /* Take care of our magic bookkeeping. */
		    switch (sch) {
			case MAGIC:
			case BMAGIC:
			case CMAGIC:
			    ch = sch;
		mvwaddch(cw, y, x, ch);
 * lit_room:
 * 	Called to see if the specified room is lit up or not.

lit_room(struct room *rp)
    register struct linked_list *fire_item;
    register struct thing *fire_creature;

    if (!(rp->r_flags & ISDARK)) return(TRUE);	/* A definitely lit room */

    /* Is it lit by fire light? */
    if (rp->r_flags & HASFIRE) {
	switch ((int)levtype) {
	    case MAZELEV:
		/* See if a fire creature is in line of sight */
		for (fire_item = rp->r_fires; fire_item != NULL;
		     fire_item = next(fire_item)) {
		    fire_creature = THINGPTR(fire_item);
		    if (maze_view(fire_creature->t_pos.y,
				  fire_creature->t_pos.x)) return(TRUE);

		/* Couldn't find any in line-of-sight */

	    /* We should probably do something special for the outside */
		return TRUE;
 * movement:
 *	Given a pointer to a player/monster structure, calculate the
 *	movement rate for that character.

movement(struct thing *tp)
    register int result;
    register int carry;		/* Percentage carried */

    result = 0;

    /* Adjust for armor (player only) */
    if (tp == &player && cur_armor) {
	int diff; /* Now armor class differs from normal one of same type */

	/* Blessed armor adds less */
	diff = cur_armor->o_ac - armors[cur_armor->o_which].a_class;
	switch (cur_armor->o_which) {
	    case LEATHER:
	    case RING_MAIL:
	    case SCALE_MAIL:
	    case PADDED_ARMOR:
		diff += 1;
	    when CHAIN_MAIL:
	    case SPLINT_MAIL:
	    case BANDED_MAIL:
	    case PLATE_MAIL:
		diff += 2;
	    when PLATE_ARMOR:
		diff += 3;
		debug("forgot an armor in movement()");
	if (diff < 0) diff = 0;
	result += diff;


    /* Adjust for the pack */
    carry = 100 * tp->t_stats.s_pack / tp->t_stats.s_carry;
    if (carry > 75) result++;

    /* Get a bonus for dexterity */
    result -= dext_plus(tp == &player ? dex_compute() : tp->t_stats.s_dext);

    /* only allow adjust for the minus's */
    if (result < 0) result = 0;
    result += tp->t_movement; /* now add in movement rate */

    /* Is the character slowed? */
    if (on(*tp, ISSLOW) || on(*tp, ISDANCE)) result *= 2;

    /* Is the character hasted? */
    if (on(*tp, ISHASTE)) result /= 2;

    /* We have a minimum of 1 */
    if (result < 1) result = 1;

 * rndmove:
 *	move in a random direction if the monster/person is confused

coord *
rndmove(struct thing *who)
    register int x, y;
    register int ex, ey, nopen = 0;
    static coord ret;  /* what we will be returning */
    static coord dest;

    ret = who->t_pos;
     * Now go through the spaces surrounding the player and
     * set that place in the array to true if the space can be
     * moved into
    ey = ret.y + 1;
    ex = ret.x + 1;
    for (y = who->t_pos.y - 1; y <= ey; y++)
	if (y > 0 && y < lines - 2)
	    for (x = who->t_pos.x - 1; x <= ex; x++)
		if (x < 0 || x >= cols)
		if (step_ok(y, x, NOMONST, who) == TRUE)
		    dest.y = y;
		    dest.x = x;
		    if (!diag_ok(&who->t_pos, &dest, who))
		    if (rnd(++nopen) == 0)
			ret = dest;
    return &ret;

#define TRAPTYPES 9		/* 9 total trap types that can be set */
#define WIZARDTRAPS 3		/* Only wizards can set 3 of these */

static char *trap_types[TRAPTYPES] = {
    "Trap Door",
    "Bear Trap",
    "Sleep Trap",
    "Arrow Trap",
    "Teleport Trap",
    "Dart Trap",
    "Magic pool",
    "Maze Trap",
    "Trading Post"

#ifdef PC7300
#define TRAPWIDTH 13	/* Length of longest named trap from above list */
#define	TRAPPREFIX 4	/* Length of prefix (eg. "[9] ") */
static menu_t Display;				/* The menu structure */
static mitem_t Dispitems[TRAPTYPES+1];		/* Info for each line */
static char Displines[TRAPTYPES+1][TRAPWIDTH+TRAPPREFIX+1];

 * set_trap:
 *	set a trap at (y, x) on screen.

