comparison rogue4/ @ 12:9535a08ddc39

Import Rogue 5.2 from the Roguelike Restoration Project (r1490)
author edwarj4
date Sat, 24 Oct 2009 16:52:52 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
11:949d558c2162 12:9535a08ddc39
1 .ds E \s-2<ESCAPE>\s0
2 .ds R \s-2<RETURN>\s0
3 .ds U \s-2UNIX\s0
4 .ie t .ds _ \d\(mi\u
5 .el .ds _ _
6 .de Cs
7 \&\\$3\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2
8 ..
9 .sp 5
10 .ce 1000
11 .ps +4
12 .vs +4p
13 .b
14 A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom
15 .r
16 .vs
17 .ps
18 .sp 2
19 .i
20 Michael C. Toy
21 Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold
22 .r
23 .sp 2
24 Computer Systems Research Group
25 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
26 University of California
27 Berkeley, California 94720
28 .sp 4
30 .ce 0
31 .(b I F
32 .bi Rogue
33 is a visual CRT based fantasy game
34 which runs under the \*U\(dg timesharing system.
35 .(f
36 \fR\(dg\*U is a trademark of Bell Laboratories\fP
37 .)f
38 This paper describes how to play rogue,
39 and gives a few hints
40 for those who might otherwise get lost in the Dungeons of Doom.
41 .)b
42 .he '''\fBA Guide to the Dungeons of Doom\fP'
43 .fo ''- % -''
44 .bp 1
45 .sh 1 Introduction
46 .pp
47 You have just finished your years as a student at the local fighter's guild.
48 After much practice and sweat you have finally completed your training
49 and are ready to embark upon a perilous adventure.
50 As a test of your skills,
51 the local guildmasters have sent you into the Dungeons of Doom.
52 Your task is to return with the Amulet of Yendor.
53 Your reward for the completion of this task
54 will be a full membership in the local guild.
55 In addition,
56 you are allowed to keep all the loot you bring back from the dungeons.
57 .pp
58 In preparation for your journey,
59 you are given an enchanted mace,
60 a bow, and a quiver of arrows
61 taken from a dragon's hoard in the far off Dark Mountains.
62 You are also outfitted with elf-crafted armor
63 and given enough food to reach the dungeons.
64 You say goodbye to family and friends for what may be the last time
65 and head up the road.
66 .pp
67 You set out on your way to the dungeons
68 and after several days of uneventful travel,
69 you see the ancient ruins
70 that mark the entrance to the Dungeons of Doom.
71 It is late at night,
72 so you make camp at the entrance
73 and spend the night sleeping under the open skies.
74 In the morning you gather your mace,
75 put on your armor,
76 eat what is almost your last food,
77 and enter the dungeons.
78 .sh 1 "What is going on here?"
79 .pp
80 You have just begun a game of rogue.
81 Your goal is to grab as much treasure as you can,
82 find the Amulet of Yendor,
83 and get out of the Dungeons of Doom alive.
84 On the screen,
85 a map of where you have been
86 and what you have seen on the current dungeon level is kept.
87 As you explore more of the level,
88 it appears on the screen in front of you.
89 .pp
90 Rogue differs from most computer fantasy games in that it is screen oriented.
91 Commands are all one or two keystrokes\**
92 .(f
93 \** As opposed to pseudo English sentences.
94 .)f
95 and the results of your commands
96 are displayed graphically on the screen rather
97 than being explained in words.
98 .pp
99 Another major difference between rogue and other computer fantasy games
100 is that once you have solved all the puzzles in a standard fantasy game,
101 it has lost most of its excitement and it ceases to be fun.
102 Rogue,
103 on the other hand,
104 generates a new dungeon every time you play it
105 and even the author finds it an entertaining and exciting game.
106 .sh 1 "What do all those things on the screen mean?"
107 .pp
108 In order to understand what is going on in rogue
109 you have to first get some grasp of what rogue is doing with the screen.
