diff arogue7/effects.c @ 125:adfa37e67084

Import Advanced Rogue 7.7 from the Roguelike Restoration Project (r1490)
author John "Elwin" Edwards
date Fri, 08 May 2015 15:24:40 -0400
children b786053d2f37
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/arogue7/effects.c	Fri May 08 15:24:40 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+ * effects.c  -  functions for dealing with appllying effects to monsters
+ *
+ * Advanced Rogue
+ * Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Michael Morgan, Ken Dalka and AT&T
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Based on "Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom"
+ * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
+ */
+#include "curses.h"
+#include "rogue.h"
+ * effect:
+ *	Check for effects of one thing hitting another thing.  Return
+ *	the reason code if the defender is killed.  Otherwise return 0.
+ */
+effect(att, def, weap, thrown, see_att, see_def)
+register struct thing *att, *def;
+struct object *weap;
+bool thrown;
+register bool see_att, see_def;
+    register bool att_player, def_player;
+    char attname[LINELEN+1], defname[LINELEN+1];
+    /* See if the attacker or defender is the player */
+    att_player = (att == &player);
+    def_player = (def == &player);
+    /*
+     * If the player could see the attacker or defender, they can't
+     * surprise anymore (don't bother checking if they could).
+     */
+    if (see_att) turn_off(*att, CANSURPRISE);
+    if (see_def) turn_off(*def, CANSURPRISE);
+    /* What are the attacker and defender names? */
+    if (att_player) strcpy(attname, "you");
+    else {
+	if (see_att) strcpy(attname, monster_name(att));
+	else strcpy(attname, "something");
+    }
+    if (def_player) strcpy(defname, "you");
+    else {
+	if (see_def) strcpy(defname, monster_name(def));
+	else strcpy(defname, "something");
+    }
+    /*
+     * See what happens to the attacker first.  We can skip this
+     * whole section, however, if the defender is the player.
+     * Nothing happens (yet) to anyone just for hitting the player.
+     */
+    if (!def_player) {
+	if (!thrown) {	/* Some things require a direct hit. */
+	    /*
+	     * If the attacker hits a rusting monster, The weapon
+	     * may be damaged
+	     */
+	    if (on(*def, CANRUST)	&& weap				&&
+		weap->o_type != RELIC	&& (weap->o_flags & ISMETAL)	&&
+		!(weap->o_flags & ISPROT)) {
+		    if ((weap->o_hplus < 1 && weap->o_dplus < 1) ||
+			roll(1,20) < weap->o_hplus+weap->o_dplus+10) {
+			    if (rnd(100) < 50) weap->o_hplus--;
+			    else               weap->o_dplus--;
+			    if (att_player)
+				msg(terse ? "Your %s weakens!"
+					  : "Your %s appears to be weaker now!",
+				    weaps[weap->o_which].w_name);
+		    }
+	    }
+	}
+	/* If the attacker hit something that shrieks, wake the dungeon */
+	if (on(*def, CANSHRIEK)) {
+	    turn_off(*def, CANSHRIEK);
+	    if (see_def)
+		msg("%s emits a piercing shriek.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+	    else msg("You hear a piercing shriek.");
+	    aggravate(TRUE, TRUE);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * does the creature explode when hit?
+	 */
+	if (on(*def, CANEXPLODE)) {
+	    if (see_def) msg("%s explodes!", prname(defname, TRUE));
+	    else msg("You hear a tremendous explosion!");
+	    explode(def);
+	    if (pstats.s_hpt <= 0)
+	        death(def->t_index);
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now let's see what happens to the defender.  Start out with
+     * the things that everyone can do.  Then exit if the attacker
+     * is the player.
+     */
+    if (!thrown) {
+	/* 
+	 * Can the player confuse? 
