view arogue7/util.c @ 245:e7aab31362af

Rogue V[345], Super-Rogue: Fix violet fungi/venus flytraps. Violet fungi (renamed venus flytraps in Rogue V5) do an increasing amount of damage each time they hit. If they miss, you still suffer the same number of HP. This worked by keeping a counter and printing new damage strings into monsters[5].m_stats.s_dmg, which is the "prototype" of that particular monster. Each individual monster has its own damage string. Apparently these were once char *, pointing to the same string as the prototype. When the s_dmg member was changed to be an internal char array, changing the prototype's damage string no longer had any effect on actual monsters. As a result, flytraps did no damage on a hit, or only one point in V5. The mechanism for doing damage on a miss continued to work. This has been fixed by overwriting the individual monster's damage string instead of the prototype's. It is now no longer necessary to reset the damage string when the flytrap is killed. The method for resetting it when the hero teleports away had to be modified. Comments referencing the long-unused xstr have been removed.
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Sun, 01 May 2016 19:39:56 -0400
parents e1cd27c5464f
children d71e5e1f49cf
line wrap: on
line source

 * util.c  -  all sorts of miscellaneous routines
 * Advanced Rogue
 * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
 * All rights reserved.
 * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
 * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
 * All rights reserved.
 * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.

#include "curses.h"
#include "rogue.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef PC7300
#include <track.h>
#include <kcodes.h>
#include <sys/window.h>
extern struct uwdata wdata;

 * all sorts of miscellaneous routines

 * this routine computes the players current AC without dex bonus's
ac_compute(bool ignoremetal)
    register int ac;

    ac = pstats.s_arm; /* base armor of "skin" */
    if (cur_armor) {
	if (!ignoremetal || 
	     (cur_armor->o_which != LEATHER		&& 
	      cur_armor->o_which != STUDDED_LEATHER	&& 
	      cur_armor->o_which != PADDED_ARMOR))
		ac -= (10 - cur_armor->o_ac);
    if (player.t_ctype == C_MONK)
	ac -= pstats.s_lvl * 2 / 3;
    ac -= ring_value(R_PROTECT);
    if (cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS] != NULL)
	ac -= cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]->o_ac;
    if (cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK] != NULL)
	ac -= cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK]->o_ac;

    /* If player has the cloak, must be wearing it */
    if (cur_relic[EMORI_CLOAK]) ac -= 5;

    if (ac > 10)
	ac = 10;
 * aggravate:
 *	aggravate all the monsters on this level

aggravate(bool do_uniques, bool do_good)
    register struct linked_list *mi;
    register struct thing *thingptr;

    for (mi = mlist; mi != NULL; mi = next(mi)) {
	thingptr = THINGPTR(mi);
	if (do_good == FALSE && off(*thingptr, ISMEAN)) continue;
	if (do_uniques || off(*thingptr, ISUNIQUE)) runto(thingptr, &hero);
 * cansee:
 *	returns true if the hero can see a certain coordinate.

cansee(int y, int x)
    register struct room *rer;
    register int radius;
    coord tp;

    if (on(player, ISBLIND))
	return FALSE;

    tp.y = y;
    tp.x = x;
    rer = roomin(&tp);

    /* How far can we see? */
    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) {
	if (daytime) radius = 36;
	else if (lit_room(rer)) radius = 9;
	else radius = 3;
    else radius = 3;

     * We can only see if the hero in the same room as
     * the coordinate and the room is lit or if it is close.
    return ((rer != NULL && 
	     levtype != OUTSIDE &&
	     (levtype != MAZELEV ||	/* Maze level needs direct line */
	      maze_view(tp.y, tp.x)) &&
	     rer == roomin(&hero) &&
	     lit_room(rer)) ||
	    DISTANCE(y, x, hero.y, hero.x) < radius);
 * check_level:
 *	Check to see if the guy has gone up a level.
 *	Return points needed to obtain next level.
 * These are certain beginning experience levels for all players.
 * All further experience levels are computed by muliplying by 2
 * up through MAXDOUBLE. Then the cap is added in to compute
 * further levels
    register int i, j, add = 0;
    register unsigned long exp;
    long retval;	/* Return value */
    int nsides;