set_trap(struct thing *tp, int y, int x)
    register bool is_player = (tp == &player);
    register int selection = rnd(TRAPTYPES-WIZARDTRAPS) + '1';
    register int i, num_traps;
    register char ch, och;
    int thief_bonus = 0;
    int s_dext;

    if (is_player && player.t_ctype != C_THIEF && player.t_ctype != C_ASSASIN) {
	msg("Only thieves and assassins can set traps.");
    switch (och = CCHAR( mvinch(y, x) )) {
	case WALL:
	case FLOOR:
	case PASSAGE:
	    if (is_player) msg("The trap failed!");

    if (is_player) {
	int state = 0, /* 0 -> current screen, 1 -> prompt screen, 2 -> done */
	    units;     /* Number of movement units for the given trap */

	if (player.t_action == C_SETTRAP) {
	    selection = player.t_selection;
	    player.t_selection = 0;
	    player.t_using = NULL;
	    player.t_action = A_NIL;
	else {
	    msg("Which kind of trap do you wish to set? (* for a list): ");
	    num_traps = TRAPTYPES - (wizard ? 0 : WIZARDTRAPS);
	    do {
		selection = tolower(readchar());
		switch (selection) {
		    case '*':
		      if (state != 1) {
#ifdef PC7300
			for (i=0; i<TRAPTYPES; i++) {
			     * Add numbers so the player can use a
			     * number later, if he knows it.  Let's
			     * put the number on here instead of in
			     * trap_types in case we want to drop it
			     * later.
			    sprintf(Displines[i], "[%d] %s",
					i+1, trap_types[i]);
			    Dispitems[i].mi_name = Displines[i];
			    Dispitems[i].mi_flags = 0;
			    Dispitems[i].mi_val = i+'1';

			/* Place an end marker for the items */
			Dispitems[num_traps].mi_name = 0;

			/* Set up the main menu structure */
			Display.m_label = "Trap Creation";
			Display.m_title = "Trap Types";
			Display.m_prompt = "Select a trap type or press Cancl.";
			Display.m_curptr = '\0';
			Display.m_markptr = '\0';
			Display.m_flags = 0;
			Display.m_selcnt = 1;
			Display.m_items = Dispitems;
			Display.m_curi = 0;

			 * Try to display the menu.  If we don't have a local
			 * terminal, the call will fail and we will just
			 * continue with the normal mode.
			if (menu(&Display) >= 0) {
			    if (Display.m_selcnt == 0) {
				/* Cancelled menu */

				trap_tries--;	/* Don't count this one */
				after = FALSE;
			    selection = Display.m_curi->mi_val;
			    state = 2;

			for (i=0; i<num_traps; i++) {
			    wmove(hw, i+2, 0);
			    wprintw(hw, "[%d] %s", i+1, trap_types[i]);
			mvwaddstr(hw, 0, 0,
				"Which kind of trap do you wish to set? ");

			if (menu_overlay)
			     * Put out the selection.  The longest line is
			     * the prompt line (39 characters long).
			    over_win(cw, hw, num_traps + 3, 41, 0, 39, '\0');
			state = 1;	/* Now in prompt window */

		    case ESCAPE:
			if (state == 1) {
			    clearok(cw, FALSE); /* Set up for redraw */

			trap_tries--;	/* Don't count this one */
			after = FALSE;

		    case '1':
		    case '2':
		    case '3':
		    case '4':
		    case '5':
		    case '6':
		    case '7':
		    case '8':
		    case '9':
			if (selection < '7' || wizard) {
			    if (state == 1) {	/* In prompt window */
				clearok(cw, FALSE); /* Set up for redraw */


			     * Make sure there is a floor below us for trap
			     * doors.
			    if (selection == '1' && level >= nfloors) {
				if (state == 1) draw(cw);
				msg("There is no level below this one.");
			    state = 2;	/* Finished */

			/* Fall through for non-wizard, unusual trap case */
			if (state == 1) {	/* In the prompt window */
			    wmove(hw, 0, 0);
				"Please enter a selection between 1 and %d:  ",
			    if (menu_overlay)
				 * Put out the selection.  The longest line is
				 * the prompt line (43 characters long).
				over_win(cw, hw, num_traps+3, 45, 0, 43, '\0');
			else {	/* Normal window */
			    mpos = 0;
			    msg("Please enter a selection between 1 and %d:  ",
	    } while (state != 2);

	    switch ((player.t_selection = selection)) {
		case '1': units = 20;	/* Trap door */
		when '2': units = 5;	/* Bear trap */
		when '3': units = 6;	/* Sleeping gas trap */
		when '4': units = 5;	/* Arrow trap */
		when '5': units = 8;	/* Teleport trap */
		when '6': units = 5;	/* Dart trap */
		otherwise: units = 10;	/* Unknown trap */
	    player.t_no_move = units * movement(&player);
	    player.t_action = C_SETTRAP;
	    player.t_using = NULL;

    if (is_player && player.t_ctype == C_THIEF)   thief_bonus = 30;
    if (is_player && player.t_ctype == C_ASSASIN) thief_bonus = 20;

    s_dext = (tp == &player) ? dex_compute() : tp->t_stats.s_dext;