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, CANHUH) && att_player) {
+	    msg("Your hands stop glowing red.");
+	    if (off(*def, ISCLEAR) && 
+	       (off(*def, ISUNIQUE) || !save(VS_MAGIC, def, 0))) {
+		if (see_def) msg("%s appears confused.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+		turn_on(*def, ISHUH);
+	    }
+	    turn_off(*att, CANHUH);
+	}
+	/* Return now if the attacker is the player. */
+	if (att_player) return(0);
+	/*
+	 * Some monsters may take half your hit points
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, CANSUCK) && !save(VS_MAGIC, def, 0)) {
+	    if (def->t_stats.s_hpt == 1) return(att->t_index); /* Killed! */
+	    else {
+	        def->t_stats.s_hpt /= 2;
+	        if (def_player)
+		    msg("You feel your life force being drawn from you.");
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If a hugging monster hits, it may SQUEEEEEEEZE.
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, CANHUG)) {
+	    if (roll(1,20) >= 18 || roll(1,20) >= 18) {
+		if (def_player)
+		    msg("%s squeezes you against itself.",
+				prname(attname, TRUE));
+		else if (see_att)
+		    msg("%s squeezes hard.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+		if ((def->t_stats.s_hpt -= roll(2,8)) <= 0)
+		    return(att->t_index);
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Some monsters have poisonous bites.
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, CANPOISON) && !save(VS_POISON, def, 0)) {
+	    if (def_player) {
+		    msg(terse ? "Sting has no effect"
+			      : "A sting momentarily weakens you");
+		else {
+		    chg_str(-1);
+		    msg(terse ? "A sting has weakened you" :
+		    "You feel a sting in your arm and now feel weaker");
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		/* Subtract a strength point and see if it kills it */
+		if (--def->t_stats.s_str <= 0) return(D_STRENGTH);
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Turning to stone:
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, TOUCHSTONE)) {
+	    if (def_player) turn_off(*att, TOUCHSTONE);
+	    if (on(*def, CANINWALL)) {
+		if (def_player)
+		    msg("%s's touch has no effect.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+	    }
+	    else {
+		if (!save(VS_PETRIFICATION, def, 0) && rnd(100) < 10) {
+		    if (def_player) {
+			msg("Your body begins to solidify.");
+			msg("You are turned to stone !!! --More--");
+			wait_for(' ');
+			return(D_PETRIFY);
+		    }
+		    else {
+			/* The monster got stoned! */
+			turn_on(*def, ISSTONE);
+			turn_off(*def, ISRUN);
+			turn_off(*def, ISINVIS);
+			turn_off(*def, ISDISGUISE);
+			if (see_def)
+			    msg("%s turns to stone.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+			else if (cansee(unc(def->t_pos)))
+			    msg("A new statue appears!");
+		    }
+		}
+		else if (def->t_action != A_FREEZE) {
+		    if (def_player)
+			msg("%s's touch stiffens your limbs.",
+					prname(attname, TRUE));
+		    else if (see_def)
+			msg("%s appears to freeze.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+		    def->t_no_move += movement(def) * STONETIME;
+		    def->t_action = A_FREEZE;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Wraiths might drain energy levels
+	 */
+	if ((on(*att, CANDRAIN) || on(*att, DOUBLEDRAIN)) && 
+	    !save(VS_POISON, def, 3-(att->t_stats.s_lvl/5))) {
+	    if (def_player) {
+		lower_level(att->t_index);
+		if (on(*att, DOUBLEDRAIN)) lower_level(att->t_index);
+		turn_on(*att, DIDDRAIN);  
+	    }
+	    else {
+		def->t_stats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 8);
+		def->t_stats.s_lvl--;
+		if (on(*att, DOUBLEDRAIN)) {
+		    def->t_stats.s_hpt -= roll(1, 8);
+		    def->t_stats.s_lvl--;
+		}
+		if (see_def)
+		    msg("%s appears less skillfull.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+		/* Did it kill it? */
+		if (def->t_stats.s_hpt <= 0 ||
+		    def->t_stats.s_lvl <= 0)
+		    return(att->t_index);
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Paralyzation:
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, CANPARALYZE) && def->t_action != A_FREEZE) {
+	    if (def_player) turn_off(*att, CANPARALYZE);
+	    if (!save(VS_PARALYZATION, def, 0)) {
+		if (on(*def, CANINWALL)) {
+		    if (def_player)
+			msg("%s's touch has no effect.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+		}
+		else {
+		    if (def_player)
+			msg("%s's touch paralyzes you.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+		    else if (see_def)
+			msg("%s appears to freeze.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+		    def->t_no_move += movement(def) * FREEZETIME;
+		    def->t_action = A_FREEZE;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Painful wounds make the defendant faint
+	 */
+	 if (on(*att, CANPAIN) && def->t_action != A_FREEZE) {
+	    if (def_player) turn_off(*att, CANPAIN);
+	    if (!ISWEARING(R_ALERT) && !save(VS_POISON, def, 0)) {
+		    if (def_player)
+			msg("You faint from the painful wound");
+		    else if (see_def)
+			msg("%s appears to faint.", prname(defname, TRUE));
+		    def->t_no_move += movement(def) * PAINTIME;
+		    def->t_action = A_FREEZE;
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Some things currently affect only the player.  Let's make
+	 * a check here so we don't have to check for each thing.