    pstats.s_lvl -= pstats.s_lvladj; /* correct for level adjustment */
    /* See if we are past the doubling stage */
    exp = char_class[player.t_ctype].cap;
    if (pstats.s_exp >= exp) {
	i = pstats.s_exp/exp;	/* First get amount above doubling area */
	retval = exp + i * exp; /* Compute next higher boundary */
	i += MAXDOUBLE;	/* Add in the previous doubled levels */
    else {
	i = 0;
	exp = char_class[player.t_ctype].start_exp;
	while (exp <= pstats.s_exp) {
	    exp <<= 1;
	retval = exp;
    if (++i > pstats.s_lvl) {
	nsides = char_class[player.t_ctype].hit_pts;
	for (j=0; j<(i-pstats.s_lvl); j++) /* Take care of multi-level jumps */
	    add += max(1, roll(1,nsides) + const_bonus());
	max_stats.s_hpt += add;
	if ((pstats.s_hpt += add) > max_stats.s_hpt)
	    pstats.s_hpt = max_stats.s_hpt;
	msg("Welcome, %s, to level %d",
	    cnames[player.t_ctype][min(i-1, NUM_CNAMES-1)], i);
    pstats.s_lvl = i;
    pstats.s_lvl += pstats.s_lvladj; /* correct for level adjustment */
 * Used to modify the players strength
 * it keeps track of the highest it has been, just in case

chg_str(int amt)
    register int ring_str;		/* ring strengths */
    register struct stats *ptr;		/* for speed */

    ptr = &pstats;
    ring_str = ring_value(R_ADDSTR);
    ptr->s_str -= ring_str;
    ptr->s_str += amt;
    if (ptr->s_str > 25)
	ptr->s_str = 25;
    if (ptr->s_str > max_stats.s_str)
	max_stats.s_str = ptr->s_str;
    ptr->s_str += ring_str;
    if (ptr->s_str <= 0)
    updpack(TRUE, &player);
 * let's confuse the player
    if (off(player, ISCLEAR))
	msg("Wait, what's going on here. Huh? What? Who?");
	if (find_slot(unconfuse))
	    lengthen(unconfuse, HUHDURATION);
	    fuse(unconfuse, NULL, HUHDURATION, AFTER);
	turn_on(player, ISHUH);
    else msg("You feel dizzy for a moment, but it quickly passes.");
 * this routine computes the players current dexterity
    if (cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET] != NULL		&&
	cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET]->o_which == MM_G_DEXTERITY) {
	if (cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET]->o_flags & ISCURSED)
	    return (3);
	    return (18);
	    return (pstats.s_dext);
 * diag_ok:
 *	Check to see if the move is legal if it is diagonal

diag_ok(coord *sp, coord *ep, struct thing *flgptr)
    register int numpaths = 0;

    /* Horizontal and vertical moves are always ok */
    if (ep->x == sp->x || ep->y == sp->y)
	return TRUE;

    /* Diagonal moves are not allowed if there is a horizontal or
     * vertical path to the destination
    if (step_ok(ep->y, sp->x, MONSTOK, flgptr)) numpaths++;
    if (step_ok(sp->y, ep->x, MONSTOK, flgptr)) numpaths++;
    return(numpaths != 1);
 * pick a random position around the give (y, x) coordinates
coord *
fallpos(coord *pos, bool be_clear, int range)
	register int tried, i, j;
	register char ch;
	static coord ret;
	static short masks[] = {
		0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100 };

 * Pick a spot at random centered on the position given by 'pos' and
 * up to 'range' squares away from 'pos'
 * If 'be_clear' is TRUE, the spot must be either FLOOR or PASSAGE
 * inorder to be considered valid
 * Generate a number from 0 to 8, representing the position to pick.
 * Note that this DOES include the positon 'pos' itself
 * If this position is not valid, mark it as 'tried', and pick another.
 * Whenever a position is picked that has been tried before,
 * sequentially find the next untried position. This eliminates costly
 * random number generation

	tried = 0;
	while( tried != 0x1ff ) {
		i = rnd(9);
		while( tried & masks[i] )
			i = (i + 1) % 9;

		tried |= masks[i];

		for( j = 1; j <= range; j++ ) {
			ret.x = pos->x + j*grid[i].x;
			ret.y = pos->y + j*grid[i].y;

			if (ret.x == hero.x && ret.y == hero.y)
				continue; /* skip the hero */

			if (ret.x < 0 || ret.x > cols - 1 ||
			    ret.y < 1 || ret.y > lines - 3)
				continue; /* off the screen? */

			ch = CCHAR( winat(ret.y, ret.x) );