    if (ntraps >= MAXTRAPS || ++trap_tries >= MAXTRPTRY || levtype == POSTLEV ||
	rnd(80) >= (s_dext + tp->t_stats.s_lvl/2 + thief_bonus)) {
	if (is_player) msg("The trap failed!");

    switch (selection) {
	case '1': ch = TRAPDOOR;
	when '2': ch = BEARTRAP;
	when '3': ch = SLEEPTRAP;
	when '4': ch = ARROWTRAP;
	when '5': ch = TELTRAP;
	when '6': ch = DARTTRAP;
	when '7': ch = POOL;
	when '8': ch = MAZETRAP;
	when '9': ch = POST;

    mvaddch(y, x, ch);
    traps[ntraps].tr_show = och;
    traps[ntraps].tr_type = ch;
    traps[ntraps].tr_pos.y = y;
    traps[ntraps].tr_pos.x = x;
    if (is_player) 
	traps[ntraps].tr_flags = ISTHIEFSET;
    if (ch == POOL || ch == POST) {
	traps[ntraps].tr_flags |= ISFOUND;

 * show:
 *	returns what a certain thing will display as to the un-initiated

show(int y, int x)
    register char ch = CCHAR( winat(y, x) );
    register struct linked_list *it;
    register struct thing *tp;

    if (isatrap(ch)) {
	register struct trap *trp = trap_at(y, x);

	return (trp->tr_flags & ISFOUND) ? ch : trp->tr_show;
    else if (isalpha(ch)) {
	if ((it = find_mons(y, x)) == NULL) {
	    msg("Show:  Can't find monster in show (%d, %d)", y, x);
	    return(mvwinch(stdscr, y, x));
	tp = THINGPTR(it);

	if (on(*tp, ISDISGUISE)) ch = tp->t_disguise; /* As a mimic */

	/* Hide invisible creatures */
	else if (invisible(tp)) {
	    /* We can't see surprise-type creatures through "see invisible" */
	    if (off(player,CANSEE) || on(*tp,CANSURPRISE))
		ch = CCHAR( mvwinch(stdscr, y, x) ); /* Invisible */
	else if (on(*tp, CANINWALL)) {
	    if (isrock(mvwinch(stdscr, y, x))) ch = CCHAR( winch(stdscr) ); /* As Xorn */
    return ch;

 * trap_at:
 *	find the trap at (y,x) on screen.

struct trap *
trap_at(int y, int x)
    register struct trap *tp, *ep;

    ep = &traps[ntraps];
    for (tp = traps; tp < ep; tp++)
	if (tp->tr_pos.y == y && tp->tr_pos.x == x)
    if (tp == ep)
	debug((sprintf(prbuf, "Trap at %d,%d not in array", y, x), prbuf));
    return tp;
 * weap_move:
 *	Calculate how many segments it will take to swing the given
 *	weapon (note that the weapon may actually be a stick or
 *	even something else).
 * 	wielder: Who's wielding the weapon
 * 	weap: The weapon

weap_move(struct thing *wielder, struct object *weap)
    register int weap_rate;
    int		 dexterity;
    int		 strength;

    if (weap == NULL) return(1); /* hand, claw, bite attacks are quick */

    switch (weap->o_type) {
	case STICK:
	    if (EQUAL(ws_type[weap->o_which], "staff"))
		weap_rate = 2;
	    else weap_rate = 1;	/* A wand */

	when WEAPON:
	    weap_rate = weaps[weap->o_which].w_rate;

	    /* Adjust for blessed or cursed weapon */
	    if (weap->o_hplus < 0)	/* Cursed */
		weap_rate -= (weap->o_hplus - 2) / 3;
	    else if (weap_rate > 0)	/* Blessed */
		weap_rate -= (2*weap->o_hplus + weap_rate - 1) / weap_rate;

	when RELIC:
	    switch (weap->o_which) {
		case AXE_AKLAD:
		case MING_STAFF:
		case ORCUS_WAND:
		case ASMO_ROD:
		    /* These operate in the blink of an eye */
		    weap_rate = 1;
		    /* What is it? */
		    weap_rate = 10;
		    debug("unknown weapon in weap_move()");
	    /* What is it? */
	    weap_rate = 10;
	    debug("unknown weapon in weap_move()");

    /* Put in a dexterity bonus */
    if (wielder == &player) dexterity = dex_compute();
    else dexterity = wielder->t_stats.s_dext;
    weap_rate -= dext_plus(dexterity) / 2;

    /* Put in a strength bonus */
    if (wielder == &player) strength = str_compute();
    else strength = wielder->t_stats.s_str;
    weap_rate -= str_plus(strength) / 2;

    /* It can't speed you up and it must take SOME time */
    if (weap_rate <= 0) weap_rate = 1;

    /* Do we need to adjust for fast/slow movement? */
    if (on(*wielder, ISSLOW) || on(*wielder, ISDANCE)) weap_rate *= 2;
    if (on(*wielder, ISHASTE)) weap_rate /= 2;

    /* Return the result */