+	 */
+	if (def_player) {
+	/*
+	 * Stinking monsters make the defender weaker (to hit).  For now
+	 * this will only affect the player.  We may later add the HASSTINK
+	 * effect to monsters, too.
+	 */
+	    if (on(*att, CANSTINK)) {
+		turn_off(*att, CANSTINK);
+		if (!save(VS_POISON, def, 0)) {
+		    msg("The stench of %s sickens you.",
+				prname(attname, FALSE));
+		    if (on(player, HASSTINK)) lengthen(unstink, STINKTIME);
+		    else {
+			turn_on(player, HASSTINK);
+			fuse(unstink, 0, STINKTIME, AFTER);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Chilling monster reduces strength each time.  This only
+	     * affects the player for now because of its temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANCHILL)) {
+		if (!ISWEARING(R_SUSABILITY) && !save(VS_POISON, def, 0)) {
+		    msg("You cringe at %s's chilling touch.",
+				prname(attname, FALSE));
+		    chg_str(-1);
+		    if (lost_str++ == 0)
+			fuse(res_strength, 0, CHILLTIME, AFTER);
+		    else lengthen(res_strength, CHILLTIME);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Itching monsters reduce dexterity (temporarily).  This only
+	     * affects the player for now because of its temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANITCH) && !save(VS_POISON, def, 0)) {
+		msg("The claws of %s scratch you.", prname(attname, FALSE));
+		    msg("The scratch has no effect");
+		}
+		else {
+		    add_abil[A_DEXTERITY](-1);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * If a disease-carrying monster hits, there is a chance the
+	     * defender will catch the disease.  This only applies to the
+	     * player for now because of the temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANDISEASE) &&
+		(rnd(def->t_stats.s_const) < att->t_stats.s_lvl) &&
+		off(*def, HASDISEASE)) {
+		    if (ISWEARING(R_HEALTH)		||
+			player.t_ctype == C_PALADIN	||
+			player.t_ctype == C_MONK) {
+			    msg("The wound heals quickly.");
+		    }
+		    else {
+			turn_on(*def, HASDISEASE);
+			fuse(cure_disease, 0, roll(HEALTIME,SICKTIME), AFTER);
+			msg(terse ? "You have been diseased."
+			    : "You have contracted a disease!");
+		    }
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * If a rusting monster hits, you lose armor.  This only applies to
+	     * the player because monsters don't wear armor (for now).