			 * Check to make certain the spot is valid
			switch( ch ) {
			case FLOOR:
			case PASSAGE:
				return( &ret );
			case GOLD:
			case SCROLL:
			case POTION:
			case STICK:
			case RING:
			case WEAPON:
			case ARMOR:
			case MM:
			case FOOD:
				if(!be_clear && levtype != POSTLEV)
					return( &ret );
	return( NULL );

 * findmindex:
 *	Find the index into the monster table of a monster given its name.

findmindex(char *name)
    int which;

    for (which=1; which<NUMMONST; which++) {
	 if (strcmp(name, monsters[which].m_name) == 0)
    if (which >= NUMMONST) {
	 debug("couldn't find monster index");
	 which = 1;
 * find_mons:
 *	Find the monster from his coordinates

struct linked_list *
find_mons(int y, int x)
    register struct linked_list *item;
    register struct thing *th;

    for (item = mlist; item != NULL; item = next(item))
	th = THINGPTR(item);
	if (th->t_pos.y == y && th->t_pos.x == x)
	    return item;
    return NULL;
 * find_obj:
 *	find the unclaimed object at y, x

struct linked_list *
find_obj(int y, int x)
    register struct linked_list *obj;
    register struct object *op;

    for (obj = lvl_obj; obj != NULL; obj = next(obj))
	op = OBJPTR(obj);
	if (op->o_pos.y == y && op->o_pos.x == x)
		return obj;
    return NULL;
 * get coordinates from the player using the cursor keys (or mouse)
    register int which;
    coord c;
#ifdef PC7300
    struct umdata startmouse, listenmouse;	/* Mouse parameters */
    int xmouse,	/* x-position of mouse */
	ymouse, /* y-position of mouse */
	bmouse, /* button value of mouse */
	rmouse; /* reason for mouse change */

    c = hero;
    wmove(cw, hero.y, hero.x);
#ifdef PC7300
    keypad(0, 1);	/* Turn on escape sequences */
    ioctl(0, WIOCGETMOUSE, &startmouse); /* Get current mouse parameters */
    listenmouse = startmouse;	/* Make a copy */
    listenmouse.um_flags |= MSDOWN;	/* Enable detection of button down */
    ioctl(0, WIOCSETMOUSE, &listenmouse);	/* Make the change */
    for (;;) {
#ifdef PC7300
	which = wgetc(0);
	which = (getchar() & 0177);
	switch(which) {
#ifdef PC7300
	    case Home:
		c.x = 0; c.y = 1;
	    when Beg:
		c.x = 0;
	    when End:
		c.x = cols - 1;
	    when Mouse:
	    case ESCAPE:
	    case Cancl:
	    case s_Cancl:
		if (which == Mouse) {
		    if (wreadmouse(0,&xmouse,&ymouse,&bmouse,&rmouse) != 0 ||
			(rmouse & MSDOWN) == 0)
		    c.y = ymouse / wdata.uw_vs;
		    c.x = xmouse / wdata.uw_hs;
		    c.y = max(c.y, 1);
		    c.y = min(c.y, lines - 3);
		    c.x = max(c.x, 0);
		    c.x = min(c.x, cols - 1);
		else c = hero;
		wmove(cw, c.y, c.x);
	    case '\n':
	    case '\c':
		keypad(0, 0);	/* Turn off escape interpretation */
		ioctl(0, WIOCSETMOUSE, &startmouse); /* No mouse tracking */
	    when 'h':
	    case 'H':
	    case Back:
	    case s_Back:
	    when 'j':
	    case 'J':
	    case Down:
	    case RollDn:
	    when 'k':
	    case 'K':
	    case Up:
	    case RollUp:
	    when 'l':
	    case 'L':
	    case Forward:
	    case s_Forward:
	    when 'y':
	    case 'Y':
	    case Prev:
		c.x--; c.y--;
	    when 'u':
	    case 'U':
	    case Next:
		c.x++; c.y--;
	    when 'b':
	    case 'B':
	    case s_Prev:
		c.x--; c.y++;
	    when 'n':
	    case 'N':
	    case s_Next:
		c.x++; c.y++;
	    when '*':
		msg("Select location via mouse, or");
		msg("Use cursor keys,h,j,k,l,y,u,b,or n, then hit return.");
	    case ESCAPE:
		c = hero;
		wmove(cw, c.y, c.x);
	    case '\n':
	    case '\r':
	    when 'h':
	    case 'H':
	    when 'j':
	    case 'J':
	    when 'k':
	    case 'K':
	    when 'l':
	    case 'L':
	    when 'y':
	    case 'Y':
		c.x--; c.y--;
	    when 'u':
	    case 'U':
		c.x++; c.y--;
	    when 'b':
	    case 'B':
		c.x--; c.y++;
	    when 'n':
	    case 'N':
		c.x++; c.y++;
	    when '*':
		msg("Use h,j,k,l,y,u,b,n to position cursor, then hit return.");
	c.y = max(c.y, 1);
	c.y = min(c.y, lines - 3);
	c.x = max(c.x, 0);
	c.x = min(c.x, cols - 1);
	wmove(cw, c.y, c.x);
 * set up the direction co_ordinate for use in various "prefix" commands
get_dir(coord *direction)
    register char *prompt;
    register bool gotit;
    int x,y;