110 The rogue screen is intended
111 to replace the \*(lqYou can see ...\*(rq descriptions
112 of standard fantasy games.
113 Figure 1 is a sample of what a rogue screen might look like.
114 .(z
115 .hl
116 .nf
117 .TS
118 center;
119 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce0 ce.
120 - - - - - - - - - - - -
121 | . . . . . . . . . . +
122 | . . @ . . . . ] . . |
123 | . . . . B . . . . . |
124 | . . . . . . . . . . |
125 - - - - - + - - - - - -
126 .TE
129 .ce 1000
130 Level: 1 Gold: 0 Hp: 12(12) Str: 16(16) Ac: 6 Exp: 1/0
132 Figure 1
133 .ce
134 .hl
135 .)z
136 .sh 2 "The bottom line"
137 .pp
138 At the bottom line of the screen
139 are a few pieces of cryptic information
140 describing your current status.
141 Here is an explanation of what these things mean:
142 .ip Level \w'Level\ \ 'u
143 This number indicates how deep you have gone in the dungeon.
144 It starts at one and goes up as you go deeper into the dungeon.
145 .ip Gold \w'Level\ \ 'u
146 The number of gold pieces you have managed to find
147 and keep with you so far.
148 .ip Hp \w'Level\ \ 'u
149 Your current and maximum hit points.
150 Hit points indicate how much damage you can take before you die.
151 The more you get hit in a fight,
152 the lower they get.
153 You can regain hit points by resting.
154 The number in parentheses
155 is the maximum number your hit points can reach.
156 .ip Str \w'Level\ \ 'u
157 Your current strength and maximum ever strength.
158 This can be any integer less than or equal to 31,
159 or greater than or equal to three.
160 The higher the number,
161 the stronger you are.
162 The number in the parentheses
163 is the maximum strength you have attained so far this game.
164 .ip Ac \w'Level\ \ 'u
165 Your current armor class.
166 This number indicates how effective your armor is
167 in stopping blows from unfriendly creatures.
168 The lower this number is,
169 the more effective the armor.
170 .ip Exp \w'Level\ \ 'u
171 These two numbers give your current experience level
172 and experience points.
173 As you do things,
174 you gain experience points.
175 At certain experience point totals,
176 you gain an experience level.
177 The more experienced you are,
178 the better you are able to fight and to withstand magical attacks.
179 .sh 2 "The top line"
180 .pp
181 The top line of the screen is reserved
182 for printing messages that describe things
183 that are impossible to represent visually.
184 If you see a \*(lq--More--\*(rq on the top line,
185 this means that rogue wants to print another message on the screen,
186 but it wants to make certain
187 that you have read the one that is there first.
188 To read the next message,
189 just type a space.
190 .sh 2 "The rest of the screen"
191 .pp
192 The rest of the screen is the map of the level
193 as you have explored it so far.
194 Each symbol on the screen represents something.
195 Here is a list of what the various symbols mean:
196 .ip @
197 This symbol represents you, the adventurer.
198 .ip "-\^|"
199 These symbols represent the walls of rooms.
200 .ip +
201 A door to/from a room.
202 .ip .
203 The floor of a room.
204 .ip #
205 The floor of a passage between rooms.
206 .ip *
207 A pile or pot of gold.
208 .ip )
209 A weapon of some sort.
210 .ip ]
211 A piece of armor.
212 .ip !
213 A flask containing a magic potion.
214 .ip ?
215 A piece of paper, usually a magic scroll.
216 .ip =
217 A ring with magic properties
218 .ip /
219 A magical staff or wand
220 .ip ^
221 A trap, watch out for these.
222 .ip %
223 A staircase to other levels
224 .ip :
225 A piece of food.
226 .ip A-Z
227 The uppercase letters
228 represent the various inhabitants of the Dungeons of Doom.
229 Watch out, they can be nasty and vicious.
230 .sh 1 Commands
231 .pp
232 Commands are given to rogue by typing one or two characters.
233 Most commands can be preceded by a count to repeat them
234 (e.g. typing
235 .Cs 10s
236 will do ten searches).