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANRUST)) { 
+		if (cur_armor != NULL				&&
+		    cur_armor->o_which != LEATHER		&&
+		    cur_armor->o_which != STUDDED_LEATHER	&&
+		    cur_armor->o_which != PADDED_ARMOR		&&
+		    !(cur_armor->o_flags & ISPROT)		&&
+		    cur_armor->o_ac < def->t_stats.s_arm+1) {
+			msg(terse ? "Your armor weakens"
+			    : "Your armor appears to be weaker now. Oh my!");
+			cur_armor->o_ac++;
+		}
+		if (cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS] != NULL		&&
+		    cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]->o_ac > 0		&&
+		    !(cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]->o_flags & ISPROT)) {
+			cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]->o_ac--;
+			if (cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]->o_ac == 0) {
+			    register struct linked_list *item;
+			    for (item=pack; item!=NULL; item=next(item)) {
+				if (OBJPTR(item) == cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS]) {
+				    detach(pack, item);
+				    o_discard(item);
+				    break;
+				}
+			    }
+			    msg ("Your bracers crumble and fall off!");
+			    cur_misc[WEAR_BRACERS] = NULL;
+			    inpack--;
+			}
+			else {
+			    msg("Your bracers weaken!");
+			}
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * If can dissolve and hero has leather type armor.  This
+	     * also only applies to the player for now because of the
+	     * armor.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANDISSOLVE) && cur_armor != NULL &&
+		(cur_armor->o_which == LEATHER		  ||
+		 cur_armor->o_which == STUDDED_LEATHER	  ||
+		 cur_armor->o_which == PADDED_ARMOR)	  &&
+		!(cur_armor->o_flags & ISPROT) &&
+		cur_armor->o_ac < def->t_stats.s_arm+1) {
+		msg(terse ? "Your armor dissolves"
+		    : "Your armor appears to dissolve. Oh my!");
+		cur_armor->o_ac++;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * If an infesting monster hits you, you get a parasite or rot.
+	     * This will only affect the player until we figure out how to
+	     * make it affect monsters.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANINFEST) &&
+		rnd(def->t_stats.s_const) < att->t_stats.s_lvl) {
+		    player.t_ctype == C_PALADIN	||
+		    player.t_ctype == C_MONK) {
+			msg("The wound heals quickly.");
+		}
+		else {
+		    turn_off(*att, CANINFEST);
+		    msg(terse ? "You have been infested."
+			: "You have contracted a parasitic infestation!");
+		    infest_dam++;
+		    turn_on(*def, HASINFEST);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Does it take wisdom away?  This currently affects only
+	     * the player because of its temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, TAKEWISDOM)		&& 
+		!save(VS_MAGIC, def, 0)	&&
+			add_abil[A_WISDOM](-1);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Does it take intelligence away?  This currently affects
+	     * only the player because of its temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, TAKEINTEL)		&& 
+		!save(VS_MAGIC, &player, 0)	&&
+			add_abil[A_INTELLIGENCE](-1);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Cause fear by touching.  This currently affects only
+	     * the player until we figure out how we want it to
+	     * affect monsters.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, TOUCHFEAR)) {
+		turn_off(*att, TOUCHFEAR);
+		    !save(VS_WAND, def, 0)	&&
+		    !(on(*def, ISFLEE) && (def->t_dest == &att->t_pos))) {
+			turn_on(*def, ISFLEE);
+			def->t_dest = &att->t_pos;
+			msg("%s's touch terrifies you.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+			/* It is okay to turn tail */
+			if (!def_player) def->t_oldpos = def->t_pos;
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Make the hero dance (as in otto's irresistable dance)
+	     * This should be fairly easy to do to monsters, but
+	     * we'll restrict it to players until we decide what to
+	     * do about the temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANDANCE) 		&& 
+		!on(*def, ISDANCE)		&&
+		def->t_action != A_FREEZE	&&
+		!save(VS_MAGIC, def, -4)) {
+		    turn_off(*att, CANDANCE);
+		    turn_on(*def, ISDANCE);
+		    msg("You begin to dance uncontrollably!");
+		    fuse(undance, 0, roll(2,4), AFTER);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Suffocating our hero.  Monsters don't get suffocated.
+	     * That's too hard for now.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANSUFFOCATE)		&& 
+		rnd(100) < 25			&&
+		(find_slot(suffocate) == 0)) {
+		turn_on(*att, DIDSUFFOCATE);
+		msg("%s is beginning to suffocate you.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+		fuse(suffocate, 0, roll(9,3), AFTER);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * some creatures stops the poor guy from moving.
+	     * How can we do this to a monster?