    prompt = terse ? "Direction?" :  "Which direction? ";
	gotit = TRUE;
	switch (md_readchar(msgw))
	    case 'h': case'H': direction->y =  0; direction->x = -1;
	    when 'j': case'J': direction->y =  1; direction->x =  0;
	    when 'k': case'K': direction->y = -1; direction->x =  0;
	    when 'l': case'L': direction->y =  0; direction->x =  1;
	    when 'y': case'Y': direction->y = -1; direction->x = -1;
	    when 'u': case'U': direction->y = -1; direction->x =  1;
	    when 'b': case'B': direction->y =  1; direction->x = -1;
	    when 'n': case'N': direction->y =  1; direction->x =  1;
	    case 0:
	    when 3: quit(0);
	    when ESCAPE: return (FALSE);
		mpos = 0;
		gotit = FALSE;
    } until (gotit);
    if ((on(player, ISHUH) || on(player, ISDANCE)) && rnd(100) > 20) {
	    *direction = grid[rnd(9)];
	} while (direction->y == 0 && direction->x == 0);
    else if (on(player, ISFLEE)) {
	    y = hero.y;
	    x = hero.x;
	    while (shoot_ok(winat(y, x))) {
		y += direction->y;
		x += direction->x;
	    if (isalpha(mvwinch(mw, y, x))) {
		if (y == player.t_dest->y && x == player.t_dest->x) {
		    mpos = 0;
		    msg("You are too frightened to!");
    mpos = 0;
    return TRUE;
 * see if the object is one of the currently used items
is_current(struct object *obj)
    if (obj == NULL)
	return FALSE;
    if (obj == cur_armor		|| obj == cur_weapon		|| 
	obj == cur_ring[LEFT_1]		|| obj == cur_ring[LEFT_2]	||
	obj == cur_ring[LEFT_3]		|| obj == cur_ring[LEFT_4]	||
	obj == cur_ring[RIGHT_1]	|| obj == cur_ring[RIGHT_2]	||
	obj == cur_ring[RIGHT_3]	|| obj == cur_ring[RIGHT_4]	||
	obj == cur_misc[WEAR_BOOTS]	|| obj == cur_misc[WEAR_JEWEL]	||
	obj == cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]	|| obj == cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK]	||
	obj == cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET]	|| obj == cur_misc[WEAR_NECKLACE]) {

	return TRUE;