237 Commands for which counts make no sense
238 have the count ignored.
239 To cancel a count or a prefix,
240 type \*E.
241 The list of commands is rather long,
242 but it can be read at any time during the game with the
243 .Cs ?
244 command.
245 Here it is for reference,
246 with a short explanation of each command.
247 .ip ?
248 The help command.
249 Asks for a character to give help on.
250 If you type a
251 .Cs * ,
252 it will list all the commands,
253 otherwise it will explain what the character you typed does.
254 .ip /
255 This is the \*(lqWhat is that on the screen?\*(rq command.
256 A
257 .Cs /
258 followed by any character that you see on the level,
259 will tell you what that character is.
260 For instance,
261 typing
262 .Cs /@
263 will tell you that the
264 .Cs @
265 symbol represents you, the player.
266 .ip "h, H"
267 Move left.
268 You move one space to the left.
269 If you use upper case
270 .Cs h ,
271 you will continue to move left until you run into something.
272 This works for all movement commands
273 (e.g.
274 .Cs L
275 means run in direction
276 .Cs l )
277 .ip j
278 Move down.
279 .ip k
280 Move up.
281 .ip l
282 Move right.
283 .ip y
284 Move diagonally up and left.
285 .ip u
286 Move diagonally up and right.
287 .ip b
288 Move diagonally down and left.
289 .ip n
290 Move diagonally down and right.
291 .ip t
292 Throw an object.
293 This is a prefix command.
294 When followed with a direction
295 it throws an object in the specified direction.
296 (e.g. type
297 .Cs th
298 to throw
299 something to the left.)
300 .ip f
301 Find prefix.
302 When followed by a direction
303 it means to continue moving in the specified direction
304 until you pass something interesting or run into a wall.
305 You should experiment with this,
306 since it is a very useful command,
307 but very difficult to describe.
308 .ip z
309 Zap prefix.
310 Point a staff or wand in a given direction
311 and fire it.
312 Even non-directional staves must be pointed in some direction
313 to be used.
314 .ip ^
315 Identify trap command.
316 If a trap is on your map
317 and you can't remember what type it is,
318 you can get rogue to remind you
319 by getting next to it and typing
320 .Cs ^
321 followed by the direction that would move you on top of it.
322 .ip s
323 Search for traps and secret doors.
324 Examine each space immediately adjacent to you
325 for the existence of a trap or secret door.
326 There is a large chance that even if there is something there,
327 you won't find it,
328 so you might have to search a while before you find something.
329 .ip >
330 Climb down a staircase to the next level.
331 Not surprisingly, this can only be done if you are standing on staircase.
332 .ip <
333 Climb up a staircase to the level above.
334 This can't be done without the Amulet of Yendor in your posession.
335 .ip "."
336 Rest.
337 This is the \*(lqdo nothing\*(rq command.
338 This is good for waiting and healing.
339 .ip i
340 Inventory.
341 List what you are carrying in your pack.
342 .ip I
343 Selective inventory.
344 Tells you what a single item in your pack is.
345 .ip q
346 Quaff one of the potions you are carrying.
347 .ip r
348 Read one of the scrolls in your pack.
349 .ip e
350 Eat food from your pack.
351 .ip w
352 Wield a weapon.
353 Take a weapon out of your pack and carry it for use in combat,
354 replacing the one you are currently using (if any).
355 .ip W
356 Wear armor.
357 You can only wear one suit of armor at a time.
358 This takes extra time.
359 .ip T
360 Take armor off.
361 You can't remove armor that is cursed.
362 This takes extra time.
363 .ip P
364 Put on a ring.
365 You can wear only two rings at a time
366 (one on each hand).
367 If you aren't wearing any rings,
368 this command will ask you which hand you want to wear it on,
369 otherwise, it will place it on the unused hand.
370 The program assumes that you wield your sword in your right hand.
371 .ip R
372 Remove a ring.