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att,CANHOLD) && off(*att,DIDHOLD) && !ISWEARING(R_FREEDOM)){
+		turn_on(*def, ISHELD);
+		turn_on(*att, DIDHOLD);
+		hold_count++;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Sucker will suck blood and run.  This
+	     * should be easy to have happen to a monster,
+	     * but we have to decide how to handle the fleeing.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANDRAW)) {
+		turn_off(*att, CANDRAW);
+		turn_on(*att, ISFLEE);
+		msg("%s sates itself with your blood.", prname(attname, TRUE));
+		if ((def->t_stats.s_hpt -= 12) <= 0) return(att->t_index);
+		/* It is okay to turn tail */
+		att->t_oldpos = att->t_pos;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Bad smell will force a reduction in strength.
+	     * This will happen only to the player because of
+	     * the temporary nature.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANSMELL)) {
+		turn_off(*att, CANSMELL);
+		if (save(VS_MAGIC, def, 0) || ISWEARING(R_SUSABILITY))
+		    msg("You smell an unpleasant odor.");
+		else {
+		    int odor_str = -(rnd(6)+1);
+		    msg("You are overcome by a foul odor.");
+		    if (lost_str == 0) {
+			chg_str(odor_str);
+			fuse(res_strength, 0, SMELLTIME, AFTER);
+			lost_str -= odor_str;
+		    }
+		    else lengthen(res_strength, SMELLTIME);
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * The monsters touch slows the defendant down.
+	     */
+	     if (on(*att, TOUCHSLOW)) {
+		turn_off(*att, TOUCHSLOW);
+		if (!save(VS_PARALYZATION, def, 0)) 
+			add_slow();
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Rotting only affects the player.
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, CANROT)) {
+		    player.t_ctype != C_PALADIN	&&
+		    player.t_ctype != C_MONK	&&
+		    !save(VS_POISON, def, 0)    && 
+		    off(*def, DOROT)) {
+		    turn_on(*def, DOROT);
+		    msg("You feel your skin starting to rot away!");
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Monsters should be able to steal gold from anyone,
+	     * but until this is rewritten, they will only steal
+	     * from the player (tough break).
+	     */
+	    if (on(*att, STEALGOLD)) {
+		/*
+		 * steal some gold
+		 */
+		register long lastpurse;
+		register struct linked_list *item;
+		register struct object *obj;
+		lastpurse = purse;
+		purse -= GOLDCALC + GOLDCALC;
+		if (!save(VS_MAGIC, def, att->t_stats.s_lvl/10)) {
+		    if (on(*att, ISUNIQUE))
+		}
+		if (purse < 0)
+		    purse = 0;
+		if (purse != lastpurse) {
+		    msg("Your purse feels lighter");
+		    /* Give the gold to the thief */
+		    for (item=att->t_pack; item != NULL; item=next(item)) {
+			obj = OBJPTR(item);
+			if (obj->o_type == GOLD) {
+			    obj->o_count += lastpurse - purse;
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		    /* Did we do it? */
+		    if (item == NULL) {	/* Then make some */
+			item = new_item(sizeof *obj);
+			obj = OBJPTR(item);
+			obj->o_type = GOLD;
+			obj->o_count = lastpurse - purse;
+			obj->o_hplus = obj->o_dplus = 0;
+			strncpy(obj->o_damage, "0d0", sizeof(obj->o_damage));
+			strncpy(obj->o_hurldmg, "0d0", sizeof(obj->o_hurldmg));
+			obj->o_ac = 11;
+			obj->contents = NULL;
+			obj->o_group = 0;
+			obj->o_flags = 0;
+			obj->o_mark[0] = '\0';
+			obj->o_pos = att->t_pos;
+			attach(att->t_pack, item);
+		    }
+		}
+		turn_on(*att, ISFLEE);
+		turn_on(*att, ISINVIS);
+		/* It is okay to turn tail */
+		att->t_oldpos = att->t_pos;
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Stealing happens last since the monster disappears
+	 * after the act.
+	 */
+	if (on(*att, STEALMAGIC)) {
+	    register struct linked_list *list, *steal;
+	    register struct object *obj;
+	    register int nobj;
+	    /*
+	     * steal a magic item, look through the pack
+	     * and pick out one we like.
+	     */
+	    steal = NULL;
+	    for (nobj = 0, list = def->t_pack; list != NULL; list = next(list))
+	    {