    /* Is it a "current" relic? */
    if (obj->o_type == RELIC) {
	switch (obj->o_which) {
	    case MUSTY_DAGGER:
	    case EMORI_CLOAK:
	    case HEIL_ANKH:
	    case YENDOR_AMULET:
	    case HRUGGEK_MSTAR:
	    case AXE_AKLAD:
	    case SURTUR_RING:
		if (cur_relic[obj->o_which]) return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * Look:
 *	A quick glance all around the player
 * wakeup: Should we wake up monsters
 * runend: At end of a run -- for mazes

look(bool wakeup, bool runend)
    register int x, y, radius;
    register char ch, och;
    register int oldx, oldy;
    register bool inpass, horiz, vert, do_light = FALSE, do_blank = FALSE;
    register int passcount = 0, curfloorcount = 0, nextfloorcount = 0;
    register struct room *rp;
    register int ey, ex;

    inpass = ((rp = roomin(&hero)) == NULL); /* Are we in a passage? */

    /* Are we moving vertically or horizontally? */
    if (runch == 'h' || runch == 'l') horiz = TRUE;
    else horiz = FALSE;
    if (runch == 'j' || runch == 'k') vert = TRUE;
    else vert = FALSE;

    /* How far around himself can the player see? */
    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) {
	if (daytime) radius = 6;
	else if (lit_room(rp)) radius = 3;
	else radius = 1;
    else radius = 1;

    getyx(cw, oldy, oldx);	/* Save current position */

    /* Blank out the floor around our last position and check for
     * moving out of a corridor in a maze.
    if (levtype == OUTSIDE) do_blank = !daytime;
    else if (oldrp != NULL && !lit_room(oldrp) && off(player, ISBLIND))
	    do_blank = TRUE;

    /* Now move around the old position and blank things out */
    ey = player.t_oldpos.y + radius;
    ex = player.t_oldpos.x + radius;
    for (x = player.t_oldpos.x - radius; x <= ex; x++)
      if (x >= 0 && x < cols)
	for (y = player.t_oldpos.y - radius; y <= ey; y++) {
	    struct linked_list *it;
	    coord here;		/* Current <x,y> coordinate */
	    char savech;	/* Saves character in monster window */
	    bool in_room;	/* Are we in a room? */

	    if (y < 1 || y > lines - 3) continue;

	    /* See what's there -- ignore monsters, just see what they're on */
	    savech = CCHAR( mvwinch(mw, y, x) );
	    waddch(mw, ' ');
	    ch = show(y, x);
	    mvwaddch(mw, y, x, savech);	/* Restore monster */

	     * If we have a monster that we can't see anymore, make sure
	     * that we can note that fact.
	    if (isalpha(savech) &&
		(y < hero.y - radius || y > hero.y + radius ||
		 x < hero.x - radius || x > hero.x + radius)) {
		/* Find the monster */
		it = find_mons(y, x);
	    else it = NULL;

	    /* Are we in a room? */
	    here.y = y;
	    here.x = x;
	    in_room = (roomin(&here) != NULL);

	    if ((do_blank || !in_room) && (y != hero.y || x != hero.x))
		switch (ch) {
		    case DOOR:
		    case SECRETDOOR:
		    case PASSAGE:
		    case STAIRS:
		    case TRAPDOOR:
		    case TELTRAP:
		    case BEARTRAP:
		    case SLEEPTRAP:
		    case ARROWTRAP:
		    case DARTTRAP:
		    case MAZETRAP:
		    case POOL:
		    case POST:
		    case '|':
		    case '-':
		    case WALL:
			/* If there was a monster showing, make it disappear */
			if (isalpha(savech)) {
			    mvwaddch(cw, y, x, ch);

			     * If we found it (we should!), set it to
			     * the right character!
			    if (it) (THINGPTR(it))->t_oldch = ch;
		    when FLOOR:
		    case FOREST:
			mvwaddch(cw, y, x, in_room ? ' ' : PASSAGE);

			/* If we found a monster, set it to darkness! */
			if (it) (THINGPTR(it))->t_oldch = CCHAR( mvwinch(cw, y, x) );
	    /* Moving out of a corridor? */
	    if (levtype == MAZELEV && !ce(hero, player.t_oldpos) &&
		!running && !isrock(ch) &&  /* Not running and not a wall */
		((vert && x != player.t_oldpos.x && y==player.t_oldpos.y) ||
		 (horiz && y != player.t_oldpos.y && x==player.t_oldpos.x)))
		    do_light = off(player, ISBLIND);

    /* Take care of unlighting a corridor */
    if (do_light && lit_room(rp)) light(&player.t_oldpos);

    /* Are we coming or going between a wall and a corridor in a maze? */
    och = show(player.t_oldpos.y, player.t_oldpos.x);
    ch = show(hero.y, hero.x);
    if (levtype == MAZELEV &&
	((isrock(och) && !isrock(ch)) || (isrock(ch) && !isrock(och)))) {
	do_light = off(player, ISBLIND); /* Light it up if not blind */

	/* Unlight what we just saw */
	if (do_light && lit_room(&rooms[0])) light(&player.t_oldpos);

    /* Look around the player */
    ey = hero.y + radius;
    ex = hero.x + radius;
    for (x = hero.x - radius; x <= ex; x++)
	if (x >= 0 && x < cols) for (y = hero.y - radius; y <= ey; y++) {
	    if (y < 1 || y >= lines - 2)
	    if (isalpha(mvwinch(mw, y, x)))
		register struct linked_list *it;
		register struct thing *tp;

		if (wakeup)
		    it = wake_monster(y, x);
		    it = find_mons(y, x);

		if (it) {
		    tp = THINGPTR(it);
		    tp->t_oldch = CCHAR( mvinch(y, x) );
		    if (isatrap(tp->t_oldch)) {
			register struct trap *trp = trap_at(y, x);

			tp->t_oldch = (trp->tr_flags & ISFOUND) ? tp->t_oldch
								: trp->tr_show;
		    if (tp->t_oldch == FLOOR && !lit_room(rp) &&
			off(player, ISBLIND))
			    tp->t_oldch = ' ';

	     * Secret doors show as walls
	    if ((ch = show(y, x)) == SECRETDOOR)
		ch = secretdoor(y, x);
	     * Don't show room walls if he is in a passage and
	     * check for maze turns
	    if (off(player, ISBLIND))
		if (y == hero.y && x == hero.x
		    || (inpass && (ch == '-' || ch == '|')))

		/* Did we come to a crossroads in a maze? */
		if (levtype == MAZELEV &&
		    (runend || !ce(hero, player.t_oldpos)) &&
		    !isrock(ch) &&	/* Not a wall */
		    ((vert && x != hero.x && y == hero.y) ||
		     (horiz && y != hero.y && x == hero.x)))
			/* Just came to a turn */
			do_light = off(player, ISBLIND);
	    else if (y != hero.y || x != hero.x)

	    wmove(cw, y, x);
	    waddch(cw, ch);
	    if (door_stop && !firstmove && running)
		switch (runch)
		    case 'h':
			if (x == hero.x + 1)
		    when 'j':
			if (y == hero.y - 1)
		    when 'k':
			if (y == hero.y + 1)
		    when 'l':
			if (x == hero.x - 1)
		    when 'y':
			if ((x + y) - (hero.x + hero.y) >= 1)
		    when 'u':
			if ((y - x) - (hero.y - hero.x) >= 1)
		    when 'n':
			if ((x + y) - (hero.x + hero.y) <= -1)
		    when 'b':
			if ((y - x) - (hero.y - hero.x) <= -1)
		switch (ch)
		    case DOOR:
			if (x == hero.x || y == hero.y)
			    running = FALSE;
		    case PASSAGE:
			if (x == hero.x || y == hero.y)
		    case FLOOR:
			/* Stop by new passages in a maze (floor next to us) */
			if ((levtype == MAZELEV) &&
			    !(hero.y == y && hero.x == x)) {
			    if (vert) {	/* Moving vertically */
				/* We have a passage on our row */
				if (y == hero.y) curfloorcount++;

				/* Some passage on the next row */
				else if (y != player.t_oldpos.y)
			    else {	/* Moving horizontally */
				/* We have a passage on our column */
				if (x == hero.x) curfloorcount++;

				/* Some passage in the next column */
				else if (x != player.t_oldpos.x)
		    case '|':
		    case '-':
		    case ' ':
			running = FALSE;

    /* Have we passed a side passage, with multiple choices? */
    if (curfloorcount > 0 && nextfloorcount > 0) running = FALSE;

    else if (door_stop && !firstmove && passcount > 1)
	running = FALSE;

    /* Do we have to light up the area (just stepped into a new corridor)? */
    if (do_light && !running && lit_room(rp)) light(&hero);

    mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
    wmove(cw, oldy, oldx);
    if (!ce(player.t_oldpos, hero)) {
	player.t_oldpos = hero; /* Don't change if we didn't move */
	oldrp = rp;
 * Lower a level of experience 

lower_level(short who)
    int fewer, nsides;
    unsigned int exp;

    msg("You suddenly feel less skillful.");
    if (--pstats.s_lvl == 0)
	death(who);		/* All levels gone */
    if (pstats.s_lvladj > 0) { /* lose artificial levels first */
    exp = char_class[player.t_ctype].cap;
    if (pstats.s_exp >= exp*2)
	pstats.s_exp -= exp;
	pstats.s_exp /= 2;

    nsides = char_class[player.t_ctype].hit_pts;
    fewer = max(1, roll(1,nsides) + const_bonus());
    pstats.s_hpt -= fewer;
    max_stats.s_hpt -= fewer;
    if (pstats.s_hpt < 1)
	pstats.s_hpt = 1;
    if (max_stats.s_hpt < 1)
 * print out the name of a monster
char *
monster_name(struct thing *tp)
    prbuf[0] = '\0';
    if (on(*tp, ISFLEE) || on(*tp, WASTURNED))
	strcat(prbuf, "terrified ");
    if (on(*tp, ISHUH))
	strcat(prbuf, "confused ");
    if (on(*tp, ISCHARMED))
	strcat(prbuf, "charmed ");
    else if (on(*tp, ISFLY))
	strcat(prbuf, "flying ");

    /* If it is sleeping or stoned, write over any of the above attributes */
    if (off(*tp, ISRUN))
	strcpy(prbuf, "sleeping ");
    if (on(*tp, ISSTONE))
	strcpy(prbuf, "petrified ");

    if (tp->t_name) strcat(prbuf, tp->t_name);
    else strcat(prbuf, monsters[tp->t_index].m_name);

 * move_hero:
 *	Try to move the hero somplace besides next to where he is.  We ask him
 *	where.  There can be restrictions based on why he is moving.

move_hero(int why)
    char *action = "";
    char which;
    coord c;

    switch (why) {
	    action = "teleport";

    msg("Where do you wish to %s to? (* for help) ", action);
    c = get_coordinates();
    mpos = 0;
    which = CCHAR( winat(c.y, c.x) );
    switch (which) {
	    if (!isrock(which) || off(player, CANINWALL)) break;

	case FLOOR:
	case PASSAGE:
	case DOOR:
	case STAIRS:
	case POST:
	case GOLD:
	case POTION:
	case SCROLL:
	case FOOD:
	case WEAPON:
	case ARMOR:
	case RING:
	case MM:
	case RELIC:
	case STICK:
	    hero = c;
 * raise_level:
 *	The guy just magically went up a level.

    unsigned long test;	/* Next level -- be sure it is not an overflow */

    test = check_level();	/* Get next boundary */

    /* Be sure it is higher than what we have no -- else overflow */
    if (test > pstats.s_exp) pstats.s_exp = test;
 * saving throw matrix for character saving throws
 * this table is indexed by char type and saving throw type
static int st_matrix[NUM_CHARTYPES][5] = {
/* Poison,	Petrify,	wand,		Breath,		Magic */
{ 14,		15,		16,		16,		17 },
{ 14,		15,		16,		16,		17 },
{ 14,		15,		16,		16,		17 },
{ 14,		13,		11,		15,		12 },
{ 10,		13,		14,		16,		15 },
{ 13,		12,		14,		16,		15 },
{ 13,		12,		14,		16,		15 },
{ 10,		13,		14,		16,		15 },
{ 13,		12,		14,		16,		15 },
{ 14,		15,		16,		16,		17 }

 * save:
 *	See if a creature saves against something
 * which: which type of save
 * who: who is saving
 * adj: saving throw adjustment
save(int which, struct thing *who, int adj)
    register int need, level, protect;

    protect = 0;
    level = who->t_stats.s_lvl;
    need = st_matrix[who->t_ctype][which];
    switch (who->t_ctype) {
    case C_FIGHTER:
    case C_RANGER:
    case C_PALADIN:
    case C_MONSTER:
	need -= (level-1) / 2;
    when C_MAGICIAN:
	need -= 2 * (level-1) / 5;
    when C_CLERIC:
    case C_DRUID:
	need -= (level-1) / 3;
    when C_THIEF:
    case C_ASSASIN:
    case C_MONK:
	need -= 2 * (level-1) / 4;
     * add in pluses against poison for execeptional constitution 
    if (which == VS_POISON && who->t_stats.s_const > 18)
	need -= (who->t_stats.s_const - 17) / 2;
    if (who == &player) {
	 * does the player have a ring of protection on?
	protect +=  ring_value(R_PROTECT);
	 * does the player have a cloak of protection on?
        if (cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK])
	    protect += cur_misc[WEAR_CLOAK]->o_ac;

        protect = min(protect, 4);/* no more than a +4 bonus */
        need -= protect;
    need -= adj;
     * always miss or save on a 1 (except for UNIQUEs
    if (who == &player || off(*who, ISUNIQUE))
	need = max(need, 2);
    need = min(20, need); /* always make our save on a 20 */
    debug("need a %d to save", need);
    return (roll(1, 20) >= need);

 * secret_door:
 *	Figure out what a secret door looks like.

secretdoor(int y, int x)
    register int i;
    register struct room *rp;
    register coord *cpp;
    static coord cp;

    cp.y = y;
    cp.x = x;
    cpp = &cp;
    for (rp = rooms, i = 0; i < MAXROOMS; rp++, i++)
	if (inroom(rp, cpp))
	    if (y == rp->r_pos.y || y == rp->r_pos.y + rp->r_max.y - 1)

 * this routine computes the players current strength
    if (cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET] != NULL		&&
	cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET]->o_which == MM_G_OGRE) {
	if (cur_misc[WEAR_GAUNTLET]->o_flags & ISCURSED)
	    return (3);
	    return (18);
	    return (pstats.s_str);
 * copy string using unctrl for things
strucpy(char *s1, char *s2, int len)
    register char *sp;

    while (len--)
	strcpy(s1, (sp = unctrl(*s2++)));
	s1 += strlen(sp);
    *s1 = '\0';
 * tr_name:
 *	print the name of a trap

char *
tr_name(char ch)
    register char *s = "";

    switch (ch)
	    s = terse ? "A trapdoor." : "You found a trapdoor.";
	    s = terse ? "A beartrap." : "You found a beartrap.";
	    s = terse ? "A sleeping gas trap.":"You found a sleeping gas trap.";
	    s = terse ? "An arrow trap." : "You found an arrow trap.";
	when TELTRAP:
	    s = terse ? "A teleport trap." : "You found a teleport trap.";
	    s = terse ? "A dart trap." : "You found a poison dart trap.";
	when POOL:
	    s = terse ? "A shimmering pool." : "You found a shimmering pool";
	    s = terse ? "A maze entrance." : "You found a maze entrance";
    return s;
 * for printfs: if string starts with a vowel, return "n" for an "an"
char *
vowelstr(char *str)
    switch (*str)
	case 'a':
	case 'e':
	case 'i':
	case 'o':
	case 'u':
	    return "n";
	    return "";
 * wake up a room full (hopefully) of creatures
wake_room(struct room *rp)
	register struct linked_list *item;
	register struct thing *tp;

	for (item=mlist; item!=NULL; item=next(item)) {
	    tp = THINGPTR(item);
	    if (off(*tp,ISRUN) && on(*tp,ISMEAN) && roomin(&tp->t_pos) == rp)
		runto(tp, &hero);
 * waste_time:
 *	Do nothing but let other things happen

    if (inwhgt)			/* if from wghtchk then done */